Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

You believe you lack beliefs because of a definition and you don't question it. That is dogma.

We have already established that you lack the fundamental comprehension skills necessary to understand the definition of terminology used in this thread.

As I said, you don't question it. It is written.
That is not what I "believe". I clarified my position in an earlier post.

I am a spiritual atheist who has examined the "evidence" for a "creator" and found that it lacks all credibility. An omnipotent creator is a logical paradox.

The Laws of Physics account for the existence of an eternal universe. So there is no evidence and no logical reason for there to even be a need for any deity.

So I don't "believe that God does not exist". I know that there is no evidence that God exists and that is reality. I am comfortable living with reality in all respects. I have no need for any "dogma" or "creed" or anything else.

I know that I am loved by nearest and dearest and in turn I love them. That is reality and I am comfortable with that knowledge. I have no fear of death or concern about an "afterlife" either. What comprises my physical body will be recycled by the universe. What comprised my "spirit" will live on in the memories of my loved ones and be passed down to their descendants for as long as mankind survives as a species.

Beyond that the universe will continue to exist for all eternity and the part of it that came together to form me as an individual will end up in plants, rivers, fish, birds, insects and ultimately in some other parts of the universe. I am comfortable with that knowledge too.

None of the above fits the definition of "dogma" or "belief".

"I am a spiritual atheist who has examined the "evidence" for a "creator" and found that it lacks all credibility. An omnipotent creator is a logical paradox.

The Laws of Physics account for the existence of an eternal universe. So there is no evidence and no logical reason for there to even be a need for any deity."

All of that fits the definition of "belief" since you have no objective evidence for any of it. That you say you have no beliefs despite this simply because you define an atheist in a particular way is dogma.

Once again your lack of reading comprehension does not support your out of context allegations.

I didn't "define an atheist in a particular way" at all. Instead I stated the existing objective evidence and facts and my logical deductions from that evidence and facts.

Your failure to comprehend does not equate to "beliefs".

I must have missed that part. What was the objective evidence?
The fact that one concludes to his own satisfaction that God does not exist is in fact a statement of dogma.

Atheism is indeed dogmatism.

Reaching a logical conclusion does fit the definition of dogma.

If that were the case then 2 + 2 = 4 would be classified as dogma!

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\
: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

The Laws of Physics stipulate that matter can neither be created nor destroyed.

Omnipotence is a logical paradox.

Neither of those fit the definition of dogma.

There is no "belief" in a logical conclusion based upon facts, reason and logic.
But you cannot determine that God does not exist because you don't have all knowledge.

All you can do is dogmatically believe that He does not exist. Hint: you don't have all the facts, thus your reason and conclusions are necessarily incomplete.

You cannot redefine terms and concepts that have been accepted for thousands of years.

PoliticalChic tries and fails.
That's funny because I bet you if you ask every mother fucking red neck KKK'er they'll tell you they are god fearing christians.

which goes to show why you shouldn't ask mother fucking red necks questions......let me give you a clue.....Christians don't burn crosses, we respect should have figured that one out on your own......

Those are christians my friend.

I don't know what's funnier......that you think they're Christians or that you think I'm your friend.....
And *some* Christians flip out when Satanists want to put up a monument in front of a courthouse. Seems kind of pointless to protest if the Christians *know* for a fact that the Satanists are wrong, but there you go.

Or it could just be that some people are assholes and take a perverse joy in ruining stuff for others.

Some Christians think Santa Clause is Satan, that doesn't mean anything about what MOST Christians think, but you liars will use it anyway.....

You're missing the point. You and yours will tar all atheists and anti-theists and agnostics and doubters with the same brush, as though everyone that doesn't believe in Jesus is some kind of uniform vocal asshole. There are *some* atheists like that, but not every atheist is like that. Just the same way that *some* Christian are vocal assholes, but not every Christian is like that.

So which is it? Do we continue to assume every atheist is like Dawkins and the kids on fedoras on 4chan because *some* atheists suck, or do we treat all Christians like snakehandlers or Fred Phelps because all Christians act alike?

to be fair, I've only ever treated the atheists like the vocal ones on this board as assholes....the ones I walk past on the street get very little notice from me......
JimBowie won't answer me, guys, because I always make him look stupid.

China is an atheist government with spiritual and religious populations.

Russia is now an established church state again with numerous spiritual and religious populations.

The USA is a secular state that is overwhelmingly religious.

The far remains religious populations are guilty of mass murders and wars just as are atheist populations and rulers.

are denying that the Communist Party is anti-theist?.....why do you think one of the first steps in the take over of a country by communism is a purge of all church leadership and an outlawing of the practice of organized religions?.......why do you think the Chinese allow only state approved church activities?......
Who on here would say that they see the word atheist interchangeable with the word asshole.................across the board?
Bullshit. How many christian churches were against blacks marrying whites back in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's?

KKK Leader Disputes Hate Group Label: 'We're A Christian Organization'

KKK Leader Disputes Hate Group Label: 'We're A Christian Organization'

Sorry, you have to take them. They are your not ours.

lol, no one will miss the fact that you again simply ignore contrary facts like the KKKs opposition to 80% of Christians in the world that are not Protestant.

You just demonstrated once again that you are a bald faced liar.

You are a prime example of someone who knows the bible but doesn't know christianities horrible past and present

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

omigorsh, you've just demonstrated that you are one of the most ignorant posters ever to paste a link.....did you read anything except the title of that page?......are you stupid enough to believe any of it?.....
"More and more people are abandoning religion. Thus, we ARE in a position where a religious society is competing with a non-religious society. At it's current progress, the non-religious could very well be the majority." - There is no serious estimate that makes nonreligious the majority in the USA, much less globally where religions of various kinds are growing by leaps and bounds.

"What is the objective evidence that religion is a beneficial behavior? How does believing in things that have no evidence, improve someones life?" - there is evidence for religions of various kinds and you ignoring it doesn't mean that it isn't there, which is a lie.

"The fact that most religions hold ancient writings as there basis for their teachings, is where I see the issue. Yes, this is all done by us. But we (people) are not going to move forward, towards more civilized ways of living by worshiping ancient writings." - no one worships ancient writings, another lie.

Three lies and I only went back to page 9, you stupid liar. You atheists lie so much you cant even remember when you have lied and when you are not lying. But of course that assumes that you ever do not lie, which there is scant evidence for.

I proved evidence for the 1st "lie" in another post the explains why I think this is happening. So, if someone is lying, it would be the people who published those studies.
The second "lie" that I told was a question. How is asking a question a lie? You ARE old enough to grasp these concepts right?
And the 3rd "lie" was that religions worship ancient writings. So, Christians don't worship the bible? Muslims don't worship the Koran?

I've noticed that jackass calling me a liar too when I sincerely believe everything I'm saying. He can say I'm wrong or stupid but lying I am not.
you are wrong and stupid and not smart enough to realize you are repeating lies......(feel better?)........
"I am a spiritual atheist who has examined the "evidence" for a "creator" and found that it lacks all credibility. An omnipotent creator is a logical paradox.

The Laws of Physics account for the existence of an eternal universe. So there is no evidence and no logical reason for there to even be a need for any deity."

All of that fits the definition of "belief" since you have no objective evidence for any of it. That you say you have no beliefs despite this simply because you define an atheist in a particular way is dogma.

Once again your lack of reading comprehension does not support your out of context allegations.

I didn't "define an atheist in a particular way" at all. Instead I stated the existing objective evidence and facts and my logical deductions from that evidence and facts.

Your failure to comprehend does not equate to "beliefs".

I must have missed that part. What was the objective evidence?

that which must be explained, by definition, would not be objective.....
JimBowie won't answer me, guys, because I always make him look stupid.

China is an atheist government with spiritual and religious populations.

Russia is now an established church state again with numerous spiritual and religious populations.

The USA is a secular state that is overwhelmingly religious.

The far remains religious populations are guilty of mass murders and wars just as are atheist populations and rulers.

are denying that the Communist Party is anti-theist?.....why do you think one of the first steps in the take over of a country by communism is a purge of all church leadership and an outlawing of the practice of organized religions?.......why do you think the Chinese allow only state approved church activities?......

Are you denying that most of China is religious or spiritual?

Why "do you think one of the first steps in the take over of a country" by religious fundamentalists is the suppressing or outright killing of their enemies?

Are you denying that the USA is a secular state that protects all religionists and non-religionists equally?

Be quite clear that the USA is not a fundamentalist or evangelical state.
to be fair, I've only ever treated the atheists like the vocal ones on this board as assholes....the ones I walk past on the street get very little notice from me......[/QUOTE]

So tell us how you know the atheist on the street?
Maybe they are being vocal but you walk quietly past them because you are not as confident without you keyboard anonymity?
Guess that makes you an asshole too! :)
The fact that one concludes to his own satisfaction that God does not exist is in fact a statement of dogma.

Atheism is indeed dogmatism.

Reaching a logical conclusion does fit the definition of dogma.

If that were the case then 2 + 2 = 4 would be classified as dogma!

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\
: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

and it obviously is......part of the dogma of mathematics......
in the first half of the 17th century.

well gosh, that's relevant.....

Actually, yes, bub, the full context of the post in context to JB's silly post was relevant.

What is not relevant, and very revealing of your character, is your slicing the post, which makes you look stupid.

no, I merely want to make sure that when I point at your post and say "oh, look!....Stupid!", that people know precisely what I am pointing at.....

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