Atheism is a golden opportunity to believe nothing matters

Why would anyone pass that up?
Who said that you need a god or goddess to believe things matter? Sounds like a crutch or a control.

It's not for everyone, Bode. There are 2 types of people here on earth. Those who rely on the Lord, and those who think it wise to rely on their own understanding. There are those who believe and those who do not.
Pascal's wager isn't why I believe. I believe because I see what happens to those who don't.
Here's the thing, if I believe, and am wrong, I have risked nothing. When I die I simply cease to exist.
But, if I don't believe and I am wrong, I forfeit everything, for eternity.
If I were to trust myself, I would hope that I was smart enough to weigh the odds, and decide that it is in my best interest to believe in higher power!

2 John 1:9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
Here's the thing, if I believe, and am wrong, I have risked nothing.
False. You may have wasted much of your limited time on earth on magical horseshit. You might have made moral decisions that may actually been immoral, due to your religious belief. You may have paid a high opportunity cost in things you didn't think were worth doing, when you thought you were going to exist forever. You may have wasted a lot of your money on this magical scam. I can keep going...

Pascal's wager is total bullshit.
Here's the thing, if I believe, and am wrong, I have risked nothing.
False. You may have wasted much of your limited time on earth on magical horseshit. You might have made moral decisions that may actually been immoral, due to your religious belief. You may have paid a high opportunity cost in things you didn't think were worth doing, when you thought you were going to exist forever. You may have wasted a lot of your money on this magical scam. I can keep going...

Pascal's wager is total bullshit.
Money wasted? Like money given to Covenant House to help young adults who would otherwise be on the streets?

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Money wasted? Like money given to Covenant House to help young adults who would otherwise be on the streets?
And what of that cannot be done without believing in magical sky daddies? None of it.

Money watsed, like tithing so that the pastor doesn't have to pay a mortgage.
Money wasted? Like money given to Covenant House to help young adults who would otherwise be on the streets?
And what of that cannot be done without believing in magical sky daddies? None of it.

Money watsed, like tithing so that the pastor doesn't have to pay a mortgage.
Religion 'makes people more generous'
I give to charity. No sky daddies required.
You're avoiding the research which says religious people give more to charity than non-religious people.
You're avoiding the research which says religious people give more to charity than non-religious people.
I think that is a result of the ubiquitousness of religion in our society. As it fades, the tables will turn.

But I , personally, have no need of religion to be charitable. We know you do, you have hammered that point into the ground many times.
Here's the thing, if I believe, and am wrong, I have risked nothing.
False. You may have wasted much of your limited time on earth on magical horseshit. You might have made moral decisions that may actually been immoral, due to your religious belief. You may have paid a high opportunity cost in things you didn't think were worth doing, when you thought you were going to exist forever. You may have wasted a lot of your money on this magical scam. I can keep going...

Pascal's wager is total bullshit.

Pascal's wager is nothing more than good old fashion common sense.

Christ asked 2 things of us. Love our Father, and love each other. Kindness is not a waste of time. I don't live my life based on religious doctrine, and am a good steward of my money.
So let's say I live to be 100, and I wasted my time and money on the poor and unfortunate. Then I die. And that's it. What I have wasted is 100 years being kind...
On the other hand, if I spent 100 years of my time and money doing what Christ asks, and I die, and am right, I will have an eternity as a child of the Most High.
Eternity time frame:
"To this mountain comes a little bird, once every hundred years, to sharpen its beak. And when this bird has worn away the whole mountain, the first second of eternity has passed."

Wasting a hundred years in the service of the Lord vs an eternity of years at our Father's table is a small price to pay.
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Pascal's wager is nothing more than good old fashion common sense.
No, it's total nonsense. Saying believing in religion is risk free is false.

And if you really subscribed to Pascal';s wager (you don't, you just trot it out when you think it is convenient), you would adopt equal, strong belief in all of the gods and other spirits ever invented by man.

But you don't. What if you're wrong? What if Zeus is a jealous god, and he is going to damn you for eternity for worshiping Yahweh? There's your "big risk", and it's just as big as your "big reward".
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If being too good to people is a risk, then I guess Christianity is risky.
Pascal's wager isn't why I believe. I believe because I see what happens to those who don't.

It's not why I believe either, but it is a logical question to ask a non believer. I know that I know that I know is lost on some one who doesn't know.
I also believe in taking full advantage of the promises He makes. How many Christians prayed for wisdom today? God gives it freely and in abundance. He will give you discernment. Fields you didn't plant, homes you didn't buy...
And there is one promise He challenges us to test Him on.
Tithing and charity are 2 completely different things. The Bible tells us to be charitable to the widow and orphan and sojourner on our way to the church to tithe. Charity, for Christ's sake, and not our own, is rewarded at the Bema reward ceremony.
Tithe is exactly what Blackrook said it was for and has a specific condition to it to receive the promised blessing.
In the early days, the first fruits of the season were tithed to the church so the the pastor could spend more time in prayer and the needs of his flock and less time on hunting and gathering. Tithing goes to the church.
If you follow the conditions placed on tithing, you'll be amazed not only at the results, but the abundance of results. He said, "Test me on this." I said, "ok". Cup running over doesn't begin to describe the results.
Atheism is what gave Communism the power to murder 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century.

They see themselves as the Crown of Creation-by-chance, and they answer to no one but themselves.
Atheism is what gave Communism the power to murder 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century.
False. That was pure religion, and it was worship of the authoritarians. Stalin was considered all knowing and all powerful. That's religion, plain as day.
Atheism is what gave Communism the power to murder 100,000,000 people in the 20th Century.
False. That was pure religion, and it was worship of the authoritarians. Stalin was considered all knowing and all powerful. That's religion, plain as day.
Wow, does it embarrass you the way you try to blame religious people for the crimes of atheistic Communists?

Because, I'd be embarrassed.
Wow, does it embarrass you the way you try to blame religious people for the crimes of atheistic Communists?
I am more blaming religion itself, i.e., the willing suspension of incredulity, as I believe it can make otherwise good people do horrible things.

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