Atheism: See Spot Laugh

I'm not obligated to define your version of God for you...


You could not be more of an idiot, and yet you call eveeryone else an idiot.

You say you do not believe in 'God'. So the question to y ou is 'What God are you rejecting?' the Christian concept fo the Creator? How do you understand that concept to be, because you show no grasp of it at all in your comments.

And to that you say that you are not obligated to define God for us? lol, NO ONE ASKED TO DO THAT, idiot.

and you're telling me that I don't grasp what you haven't defined and that's Superior stupidity, Jim.

We have defined the Creator, jack ass, but we want to see if you and we are talking about the same concept with that word 'God', which you plainly are not.

Why don't you leave me the fuck alone if you're thinking I'm stopping some magical discussion you're trying to have?

Because you are trolling what could be a good discussion with you shit posting.

Why don't you assert some control over yourself, and quit obsessing with my username on the internet, Jim? You're being seriously clingy now, and it's getting to be gross/embarrassing.

Again, Piss off.
You're completely obsessive and disturbed, Jim.

You want to argue with me but want me to piss off, you want to proclaim some sort of victory but don't want to have the discussion because I'm supposed to piss off...and I'm supposed to piss off but you're obsessively on my tail like a fuckin ankle biter.

Get a hold of yourself you freakin dweeb.
YOU brought him up, you fuckin retard

Are you rocking in your chair again? The eyes, are they rolling back in your head? Is that it? Another fit overtaking you?

Alex O'Connor is a successful youtuber that actually studies philosophy @University and has the nuts to debate in person and he's only 19.

Remember my opening statement:

O'Connor is a third-rate hack with a British accent. By the age of 19, I'd already read most of the pertinent literature from Moses to Aristotle to Hume to Descartes and beyond, and O'Connor is very much aware of my critique.

Behold the caliber of O'Connor's . . . snort . . . apologetics. . . .
Is it coming back to you yet? Aren't you going to discuss origins accordingly. By all means use O'Connor's arguments and I'll pull his panties down all over again for you, atheist. Aren't you going to defend your boy? He's studying philosophy and stuff . . . and he's only 19!
YOU brought him up, you fuckin retard

Are you rocking in your chair again? The eyes, are they rolling back in your head? Is that it? Another fit overtaking you?

Alex O'Connor is a successful youtuber that actually studies philosophy @University and has the nuts to debate in person.

Remember my opening statement:

O'Connor is a third-rate hack with a British accent. By the age of 19, I'd already read most of the pertinent literature from Moses to Aristotle to Hume to Descartes and beyond, and O'Connor is very much aware of my critique.

Behold the caliber of O'Connor's . . . snort . . . apologetics. . . .
Is it coming back to you yet? Aren't you going to discuss origins accordingly. By all means use O'Connor's arguments and I'll pull his panties down all over again for you, atheist. Aren't you going to defend your boy? He's studying philosophy and stuff . . . and he's only 19!
Hey, Dummy - YOU brought up Alex two or so WEEKS ago, and what you just quoted was me referencing that. Where YOU brought him up...and now you're calling him "my boy" that I'm somehow defending - because you're a weirdo on the internet who seems to need a life.

And you referencing his panties is super fucking creepy...he's basically a boy. ..barely past legal age you creeper.

Grow a pair of balls and speak directly with Alex if you're so damn obsessed with him you lunatic
Yeah, must be all that.... in order for you to be able to avoid responsibility for being a disrespectful ass-wipe to people on the internet.
I know Jim. I know.
I dont care why you troll and throw shit-posts like candy to kidoes.

I am simply voting that you either stop doing it or blow off like the shit poster you are.

Don't buy into, Jim. He and Hollie were initially rude to Meriweather as well, but Meriweather didn't fire back, just like I didn't fire back when I first came to this board. I didn't fire back for at least the first four or five posts, and kept trying to get Hollie, fun for brains and G.T. back on topic. Remember? But no. . . . So now G.T. comes onto this thread started by me again talking trash from the jump, not the topics.
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Yeah, must be all that.... in order for you to be able to avoid responsibility for being a disrespectful ass-wipe to people on the internet.
I know Jim. I know.
I dont care why you troll and throw shit-posts like candy to kidoes.

I am simply voting that you either stop doing it or blow off like the shit poster you are.

Don't buy into, Jim. He and Hollie were initially rude to Meriweather as well, Meriweather didn't fire back, just like I didn't fire back when I first came to this board. I didn't fire back for at least the first four or five posts, and kept trying to get Hollie, fun for brains and G.T. back on topic. Remember? But no. . . .
You're a twat, maybe that's why, Dickhead :thup: You came here bragging like a 4th rate cheapskate that you beat some 19yr old kid down and it turns out the 19yr old kid in reference has a successful youtube channel, doesnt even know who you are... and you linked to a text-post on a youtube channel that nobody's ever seen before, you havent been on video and you havent debated anybody.

It was sad, psychotic behavior and it wasn't that that made me start being an asshole to you, even! It's your gish galloping masquerading as an argument that's mostly plagiarized from arguments that WERE tried and failed in ACTUAL in person debates...and you pepper in insults in between.

You're a dickhead, and now you're whining that you're treated like a dickhead. Start over under a new name if you want that embarrassment forgotten about, but I dont suffer kunts sorry :thup:
So now G.T. come onto the a thread started by me again talking trash from the jump, not the topics.
Just like a troll. In his latest post he just called you a twat. So much for trying to cooperate with that PoS, hmmm? He hates you for having the courage to search for Truth, a courage that he does not have.

Jesus said to not throw pearls before swine, instead you shake the dust off your feet.

I will not be polite to that troll. He deserves only to be beaten with a stick and driven from the forum.
So now G.T. come onto the a thread started by me again talking trash from the jump, not the topics.
Just like a troll. In his latest post he just called you a twat. So much for trying to cooperate with that PoS, hmmm? He hates you for having the courage to search for Truth, a courage that he does not have.

Jesus said to not throw pearls before swine, instead you shake the dust off your feet.

I will not be polite to that troll. He deserves only to be beaten with a stick and driven from the forum.
Uh, dumb dumb...did you READ the OP?

This is a TROLL thread.

Your high horse is too tall for you, Jim. Put the bong down and quit whining so damn much.
What does 'the gods' have to do with the Creator?
It is a common tactic of atheists, and it does not bother me. The clever 'gotcha' is that people of faith are atheists of all gods but one. I kind of like it because it is a good reminder of how little they actually know of our beliefs.
YOU brought him up, you fuckin retard

Are you rocking in your chair again? The eyes, are they rolling back in your head? Is that it? Another fit overtaking you?

Alex O'Connor is a successful youtuber that actually studies philosophy @University and has the nuts to debate in person.

Remember my opening statement:

O'Connor is a third-rate hack with a British accent. By the age of 19, I'd already read most of the pertinent literature from Moses to Aristotle to Hume to Descartes and beyond, and O'Connor is very much aware of my critique.

Behold the caliber of O'Connor's . . . snort . . . apologetics. . . .
Is it coming back to you yet? Aren't you going to discuss origins accordingly. By all means use O'Connor's arguments and I'll pull his panties down all over again for you, atheist. Aren't you going to defend your boy? He's studying philosophy and stuff . . . and he's only 19!
Hey, Dummy - YOU brought up Alex two or so WEEKS ago, and what you just quoted was me referencing that. Where YOU brought him up...and now you're calling him "my boy" that I'm somehow defending - because you're a weirdo on the internet who seems to need a life.

And you referencing his panties is super fucking creepy...he's basically a boy. ..barely past legal age you creeper.

Grow a pair of balls and speak directly with Alex if you're so damn obsessed with him you lunatic

LOL! I gave you a link to my Youtube discussion page relative to the mathematics of infinity because of something you claimed in that thread. I didn't make a big deal out of the fact that the section to which I referred you is part of a refutation of O'Connor's video. Remember? I assumed you had an account because YOU claimed that my observations had been debunked on Youtube. Remember?

Remember when I reminded you that the only way to debunk the KCA is to coherently show how an actual infinite is possible or how it's possible for existence to arise from nonexistence, that only rubes who in fact do not grasp the imperatives of the KCA imagine that it can be debunked, rubes like O'Connor?

You're the only one who made a big deal about him, as if he were some kind of VIP because he makes videos, studies philosophy at university . . . and he's only 19!


Once again, O'Connor is a third-rate hack with a British accent. By the age of 19, I'd already read most of the pertinent literature from Moses to Aristotle to Hume to Descartes and beyond, and O'Connor is very much aware of my critique.

How old do you think I am, atheist?

I'm only 28! I was in the Marines at the age of 19 and attending college when I could stateside between two tours in Afgan. Who the hell is Alex O'Connor to me other than a useful foil against whom to sharpen my understanding of things?
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YOU brought him up, you fuckin retard

Are you rocking in your chair again? The eyes, are they rolling back in your head? Is that it? Another fit overtaking you?

Alex O'Connor is a successful youtuber that actually studies philosophy @University and has the nuts to debate in person.

Remember my opening statement:

O'Connor is a third-rate hack with a British accent. By the age of 19, I'd already read most of the pertinent literature from Moses to Aristotle to Hume to Descartes and beyond, and O'Connor is very much aware of my critique.

Behold the caliber of O'Connor's . . . snort . . . apologetics. . . .
Is it coming back to you yet? Aren't you going to discuss origins accordingly. By all means use O'Connor's arguments and I'll pull his panties down all over again for you, atheist. Aren't you going to defend your boy? He's studying philosophy and stuff . . . and he's only 19!
Hey, Dummy - YOU brought up Alex two or so WEEKS ago, and what you just quoted was me referencing that. Where YOU brought him up...and now you're calling him "my boy" that I'm somehow defending - because you're a weirdo on the internet who seems to need a life.

And you referencing his panties is super fucking creepy...he's basically a boy. ..barely past legal age you creeper.

Grow a pair of balls and speak directly with Alex if you're so damn obsessed with him you lunatic

LOL! I gave you a link to my Youtube discussion page relative to the mathematics of infinity because of something you claimed in that thread. I didn't make a big deal out of the fact that the section to which I referred you is part of a refutation of O'Connor's video. Remember? I assumed you had an account because YOU claimed that my observations had been debunked on Youtube. Remember?

Remember when I reminded you that the only way to debunk the KCA is to coherently show how an actual infinite is possible or how it's possible for existence to arise from nonexistence, that only rubes who in fact do not grasp the imperatives of the KCA imagine that it can be debunked, rubes like O'Connor?

You're the only one what made a big deal about him, as if he were some kind VIP because he makes videos, studies philosophy at university . . . and he's only 19!


Once again, O'Connor is a third-rate hack with a British accent. By the age of 19, I'd already read most of the pertinent literature from Moses to Aristotle to Hume to Descartes and beyond, and O'Connor is very much aware of my critique.

How old do you think I am, atheist?

I'm only 28!
I think you're old enough not to talk about the panties of 19yr olds, dufus - but not too old not to be duped into Cults by charlatans like William Lane Craig.

The Kalam has not 1, but SEVERAL refutations, and that you don't understand the implications of infinities doesn't make your assertions and misapprehensions true. Are you a physicist, or a schizophrenic nutbar on the internet that spends his time ankle biting 19yr olds' youtube channels from behind anonymous walls of text...because he thinks he has a solid grasp of the physics involving the origins of the Universe.
What does 'the gods' have to do with the Creator?
It is a common tactic of atheists, and it does not bother me. The clever 'gotcha' is that people of faith are atheists of all gods but one. I kind of like it because it is a good reminder of how little they actually know of our beliefs.
Yes, they know almost nothing of what we believe in and absolutely do not understand the concept of the Creator at all.

But that wont even slow them down from insisting that this thing they do not grasp is not true, lol.

Its kind of comical.
I was in the Marines at the age of 19 and attending college when I could state side between two tours in Afgan. Who the hell is Alex O'Connor to me other than a useful foil against which to sharpen my understanding of things?

He is a charlatan selling his own ignorance to fools that want to think they are oh so more clever than their 'ignorant' parents.
Yeah, must be all that.... in order for you to be able to avoid responsibility for being a disrespectful ass-wipe to people on the internet.
I know Jim. I know.
I dont care why you troll and throw shit-posts like candy to kidoes.

I am simply voting that you either stop doing it or blow off like the shit poster you are.

Don't buy into, Jim. He and Hollie were initially rude to Meriweather as well, but Meriweather didn't fire back, just like I didn't fire back when I first came to this board. I didn't fire back for at least the first four or five posts, and kept trying to get Hollie, fun for brains and G.T. back on topic. Remember? But no. . . . So now G.T. comes onto this thread started by me again talking trash from the jump, not the topics.
Gee whiz. You have quite a "thing" for me as you drop my name in various posts.

I find that really creepy.
Yeah, must be all that.... in order for you to be able to avoid responsibility for being a disrespectful ass-wipe to people on the internet.
I know Jim. I know.
I dont care why you troll and throw shit-posts like candy to kidoes.

I am simply voting that you either stop doing it or blow off like the shit poster you are.

Don't buy into, Jim. He and Hollie were initially rude to Meriweather as well, but Meriweather didn't fire back, just like I didn't fire back when I first came to this board. I didn't fire back for at least the first four or five posts, and kept trying to get Hollie, fun for brains and G.T. back on topic. Remember? But no. . . . So now G.T. comes onto this thread started by me again talking trash from the jump, not the topics.
Gee whiz. You have quite a "thing" for me as you drop my name in various posts.

I find that really creepy.
Is it as creepy as him stalking some 19yr old kid who doesnt know he exists on youtube and then bragging about it, and talking about his panties?
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you are referring to public education being the same as your church, the ruling is a separation to prevent establishment of any religion, the correct decision - the courts allow you your private religious schools that you seem illcontent to be grateful for. too bad for you.

"The Warren Court separated 'church' and state," BreezeWood said.

Spot let out a barking stream of laughter that went on and on.

“Laugh, Spot, Laugh at BreezeWood!” Jane giggled.

“See Spot laugh at BreezeWood,” said Dick.

Spot couldn’t stop laughing. He rolled onto his back and just laughed and laughed until his belly ached and tears streamed down his face.

“Oh, my goodness,” said Jane. “Are you okay, Spot?”

“Oh, I’m fine,” said Spot as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“Whew! Oh, my . . . just let me catch my breath.”

Dick chuckled.

“You see, children, BreezeWood is a naive simpleton,” Spot observed.

"But the Court allows persons to educate their children in private schools," Breezewood obtusely whimpered.

"Ah, yes," Spot chuckled. "Spoken like a true statist bootlck, a worm, an obedient little weazel, a good little conformist, a pliant little sneak of a fascist snitch."

"You see, children," Spot continued, "the leftist Warren Court empowered the government to impose the religion of humanism on the people in the public education system—the state's church!—instead of ordering the state schools to provide for a system of universal school choice per the imperatives of natural and constitutional law."

"But why did it do that?" Dick wondered as the light of day began to dawn on him.

BreezeWood mined his nose and played with the fuzz in his belly button.

"Well, Dick, the Bill of Rights were in the way of the government establishing a socialist indoctrination system for all the social engineering that was to come. . . ."

Mental masturbation.
Rather messy.

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