Atheism: See Spot Laugh

You're free to use the word however you see fit, Meri - but you're not free to tell me how I'm using it and what I mean by what I'm saying. You're free to ask, not build strawmen based on that which you've not even bothered to ask. This has been a gigantic waste of time, this aside.
Straw men are not my thing. I am saying I cannot follow your use of the word cult because it is much too broad--even when applied only to religion. Religion is definitely broader than physical fitness, government agencies, groups, etc. In other words, religion and the philosophy of the human spirit are not cults, although (like anything else) cults may exist within the broader spectrum. So let's move on, shall we?
You're free to use the word however you see fit, Meri - but you're not free to tell me how I'm using it and what I mean by what I'm saying. You're free to ask, not build strawmen based on that which you've not even bothered to ask. This has been a gigantic waste of time, this aside.
Straw men are not my thing. I am saying I cannot follow your use of the word cult because it is much too broad--even when applied only to religion. Religion is definitely broader than physical fitness, government agencies, groups, etc. In other words, religion and the philosophy of the human spirit are not cults, although (like anything else) cults may exist within the broader spectrum. So let's move on, shall we?
They're cults in the way that I use the word, whereas Governments and physical fitness groups are not cults in the way that I use the word.....and yes, I'm more than glad to move on.
No classes. It began with kindergarten. You started out the day with a prayer, you had lunch with a prayer, you might be counseled by a teacher about Jesus. It was an ongoing barrage, all done with good intent. Fairly innocuous to most, but if you were Jewish.... a bit of a different story. But that was ok, because it was always in the kid's best interest. In third grade I watched as my best friend was asked, by our loving and caring teacher for whom I had something of a crush, if he wanted to go to hell. Scared the shit out of him, but it was with the best of intentions so it was fine.

So I don't trust your good intentions. I don't trust your classes. I don't trust that they won't give more attention to one religion and ignore others. I don't trust the teachers who will teach the classes. At the college level? That's fine. Now your dealing with adults. In a public school where you have children who have no choice and aren't equipped to challenge, no.

So why do you oppose choice in the public education system?
They're cults in the way that I use the word, whereas Governments and physical fitness groups are not cults in the way that I use the word.....and yes, I'm more than glad to move on.

Metaphysical naturalism is the atheist's cult—the biggest superstition of them all.
They're cults in the way that I use the word, whereas Governments and physical fitness groups are not cults in the way that I use the word.....and yes, I'm more than glad to move on.

Metaphysical naturalism is the atheist's cult—the biggest superstition of them all.
Whatever floats your boat, WLC cultist.
No, it doesn't fit everything. It fits Religion. You're making a flawed inference...and using it as a straw-man. No, bad, stop, cease.

Cultish, atheistic slogan speak.
Your counter is misleading. We know for a fact that Christ's sayings and works were recorded during his lifetime from a voluminous body of historical, textual criticism. The Gospels themselves were written within the First Century, merely a few decades after his resurrection, and the earliest epistle was written in 50 AD, less than two decades after his resurrection from which we know for a fact that Christ's divinity was an established doctrine within the Christian community less than a year after his resurrection.
What was written during Christ's own lifetime? I am saying that nothing was written when Christ was alive, and it was a generation or two (a generation being 25 years) before it was begun to be recorded. Keep in mind the average life span for a man in that era was 45 years; for a woman, 35 years. Also note that in 1 Thessalonians Paul's message is faith directed towards God. We do not have any specific mention of any specific stories about Jesus, there is no doubt that Paul's mission to the Thessalonians was a Christian mission.

That Jesus wrote nothing, that nothing written remains prior to 50, disturbs me not in the least. Doesn't mean that there wasn't anything written; means that anything written prior to 50 has not survived. I believe Paul and the authors of the Gospel had their facts correct.
Whatever floats your boat, WLC cultist.

What are you talking about? That's what floats your boat, atheist, the slogan speak of materialism/metaphysical naturalism predicated on absolutely nothing but pure faith against self-evident, ontological first principles and the imperatives of logic.

1. Define God.
2. Give a coherent account for your assertion of an actual infinite and/or the absurdity of existence arising from nonexistence.

Oh wait!

Your god is either an infinite regress of causality (absurdity) or nonexistence (absurdity).

The cult is strong in this one. . . .
I've always thought that the strongest evidence against the existence of gods was first, their propensity not to be in existence, and secondly, the human authorship of the various holy texts alleging these gods with said gods never having editing rights.
The strongest evidence for God: Personal experiences.

I'd have to disagree. While a christian in the West may have "visions" of Jesus, a Hindu in the East might have visions of Vishnu and a Buddhist might have visions of a chubby Buddah. Those are cultural phenomena and derive from the gods those cultures created.

When it comes to "personal experiences of the gods" ... the examples devolve quickly into cultural examples. How many christians have personal experiences with the Hindu gods?
Whatever floats your boat, WLC cultist.

What are you talking about? That's what floats your boat, atheist, the slogan speak of materialism/metaphysical naturalism predicated on absolutely nothing but pure faith against self-evident, ontological first principles and the imperatives of logic.

1. Define God.
2. Give a coherent account for your assertion of an actual infinite and/or the absurdity of existence arising from nonexistence.

Oh wait!

Your god is either an infinite regress of causality (absurdity) or nonexistence (absurdity).

The cult is strong in this one. . . .
I dont have an argument for or against any God - -

so what does that make....YOU, exactly?

Makes you an abject fucking retard who spends his time on strawmen :thup:
What was written during Christ's own lifetime? I am saying that nothing was written when Christ was alive, and it was a generation or two (a generation being 25 years) before it was begun to be recorded. Keep in mind the average life span for a man in that era was 45 years; for a woman, 35 years. Also note that in 1 Thessalonians Paul's message is faith directed towards God. We do not have any specific mention of any specific stories about Jesus, there is no doubt that Paul's mission to the Thessalonians was a Christian mission.

That Jesus wrote nothing, that nothing written remains prior to 50, disturbs me not in the least. Doesn't mean that there wasn't anything written; means that anything written prior to 50 has not survived. I believe Paul and the authors of the Gospel had their facts correct.

False! Once again it is abundantly clear from a voluminous body of historical, textual criticism that the synoptic Gospels were informed by manuscripts written during and shortly after Christ's ministry—drawn mostly from oral traditions, but also written recordings of many of his sayings and works. These are known as the Q, L and M Sources. As for Christ's divinity, I read his divinity in I Thessalonians (50 AD). Jesus is not an angel, but the eternally begotten Son of God! As for the rest, that's my whole point! We have more than ample and historically immediate evidence relative to Christ's sojourn on Earth to confidently affirm his historicity and the historicity of the Christians' belief that he had been crucified and raised from the dead from the very beginning.

Hollie and G.T. are making baby talk.

goo goo ga ga


I smell soiled diapers and slogan speak.
you are referring to public education being the same as your church, the ruling is a separation to prevent establishment of any religion, the correct decision - the courts allow you your private religious schools that you seem illcontent to be grateful for. too bad for you.

"The Warren Court separated 'church' and state," BreezeWood said.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh at BreezeWood!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh at BreezeWood,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled onto his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my . . . just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, BreezeWood is a naive simpleton,” Spot observed.

"But the Court allows persons to educate their children in private schools," Breezewood obtusely whimpered.

"Ah, yes," Spot chuckled. "Spoken like a true statist bootlck, a worm, an obedient little weazel, a good little conformist, a pliant little sneak of a fascist snitch."

"You see, children," Spot continued, "the leftist Warren Court empowered the government to impose the religion of humanism on the people in the public education system—the state's church!—instead of ordering the state schools to provide for a system of universal school choice per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law."

"But why did it do that?" Dick wondered as the light of day began to dawn on him.

BreezeWood mined his nose and played with the fuzz in his belly button.

"Well, Dick, the Bill of Rights were in the way of the government establishing a socialist indoctrination system for all the social engineering that was to come. . . ."

Mental masturbation.
What was written during Christ's own lifetime? I am saying that nothing was written when Christ was alive, and it was a generation or two (a generation being 25 years) before it was begun to be recorded. Keep in mind the average life span for a man in that era was 45 years; for a woman, 35 years. Also note that in 1 Thessalonians Paul's message is faith directed towards God. We do not have any specific mention of any specific stories about Jesus, there is no doubt that Paul's mission to the Thessalonians was a Christian mission.

That Jesus wrote nothing, that nothing written remains prior to 50, disturbs me not in the least. Doesn't mean that there wasn't anything written; means that anything written prior to 50 has not survived. I believe Paul and the authors of the Gospel had their facts correct.

False! Once again it is abundantly clear from a voluminous body of historical, textual criticism that the synoptic Gospels were informed by manuscripts written during and shortly after Christ's ministry—drawn mostly from oral traditions, but also written recordings of many of his sayings and works. These are known as the Q, L and M Sources. As for Christ's divinity, I read his divinity in I Thessalonians (50 AD). Jesus is not an angel, but the eternally begotten Son of God! As for the rest, that's my whole point! We have more than ample and historically immediate evidence relative to Christ's sojourn on Earth to confidently affirm his historicity and the historicity of the Christians' belief that he had been crucified and raised from the dead from the very beginning.

Hollie and G.T. are making baby talk.

goo goo ga ga


I smell soiled diapers and slogan speak.

"goo goo ga ga".

I've noticed that the boy tends to get rattled when he's outside of his paraphrased William Lane Craig re-writes.
What was written during Christ's own lifetime? I am saying that nothing was written when Christ was alive, and it was a generation or two (a generation being 25 years) before it was begun to be recorded. Keep in mind the average life span for a man in that era was 45 years; for a woman, 35 years. Also note that in 1 Thessalonians Paul's message is faith directed towards God. We do not have any specific mention of any specific stories about Jesus, there is no doubt that Paul's mission to the Thessalonians was a Christian mission.

That Jesus wrote nothing, that nothing written remains prior to 50, disturbs me not in the least. Doesn't mean that there wasn't anything written; means that anything written prior to 50 has not survived. I believe Paul and the authors of the Gospel had their facts correct.

False! Once again it is abundantly clear from a voluminous body of historical, textual criticism that the synoptic Gospels were informed by manuscripts written during and shortly after Christ's ministry—drawn mostly from oral traditions, but also written recordings of many of his sayings and works. These are known as the Q, L and M Sources. As for Christ's divinity, I read his divinity in I Thessalonians (50 AD). Jesus is not an angel, but the eternally begotten Son of God! As for the rest, that's my whole point! We have more than ample and historically immediate evidence relative to Christ's sojourn on Earth to confidently affirm his historicity and the historicity of the Christians' belief that he had been crucified and raised from the dead from the very beginning.

Hollie and G.T. are making baby talk.

goo goo ga ga


I smell soiled diapers and slogan speak.

"goo goo ga ga".

I've noticed that the boy tends to get rattled when he's outside of his paraphrased William Lane Craig re-writes.
Now he's onto arguing against assertions that nobody's making.
sniffs a lot like a coke head, too. it all makes sense!
Why do you insist on refuting something you say you dont believe in?

I dont know of anyone that does not believe in UFOs, for example, that goes to UFO conventions or online discussions to argue that UFO's dont exist.

Your determined and obstinate trolling threads by theists indicates more DENIAL of what you suspect is real and hate than it says anything about a mere lack of belief.
Mental masturbation.

I know. Right? Good eye.

“Mental masturbation,” Dick thought out loud.

“That’s right,” Spot said. “Mental masturbation.”

“So humanists insist that God doesn’t exist . . . because God doesn’t exist?”, Jane asked.

“That’s pretty much all there is to it,” Spot answered.

“Mental masturbation,” Dick thought out loud again.​

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