Atheism takes courage

So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..
Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams
Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.

Thanks for the apology, impressive.. and I apologise if I confused you..
Right, dreams don't heal physical...but like I said before dreams can bring enlightenment such as visions of songs, books, paintings from the subconscious.
And most of all God is in our subconscious ..I truly feel this is true by my researching for this thread..

And a atheist then uses the conscious for reason when they wake up from sleep...while the spiritual person feels the connection.

And therein still lies my problem. I understand what you are saying, and, more or less, think I agree. What I don't understand, still, is how that works. I mean these, otherwise intelligent people, yourself included as near as I can tell, are perfectly capable of separating the silliness, and nonsense of the subconscious, such as superstitions, and irrational fears. We even go so far as seeking professional help in assisting us in ridding ourselves of subconscious desires, and anxieties that we recognise as irrational, and unhealthy. Yet, these same intelligent people are incapable of recognising the God myths that "speak to them" (for lack of a better term) in their dreams as equally irrational, and unhealthy. And, yes, I do believe that religion is unhealthy. Just look at all of the wars, and atrocities that have been perpetrated by the "truly faithful". You can say that they didn't "really" understand their religion, but they certainly believed, with all of their hearts, that they did. Look at what happens to homosexuals, women, and perceived heretics today, in Muslim nations. So, yes. I do perceive religion as harmful, and dangerous.
So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..
Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams
Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.

Thanks for the apology, impressive.. and I apologise if I confused you..
Right, dreams don't heal physical...but like I said before dreams can bring enlightenment such as visions of songs, books, paintings from the subconscious.
And most of all God is in our subconscious ..I truly feel this is true by my researching for this thread..

And a atheist then uses the conscious for reason when they wake up from sleep...while the spiritual person feels the connection.

And therein still lies my problem. I understand what you are saying, and, more or less, think I agree. What I don't understand, still, is how that works. I mean these, otherwise intelligent people, yourself included as near as I can tell, are perfectly capable of separating the silliness, and nonsense of the subconscious, such as superstitions, and irrational fears. We even go so far as seeking professional help in assisting us in ridding ourselves of subconscious desires, and anxieties that we recognise as irrational, and unhealthy. Yet, these same intelligent people are incapable of recognising the God myths that "speak to them" (for lack of a better term) in their dreams as equally irrational, and unhealthy. And, yes, I do believe that religion is unhealthy. Just look at all of the wars, and atrocities that have been perpetrated by the "truly faithful". You can say that they didn't "really" understand their religion, but they certainly believed, with all of their hearts, that they did. Look at what happens to homosexuals, women, and perceived heretics today, in Muslim nations. So, yes. I do perceive religion as harmful, and dangerous.

Yes I do agree, and for me religion is man made up rules to use the bible to hate and kill.. a person is given the Holy Spirit to guide them..not a preacher on TV taking their money.

For instance: After 9/11 stupid religious leader Jerry Farwell said all over the news that this happened because of the gay people..this kook is representing the christians..
Or big time yuck 700 club religous nut Pat Robertson is evil in my opinion. He has all of these extreme republicans brainwashed to vote a certain way or they are not a christian..
People do get sucked into that nonsense...

So the answer to your question is some lost christians listen to other people for acceptance and not God.

Look at Jim Jones , or Charles Manson and the power they had over people..Murder and Suicide. and well yes wars.

I have met many strong intelligent christians who are rational people.
May I suggest writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up with a pen and paper just to see what your subconscious is telling you before your conscious takes over...I am going to just for fun research.



So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..
Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams
Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.

Thanks for the apology, impressive.. and I apologise if I confused you..
Right, dreams don't heal physical...but like I said before dreams can bring enlightenment such as visions of songs, books, paintings from the subconscious.
And most of all God is in our subconscious ..I truly feel this is true by my researching for this thread..

And a atheist then uses the conscious for reason when they wake up from sleep...while the spiritual person feels the connection.

And therein still lies my problem. I understand what you are saying, and, more or less, think I agree. What I don't understand, still, is how that works. I mean these, otherwise intelligent people, yourself included as near as I can tell, are perfectly capable of separating the silliness, and nonsense of the subconscious, such as superstitions, and irrational fears. We even go so far as seeking professional help in assisting us in ridding ourselves of subconscious desires, and anxieties that we recognise as irrational, and unhealthy. Yet, these same intelligent people are incapable of recognising the God myths that "speak to them" (for lack of a better term) in their dreams as equally irrational, and unhealthy. And, yes, I do believe that religion is unhealthy. Just look at all of the wars, and atrocities that have been perpetrated by the "truly faithful". You can say that they didn't "really" understand their religion, but they certainly believed, with all of their hearts, that they did. Look at what happens to homosexuals, women, and perceived heretics today, in Muslim nations. So, yes. I do perceive religion as harmful, and dangerous.

Yes I do agree, and for me religion is man made up rules to use the bible to hate and kill.. a person is given the Holy Spirit to guide them..not a preacher on TV taking their money.

For instance: After 9/11 stupid religious leader Jerry Farwell said all over the news that this happened because of the gay people..this kook is representing the christians..
Or big time yuck 700 club religous nut Pat Robertson is evil in my opinion. He has all of these extreme republicans brainwashed to vote a certain way or they are not a christian..
People do get sucked into that nonsense...

So the answer to your question is some lost christians listen to other people for acceptance and not God.

Look at Jim Jones , or Charles Manson and the power they had over people..Murder and Suicide. and well yes wars.

I have met many strong intelligent christians who are rational people.
May I suggest writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up with a pen and paper just to see what your subconscious is telling you before your conscious takes over...I am going to just for fun research.



Look, I have danced this dance before. Trust me when I tell you that, whether you recognise it, or not, you participate in a religion. I know, I know. "It's a personal relationship". You are allowed to feel that way, and you may believe that it is. At the very least, it is also a religion. So, do us both a favour, and don't insult my intelligence by pretending that you do not participate in a religion.
So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..
Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams
Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.

Thanks for the apology, impressive.. and I apologise if I confused you..
Right, dreams don't heal physical...but like I said before dreams can bring enlightenment such as visions of songs, books, paintings from the subconscious.
And most of all God is in our subconscious ..I truly feel this is true by my researching for this thread..

And a atheist then uses the conscious for reason when they wake up from sleep...while the spiritual person feels the connection.

And therein still lies my problem. I understand what you are saying, and, more or less, think I agree. What I don't understand, still, is how that works. I mean these, otherwise intelligent people, yourself included as near as I can tell, are perfectly capable of separating the silliness, and nonsense of the subconscious, such as superstitions, and irrational fears. We even go so far as seeking professional help in assisting us in ridding ourselves of subconscious desires, and anxieties that we recognise as irrational, and unhealthy. Yet, these same intelligent people are incapable of recognising the God myths that "speak to them" (for lack of a better term) in their dreams as equally irrational, and unhealthy. And, yes, I do believe that religion is unhealthy. Just look at all of the wars, and atrocities that have been perpetrated by the "truly faithful". You can say that they didn't "really" understand their religion, but they certainly believed, with all of their hearts, that they did. Look at what happens to homosexuals, women, and perceived heretics today, in Muslim nations. So, yes. I do perceive religion as harmful, and dangerous.

Yes I do agree, and for me religion is man made up rules to use the bible to hate and kill.. a person is given the Holy Spirit to guide them..not a preacher on TV taking their money.

For instance: After 9/11 stupid religious leader Jerry Farwell said all over the news that this happened because of the gay people..this kook is representing the christians..
Or big time yuck 700 club religous nut Pat Robertson is evil in my opinion. He has all of these extreme republicans brainwashed to vote a certain way or they are not a christian..
People do get sucked into that nonsense...

So the answer to your question is some lost christians listen to other people for acceptance and not God.

Look at Jim Jones , or Charles Manson and the power they had over people..Murder and Suicide. and well yes wars.

I have met many strong intelligent christians who are rational people.
May I suggest writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up with a pen and paper just to see what your subconscious is telling you before your conscious takes over...I am going to just for fun research.



Look, I have danced this dance before. Trust me when I tell you that, whether you recognise it, or not, you participate in a religion. I know, I know. "It's a personal relationship". You are allowed to feel that way, and you may believe that it is. At the very least, it is also a religion. So, do us both a favour, and don't insult my intelligence by pretending that you do not participate in a religion.

I feel connected to Jesus, and I feel many of the parables in the bible are from Jesus to teach us that we don't need man made rules..

Here is something I found which I feel is how I see it..For me God is my higher power..

Religions attempt to gain access to a higher power in the hope of improving your life’s condition. This usually means sending out your prayers to the deity of your choice, hope that you’re heard, then have the firm belief that something will happen. Spirituality involves the attempt to focus your mind to gain access to the higher power within yourself in the hope of improving your life’s condition. This usually means meditating to send your thoughts to the Universe in general, hope that it hears you, then have the firm belief that something will happen.

Are You 'Spiritual' but Not Religious? | HuffPost
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.

Thanks for the apology, impressive.. and I apologise if I confused you..
Right, dreams don't heal physical...but like I said before dreams can bring enlightenment such as visions of songs, books, paintings from the subconscious.
And most of all God is in our subconscious ..I truly feel this is true by my researching for this thread..

And a atheist then uses the conscious for reason when they wake up from sleep...while the spiritual person feels the connection.

And therein still lies my problem. I understand what you are saying, and, more or less, think I agree. What I don't understand, still, is how that works. I mean these, otherwise intelligent people, yourself included as near as I can tell, are perfectly capable of separating the silliness, and nonsense of the subconscious, such as superstitions, and irrational fears. We even go so far as seeking professional help in assisting us in ridding ourselves of subconscious desires, and anxieties that we recognise as irrational, and unhealthy. Yet, these same intelligent people are incapable of recognising the God myths that "speak to them" (for lack of a better term) in their dreams as equally irrational, and unhealthy. And, yes, I do believe that religion is unhealthy. Just look at all of the wars, and atrocities that have been perpetrated by the "truly faithful". You can say that they didn't "really" understand their religion, but they certainly believed, with all of their hearts, that they did. Look at what happens to homosexuals, women, and perceived heretics today, in Muslim nations. So, yes. I do perceive religion as harmful, and dangerous.

Yes I do agree, and for me religion is man made up rules to use the bible to hate and kill.. a person is given the Holy Spirit to guide them..not a preacher on TV taking their money.

For instance: After 9/11 stupid religious leader Jerry Farwell said all over the news that this happened because of the gay people..this kook is representing the christians..
Or big time yuck 700 club religous nut Pat Robertson is evil in my opinion. He has all of these extreme republicans brainwashed to vote a certain way or they are not a christian..
People do get sucked into that nonsense...

So the answer to your question is some lost christians listen to other people for acceptance and not God.

Look at Jim Jones , or Charles Manson and the power they had over people..Murder and Suicide. and well yes wars.

I have met many strong intelligent christians who are rational people.
May I suggest writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up with a pen and paper just to see what your subconscious is telling you before your conscious takes over...I am going to just for fun research.



Look, I have danced this dance before. Trust me when I tell you that, whether you recognise it, or not, you participate in a religion. I know, I know. "It's a personal relationship". You are allowed to feel that way, and you may believe that it is. At the very least, it is also a religion. So, do us both a favour, and don't insult my intelligence by pretending that you do not participate in a religion.

I feel connected to Jesus, and I feel many of the parables in the bible are from Jesus to teach us that we don't need man made rules..

Here is something I found which I feel is how I see it..For me God is my higher power..

Religions attempt to gain access to a higher power in the hope of improving your life’s condition. This usually means sending out your prayers to the deity of your choice, hope that you’re heard, then have the firm belief that something will happen. Spirituality involves the attempt to focus your mind to gain access to the higher power within yourself in the hope of improving your life’s condition. This usually means meditating to send your thoughts to the Universe in general, hope that it hears you, then have the firm belief that something will happen.

Are You 'Spiritual' but Not Religious? | HuffPost
Wait..I need to read that with a fresh mind in the morning..because according to this I am
EH GOODBYE ~ First of all, I'm not a moron
Secondly, I don't give a flying fuck
that you're an addiction counselor

I don't even know where to begin with your bs

There...there's your fucking link

What the mind dwells on, the body acts on

If we have no control over our subconscious thoughts,
what the fuck does our consciousness have to do with anything...

Our subconscious thoughts don't make our decisions,
we consciously make our choices

Yeah, well...guess what
That is the biggest crock of shit!

That excuses them from any accountability

Addicts are not powerless...
that concept renders them powerless.

Rehabs have taken Gods principles,
and made them their own...
and made sobriety conditional

Addiction is not a disease, it is a choice
An addict is forever, and we choose,
whether or not, addiction will be

Your comment is a typical comment of a Dumbass know it all who really doesn't know what the hell they are talking about..

1. Addiction is a disease that changes the brain forever. What you are talking about is abuse where it has not changed the brain yet..
( abusing drugs and being an addict are 2 different things}

Once the brain has changed completely it becomes part of us, just as much as the body needing water. Detoxing quiets down the physical cravings but the mental cravings will be there for the rest of your life.

2.Most rehabs do not push God unless if it is a upfront a christian rehab..but they do encourage you to find a higher power which could mean a doorknob.

3. Most people especially those who have been through detox need to focus on recovery 24/7 and make a conscious focus (choice) on recovery because of the brain change , otherwise they would be on their way to relapse from the subconscious parts of our brains ( which is where our deep decisions come from once our brain has changed ) The subconscious makes our decisions way before our conscious even realizes it.. which is what a relapse mode is called, and could have been triggered months before and we had no idea ... For instance : someone going back to their old scene where they once used the drugs 3 months before they relapsed.

Learning tools is the most vital part of staying sober... again their are people who abuse drugs and can quit on their own , some are able to quit addiction on their own )..But will be what we consider a dry drunk still carrying the characteristics of someone still using drugs..Because their brain has changed forever...

So this is what "What the mind dwells on the body acts on " means.
Especially for an addict.

Now give me a factual link that our our subconscious doesn't mack our decisions moron..What you can't find one..?

Haaa Haaa :slap::badgrin:
Your comment is a typical comment of a Dumbass know it all who really doesn't know what the hell they are talking about..
No darling...your comment is typical of
a dumbass, know it all, who really doesn't know
what the fuck they are talking about!

You think going to school and a license
makes you an authority on addictive behavior....
it doesn't!

You think learning about how the brain functions
puts you in a better position to know drug addiction
then someone who has, been there, done that.
1. Addiction is a disease that changes the brain forever. What you are talking about is abuse where it has not changed the brain yet..
( abusing drugs and being an addict are 2 different things}
What you are talking about, I have not a clue
What I do know is, you contradict yourself

So, do tell me, what is the difference between
abusing drugs and addiction?

Furthermore, at what point
does drug use change the brain?

Further still, how is the brain forever changed?
Once the brain has changed completely it becomes part of us, just as much as the body needing water. Detoxing quiets down the physical cravings but the mental cravings will be there for the rest of your life.
3. Most people especially those who have been through detox need to focus on recovery 24/7 and make a conscious focus (choice) on recovery because of the brain change , otherwise they would be on their way to relapse from the subconscious parts of our brains ( which is where our deep decisions come from once our brain has changed ) The subconscious makes our decisions way before our conscious even realizes it.. which is what a relapse mode is called, and could have been triggered months before and we had no idea ... For instance : someone going back to their old scene where they once used the drugs 3 months before they relapsed.
And, here is where you contradict yourself

If the subconscious part of a drug addicts brain,
already made their decision to use, how is it
they are able to make a conscious decision not to?
2.Most rehabs do not push God unless if it is a upfront a christian rehab..but they do encourage you to find a higher power which could mean a doorknob.
Yep, an addict is powerless but the almighty doorknob....
an addict can stop using drugs
if only they would surrender to a doorknob

You're the dumbass...and the weakest link
Good bye
EH GOODBYE ~ First of all, I'm not a moron
Secondly, I don't give a flying fuck
that you're an addiction counselor

I don't even know where to begin with your bs

There...there's your fucking link

What the mind dwells on, the body acts on

If we have no control over our subconscious thoughts,
what the fuck does our consciousness have to do with anything...

Our subconscious thoughts don't make our decisions,
we consciously make our choices

Yeah, well...guess what
That is the biggest crock of shit!

That excuses them from any accountability

Addicts are not powerless...
that concept renders them powerless.

Rehabs have taken Gods principles,
and made them their own...
and made sobriety conditional

Addiction is not a disease, it is a choice
An addict is forever, and we choose,
whether or not, addiction will be

Your comment is a typical comment of a Dumbass know it all who really doesn't know what the hell they are talking about..

1. Addiction is a disease that changes the brain forever. What you are talking about is abuse where it has not changed the brain yet..
( abusing drugs and being an addict are 2 different things}

Once the brain has changed completely it becomes part of us, just as much as the body needing water. Detoxing quiets down the physical cravings but the mental cravings will be there for the rest of your life.

2.Most rehabs do not push God unless if it is a upfront a christian rehab..but they do encourage you to find a higher power which could mean a doorknob.

3. Most people especially those who have been through detox need to focus on recovery 24/7 and make a conscious focus (choice) on recovery because of the brain change , otherwise they would be on their way to relapse from the subconscious parts of our brains ( which is where our deep decisions come from once our brain has changed ) The subconscious makes our decisions way before our conscious even realizes it.. which is what a relapse mode is called, and could have been triggered months before and we had no idea ... For instance : someone going back to their old scene where they once used the drugs 3 months before they relapsed.

Learning tools is the most vital part of staying sober... again their are people who abuse drugs and can quit on their own , some are able to quit addiction on their own )..But will be what we consider a dry drunk still carrying the characteristics of someone still using drugs..Because their brain has changed forever...

So this is what "What the mind dwells on the body acts on " means.
Especially for an addict.

Now give me a factual link that our our subconscious doesn't mack our decisions moron..What you can't find one..?

Haaa Haaa :slap::badgrin:
Your comment is a typical comment of a Dumbass know it all who really doesn't know what the hell they are talking about..
No darling...your comment is typical of
a dumbass, know it all, who really doesn't know
what the fuck they are talking about!

You think going to school and a license
makes you an authority on addictive behavior....
it doesn't!

You think learning about how the brain functions
puts you in a better position to know drug addiction
then someone who has, been there, done that.
1. Addiction is a disease that changes the brain forever. What you are talking about is abuse where it has not changed the brain yet..
( abusing drugs and being an addict are 2 different things}
What you are talking about, I have not a clue
What I do know is, you contradict yourself

So, do tell me, what is the difference between
abusing drugs and addiction?

Furthermore, at what point
does drug use change the brain?

Further still, how is the brain forever changed?
Once the brain has changed completely it becomes part of us, just as much as the body needing water. Detoxing quiets down the physical cravings but the mental cravings will be there for the rest of your life.
3. Most people especially those who have been through detox need to focus on recovery 24/7 and make a conscious focus (choice) on recovery because of the brain change , otherwise they would be on their way to relapse from the subconscious parts of our brains ( which is where our deep decisions come from once our brain has changed ) The subconscious makes our decisions way before our conscious even realizes it.. which is what a relapse mode is called, and could have been triggered months before and we had no idea ... For instance : someone going back to their old scene where they once used the drugs 3 months before they relapsed.
And, here is where you contradict yourself

If the subconscious part of a drug addicts brain,
already made their decision to use, how is it
they are able to make a conscious decision not to?
2.Most rehabs do not push God unless if it is a upfront a christian rehab..but they do encourage you to find a higher power which could mean a doorknob.
Yep, an addict is powerless but the almighty doorknob....
an addict can stop using drugs
if only they would surrender to a doorknob

You're the dumbass...and the weakest link
Good bye

Sober Here... Been there, Done that

1. The difference between an abuser and an addict is the brain has changed to compensate itself.

Drugs release a feel good hormone out of the pleasure center of the brain every time you use drugs called Dopamine . The stronger the drug and the first time you use releases the most of the feel good hormone. So an abuser is always trying to get that original high...( more is needed )

Hard drugs like Meth, Heroin ect release the most hormones at one time which is why they go down faster ( ever see a meth user in just 3 months? Whereas a drinker can take longer and drink for years of abuse..but in time the alcohol drinker will need a drink just to feel this is when detox is needed.same as drugs

2. They are still baffled why someone can abuse drugs the same way as an addict yet don't get addicted, but they do think it is heredity...and your personal brain makeup.

3. An addict's brain after long term use reward system is basically burnt out like a forest.
The brain is alway trying to keep itself to what it thinks is normal, after addicted the brain has compensated itself to the point of burnout and then it changes to that high as being normal.
So when you stop your brain is always trying to get that drug and amount of dopamine ( feel good hormone) for the rest of your life..

4. When active in your addiction you are usually in the denial mode.. And someone who have been clean for 40 years who are in the relapse mode can not see consciously that they are about to relapse..

Being around others who know you can usually see the warning signs.. so you dig deep into the recovery tools in the conscious to keep the subconscious quiet.

Some people with years and years of recovery have been found dead after using again because they took their focus off of recovery for a while..and that long strong desire in the subconscious takes over.

Now to add that food, sex, gambling can cause an addiction as well..we have seen extreme obese people keep piling the food and all of the above destroy life's yet they continue on to feed that fix.

So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..
Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams
Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.

Thanks for the apology, impressive.. and I apologise if I confused you..
Right, dreams don't heal physical...but like I said before dreams can bring enlightenment such as visions of songs, books, paintings from the subconscious.
And most of all God is in our subconscious ..I truly feel this is true by my researching for this thread..

And a atheist then uses the conscious for reason when they wake up from sleep...while the spiritual person feels the connection.

And therein still lies my problem. I understand what you are saying, and, more or less, think I agree. What I don't understand, still, is how that works. I mean these, otherwise intelligent people, yourself included as near as I can tell, are perfectly capable of separating the silliness, and nonsense of the subconscious, such as superstitions, and irrational fears. We even go so far as seeking professional help in assisting us in ridding ourselves of subconscious desires, and anxieties that we recognise as irrational, and unhealthy. Yet, these same intelligent people are incapable of recognising the God myths that "speak to them" (for lack of a better term) in their dreams as equally irrational, and unhealthy. And, yes, I do believe that religion is unhealthy. Just look at all of the wars, and atrocities that have been perpetrated by the "truly faithful". You can say that they didn't "really" understand their religion, but they certainly believed, with all of their hearts, that they did. Look at what happens to homosexuals, women, and perceived heretics today, in Muslim nations. So, yes. I do perceive religion as harmful, and dangerous.

Yes I do agree, and for me religion is man made up rules to use the bible to hate and kill.. a person is given the Holy Spirit to guide them..not a preacher on TV taking their money.

For instance: After 9/11 stupid religious leader Jerry Farwell said all over the news that this happened because of the gay people..this kook is representing the christians..
Or big time yuck 700 club religous nut Pat Robertson is evil in my opinion. He has all of these extreme republicans brainwashed to vote a certain way or they are not a christian..
People do get sucked into that nonsense...

So the answer to your question is some lost christians listen to other people for acceptance and not God.

Look at Jim Jones , or Charles Manson and the power they had over people..Murder and Suicide. and well yes wars.

I have met many strong intelligent christians who are rational people.
May I suggest writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up with a pen and paper just to see what your subconscious is telling you before your conscious takes over...I am going to just for fun research.



Look, I have danced this dance before. Trust me when I tell you that, whether you recognise it, or not, you participate in a religion. I know, I know. "It's a personal relationship". You are allowed to feel that way, and you may believe that it is. At the very least, it is also a religion. So, do us both a favour, and don't insult my intelligence by pretending that you do not participate in a religion.

Ok, here is something to think about..

I am on a trip up north, and I went to the casino last night.. Gambling releases the calming hormones from the brain reward center too. Like drugs and alcohol..

I was playing blackjack, there was a bossy guy there cramming down his logical conscious theory of of what to expect the next card will be.
I asked him to stop talking to me because he was interrupting my way of playing.. I play on my inner feelings and perhaps I connect to the subconscious while he uses the conscious ..

Not that is it God telling me so don't get that confused..

He was shocked to see me kick ass and win $$$ and walk away..

Even though I didn't drink I feel hungover today because I was on the dopamine hormone overload...

So to sum things up.. I am making the point that some people use the logical conscious way to gamble while some go on listening to themselves.. I have won this way my whole life ( and lost when I get distracted )

And good thing I don't live anywhere near a casino, I can see how people get addicted .

Do you see how this could be the same in life and how we view our surroundings?

Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Mormons say they are the only truth. Should I follow Jesus because you say so? Or should I be a Mormon because they say so.

I tried Christianity for 30 plus years. Not buying it

What a silly brainwashed reply. If you were born in Utah you’d have a fdifferent take. Or Iraq you’d be a devout muslim
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Prove he's the only truth and Islam is a false religion, or the Talmud is, or Dianetics is. Why should we believe one over the others?
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Prove he's the only truth and Islam is a false religion, or the Talmud is, or Dianetics is. Why should we believe one over the others?
the research and evidence is staggering do some research.. there is tons of it... and it is common sense
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Prove he's the only truth and Islam is a false religion, or the Talmud is, or Dianetics is. Why should we believe one over the others?[/QUOTEhank you. Isn’t that funny if you talk to any fundamentalists Christians jews muslims or Mormons they’ll say they are the only way.

And then you have born agains who say Catholics aren’t doing it right and aren’t going to heaven.

Imagine Catholics wasting all that time and money doing it wrong all for nothing
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Prove he's the only truth and Islam is a false religion, or the Talmud is, or Dianetics is. Why should we believe one over the others?
the research and evidence is staggering do some research.. there is tons of it... and it is common sense
if that were true there would be no Muslims Mormons or Jews. You don’t realize how silly brainwashed you sound.
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Prove he's the only truth and Islam is a false religion, or the Talmud is, or Dianetics is. Why should we believe one over the others?
the research and evidence is staggering do some research.. there is tons of it... and it is common sense
The evidence is underwhelming. Non existent
Let’s add up all the Americans

A. People who don’t believe in Jesus but believe there’s a god
B. Muslims Mormons and Jews and Buddhist and Hindu.
C. Atheists and agnostics

Clearly the evidence is only powerful if you are young or a gullible wishful thinker
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Prove he's the only truth and Islam is a false religion, or the Talmud is, or Dianetics is. Why should we believe one over the others?
Their reply to you was unacceptable do you agree? In fact what she said is how the Mormon story starts by saying it is the only truth. Does she know that? Has she learned how classical Christianity lost its authority from god during the dark ages? So Jesus came back and told Joseph to start a new religion. Does she know this? Why take a chance. We know some popes have been corrupt and evil
Atheists are just outright ridiculous. Why when God very well could be the truth (and is) and hell is really where one will Go if he chooses to follow Satan and not God why would you take the chance of being in eternal torment rather than following Jesus simple instructions to find him and he will reveal himself? You chose wrong big time...
Why don’t you take a chance and become a Muslim or Mormon?

So now why would we follow your religion?

We don’t follow or believe in Satan or Jesus. You don’t realize how stupid you sound
because the only truth is Jesus Christ - he would not be involved in any of the corrupt religions of tosday - why don't you try following his instructions and proving to yourself he is real -
Prove he's the only truth and Islam is a false religion, or the Talmud is, or Dianetics is. Why should we believe one over the others?
Their reply to you was unacceptable do you agree? In fact what she said is how the Mormon story starts by saying it is the only truth. Does she know that? Has she learned how classical Christianity lost its authority from god during the dark ages? So Jesus came back and told Joseph to start a new religion. Does she know this? Why take a chance. We know some popes have been corrupt and evil
Jesus didnt come back to start a new religion he came back so others would believe in him

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