Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

Lol..........indeed it is.
The reason I ask, is that there are a couple people posting on here that are insinuating that and ONE that is making it quite obvious.

remember.....just the vocal ones....

So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

Atheists should sit down and shut up. After all, they're only 3%. Duh.
Who on here would say that they see the word atheist interchangeable with the word asshole.................across the board?

Not me. Though it is possible to be both. :D

Lol..........indeed it is.
The reason I ask, is that there are a couple people posting on here that are insinuating that and ONE that is making it quite obvious.

Well, I do not equate Theists with assholes. But it is possible to be both.
Lol..........indeed it is.
The reason I ask, is that there are a couple people posting on here that are insinuating that and ONE that is making it quite obvious.

remember.....just the vocal ones....

So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

Not only can they, they should. Loudly and with enthusiasm. Other people are free to not like it. They should voice their opposition. Loudly and with enthusiasm.
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

There is atheist dogma. 'Do what thou would do.'

No worries about lying, stealing, oath-breaking, slander or murder.

Just do whatever you want to do because you only live once and after that is Oblivion so nothing matters unless you want it to.

That is atheist dogma and they practice it to the hilt.

That has nothing to do with what atheism is. Atheism is not a moral code. Atheism is the lack of belief in an unseen supernatural being commonly referred to as God.

Nothing more nothing less.
Lol..........indeed it is.
The reason I ask, is that there are a couple people posting on here that are insinuating that and ONE that is making it quite obvious.

remember.....just the vocal ones....

So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

That's what atheists do????

I think that's closer to what Christ instructed all Christians to do...
remember.....just the vocal ones....

So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

That's what atheists do????

I think that's closer to what Christ instructed all Christians to do...

We're a cult man, didn't you know? All three percent of us. We get all fringy, every second thursday of the month. We sacrifice Cabbage Patch dolls.
- 7% of voters think the moon landing was faked

- 13% of voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters

Those are disturbing. Woulda thought they amounts shoudl be reversed. :)

As to atheists, try it the other way, if people who claim to believe in God really do, why get so upset when confronted by those that don't? Shouldn't you be walking around all blissed out about the heaven you get for believing? Only someone really unsure or filled with doubt should get upset when somoene says what whackjobs ya are. :)

I don't care if atheists don't believe. I do care that they assault the faith of impressionable people and kids who don't have the resources to think it through.

It angers me that atheists rob people of their faith using false arguments and repeatedly disproven falsehoods, like the claim that there is evidence that Jesus did not live.

As to the individual atheist that chooses to not believe because he is too lazy and/or dishonest to look at the facts; to hell with him.

So, is blindly believing something (faith) better than thinking for yourself, looking for real answers and understanding the nature of reality?

You've confused faith with intellect. We have faith that what the Bible tells us is true.
That we know how well our human scientific brilliance and revelations coincide with our Father's grand scheme of things is because we think for our selves, incorporate real answers, understand the nature of reality, and compare it to what the Creator told us.
You rely on what was dug up or hypothesized yesterday. God never changes. He's been right all along. It's kind of fun to watch science catch up. :eusa_angel:
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Religious fundamentalism by definition rejects any facts that are contrary to its own dogma. This is a definition of irrational thought which is a manifestation of a mental disorder. Then there is the little fact of invisible and imaginary friends. If you are an adult asserting you have an invisible friend who created the universe -- you have lost your marbles... Period. If this invisible friend talks to you and you hear the voices in your head, you probably need medical intervention.
Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult
Really? With Atheism on the rise and beginning to overtake organized religion in many western nations particularly in Europe.

Also, have you ever met a 'right wing' atheist, they just as devoutly believe in GOP policies as the ultra-religious branch of the GOP party - rather closet like and sad really as they rave against abortion and same-sex marriage while pretending that the other members of the party still don't see them burning in hellfire.
But you cannot determine that God does not exist because you don't have all knowledge.

All you can do is dogmatically believe that He does not exist. Hint: you don't have all the facts, thus your reason and conclusions are necessarily incomplete.

You cannot redefine terms and concepts that have been accepted for thousands of years.

PoliticalChic tries and fails.

Omnipotence (all powerful) is a logical paradox and therefore cannot exist. Omniscience (all knowledge) cannot exist since omnipotence doesn't exist. Omniscience is a logical fallacy since it is based upon the logical paradox of omnipotence.

Both omnipotence and omniscience are religious dogma creations that don't exist and as such cannot be imposed upon reason, logic and scientific facts.

The only redefining of terms here is coming from religion. Trying to impose religious dogma such as omniscience over reason, logic and scientific evidence is as fallacious as trying to allege that atheism is a dogma.

Religion doesn't get to impose it's own definitions onto atheism. That is not how it works. The onus is on religion to prove that atheism is a dogma and using logical fallacies like omniscience just doesn't even come close. Then again, religion is based upon many fallacies so that is probably acceptable from a theist standpoint. But when is comes to logic, reason and scientific knowledge it fails.

Summarizing, something that does not exist (except in religious dogma) like omniscience cannot be used to make false claims about something that is based upon existing reality like logic, reason and scientific knowledge.
"Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult"

Theists say:

-There's a benevolent all-powerful all-loving all-knowing deity up in the sky.
-If you don't do what he says though, he'll send you to a place of never-ending suffering and pain and misery.
-God expects you to give your church some percentage of your income (up to 15% or more in some versions.)
-God expects complete obediance to his rules. And to enforce those rules he's given authority to pirests and other clergy to interpret whatever he might want down the line.
-When ever religious law conflicts with civil law, religious law takes precedence.
-As a reward for our obediance, when we die we go to a place of eternal happiness and pleasure.

"Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult"

Can only assume that was a typo, and it was supposed to be "Theism..." :)
But you cannot determine that God does not exist because you don't have all knowledge.

All you can do is dogmatically believe that He does not exist. Hint: you don't have all the facts, thus your reason and conclusions are necessarily incomplete.

You cannot redefine terms and concepts that have been accepted for thousands of years.

PoliticalChic tries and fails.

Omnipotence (all powerful) is a logical paradox and therefore cannot exist. Omniscience (all knowledge) cannot exist since omnipotence doesn't exist. Omniscience is a logical fallacy since it is based upon the logical paradox of omnipotence.

Both omnipotence and omniscience are religious dogma creations that don't exist and as such cannot be imposed upon reason, logic and scientific facts.

The only redefining of terms here is coming from religion. Trying to impose religious dogma such as omniscience over reason, logic and scientific evidence is as fallacious as trying to allege that atheism is a dogma.

Religion doesn't get to impose it's own definitions onto atheism. That is not how it works. The onus is on religion to prove that atheism is a dogma and using logical fallacies like omniscience just doesn't even come close. Then again, religion is based upon many fallacies so that is probably acceptable from a theist standpoint. But when is comes to logic, reason and scientific knowledge it fails.

Summarizing, something that does not exist (except in religious dogma) like omniscience cannot be used to make false claims about something that is based upon existing reality like logic, reason and scientific knowledge.

Not a single objective fact to support any of these claims. Pure belief. But you state it with absolute confidence that it is not belief. And that, my friend, is the evidence you are asking for regarding dogma. The problem, of course, is to see this you have to first get past the dogma.
"Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult"

Theists say:

-There's a benevolent all-powerful all-loving all-knowing deity up in the sky.
-If you don't do what he says though, he'll send you to a place of never-ending suffering and pain and misery.
-God expects you to give your church some percentage of your income (up to 15% or more in some versions.)
-God expects complete obediance to his rules. And to enforce those rules he's given authority to pirests and other clergy to interpret whatever he might want down the line.
-When ever religious law conflicts with civil law, religious law takes precedence.
-As a reward for our obediance, when we die we go to a place of eternal happiness and pleasure.

"Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult"

Can only assume that was a typo, and it was supposed to be "Theism..." :)

I do have to keep saying this. Not every Theist is a Christian. Not every Christian meets your description.
- 7% of voters think the moon landing was faked

- 13% of voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters

Those are disturbing. Woulda thought they amounts shoudl be reversed. :)

As to atheists, try it the other way, if people who claim to believe in God really do, why get so upset when confronted by those that don't? Shouldn't you be walking around all blissed out about the heaven you get for believing? Only someone really unsure or filled with doubt should get upset when somoene says what whackjobs ya are. :)

I don't care if atheists don't believe. I do care that they assault the faith of impressionable people and kids who don't have the resources to think it through.

It angers me that atheists rob people of their faith using false arguments and repeatedly disproven falsehoods, like the claim that there is evidence that Jesus did not live.

As to the individual atheist that chooses to not believe because he is too lazy and/or dishonest to look at the facts; to hell with him.

What 'facts' are you referring to. There is just blind faith that God exists. The believers appear to be the lazy ones.
But you cannot determine that God does not exist because you don't have all knowledge.

All you can do is dogmatically believe that He does not exist. Hint: you don't have all the facts, thus your reason and conclusions are necessarily incomplete.

You cannot redefine terms and concepts that have been accepted for thousands of years.

PoliticalChic tries and fails.

Omnipotence (all powerful) is a logical paradox and therefore cannot exist. Omniscience (all knowledge) cannot exist since omnipotence doesn't exist. Omniscience is a logical fallacy since it is based upon the logical paradox of omnipotence.

Both omnipotence and omniscience are religious dogma creations that don't exist and as such cannot be imposed upon reason, logic and scientific facts.

The only redefining of terms here is coming from religion. Trying to impose religious dogma such as omniscience over reason, logic and scientific evidence is as fallacious as trying to allege that atheism is a dogma.

Religion doesn't get to impose it's own definitions onto atheism. That is not how it works. The onus is on religion to prove that atheism is a dogma and using logical fallacies like omniscience just doesn't even come close. Then again, religion is based upon many fallacies so that is probably acceptable from a theist standpoint. But when is comes to logic, reason and scientific knowledge it fails.

Summarizing, something that does not exist (except in religious dogma) like omniscience cannot be used to make false claims about something that is based upon existing reality like logic, reason and scientific knowledge.

Not a single objective fact to support any of these claims. Pure belief. But you state it with absolute confidence that it is not belief. And that, my friend, is the evidence you are asking for regarding dogma. The problem, of course, is to see this you have to first get past the dogma.

As a theist you don't get to define what you are not. Your illogical myth based dogma doesn't get to define atheism as something that it is not.

Theists like you can whine as much as you like but your irrational dogma doesn't have the authority in the real world to override science, logic and reason.

Your belief in illogical nonsense like omnipotence and omniscience makes you irrelevant but that is your problem alone. You cannot impose your mythical beliefs on others against their will.
So most of the people in the world are dumb assholes. This is news? :dunno:

Says the arrogant prick who thinks he is smarter than the rest of the world.

Well, if I don't believe in an invisible superbeing for which there is zero proof, and who lives in another dimension that no one knows where it is, then I'm at least smarter than everyone who does believe in an invisible superbeing in another dimension based on absolutely nothing.
That's pretty obvious. :D
Omnipotence (all powerful) is a logical paradox and therefore cannot exist. Omniscience (all knowledge) cannot exist since omnipotence doesn't exist. Omniscience is a logical fallacy since it is based upon the logical paradox of omnipotence.

Both omnipotence and omniscience are religious dogma creations that don't exist and as such cannot be imposed upon reason, logic and scientific facts.

The only redefining of terms here is coming from religion. Trying to impose religious dogma such as omniscience over reason, logic and scientific evidence is as fallacious as trying to allege that atheism is a dogma.

Religion doesn't get to impose it's own definitions onto atheism. That is not how it works. The onus is on religion to prove that atheism is a dogma and using logical fallacies like omniscience just doesn't even come close. Then again, religion is based upon many fallacies so that is probably acceptable from a theist standpoint. But when is comes to logic, reason and scientific knowledge it fails.

Summarizing, something that does not exist (except in religious dogma) like omniscience cannot be used to make false claims about something that is based upon existing reality like logic, reason and scientific knowledge.

Not a single objective fact to support any of these claims. Pure belief. But you state it with absolute confidence that it is not belief. And that, my friend, is the evidence you are asking for regarding dogma. The problem, of course, is to see this you have to first get past the dogma.

As a theist you don't get to define what you are not. Your illogical myth based dogma doesn't get to define atheism as something that it is not.

Theists like you can whine as much as you like but your irrational dogma doesn't have the authority in the real world to override science, logic and reason.

Your belief in illogical nonsense like omnipotence and omniscience makes you irrelevant but that is your problem alone. You cannot impose your mythical beliefs on others against their will.

You have no idea what I believe because you haven't bothered to ask. You haven't even attempted to ascertain the facts, just assume you already know them with no investigation at all. Yet you cloak yourself in science, logic and reason. I think not.

I am not defining what you are. I am pointing out how you act. And I am still waiting for you to present a single shred of objective evidence.
Lol..........indeed it is.
The reason I ask, is that there are a couple people posting on here that are insinuating that and ONE that is making it quite obvious.

remember.....just the vocal ones....

So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

atheists can speak about their positions all they want.......and I can point out the stupid parts of their posts if I want......someone was complaining about me doing that......
So, atheists can't speak about their positions?
Or do you mean those that try to shove it down peoples throats?

That's what atheists do????

I think that's closer to what Christ instructed all Christians to do...

We're a cult man, didn't you know? All three percent of us. We get all fringy, every second thursday of the month. We sacrifice Cabbage Patch dolls.

so that's where all the Cabbage Patch dolls went....

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