Atheism: See Spot Laugh

sniffs a lot like a coke head, too. it all makes sense!
Why do you insist on refuting something you say you dont believe in?

I dont know of anyone that does not believe in UFOs, for example, that goes to UFO conventions or online discussions to argue that UFO's dont exist.

Your determined and obstinate trolling threads by theists indicates more DENIAL of what you suspect is real and hate than it says anything about a mere lack of belief.
Thanks for the evaluation Freud but I enjoy discussions, like with Meri and other theists...on the topic, because those girls are able to retain a modicum of respect and it becomes fruitful most of the time.

You cucks like ringtone and Jimmothy and shit? You're assholes and so I treat you like assholes. And if you're so firm in your belief, I could turn your own question on its fucking head and ask why you're so insecure about it that you feel the need to have arguments about it on the internet.

I didnt ask that though, because I'm not a kunt like you are, Jimmothy.
They're cults in the way that I use the word, whereas Governments and physical fitness groups are not cults in the way that I use the word.....and yes, I'm more than glad to move on.
Metaphysical naturalism is the atheist's cult—the biggest superstition of them all.

'Cult' in the mind of a Secular Deterministic Materialist is something that requires superstition, in their mind.

Meanwhile they persist in a failed and falsified world view.
Now he's onto arguing against assertions that nobody's making.
Why do you care?
Care is a strong word. This is a hobby for me, like it is for you I'd presume...or do you have some emotional need to be here? I guess I'm missing that part of it for myself. I find the question of origins to be a hotly debated subject and I like engaging in it with rational, respectful folks and mocking the folks that aren't like that as an aside, for fun....cuz you're idiots.
Thanks for the evaluation Freud but I enjoy discussions, like with Meri and other theists...on the topic, because those girls are able to retain a modicum of respect and it becomes fruitful most of the time.
That really does not explain your behavior though. People that merely enjoy a topic ask questions, answer questions and then move on when they got what they came for.

Ignotheists like you go into discussions you were never welcome to in order to troll and make a shit pile of any serious discussion.

You do not discuss, you only hurl shit and make an ass out of yourself.

All I am trying to do at this point is simply understand why you do this. Why waste so much time on things you say you dont believe in?
Thanks for the evaluation Freud but I enjoy discussions, like with Meri and other theists...on the topic, because those girls are able to retain a modicum of respect and it becomes fruitful most of the time.
That really does not explain your behavior though. People that merely enjoy a topic ask questions, answer questions and then move on when they got what they came for.

Ignotheists like you go into discussions you were never welcome to in order to troll and make a shit pile of any serious discussion.

You do not discuss, you only hurl shit and make an ass out of yourself.

All I am trying to do at this point is simply understand why you do this. Why waste so much time on things you say you dont believe in?
I've only ever thrown a backhanded comment or have been a dick to someone who was that to me, first - - - so you might want to direct the mirror back at yourself there, dipshit :thup:
This is a hobby for me, like it is for you I'd presume...or do you have some emotional need to be here? I guess I'm missing that part of it for myself. I find the question of origins to be a hotly debated subject and I like engaging in it with rational, respectful folks and mocking the folks that aren't like that as an aside, for fun....cuz you're idiots.
A discussion of the existence of the Creator, well established since at least Plato, is an 'origins' topic to you?

Sounds like you in your mind are wanting to pick fights with Fundamentalists regarding Evolution. Most Theists believe in evolution, dumbass.

If you are really here to discuss things then why dont you DISCUSS THINGS?

You dont answer questions, you hurl insults with no point to them, and do you typical jack ass buffoonery.

Wouldnt you be better off, I dont know what atheists typically do for a hobby, like maybe do Elvis by-the-numbers paintings?
I've only ever thrown a backhanded comment or have been a dick to someone who was that to me, first - - - so you might want to direct the mirror back at yourself there, dipshit :thup:
Ah, deny, deflect and make counter accusations.

Typical trolling bullshit.

Your behavior of going out of your way to refute things that shouldnt matter to you indicates that they do in fact matter, because you suspect that they are in fact real, and resent and hate the ideas themselves.

I.e. you are just another half-wit ignotheist that cant simply go do something productive. You have to try and make everyone else as miserable as you are because misery loves company, I guess.
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This is a hobby for me, like it is for you I'd presume...or do you have some emotional need to be here? I guess I'm missing that part of it for myself. I find the question of origins to be a hotly debated subject and I like engaging in it with rational, respectful folks and mocking the folks that aren't like that as an aside, for fun....cuz you're idiots.
A discussion of the existence of the Creator, well established since at least Plato, is an 'origins' topic to you?

Sounds like you in your mind are wanting to pick fights with Fundamentalists regarding Evolution. Most Theists believe in evolution, dumbass.

If you are really here to discuss things then why dont you DISCUSS THINGS?

You dont answer questions, you hurl insults with no point to them, and do you typical jack ass buffoonery.

Wouldnt you be better off I dont know what atheists typically do for a hobby, like maybe do Elvis by-the-numbers paintings?
See why I also think you're patently fucking stupid?

You just spent a 5 line post with, I'm SURE what you consider an EPIC argument...

against a point I didn't even make...about evolution.

You're a waste of time in a serious discussion, I mean you're just too fuckin dumb, Jim! So you're one of the ones that's to toy with. You're only worthy of mocking...and do you want to know how fucking insecure I know that you are?

You go around professing that you're blocking people, when they frustrate you...

How do I know? You've done it to me, and others...

So how am I not blocked??? Because you need to read these posts because you are insecure and have no self control not to, dipshit.

How can I carry on a conversation with a cretin who can't even unfuck himself :thup::thup::thup::thup::thup: you're a moron
Did you go to Kindergarten understanding something like calculus? Or did higher learning come with time? it is sad that those who have lived as long as you feel that nothing has been learned over the past seventy years, and if we had elective classes, third grade teachers (haven't having learned a thing) would still tell those of the Jewish faith they are going to hell--and that it would be permitted because after all, an elective class is now being offered. I hold a belief in evolution...that humans do learn over time.

It doesn't matter. His grandchildren are learning how to put condoms on bananas, and how girls can be boys and boys can be girls if they wish really, really hard, take hormones and mutilate their genitals in the state schools now.
I've only ever thrown a backhanded comment or have been a dick to someone who was that to me, first - - - so you might want to direct the mirror back at yourself there, dipshit :thup:
Ah, deny, deflect and make counter accusations.

Typical trolling bullshit.

Your behavior of going out of your way to refute things that shouldnt matter to you indicates that they do in fact matter, because you suspect that they are in fact real, and resent and hate the ideas themselves.

I.e. you are just another half-wit ignotheist that cant simply go do something productive. You half to try and make everyone else as miserable as you are because misery loves company, I guess.
if you dont believe in atheism, then why do you spend any time arguing against it?

see how stupid your fucking assertion is....when it can be flipped right back at you and you didnt even realize it before making such an ass of yourself?

Air has an instruction's in your back pocket.
See why I also think you're patently fucking stupid?

I know why; I disagree with you which automatically makes me 'stupid' to an ideologue like you.

You just spent a 5 line post with, I'm SURE what you consider an EPIC argument...
against a point I didn't even make...about evolution.

I made no attempt at an argument, jack ass, but yes, you dont know the difference any way.

You're a waste of time in a serious discussion, I mean you're just too fuckin dumb, Jim! So you're one of the ones that's to toy with. You're only worthy of mocking...and do you want to know how fucking insecure I know that you are?

That is all you have done to every theist in this thread because mockery is all you have to counter what has been known since 200 BC.

You go around professing that you're blocking people, when they frustrate you...
How do I know? You've done it to me, and others...

It is merely a polite way of saying I am not going to respond to you because I dont read most of your posts any more. I can still peek whenever I want.

So how am I not blocked??? Because you need to read these posts because you are insecure and have no self control not to, dipshit.

No I took you off block because so many posts were in response your rambling bullshit. I wanted to see what was so ridiculously ignorant and trollish.

How can I carry on a conversation with a cretin who can't even unfuck himself :thup::thup::thup::thup::thup: you're a moron

If that makes you feel better about the lies you tell yourself, go ahead.

In the end you will bow your head and hit your knees begging the Creator to forgive you and long past the White Throne Judgement He will because He is a much better person than atheist trolls like yourself.
Now he's onto arguing against assertions that nobody's making.

The pathological liar, the sociopath, is strong in the atheist. Both you and Hollie have denied Jesus' historicity.
if you dont believe in atheism, then why do you spend any time arguing against it?

Lol, you demonstrate that you do not understand the point I am making. I was not talking about a system of ideas, like atheism, not being believed in. I am talking about a THING not being believed in. Big diff little Abrainiac.

Most people dont believe in Big Foot either, but they dont go to Big Foot conventions/discussions to tell everyone that they are wrong.

Only atheists do that sort of thing because they want to convince themselves that there is no Creator, because they suspect he is real. That is why you get so upset when others make strong cases for the existence of something you think is not real.

So unl;ike Big Foot enthusiasts, you just cant pass by a group of theists discussing the Creator. You just have to barge in and throw you trollish bullshit.

see how stupid your fucking assertion is....when it can be flipped right back at you and you didnt even realize it before making such an ass of yourself?


Air has an instruction's in your back pocket.

...and yet you dont believe in a Creator? lol
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Now he's onto arguing against assertions that nobody's making.

The pathological liar, the sociopath, is strong in the atheist. Both you and Hollie have denied Jesus' historicity.
There's so much stupidity in your posts, you're lucky you're under 30 bro.

1. In denying the historicity of Jesus, I wouldn't by necessity be asserting that a God doesn't exist and so that was a poor inference. Shows a lack of comprehension, which is why you buy the Kalam.

2. I don't deny the historicity, I merely state that I've seen no compelling arguments that he actually existed and I also pointed to some flaws in the arguments that are presented, apparently to show that he did.

In conclusion, you do not understand the difference between making a claim and cross examination of a claim - and I'm not sure why I'd take anyone that's apparently telling people that he's an adult seriously when he cannot even give his cheeky little quips an introspective thought before he fat fingers the "post reply" button as though he's in some rush to make an ass of himself.

Raise your paw, dufus :thup:
Now define God
I would be shocked if you ever had one atheist attempt to answer that question.

The fact that they can’t proves they have never seriously considered the possibility of God existing.

Precisely! And that's the whole point of the OP, but, of course, you follow that as you know as well as I that to define God is to not only outline his fundamental attributes, but to concede what the immediate empirical and rational evidence for God's existence is. These things are readily self-evident to anyone who seriously regards the problem of existence per the first principles of ontology. There's nothing mysterious about these things. The idea of God is a universally objective apprehension. But of the hundreds of atheists I've encountered, maybe two have seriously regarded the problem of existence and remain unconvinced that there is an actual substance behind the idea. Fair enough. But the others are just spouting slogans. As for those who claim to have seriously regarded the problem and yet still claim there is no evidence for God's existence, they're lying.

Of course, the other issue in the OP goes to natural and constitutional law. That too is a matter of first principles: Revisions and Divisions: the subversion of the principle of the separation of church and state
there is nothing in your post that even remotely addresses or verifies the authenticity of your false messiah religion of christianity rather the true spoken religion of antiquity all three desert religions have abandoned as the actual evidence for the Almighty.
There are 24,000 written manuscripts and the practices of early Christians that verify and authenticates the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What exactly do you have that verifies and authenticates that the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ didn’t happen?
There are 24,000 written manuscripts and the practices of early Christians that verify and authenticates the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What exactly do you have that verifies and authenticates that the ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ didn’t happen?

the interpretative christian bible without attributions that do not exist and are fabrications, forgeries for political purposes.

you repeat yourself as a pathological liar - as the evidence is common knowledge there are no original documents from the period of occurrence, 1st century corroborating your 4th century document in regards to your messiah religion that isn't an undocumented fallacy. interpretive, the same as your own despotic religious panderings for self assurance.

Christianity in the 4th century was dominated in its early stage by Constantine the great and the First Council of Nicaea of 325, which was the beginning of the period of the First seven Ecumenical Councils (325–787), and in its late stage by the Edict of Thessalonica of 380, which made Nicene Christianity the state church of the Roman Empire.

it took till the 4th century for the crucifiers to write their illicit christian bible.
Stop being silly.
I’d be pretty upset if some
I absolutely do because that’s absolutely what you are doing.
You have access to my intentions :lol:

You "absolutely" do? :lol:

The hubris will never be matched!

Just kidding, this is the internet.
You are just a different flavor of Breezewood, Hobelim, Taz, vasuderatorrent and greatestiam. Same song different verse.
I'll file that opinion where it belongs, Ding.
The truth usually hurts before it helps.
Slogan....but, Yeah, and I dont wanna hurt ya so I wont be disclosing where I file your opinions :eusa_whistle:
Actually you do.
When it comes to "personal experiences of the gods" ... the examples devolve quickly into cultural examples.
Why would anything else be expected. Even siblings can have very different perspectives of almost everything.

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