Atheism: See Spot Laugh

I feel like someone pays these people to be parodies of Theists...but I dunno.

So what?

You dont answer/ask questions, you dont discuss the topic.

If anyone is paid to be here it is you who, like some Nazi Brownshirt, barges in and shuts down discussion with your jack ass antics and shit posting.

Fuck off, idiot.
I feel like someone pays these people to be parodies of Theists...but I dunno.

So what?

You dont answer/ask questions, you dont discuss the topic.

If anyone is paid to be here it is you who, like some Nazi Brownshirt, barges in and shuts down discussion with your jack ass antics and shit posting.

Fuck off, idiot.
Nutjob, I talked to meriweather all day on topic.

I had a nice discussion with sweet sue the other day...and another kind lady as well...

we all were in disagreement, and nobody resorted to trolling mud slinging. as if by magic.

the reason i dont indulge you assholes is because you're assholes.

dont be so insecure about it, how about move the fuck on
Are you that much afraid that he may be right that you have to shut him down with you trollshit?
And here you are feeling the need to respond...

Yes, because I would like to see a DISCUSSION, that you are trying to shut down?

Why cant you just piss off and go play in the street? Why do you have to go and shittroll a discussion among theists?

Because you hate the Creator so much?

hurr deee durrr is all I'm starting to see when you post, dude.
That is because you are a stupid fool, seriously.

You not only refuse to try to think about the topic which is obviously way over your head, you are like a child that shuts their eyes and yells and waves their hands so no one else can hear what is offending to them.

You dont believe in the Creator? Fine either discuss it or blow off, and take you troll-shit with you.
it took till the 4th century for the crucifiers to write their illicit christian bible.
Stop being silly.
Why do you suppose he is being silly?

Maybe that is just who he is?
Why do you suppose he is being silly?

Maybe that is just who he is?

explain jimbowie why the christian bible is written 4 centuries after the event using the full century to its last decade to write it and became the state church of the roman empire ... the "messiah" they put to death.

their interpretive messiah - at best.
Nutjob, I talked to meriweather all day on topic.

I had a nice discussion with sweet sue the other day...and another kind lady as well...

we all were in disagreement, and nobody resorted to trolling mud slinging. as if by magic.

the reason i dont indulge you assholes is because you're assholes.

dont be so insecure about it, how about move the fuck on

Yeah, right, as i f I am going to go back through hundreds of pages to confirm your bullshit.

I dont need to see some example of you playing nice with soemone else to observe that you are an ass hole with everyone else here who are theists.

Maybe you did not feel threatened? I dont know, but I dont care.

You are trolling and trying to derail the thread with you horse shit antics.

Fuck off.
Nutjob, I talked to meriweather all day on topic.

I had a nice discussion with sweet sue the other day...and another kind lady as well...

we all were in disagreement, and nobody resorted to trolling mud slinging. as if by magic.

the reason i dont indulge you assholes is because you're assholes.

dont be so insecure about it, how about move the fuck on

Yeah, right, as i f I am going to go back through hundreds of pages to confirm your bullshit.

I dont need to see some example of you playing nice with soemone else to observe that you are an ass hole with everyone else here who are theists.

Maybe you did not feel threatened? I dont know, but I dont care.

You are trolling and trying to derail the thread with you horse shit antics.

Fuck off.
Yeah, must be all that.... in order for you to be able to avoid responsibility for being a disrespectful ass-wipe to people on the internet.

I know Jim. I know.
Atheism is an interesting case of being a perspective on a subject that is snarled up into an '-ism'.

What other system of thought is built on the denial of something?

Is there such a thing as aUFOism? aBigFootism? aMoonBlueCheeseism?

Of course not, it is absurd to build an entire philosophy on the denial of such trivial things that very few people believe in anyway.

Hence the existence of atheism. It isnt like a supposed aUFOism at all. It is the denial of something that we all know apriori in our hearts and minds, that the beautifully intricate Cosmos we dwell in is not here by chance or 'jus becuz'.

It is here by Design, with intent and purpose, and it drive the atheistic ?Nihilist insane, lol.

And so atheists cannot succeed in the market place of ideas and languishes as a permanent minority as more people believe in UFOs and Big Foot in the USA than are atheists.

Wherever there is the freedom to think, free speech to discuss ideas and the freedom to organize with like minded people, atheism loses, EVERY TIME.

Maybe that is why the vast majority of atheists are also communists who rule by terror and force?

You're really on to something there, Jim. One really does have to wonder about the psychology of someone who goes onto a thread to discuss origins, not with those who can really crunch the numbers, as it were, and would do so calmly and civilly if only, but with those who really can't and will put up with their guff as they titter about nothing of any significance relative to origins . . . all the while failing to definitively identify the very thing they claim doesn't exist. But, once again, the reason they won't do it is because they do know that to define God is to concede what the fundamental, empirical and rational evidence for God's existence is.

The psychology?!

They even monitor and suppress their own thoughts.

It's no surprise that most atheists, not all mind you, but most, are statist bootlicks.
Yeah, must be all that.... in order for you to be able to avoid responsibility for being a disrespectful ass-wipe to people on the internet.
I know Jim. I know.
I dont care why you troll and throw shit-posts like candy to kidoes.

I am simply voting that you either stop doing it or blow off like the shit poster you are.
Yeah, must be all that.... in order for you to be able to avoid responsibility for being a disrespectful ass-wipe to people on the internet.
I know Jim. I know.
I dont care why you troll and throw shit-posts like candy to kidoes.

I am simply voting that you either stop doing it or blow off like the shit poster you are.
I'll do it to anyone who is an asshole...maybe they shouldnt be assholes, I wont be one back... and also thanks for your vote.
You're really on to something there, Jim. One really does have to wonder about the psychology of someone who goes onto a thread to discuss origins, not with those who can really crunch the numbers, as it were, and would do so calmly and civilly if only, but with those who really can't and will put up with their guff as they titter about nothing of any significance relative to origins . . . all the while failing to definitively identify the very thing they claim doesn't exist. But, once again, the reason they won't do it is because they do know that to define God is to concede what the fundamental, empirical and rational evidence for God's existence is.

The psychology?!

They even monitor and suppress their own thoughts.

It's no surprise that most atheists, not all mind you, but most, are statist bootlicks.
Yeah, it is like they fear that they might be wrong about the Creator and so they have to yell and wave their hands and tell everyone else 'Dont listen!'.

That is what the troll shit-posting is all about, preventing other people from having a civil discussion that they know they cannot do well in.
I feel like someone pays these people to be parodies of Theists...but I dunno.

So what?

You dont answer/ask questions, you dont discuss the topic.

If anyone is paid to be here it is you who, like some Nazi Brownshirt, barges in and shuts down discussion with your jack ass antics and shit posting.

Fuck off, idiot.
Nutjob, I talked to meriweather all day on topic.

I had a nice discussion with sweet sue the other day...and another kind lady as well...

we all were in disagreement, and nobody resorted to trolling mud slinging. as if by magic.

the reason i dont indulge you assholes is because you're assholes.

dont be so insecure about it, how about move the fuck on

Define God!
I feel like someone pays these people to be parodies of Theists...but I dunno.

So what?

You dont answer/ask questions, you dont discuss the topic.

If anyone is paid to be here it is you who, like some Nazi Brownshirt, barges in and shuts down discussion with your jack ass antics and shit posting.

Fuck off, idiot.
Nutjob, I talked to meriweather all day on topic.

I had a nice discussion with sweet sue the other day...and another kind lady as well...

we all were in disagreement, and nobody resorted to trolling mud slinging. as if by magic.

the reason i dont indulge you assholes is because you're assholes.

dont be so insecure about it, how about move the fuck on

Define God!
Whose version? I'll ask them...
I'll do it to anyone who is an asshole...maybe they shouldnt be assholes, I wont be one back... and also thanks for your vote.
The only people that think everyone else is an ass hole is almost always the ass hole, not everyone else.

So you come into threads begun by theists to tell them that they are idiots because you think they are ass holes.

That actually makes sense to you?

You are the troll, fuckhead, not everyone else.

Again, Piss off.
I'll do it to anyone who is an asshole...maybe they shouldnt be assholes, I wont be one back... and also thanks for your vote.
The only people that think everyone else is an ass hole is almost always the ass hole, not everyone else.

So you come into threads begun by theists to tell them that they are idiots because you think they are ass holes.

That actually makes sense to you?

You are the troll, fuckhead, not everyone else.

Again, Piss off.
Thanks, Jim
Define God!
Whose version? I'll ask them...
The point you keep dodging is you dont grasp the Christian concept of the Creator which is what we are talking about, not some stream spirit, lol.

And of course, you KNOW that, as does everyone else.

You are a trolling moron.

Again, Piss off.
I'm not obligated to define your version of God for you...and you're telling me that I don't grasp what you haven't defined and that's Superior stupidity, Jim. Why don't you leave me the fuck alone if you're thinking I'm stopping some magical discussion you're trying to have?

Why don't you assert some control over yourself, and quit obsessing with my username on the internet, Jim? You're being seriously clingy now, and it's getting to be gross/embarrassing.
I'm not obligated to define your version of God for you...


You could not be more of an idiot, and yet you call everyone else an idiot.

You say you do not believe in 'God'. So the question to you is 'What God are you rejecting?' the Christian concept of the Creator? How do you understand that concept to be?', because you show no grasp of it at all in your comments.

And to that you say that you are not obligated to define God for us? lol, NO ONE ASKED YOU TO DO THAT, idiot.

and you're telling me that I don't grasp what you haven't defined and that's Superior stupidity, Jim.

We have defined the Creator, jack ass, but we want to see if you and we are talking about the same concept with that word 'God', which you plainly are not.

Why don't you leave me the fuck alone if you're thinking I'm stopping some magical discussion you're trying to have?

Because you are trolling what could be a good discussion without you shit posting.

Why don't you assert some control over yourself, and quit obsessing with my username on the internet, Jim? You're being seriously clingy now, and it's getting to be gross/embarrassing.

Again, Piss off.

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