Atheism takes courage

Either an atheist, or an agnostic. But to say "There is no God" is not, in itself, a dogmatic statement. Are you familiar with the Null Hypothesis? Probably not, which is why you cannot understand that a statement can be one devoid of either intent, or belief. Reason doesn't require belief. Scientists don't hold hands on Sunday, singing, "Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart what goes up must come down! AMEN!" We know that gravity exists because the objective evidence says it does.

What I believe in is evidence. I will believe anything, regardless of how fantastic, or improbable, just so long as there is evidence to support it. However, the more outrageous a thing is, the more firm I require the evidence to be.

I thought it was "courageous" to be an atheist? Why not proudly proclaim yourself an atheist and stop with the semantics and k*nt act?
Have I said otherwise? I am an atheist. And just because I'm more intelligent than you are, making it impossible for you to rationally engage with me, don't get all butt hurt, throwing around crude words to make yourself seem tough. Here, maybe this will help:


Having to repeatedly say just how much smarter you are as you just did with K9Buck, and several other times in this thread. Shows me just how puerile and diffident your inner self worth and character must be , and need a puff up to justify to yourself .

One thing that came to mind is ...What is your coping mechanism when it comes to a tragedy? .. Do you not hope? This action alone shows someone has to trust.

Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Yes I agree worrying / fear is a big waste of time..When I find myself most stressed out is when I am fearing something out of my control.

Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Expect what?
Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

Do better.
I am tired and will answer one right now so you understand where I am coming from..and will answer the other one later..

As an addiction counselor in a rehab you try to give tools to those addicted to stay clean and sober..

The most important tool of all is learning to let go of what you have no control over...

Now in order to Let Go, you need to let it go to something other than yourself.. something larger than yourself which is what we call a Higher Power..

Now mind you, most come into rehab either not believing in a higher power, most are agnostic , no pressure..

Where / What do you turn your problems over to in order to let it go? ( Jim's Rule )

No you don't. That's just a lie weak people tell themselves to make themselves feel better. Letting something go simply means putting it out of your mind, and not wasting time worrying about it, any more. No "something greater" necessary. I don't hope for "something greater" to make those things for which I have no control to, magically, work out in my favour. Rather I do what I can about what I can, and let the rest go. I accept that those things over which I have no control will happen as they happen. Then, from there, I survey the landscape, and make new plans to deal with whatever I can deal with. No "something greater than myself" necessary.
No you don't. That's just a lie weak people tell themselves to make themselves feel better. Letting something go simply means putting it out of your mind, and not wasting time worrying about it, any more. No "something greater" necessary. I don't hope for "something greater" to make those things for which I have no control to, magically, work out in my favour. Rather I do what I can about what I can, and let the rest go. I accept that those things over which I have no control will happen as they happen. Then, from there, I survey the landscape, and make new plans to deal with whatever I can deal with. No "something greater than myself" necessary.

For me Hope is the feeling that that events will turn out the way they were meant to be ( This act is what letting things go is )... Basically the "What ever will be will be, kind of attitude" . But the only difference between you and I is when I turn it over I know what ever will be is in God's plan.
Not magically change a problem.. I do what I can about things too , and let the rest go .

I do feel that you had to have Hope in your heart surgeon.. You hoped that he was the best heart surgeon. You hope that the surgery works..

I have never in my life ever known a person to go under the knife like that and not have some fear...So you let it go to make yourself feel better as well.. it is not a sign of weakness at all.

It is a sign of processing what you are about to face..and every single person on this earth processes and goes through stages until you reach the Acceptance stage of your situation. That's a Fact Jack!

Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Expect what?
Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

Do better.

" successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

Dude that is exactly what Hope is..

Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Expect what?
Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

Do better.

" successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

Dude that is exactly what Hope is..


  1. 1.
    regard as probable; expect or predict.
    "she anticipated scorn on her return to the theater"
    synonyms: expect, foresee, predict, be prepared for, bargain on, reckon on;
    informalfigure on
    "we don't anticipate any trouble"
It takes common sense...Where is the evidence for god? There isn't.

It makes it even easier when believers abuse their beliefs and elect monsters into public office that hurt people. I see this and it turn me off from even considering relgiion.
The evidence clearly confirms the fact that there is no ‘god’ as perceived by theists.

Man created religion, the consequence of man becoming aware of his own mortality.

Man later created gods, and eventually the notion of a ‘god.’

And because religion and ‘god’ are creations of man, they possess the faults and failings of man – the religion and deities created by man are not worthy of reverence or worship.
See, this is why having a rational discussion with theists is impossible:

What do you call someone who says there is no "God"?
There is a ‘god’ as created by man.

But there is no extraterrestrial omnipotent entity that hears prayers, intercedes on behalf of adherents, and issues edicts of religious dogma one must obey lest the transgressor be consigned to punishment after death.

Such a ‘god’ in fact does not exist.
No you don't. That's just a lie weak people tell themselves to make themselves feel better. Letting something go simply means putting it out of your mind, and not wasting time worrying about it, any more. No "something greater" necessary. I don't hope for "something greater" to make those things for which I have no control to, magically, work out in my favour. Rather I do what I can about what I can, and let the rest go. I accept that those things over which I have no control will happen as they happen. Then, from there, I survey the landscape, and make new plans to deal with whatever I can deal with. No "something greater than myself" necessary.

For me Hope is the feeling that that events will turn out the way they were meant to be ( This act is what letting things go is )... Basically the "What ever will be will be, kind of attitude" . But the only difference between you and I is when I turn it over I know what ever will be is in God's plan.
Not magically change a problem.. I do what I can about things too , and let the rest go .

I do feel that you had to have Hope in your heart surgeon.. You hoped that he was the best heart surgeon. You hope that the surgery works..
You're feelings notwithstanding, you're wrong. I didn't hope shit. I knew, and I expected. I knew he was a competent surgeon, as he is rather well known here. I expected that the surgery would go well, as it is a rather standard surgery. Did I know it would go well? Of course not. Shit happens. But that is where the "...let the rest go" part comes from. It is useless to waste time stressing over things over which you have no control. You see, you are trying so hard to make me a man of emotion and faith like you. I hate to disappoint you, but I am a man of reason.

I have never in my life ever known a person to go under the knife like that and not have some fear...So you let it go to make yourself feel better as well.. it is not a sign of weakness at all.
Well, hi. Now you have. I was in too much pain to have any energy for fear. However, to your larger point, you seem to confuse confidence with lack of fear. Have I had times in my life when I was afraid? Sure. However, being afraid is no excuse to abandon reason. Reason, in fact, is the surest cure for fear. Because reason dictates that allowing fear to parylise is useless. Consider my heart surgery. Was there anything I could actually do to alter the outcome of the surgery with fear? Would praying to your mythical God magically alter the outcome of the surgery? Worst case scenario, if I were to die on the table, would fear have done anything to change that? The answer to all of those questions is "No". Therefore, giving in to fear would have accomplished nothing. I don't need a mythical supernatural protector to understand that fear is of no use.

It is a sign of processing what you are about to face..and every single person on this earth processes and goes through stages until you reach the Acceptance stage of your situation. That's a Fact Jack!
Acceptance of one's situation has nothing to do with abandoning reason, and giving in to superstition.
Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Expect what?
Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

Do better.

" successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

Dude that is exactly what Hope is..
No, it's not. "Hope" is the crutch of the unprepared. When I have a test to take, I can either study, and rationally anticipate doing well because I prepared, or I can party all night, and irrationally hope that I, magically, do well in spite of my lack of preparation.
Last edited:
Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Expect what?
Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

Do better.

" successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

Dude that is exactly what Hope is..


  1. 1.
    regard as probable; expect or predict.
    "she anticipated scorn on her return to the theater"
    synonyms: expect, foresee, predict, be prepared for, bargain on, reckon on;
    informalfigure on
    "we don't anticipate any trouble"
You'll notice that nowhere in there was hope used as a synonym. that is because anticipation is a result of being prepared for events. That is the difference.
  • Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

    Expect what?
    Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

    And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
    Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

    Do better.

    " successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

    Dude that is exactly what Hope is..


    1. 1.
      regard as probable; expect or predict.
      "she anticipated scorn on her return to the theater"
      synonyms: expect, foresee, predict, be prepared for, bargain on, reckon on;
      informalfigure on
      "we don't anticipate any trouble"
    You'll notice that nowhere in there was hope used as a synonym. that is because anticipation is a result of being prepared for events. That is the difference.

Let's go on.. Do you believe that evil exists..?

No you don't. That's just a lie weak people tell themselves to make themselves feel better. Letting something go simply means putting it out of your mind, and not wasting time worrying about it, any more. No "something greater" necessary. I don't hope for "something greater" to make those things for which I have no control to, magically, work out in my favour. Rather I do what I can about what I can, and let the rest go. I accept that those things over which I have no control will happen as they happen. Then, from there, I survey the landscape, and make new plans to deal with whatever I can deal with. No "something greater than myself" necessary.

For me Hope is the feeling that that events will turn out the way they were meant to be ( This act is what letting things go is )... Basically the "What ever will be will be, kind of attitude" . But the only difference between you and I is when I turn it over I know what ever will be is in God's plan.
Not magically change a problem.. I do what I can about things too , and let the rest go .

I do feel that you had to have Hope in your heart surgeon.. You hoped that he was the best heart surgeon. You hope that the surgery works..
You're feelings notwithstanding, you're wrong. I didn't hope shit. I knew, and I expected. I knew he was a competent surgeon, as he is rather well known here. I expected that the surgery would go well, as it is a rather standard surgery. Did I know it would go well? Of course not. Shit happens. But that is where the "...let the rest go" part comes from. It is useless to waste time stressing over things over which you have no control. You see, you are trying so hard to make me a man of emotion and faith like you. I hate to disappoint you, but I am a man of reason.

I have never in my life ever known a person to go under the knife like that and not have some fear...So you let it go to make yourself feel better as well.. it is not a sign of weakness at all.
Well, hi. Now you have. I was in too much pain to have any energy for fear. However, to your larger point, you seem to confuse confidence with lack of fear. Have I had times in my life when I was afraid? Sure. However, being afraid is no excuse to abandon reason. Reason, in fact, is the surest cure for fear. Because reason dictates that allowing fear to parylise is useless. Consider my heart surgery. Was there anything I could actually do to alter the outcome of the surgery with fear? Would praying to your mythical God magically alter the outcome of the surgery? Worst case scenario, if I were to die on the table, would fear have done anything to change that? The answer to all of those questions is "No". Therefore, giving in to fear would have accomplished nothing. I don't need a mythical supernatural protector to understand that fear is of no use.

It is a sign of processing what you are about to face..and every single person on this earth processes and goes through stages until you reach the Acceptance stage of your situation. That's a Fact Jack!
Acceptance of one's situation has nothing to do with abandoning reason, and giving in to superstition.

Like I said, fear is a stage that we all go through to find Acceptance..

Not always in order and sometimes people get stuck on one longer than the other.

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Depression
4. Bargaining
5 Acceptance

Anger is a response to fear — a response to a perceived or real threat. Anger feels like fearlessness, but it isn't. The fearlessness of anger is misleading, because angeris fear based.

As a cancer survivor x 2 I have studied many things in the last 6 year..I have sat with hundreds of dying or fighting while going through the very hard treatment..

Acceptance is finding peace with your situation..we all do it or you die because you can not handle it.

Being an atheist doesn't exclude a persons grief of the 5 stages that you are on your own deathbed with fear

It is not a christian only club..

And this is what everyone in that chemo room fought for..

" successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

Last edited:
  • Expect what?
    Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

    And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
    Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

    Do better.

    " successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

    Dude that is exactly what Hope is..


    1. 1.
      regard as probable; expect or predict.
      "she anticipated scorn on her return to the theater"
      synonyms: expect, foresee, predict, be prepared for, bargain on, reckon on;
      informalfigure on
      "we don't anticipate any trouble"
    You'll notice that nowhere in there was hope used as a synonym. that is because anticipation is a result of being prepared for events. That is the difference.
Let's go on.. Do you believe that evil exists..?

As a concept? Sure.
No you don't. That's just a lie weak people tell themselves to make themselves feel better. Letting something go simply means putting it out of your mind, and not wasting time worrying about it, any more. No "something greater" necessary. I don't hope for "something greater" to make those things for which I have no control to, magically, work out in my favour. Rather I do what I can about what I can, and let the rest go. I accept that those things over which I have no control will happen as they happen. Then, from there, I survey the landscape, and make new plans to deal with whatever I can deal with. No "something greater than myself" necessary.

For me Hope is the feeling that that events will turn out the way they were meant to be ( This act is what letting things go is )... Basically the "What ever will be will be, kind of attitude" . But the only difference between you and I is when I turn it over I know what ever will be is in God's plan.
Not magically change a problem.. I do what I can about things too , and let the rest go .

I do feel that you had to have Hope in your heart surgeon.. You hoped that he was the best heart surgeon. You hope that the surgery works..
You're feelings notwithstanding, you're wrong. I didn't hope shit. I knew, and I expected. I knew he was a competent surgeon, as he is rather well known here. I expected that the surgery would go well, as it is a rather standard surgery. Did I know it would go well? Of course not. Shit happens. But that is where the "...let the rest go" part comes from. It is useless to waste time stressing over things over which you have no control. You see, you are trying so hard to make me a man of emotion and faith like you. I hate to disappoint you, but I am a man of reason.

I have never in my life ever known a person to go under the knife like that and not have some fear...So you let it go to make yourself feel better as well.. it is not a sign of weakness at all.
Well, hi. Now you have. I was in too much pain to have any energy for fear. However, to your larger point, you seem to confuse confidence with lack of fear. Have I had times in my life when I was afraid? Sure. However, being afraid is no excuse to abandon reason. Reason, in fact, is the surest cure for fear. Because reason dictates that allowing fear to parylise is useless. Consider my heart surgery. Was there anything I could actually do to alter the outcome of the surgery with fear? Would praying to your mythical God magically alter the outcome of the surgery? Worst case scenario, if I were to die on the table, would fear have done anything to change that? The answer to all of those questions is "No". Therefore, giving in to fear would have accomplished nothing. I don't need a mythical supernatural protector to understand that fear is of no use.

It is a sign of processing what you are about to face..and every single person on this earth processes and goes through stages until you reach the Acceptance stage of your situation. That's a Fact Jack!
Acceptance of one's situation has nothing to do with abandoning reason, and giving in to superstition.

Like I said, fear is a stage that we all go through to find Acceptance..

Not always in order and sometimes people get stuck on one longer than the other.

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Depression
4. Bargaining
5 Acceptance

Anger is a response to fear — a response to a perceived or real threat. Anger feels like fearlessness, but it isn't. The fearlessness of anger is misleading, because angeris fear based.

As a cancer survivor x 2 I have studied many things in the last 6 year..I have sat with hundreds of dying or fighting while going through the very hard treatment..

Acceptance is finding peace with your situation..we all do it or you die because you can not handle it.

Being an atheist doesn't exclude a persons grief of the 5 stages that you are on your own deathbed with fear

It is not a christian only club..

And this is what everyone in that chemo room fought for..

" successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

Not sure what this has to do with your need for me to concede the existence of your mythical God. Acceptance has nothing to do with God. Incidentally, you are talking about the seven stages of grief. There's no such thing as the "seven stages of fear".
No you don't. That's just a lie weak people tell themselves to make themselves feel better. Letting something go simply means putting it out of your mind, and not wasting time worrying about it, any more. No "something greater" necessary. I don't hope for "something greater" to make those things for which I have no control to, magically, work out in my favour. Rather I do what I can about what I can, and let the rest go. I accept that those things over which I have no control will happen as they happen. Then, from there, I survey the landscape, and make new plans to deal with whatever I can deal with. No "something greater than myself" necessary.

For me Hope is the feeling that that events will turn out the way they were meant to be ( This act is what letting things go is )... Basically the "What ever will be will be, kind of attitude" . But the only difference between you and I is when I turn it over I know what ever will be is in God's plan.
Not magically change a problem.. I do what I can about things too , and let the rest go .

I do feel that you had to have Hope in your heart surgeon.. You hoped that he was the best heart surgeon. You hope that the surgery works..
You're feelings notwithstanding, you're wrong. I didn't hope shit. I knew, and I expected. I knew he was a competent surgeon, as he is rather well known here. I expected that the surgery would go well, as it is a rather standard surgery. Did I know it would go well? Of course not. Shit happens. But that is where the "...let the rest go" part comes from. It is useless to waste time stressing over things over which you have no control. You see, you are trying so hard to make me a man of emotion and faith like you. I hate to disappoint you, but I am a man of reason.

I have never in my life ever known a person to go under the knife like that and not have some fear...So you let it go to make yourself feel better as well.. it is not a sign of weakness at all.
Well, hi. Now you have. I was in too much pain to have any energy for fear. However, to your larger point, you seem to confuse confidence with lack of fear. Have I had times in my life when I was afraid? Sure. However, being afraid is no excuse to abandon reason. Reason, in fact, is the surest cure for fear. Because reason dictates that allowing fear to parylise is useless. Consider my heart surgery. Was there anything I could actually do to alter the outcome of the surgery with fear? Would praying to your mythical God magically alter the outcome of the surgery? Worst case scenario, if I were to die on the table, would fear have done anything to change that? The answer to all of those questions is "No". Therefore, giving in to fear would have accomplished nothing. I don't need a mythical supernatural protector to understand that fear is of no use.

It is a sign of processing what you are about to face..and every single person on this earth processes and goes through stages until you reach the Acceptance stage of your situation. That's a Fact Jack!
Acceptance of one's situation has nothing to do with abandoning reason, and giving in to superstition.

Like I said, fear is a stage that we all go through to find Acceptance..

Not always in order and sometimes people get stuck on one longer than the other.

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Depression
4. Bargaining
5 Acceptance

Anger is a response to fear — a response to a perceived or real threat. Anger feels like fearlessness, but it isn't. The fearlessness of anger is misleading, because angeris fear based.

As a cancer survivor x 2 I have studied many things in the last 6 year..I have sat with hundreds of dying or fighting while going through the very hard treatment..

Acceptance is finding peace with your situation..we all do it or you die because you can not handle it.

Being an atheist doesn't exclude a persons grief of the 5 stages that you are on your own deathbed with fear

It is not a christian only club..

And this is what everyone in that chemo room fought for..

" successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

Not sure what this has to do with your need for me to concede the existence of your mythical God. Acceptance has nothing to do with God. Incidentally, you are talking about the seven stages of grief. There's no such thing as the "seven stages of fear".

I am just trying to see how you tick son.
And I showed you how a christian can come to the successful resolution goal achievement as well..

Hope and Faith comes from deep meditation and I showed you a few pages back how the brain responds to deep meditation compared to someone who is an atheist not mediating going through the 5 stages of getting to acceptance of grief..

You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist , if you see the activity our brains in those scans I showed you, people with faith have brain scans that are more active ( consciously and subconsciously ) and like I said release the calming hormones into the body.

And this has been Scientifically Proven through brain scans and medical studies..

Either an atheist, or an agnostic. But to say "There is no God" is not, in itself, a dogmatic statement. Are you familiar with the Null Hypothesis? Probably not, which is why you cannot understand that a statement can be one devoid of either intent, or belief. Reason doesn't require belief. Scientists don't hold hands on Sunday, singing, "Yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart what goes up must come down! AMEN!" We know that gravity exists because the objective evidence says it does.

What I believe in is evidence. I will believe anything, regardless of how fantastic, or improbable, just so long as there is evidence to support it. However, the more outrageous a thing is, the more firm I require the evidence to be.

I thought it was "courageous" to be an atheist? Why not proudly proclaim yourself an atheist and stop with the semantics and k*nt act?
Have I said otherwise? I am an atheist. And just because I'm more intelligent than you are, making it impossible for you to rationally engage with me, don't get all butt hurt, throwing around crude words to make yourself seem tough. Here, maybe this will help:


Having to repeatedly say just how much smarter you are as you just did with K9Buck, and several other times in this thread. Shows me just how puerile and diffident your inner self worth and character must be , and need a puff up to justify to yourself .

One thing that came to mind is ...What is your coping mechanism when it comes to a tragedy? .. Do you not hope? This action alone shows someone has to trust.

Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Yes I agree worrying / fear is a big waste of time..When I find myself most stressed out is when I am fearing something out of my control.

Trust what? My "coping" mechanism is reason. Tragedy happens. That is the nature of life. Sometimes you're the pigeon, and sometimes you're the statue. I do not "hope". I expect. I plan. I execute. In the case of the loss of someone I care about, I grieve, and then I go on. "Hope" is meaningless. It is akin to "wishful thinking". Jim's rules #1: Do what you can about what you can, and let the rest go. "Hope", and "worry" are the flip sides of the same useless coin. Nothing is accomplished by either. Accomplishments are achieved by action not "hope".

Expect what?
Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

Do better.
I am tired and will answer one right now so you understand where I am coming from..and will answer the other one later..

As an addiction counselor in a rehab you try to give tools to those addicted to stay clean and sober..

The most important tool of all is learning to let go of what you have no control over...

Now in order to Let Go, you need to let it go to something other than yourself.. something larger than yourself which is what we call a Higher Power..

Now mind you, most come into rehab either not believing in a higher power, most are agnostic , no pressure..

Where / What do you turn your problems over to in order to let it go? ( Jim's Rule )

I lay in bed sometimes and wish there was a God I could let it go to. There isn't. I still let it go. To Fate, Karma, Destiny. What happens happens.
  • Expect what?
    Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

    And "Jim's Rule~ Let it go to what? I mean where do you let it go to?
    Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

    Do better.

    " successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

    Dude that is exactly what Hope is..


    1. 1.
      regard as probable; expect or predict.
      "she anticipated scorn on her return to the theater"
      synonyms: expect, foresee, predict, be prepared for, bargain on, reckon on;
      informalfigure on
      "we don't anticipate any trouble"
    You'll notice that nowhere in there was hope used as a synonym. that is because anticipation is a result of being prepared for events. That is the difference.
Let's go on.. Do you believe that evil exists..?

Some people are born evil, do they belong in Hell? I was born bi-polar. If I had not joined the Army and got my VA benefits I probably would've ended up in jail for killing someone or dead. Because I'm bi-polar and have no health care is that a reason to send me to Hell? I'm a good person now and I credit that to Risperidone and my real true self when I'm not overwhelmed by my own fear/hate emotions. Maybe Hitler would've been a Saint, if he just had the right medications when he was young.
You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist , if you see the activity our brains in those scans I showed you, people with faith have brain scans that are more active ( consciously and subconsciously ) and like I said release the calming hormones into the body.

The greater activity in the brain could just be an indication of being in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, the release of calming hormones a response to the discomfit of trying to profess ridiculous beliefs with a straight face that are contradicted by reality every day and night..
Last edited:
You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.
You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist , if you see the activity our brains in those scans I showed you, people with faith have brain scans that are more active ( consciously and subconsciously ) and like I said release the calming hormones into the body.

The greater activity in the brain could just be an indication of being in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, the release of calming hormones a response to the discomfit of trying to profess ridiculous beliefs with a straight face that are contradicted by reality every day and night..

Dude ,
  • Have you ever played...Chess...? Stratego...? Go...? Backgammon...? Any game of strategy? If you had, you would know that successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcomes. The prepared don't need to "hope", because they can expect, based on experience, and planning, what comes next.

    Now you're just being intentionally obtuse. I'm not going to waste my time explaining stupid questions.

    Do better.

    " successful resolution of goal achievement is to anticipate outcome"

    Dude that is exactly what Hope is..


    1. 1.
      regard as probable; expect or predict.
      "she anticipated scorn on her return to the theater"
      synonyms: expect, foresee, predict, be prepared for, bargain on, reckon on;
      informalfigure on
      "we don't anticipate any trouble"
    You'll notice that nowhere in there was hope used as a synonym. that is because anticipation is a result of being prepared for events. That is the difference.
Let's go on.. Do you believe that evil exists..?

Some people are born evil, do they belong in Hell? I was born bi-polar. If I had not joined the Army and got my VA benefits I probably would've ended up in jail for killing someone or dead. Because I'm bi-polar and have no health care is that a reason to send me to Hell? I'm a good person now and I credit that to Risperidone and my real true self when I'm not overwhelmed by my own fear/hate emotions. Maybe Hitler would've been a Saint, if he just had the right medications when he was young.

Having a chemical imbalance has nothing to do with evilness.. BTW I am thinking of you tomorrow..



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