Atheism takes courage

You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

After thought.. really pay attention to this because this may answer your question.

we have 2 significant parts of our brain... the Conscious part which talks to the Sub-Conscious to either quite down a behavior or continue a behavior by our outside influences..
Outside influences means what we feed our conscious on a daily basis.

Your decisions are made in your sub-conscious before your conscious even knows it.. ( link a few post back on how this is scientifically proven )

Your Sub-conscious is on while you sleep, and when you wake up your conscious turns off the autopilot and takes over.

I do feel that our un-conscious brain connects to God and our spirit , this is why many stories in the bible have God coming to them in a dream. Or people wake up from a family member saying they are ok after dying, or a person wakes up person can dream of their future and what they need to do.

When we wake up our conscious takes over and evaluates your surroundings ..this is why you forget dreams.

I honestly do believe people who have faith are connected with the sub-conscious by the stimuli of their experiences and studies.. .
While I do believe and atheist stays mostly in the conscious mode making decisions with what they see in front of them..

I can almost guarantee that this is what goes on..

I remember my dreams. I have several dreams a night. They aren't messages from God or anyone else. Though sometimes I question the Author of these dreams as some are really creative. I've died in a dream. I've reminded myself it was a dream while in a dream. I've had adventures in dream, some realistic, most not. The longer the dream last the more likely it splinters apart into ridiculousness because either I or the dreams creator forgets facts that were placed earlier in the dream.

In some dreams I knew the answer when the characters in the dream didn't. I've seen dream characters make stupid mistakes, the are not omnipotent. Sometimes though a character would remember a name of something that I've forgotten. That tells me I'm not the author.

Most dreams are cycling through the same thing over and over again going through all the possibilities. Makes me feel like a failure because there are more ways to fail then to succeed so most of my dreams is of failing then of succeeding.

I've woken up from a dream to find myself inches above my bed slamming down into the mattress. I've written books from my dreams, though never published.

They are not from God. Whoever makes them is imperfect. Sometimes they are creative, sometimes they are just plain stupid. Almost all of them follow my rules, I can't be harmed in a dream and I can't edit a dream at my discretion should I chose to do so. Even when I'm shot and killed in a dream I rematerialize in another body and continue on the dream in the new persona.

What do you mean " you found yourself several inches from your bed"? many times what you are feeling during the day can show up in a dream,many times to resolve it.

You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist , if you see the activity our brains in those scans I showed you, people with faith have brain scans that are more active ( consciously and subconsciously ) and like I said release the calming hormones into the body.

The greater activity in the brain could just be an indication of being in a perpetual state of cognitive dissonance, the release of calming hormones a response to the discomfit of trying to profess ridiculous beliefs with a straight face that are contradicted by reality every day and night..

Dude ,

Dude, if you are not making decisions consciously, I suggest that you take control of your own mind unless you don't care about being driven unaware by repressed emotions and base instincts like being driven around through life with a monkey at the wheel...

LOL.. Read the link monkey... everyone of us make decisions Sub-Consciously before your Conscious even knows it..Go back and read that proven fact in the link I first gave you..

Sometimes you're on auto pilot. But you can take control if you chose to do so. People with anger management issues say it was out of their control. But it isn't, if you chose to control it.

Choice is from the Conscious part of your brain... and God gave us free choice.

...trying to profess ridiculous beliefs with a straight face that are contradicted by reality every day and night..

You mean like that the universe made itself, right? You gotta laugh at the atheists that think they're the smartest guys in the room when, in reality, they're dumb as a fucking brick. LOL. Thanks for the laugh!

No one argues that the universe ‘created itself’ – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Theists are masters of the appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origin of the universe might remain unknown doesn’t mean the ‘answer’ is ‘god.’

Not to mention that the story of Genesis upon which believers base their faith that God created the universe by speaking isn't even about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals or human beings...

The most astonishing thing about the whole damn thing is that when believers who profess to know the truth hear the truth they don't have the faith in the brains that God gave them to accept it.....
What is a day, prior to the creation of the Universe?

A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

The very same things that are difficult when a person is confused are made easy though comprehension.
...trying to profess ridiculous beliefs with a straight face that are contradicted by reality every day and night..

You mean like that the universe made itself, right? You gotta laugh at the atheists that think they're the smartest guys in the room when, in reality, they're dumb as a fucking brick. LOL. Thanks for the laugh!

No one argues that the universe ‘created itself’ – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Theists are masters of the appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origin of the universe might remain unknown doesn’t mean the ‘answer’ is ‘god.’

Not to mention that the story of Genesis upon which believers base their faith that God created the universe by speaking isn't even about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals or human beings...

The most astonishing thing about the whole damn thing is that when believers who profess to know the truth hear the truth they don't have the faith in the brains that God gave them to accept it.....
What is a day, prior to the creation of the Universe?

A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

After thought.. really pay attention to this because this may answer your question.

we have 2 significant parts of our brain... the Conscious part which talks to the Sub-Conscious to either quite down a behavior or continue a behavior by our outside influences..
Outside influences means what we feed our conscious on a daily basis.

Your decisions are made in your sub-conscious before your conscious even knows it.. ( link a few post back on how this is scientifically proven )

Your Sub-conscious is on while you sleep, and when you wake up your conscious turns off the autopilot and takes over.

I do feel that our un-conscious brain connects to God and our spirit , this is why many stories in the bible have God coming to them in a dream. Or people wake up from a family member saying they are ok after dying, or a person wakes up person can dream of their future and what they need to do.

When we wake up our conscious takes over and evaluates your surroundings ..this is why you forget dreams.

I honestly do believe people who have faith are connected with the sub-conscious by the stimuli of their experiences and studies.. .
While I do believe and atheist stays mostly in the conscious mode making decisions with what they see in front of them..

I can almost guarantee that this is what goes on..

I remember my dreams. I have several dreams a night. They aren't messages from God or anyone else. Though sometimes I question the Author of these dreams as some are really creative. I've died in a dream. I've reminded myself it was a dream while in a dream. I've had adventures in dream, some realistic, most not. The longer the dream last the more likely it splinters apart into ridiculousness because either I or the dreams creator forgets facts that were placed earlier in the dream.

In some dreams I knew the answer when the characters in the dream didn't. I've seen dream characters make stupid mistakes, the are not omnipotent. Sometimes though a character would remember a name of something that I've forgotten. That tells me I'm not the author.

Most dreams are cycling through the same thing over and over again going through all the possibilities. Makes me feel like a failure because there are more ways to fail then to succeed so most of my dreams is of failing then of succeeding.

I've woken up from a dream to find myself inches above my bed slamming down into the mattress. I've written books from my dreams, though never published.

They are not from God. Whoever makes them is imperfect. Sometimes they are creative, sometimes they are just plain stupid. Almost all of them follow my rules, I can't be harmed in a dream and I can't edit a dream at my discretion should I chose to do so. Even when I'm shot and killed in a dream I rematerialize in another body and continue on the dream in the new persona.

What do you mean " you found yourself several inches from your bed"? many times what you are feeling during the day can show up in a dream,many times to resolve it.

I woke up in mid air while falling back into my bed.
Sometimes what I do in life shows up in dreams. Sometimes it has nothing to do with what I did or saw while awake.
You mean like that the universe made itself, right? You gotta laugh at the atheists that think they're the smartest guys in the room when, in reality, they're dumb as a fucking brick. LOL. Thanks for the laugh!

No one argues that the universe ‘created itself’ – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Theists are masters of the appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origin of the universe might remain unknown doesn’t mean the ‘answer’ is ‘god.’

Not to mention that the story of Genesis upon which believers base their faith that God created the universe by speaking isn't even about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals or human beings...

The most astonishing thing about the whole damn thing is that when believers who profess to know the truth hear the truth they don't have the faith in the brains that God gave them to accept it.....
What is a day, prior to the creation of the Universe?

A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english, people don't float up into the clouds after they die, and storks don't deliver babies when I was 8 years old.
Whats taking you so long?
Last edited:
You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

Most people with faith didn't just wake up in the morning and poof they believed .. it took searching for answers. Even the 12 disciples had lack of faith, until Jesus in the spirit came to them after 3 days dead..

Many were atheists , and agnostics who did ask God that if indeed He is real , show them.
Again it was not a poof experience .
How do you know he came to them as spirit after 3 days dead?

Here is a good link to understand it.

‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 24 - New International Version


No one argues that the universe ‘created itself’ – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Theists are masters of the appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origin of the universe might remain unknown doesn’t mean the ‘answer’ is ‘god.’

Not to mention that the story of Genesis upon which believers base their faith that God created the universe by speaking isn't even about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals or human beings...

The most astonishing thing about the whole damn thing is that when believers who profess to know the truth hear the truth they don't have the faith in the brains that God gave them to accept it.....
What is a day, prior to the creation of the Universe?

A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english when I was 8 years old.

No fact dudes... Show me the facts to back yourself up.


No one argues that the universe ‘created itself’ – whatever that’s supposed to mean.

Theists are masters of the appeal to ignorance fallacy – that the origin of the universe might remain unknown doesn’t mean the ‘answer’ is ‘god.’

Not to mention that the story of Genesis upon which believers base their faith that God created the universe by speaking isn't even about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals or human beings...

The most astonishing thing about the whole damn thing is that when believers who profess to know the truth hear the truth they don't have the faith in the brains that God gave them to accept it.....
What is a day, prior to the creation of the Universe?

A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english, people don't float up into the clouds after they die, and storks don't deliver babies when I was 8 years old.
Whats taking you so long?
A day has not always been 24 hours long. The Earth's rotation has been slowly slowing down.

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past.
Earth's rotation - Wikipedia
Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english when I was 8 years old.

No fact dudes... Show me the facts to back yourself up.


You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

Most people with faith didn't just wake up in the morning and poof they believed .. it took searching for answers. Even the 12 disciples had lack of faith, until Jesus in the spirit came to them after 3 days dead..

Many were atheists , and agnostics who did ask God that if indeed He is real , show them.
Again it was not a poof experience .
How do you know he came to them as spirit after 3 days dead?

Here is a good link to understand it.

‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 24 - New International Version

So because you read it in a book that makes it true?
I got a book about Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, or Dianetics for that matter. The only difference is in when that book was written. In all cases they were all written by men.
Not to mention that the story of Genesis upon which believers base their faith that God created the universe by speaking isn't even about the creation of the universe, the solar system, the earth, the first plants, animals or human beings...

The most astonishing thing about the whole damn thing is that when believers who profess to know the truth hear the truth they don't have the faith in the brains that God gave them to accept it.....
What is a day, prior to the creation of the Universe?

A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english, people don't float up into the clouds after they die, and storks don't deliver babies when I was 8 years old.
Whats taking you so long?
A day has not always been 24 hours long. The Earth's rotation has been slowly slowing down.

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past.
Earth's rotation - Wikipedia

Thanks professor...

still, a day is a day and has been for billions of years give or take a few milliseconds.....
What is a day, prior to the creation of the Universe?

A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english, people don't float up into the clouds after they die, and storks don't deliver babies when I was 8 years old.
Whats taking you so long?
A day has not always been 24 hours long. The Earth's rotation has been slowly slowing down.

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past.
Earth's rotation - Wikipedia

Thanks professor...

still, a day is a day and has been for billions of years give or take a few milliseconds.....
Back to my point. How long was a day before the Earth was created, before the Sun was placed in the sky, before the division between night and day was miraculously provided for us by Almighty God?
A day has always been the same.

However going through a day in a state of confusion, anger, and despair is by far much longer and harder than going through a day in a state of peace love and understanding....

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english, people don't float up into the clouds after they die, and storks don't deliver babies when I was 8 years old.
Whats taking you so long?
A day has not always been 24 hours long. The Earth's rotation has been slowly slowing down.

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past.
Earth's rotation - Wikipedia

Thanks professor...

still, a day is a day and has been for billions of years give or take a few milliseconds.....
Back to my point. How long was a day before the Earth was created, before the Sun was placed in the sky, before the division between night and day was miraculously provided for us by Almighty God?

I see.

The creation of heaven and earth happened only a few thousand years ago and has nothing whatever to do with the creation of the solar system.

To ask me how long a day was before that would be like asking me how long a day was before the discovery of America..

You should ask someone who thinks that Genesis is a story about something going on before there was a planet.
You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

Most people with faith didn't just wake up in the morning and poof they believed .. it took searching for answers. Even the 12 disciples had lack of faith, until Jesus in the spirit came to them after 3 days dead..

Many were atheists , and agnostics who did ask God that if indeed He is real , show them.
Again it was not a poof experience .
How do you know he came to them as spirit after 3 days dead?

Here is a good link to understand it.

‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 24 - New International Version

So because you read it in a book that makes it true?
I got a book about Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, or Dianetics for that matter. The only difference is in when that book was written. In all cases they were all written by men.

These parables were written by the disciples to the churches and people about Jesus returning.. With our new advanced technology we are finding things that date back

Show me some facts on a Day always being a Day... were you there?

Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english, people don't float up into the clouds after they die, and storks don't deliver babies when I was 8 years old.
Whats taking you so long?
A day has not always been 24 hours long. The Earth's rotation has been slowly slowing down.

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past.
Earth's rotation - Wikipedia

Thanks professor...

still, a day is a day and has been for billions of years give or take a few milliseconds.....
Back to my point. How long was a day before the Earth was created, before the Sun was placed in the sky, before the division between night and day was miraculously provided for us by Almighty God?

I see.

The creation of heaven and earth happened only a few thousand years ago and has nothing whatever to do with the creation of the solar system.

To ask me how long a day was before that would be like asking me how long a day was before the discovery of America..

You should ask someone who thinks that Genesis is a story about something going on before there was a planet.


Lets see some facts to back yourself far its Blah Blah Blah

You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

After thought.. really pay attention to this because this may answer your question.

we have 2 significant parts of our brain... the Conscious part which talks to the Sub-Conscious to either quite down a behavior or continue a behavior by our outside influences..
Outside influences means what we feed our conscious on a daily basis.

Your decisions are made in your sub-conscious before your conscious even knows it.. ( link a few post back on how this is scientifically proven )

Your Sub-conscious is on while you sleep, and when you wake up your conscious turns off the autopilot and takes over.

I do feel that our un-conscious brain connects to God and our spirit , this is why many stories in the bible have God coming to them in a dream. Or people wake up from a family member saying they are ok after dying, or a person wakes up person can dream of their future and what they need to do.

When we wake up our conscious takes over and evaluates your surroundings ..this is why you forget dreams.

I honestly do believe people who have faith are connected with the sub-conscious by the stimuli of their experiences and studies.. .
While I do believe and atheist stays mostly in the conscious mode making decisions with what they see in front of them..

I can almost guarantee that this is what goes on..

You know, it's interesting that you should mention the subconscious, because the subconscious is also responsible for nearly all magical thinking, such as Wade Boggs believing that the reason his batting average was so good because he ate chicken before every game. "There are many layers of belief," psychologist Carol Nemeroff says. "And the answer for many people, especially with regard to magic, is, 'Most of me doesn't believe but some of me does.'" People will often acknowledge their gut reaction and say it makes no sense to act on it—but do it anyway. Other times, they'll incorporate superstition into their worldview alongside other explanations. "For example," says Susan Gelman, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, "God puts you in the path of an HIV-positive lover, but biology causes you to contract the virus from his semen."

So, the question still remains, if one is rational enough to recognise the fantasy of superstitions, which also have their root in our subconscious, why are they incapable of recognising the equally irrational basis of God mythologies?
Yes, I was there because I am here. 24 hours on earth has always been 24 hours on earth. I didn't have to be alive for millions of years to know what reality is and has always been like on earth.

I knew animals don't talk english, people don't float up into the clouds after they die, and storks don't deliver babies when I was 8 years old.
Whats taking you so long?
A day has not always been 24 hours long. The Earth's rotation has been slowly slowing down.

The Earth rotates once in about 24 hours with respect to the sun and once every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds with respect to the stars (see below). Earth's rotation is slowing slightly with time; thus, a day was shorter in the past.
Earth's rotation - Wikipedia

Thanks professor...

still, a day is a day and has been for billions of years give or take a few milliseconds.....
Back to my point. How long was a day before the Earth was created, before the Sun was placed in the sky, before the division between night and day was miraculously provided for us by Almighty God?

I see.

The creation of heaven and earth happened only a few thousand years ago and has nothing whatever to do with the creation of the solar system.

To ask me how long a day was before that would be like asking me how long a day was before the discovery of America..

You should ask someone who thinks that Genesis is a story about something going on before there was a planet.


Lets see some facts to back yourself far its Blah Blah Blah

How long ago was it that God gave the law as a light to the nations by speaking it into existence?

Thats when heaven and earth were established as two realms of conscious human existence on earth.

Don't you already claim to believe that God gave the Law as a light to the nations? What other kind of light can be spoken into existence?

The sun?

Don't be silly...
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You seem to think that a christian is less intelligent than a atheist..

No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

Most people with faith didn't just wake up in the morning and poof they believed .. it took searching for answers. Even the 12 disciples had lack of faith, until Jesus in the spirit came to them after 3 days dead..

Many were atheists , and agnostics who did ask God that if indeed He is real , show them.
Again it was not a poof experience .
How do you know he came to them as spirit after 3 days dead?
The problem is that Eaglewings ' description of Jesus coming to his followers "in the spirit" disputes the account of his own Holy Book. The Bible makes it clear that Jesus showed up, three days after his death, physically, not spiritually. There was even an account where he had one of them play with his wounds with their finger (picture that in your mind for a sec: "Here, Tommy. Wiggle that finger around in my wound. You know you want to..." Ew!)

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