Atheism takes courage

I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
You are full of crap sir.
Statements like that are irrational.

You want me to link to rational analysis?

What like a logic 101 page?

Pretty sure if you were interested in reason your seek it out yourself.

Atheism requires an argument from silence. An assumption that if you haven't experienced something no one has. It begs the question again and again.

Be one thing if you were arguing agnosticism. That you don't know. That is rational. Atheism is a completely different set of assumptions.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
Oh for fuck's sake! I swear theists all have the same "Response Tree" that they share:


One more time, for the cheap seats. The guy who believes in an invisible Magic Sky Man, with no objective evidence whatsoever, has no business suggesting anyone is irrational.

The scriptures are objective evidence. They exist. The principles taught within can be tested. Gods voice can be heard. His love and presence felt. His influence, creation, and providence seen.

I myself am a witness of God's love. With my sense I've received a witness from the Holy Spirit. The issue isn't whether God will reveal Himself, its that you have no desire to experiment on the Word and find out. You want someone else to do the work for you. Life doesn't work that way.

Also, even if this wasn't the case it doesn't change the fact that atheism is irrational. Even assuming belief to be irrational. Not A does not equal B.

Thus you are reinforcing my point. You aren't rational to begin with. I suspect you haven't a clue what reason is or how logic works because post after post you keep arguing logical fallacies.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
Oh for fuck's sake! I swear theists all have the same "Response Tree" that they share:


One more time, for the cheap seats. The guy who believes in an invisible Magic Sky Man, with no objective evidence whatsoever, has no business suggesting anyone is irrational.

The scriptures are objective evidence. They exist. The principles taught within can be tested. Gods voice can be heard. His love and presence felt. His influence, creation, and providence seen.
The Bible is objective evidence of the existence of God, like The Philosopher's Stone is objective evidence of the existence of harry Potter. You're right. The principles within can be tested...and fall woefully short. The rest of your statement is just emotional hogwash, and has nothing to do with objective evidence.

I myself am a witness of God's love. With my sense I've received a witness from the Holy Spirit. The issue isn't whether God will reveal Himself, its that you have no desire to experiment on the Word and find out. You want someone else to do the work for you. Life doesn't work that way.
Yeah...that's precisely the kind of subjective, personal, anecdotal evidence that doesn't qualify as objective, quantifiable, or verifiable.

Also, even if this wasn't the case it doesn't change the fact that atheism is irrational. Even assuming belief to be irrational. Not A does not equal B.
Again, you're presuming that atheism is the conclusion. It isn't. It. Is. The. Premise. There is no God is not a conclusion; it is a premise awaiting objective, verifiable, quantifiable evidence to falsify. Theists, on the contrary present "God exists", and "God did it" as the conclusion. A conclusion to which theists have arrived without a single shred of supporting objective, verifiable, quantifiable evidence.

Thus you are reinforcing my point. You aren't rational to begin with. I suspect you haven't a clue what reason is or how logic works because post after post you keep arguing logical fallacies.
The only one being irrational is you.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
Haha....may we be treated to your formal argument in support of that nugget of nonsense?
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
You are full of crap sir.
Statements like that are irrational.

You want me to link to rational analysis?

What like a logic 101 page?

Pretty sure if you were interested in reason your seek it out yourself.

Atheism requires an argument from silence. An assumption that if you haven't experienced something no one has. It begs the question again and again.

Be one thing if you were arguing agnosticism. That you don't know. That is rational. Atheism is a completely different set of assumptions.
"Atheism requires an argument from silence. "

Atheism requires no argument whatsoever. "Not accepting a belief" for which there is not a shred of evidence does not require an argument. It requires argument to convince someone to accept a belief, and it should take extraordinary arguments and extraordinary evidence to convince someone to accept an extraordinary claim.

What "argument" did you have to construct and employ to "convince yourself" not to believe in unicorns, or in talking houseplants? None at all.
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You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?

What are you talking about / Of course the 2 connect, and it will be easy to show you scientific evidence. .
Explain what you meant.
Oh, please link me to scientific objective evidence that the process of dreaming is connected to healing.

Why Is Sleep Important? - NHLBI, NIH
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?

What are you talking about / Of course the 2 connect, and it will be easy to show you scientific evidence. .
Explain what you meant.
Oh, please link me to scientific objective evidence that the process of dreaming is connected to healing.

Physical Health
Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Sleep deficiency also increases the risk of obesity. For example, one study of teenagers showed that with each hour of sleep lost, the odds of becoming obese went up. Sleep deficiency increases the risk of obesity in other age groups as well.

Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you're well-rested.

Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Sleep deficiency results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase your risk for diabetes.

Why Is Sleep Important? - NHLBI, NIH
That's not what you claimed. I didn't say that sleep is not connected with healing. That is something any 10-year-old knows. You claimed that DREAMS are connected with healing. That is the claim I take issue with, and your article that SLEEP is connected - even necessary - to healing doers nothing to confirm your claim that DREAMING is connected with healing. The only association between healing, and dreaming is that they both happen to occur while sleeping. There is no evidence that the latter has any effect on the former.

So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams


No. I don't think that Christians are less intelligent that Atheists. Nor Muslims, Hindus, or any other, otherwise intelligent person, who, for reasons that boggle my mind, wilfully choose to ignore reason in favour of fantasy, mythology, and superstition.

Ask most Christians if they are afraid of Friday the 13th, or if they avoid walking under ladders, or if they get skitchy around black cats, and they look at you as if you are a moron, and they are shocked that you had the mental capacity to tie your own shoes that morning. Ask them if they left a cup of milk out for the gmoes, so they wouldn't break in at night to break their things, or if they had ever seen the Troll living under the bridge, or if the Elves had come to visit on a full moon, and they will wonder to themselves if they should be calling someone to fit you for one of those nice, self-hugging jackets.

Yet, these same rational, reasonable people, somehow, manage to turn off their reason, and buy in, whole hog, to the irrational idea that there is some magic, invisible Sky Man that made us, the planet, and the whole universe, without a single shred of objective, observable, verifiable evidence to support such an idea. It makes my head hurt.

After thought.. really pay attention to this because this may answer your question.

we have 2 significant parts of our brain... the Conscious part which talks to the Sub-Conscious to either quite down a behavior or continue a behavior by our outside influences..
Outside influences means what we feed our conscious on a daily basis.

Your decisions are made in your sub-conscious before your conscious even knows it.. ( link a few post back on how this is scientifically proven )

Your Sub-conscious is on while you sleep, and when you wake up your conscious turns off the autopilot and takes over.

I do feel that our un-conscious brain connects to God and our spirit , this is why many stories in the bible have God coming to them in a dream. Or people wake up from a family member saying they are ok after dying, or a person wakes up person can dream of their future and what they need to do.

When we wake up our conscious takes over and evaluates your surroundings ..this is why you forget dreams.

I honestly do believe people who have faith are connected with the sub-conscious by the stimuli of their experiences and studies.. .
While I do believe and atheist stays mostly in the conscious mode making decisions with what they see in front of them..

I can almost guarantee that this is what goes on..

You know, it's interesting that you should mention the subconscious, because the subconscious is also responsible for nearly all magical thinking, such as Wade Boggs believing that the reason his batting average was so good because he ate chicken before every game. "There are many layers of belief," psychologist Carol Nemeroff says. "And the answer for many people, especially with regard to magic, is, 'Most of me doesn't believe but some of me does.'" People will often acknowledge their gut reaction and say it makes no sense to act on it—but do it anyway. Other times, they'll incorporate superstition into their worldview alongside other explanations. "For example," says Susan Gelman, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, "God puts you in the path of an HIV-positive lover, but biology causes you to contract the virus from his semen."

So, the question still remains, if one is rational enough to recognise the fantasy of superstitions, which also have their root in our subconscious, why are they incapable of recognising the equally irrational basis of God mythologies?

Our believe system is in our Conscious, not our Subconscious ... We do not have any control of the Subconscious But... like an addict who needs to change his/her Conscious influences to keep the Subconscious calmed down..
For instance:
Because addiction changes the brain forever. Many people are shocked to find themselves relapse, the Subconscious already made that decision because of not using the tools for sobriety in the Conscious.

Believes like superstition , magic, and a higher power, faith is a conscious decision..

Our believe system is in our Conscious, not our Subconscious ... We do not have any control of the Subconscious
We most certainly do have control of our subconscious!
What one believes is a conscious choice
because of our subconscious
like an addict who needs to change his/her Conscious influences to keep the Subconscious calmed down..
An addict need only to make up their mind,
they are done with drugs and the rest falls into place.
Avoiding people, places and things,
doesn't change what an addict dwells on,
unless they are committed to staying clean
Many people are shocked to find themselves relapse, the Subconscious already made that decision because of not using the tools for sobriety in the Conscious.
ROFLMMFAO... omg, you've gotta be kidding me
Addicts aren't shocked... that's typical addictive behavior
being manipulative...coming up with excuses, reasons

What the mind dwells on, the body acts on

An addict dwells on getting high
and chooses to do so....

An addict chooses to stay clean,
and isn't dwelling on drugs, or people or places
or anything else associated with his habit.

Relapse is a crutch...12 steps are bullshit, hogwash!

EH HELLO~ Everything I said is backed up by science you moron. And I am state licensed in this field..

But I meant if a addict who has been clean for years can be surprised to find they relapsed

Give me a link to show me that we have control over OUR subconscious..this outta be good...
EH HELLO~ Everything I said is backed up by science you moron. And I am state licensed in this field..
EH GOODBYE ~ First of all, I'm not a moron
Secondly, I don't give a flying fuck
that you're an addiction counselor

I don't even know where to begin with your bs
Give me a link to show me that we have control over OUR subconscious..this outta be good..

we have 2 significant parts of our brain... the Conscious part which talks to the Sub-Conscious to either quite down a behavior or continue a behavior by our outside influences..
Outside influences means what we feed our conscious on a daily basis.

Your decisions are made in your sub-conscious before your conscious even knows it..
There...there's your fucking link

What the mind dwells on, the body acts on

If we have no control over our subconscious thoughts,
what the fuck does our consciousness have to do with anything...

Our subconscious thoughts don't make our decisions,
we consciously make our choices
As an addiction counselor in a rehab you try to give tools to those addicted to stay clean and sober..

The most important tool of all is learning to let go of what you have no control over...

Now in order to Let Go, you need to let it go to something other than yourself.. something larger than yourself which is what we call a Higher Power..
Yeah, well...guess what
That is the biggest crock of shit!

That excuses them from any accountability

Addicts are not powerless...
that concept renders them powerless.

Rehabs have taken Gods principles,
and made them their own...
and made sobriety conditional

Addiction is not a disease, it is a choice
An addict is forever, and we choose,
whether or not, addiction will be
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
Oh for fuck's sake! I swear theists all have the same "Response Tree" that they share:


One more time, for the cheap seats. The guy who believes in an invisible Magic Sky Man, with no objective evidence whatsoever, has no business suggesting anyone is irrational.

The scriptures are objective evidence. They exist. The principles taught within can be tested. Gods voice can be heard. His love and presence felt. His influence, creation, and providence seen.
The Bible is objective evidence of the existence of God, like The Philosopher's Stone is objective evidence of the existence of harry Potter. You're right. The principles within can be tested...and fall woefully short. The rest of your statement is just emotional hogwash, and has nothing to do with objective evidence.

I myself am a witness of God's love. With my sense I've received a witness from the Holy Spirit. The issue isn't whether God will reveal Himself, its that you have no desire to experiment on the Word and find out. You want someone else to do the work for you. Life doesn't work that way.
Yeah...that's precisely the kind of subjective, personal, anecdotal evidence that doesn't qualify as objective, quantifiable, or verifiable.

Also, even if this wasn't the case it doesn't change the fact that atheism is irrational. Even assuming belief to be irrational. Not A does not equal B.
Again, you're presuming that atheism is the conclusion. It isn't. It. Is. The. Premise. There is no God is not a conclusion; it is a premise awaiting objective, verifiable, quantifiable evidence to falsify. Theists, on the contrary present "God exists", and "God did it" as the conclusion. A conclusion to which theists have arrived without a single shred of supporting objective, verifiable, quantifiable evidence.

Thus you are reinforcing my point. You aren't rational to begin with. I suspect you haven't a clue what reason is or how logic works because post after post you keep arguing logical fallacies.
The only one being irrational is you.

You have a philosophers stone?
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
You are full of crap sir.
Statements like that are irrational.

You want me to link to rational analysis?

What like a logic 101 page?

Pretty sure if you were interested in reason your seek it out yourself.

Atheism requires an argument from silence. An assumption that if you haven't experienced something no one has. It begs the question again and again.

Be one thing if you were arguing agnosticism. That you don't know. That is rational. Atheism is a completely different set of assumptions.
"Atheism requires an argument from silence. "

Atheism requires no argument whatsoever. "Not accepting a belief" for which there is not a shred of evidence does not require an argument. It requires argument to convince someone to accept a belief, and it should take extraordinary arguments and extraordinary evidence to convince someone to accept an extraordinary claim.

What "argument" did you have to construct and employ to "convince yourself" not to believe in unicorns, or in talking houseplants? None at all.

Atheism isn't a belief in nothing. Its very specifically an argument for the non existence of God. It assumes that because I don't see evidence for God there is no God.

But as long as you don't know everything, its possible Hod is there. The only way to rationally know there is no God is to know all things, which means you would be god.

So there is literally no scenario where a belief that God is not there is rational.
All it takes to be an Atheist is intelligence, logical thinking and a willingness to think for yourself. I realized the foolishness in believing in god by the time I was 10 years old. I had an argument with my Sunday School teacher when I told her the story about Adam and Eve and the whole Genesis creation myth was a fairy tale.

Well done!

Did you ever bother to learn the hidden teaching or moral of the story at any time like in any other fairy tale such as the boy who cried wold, the three pigs, Jack and the beanstalk, or the pied piper???
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EH GOODBYE ~ First of all, I'm not a moron
Secondly, I don't give a flying fuck
that you're an addiction counselor

I don't even know where to begin with your bs

There...there's your fucking link

What the mind dwells on, the body acts on

If we have no control over our subconscious thoughts,
what the fuck does our consciousness have to do with anything...

Our subconscious thoughts don't make our decisions,
we consciously make our choices

Yeah, well...guess what
That is the biggest crock of shit!

That excuses them from any accountability

Addicts are not powerless...
that concept renders them powerless.

Rehabs have taken Gods principles,
and made them their own...
and made sobriety conditional

Addiction is not a disease, it is a choice
An addict is forever, and we choose,
whether or not, addiction will be

Your comment is a typical comment of a Dumbass know it all who really doesn't know what the hell they are talking about..

1. Addiction is a disease that changes the brain forever. What you are talking about is abuse where it has not changed the brain yet..
( abusing drugs and being an addict are 2 different things}

Once the brain has changed completely it becomes part of us, just as much as the body needing water. Detoxing quiets down the physical cravings but the mental cravings will be there for the rest of your life.

2.Most rehabs do not push God unless if it is a upfront a christian rehab..but they do encourage you to find a higher power which could mean a doorknob.

3. Most people especially those who have been through detox need to focus on recovery 24/7 and make a conscious focus (choice) on recovery because of the brain change , otherwise they would be on their way to relapse from the subconscious parts of our brains ( which is where our deep decisions come from once our brain has changed ) The subconscious makes our decisions way before our conscious even realizes it.. which is what a relapse mode is called, and could have been triggered months before and we had no idea ... For instance : someone going back to their old scene where they once used the drugs 3 months before they relapsed.

Learning tools is the most vital part of staying sober... again their are people who abuse drugs and can quit on their own , some are able to quit addiction on their own )..But will be what we consider a dry drunk still carrying the characteristics of someone still using drugs..Because their brain has changed forever...

So this is what "What the mind dwells on the body acts on " means.
Especially for an addict.

Now give me a factual link that our our subconscious doesn't mack our decisions moron..What you can't find one..?

Haaa Haaa :slap::badgrin:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?

What are you talking about / Of course the 2 connect, and it will be easy to show you scientific evidence. .
Explain what you meant.
Oh, please link me to scientific objective evidence that the process of dreaming is connected to healing.

Why Is Sleep Important? - NHLBI, NIH
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?

What are you talking about / Of course the 2 connect, and it will be easy to show you scientific evidence. .
Explain what you meant.
Oh, please link me to scientific objective evidence that the process of dreaming is connected to healing.

Physical Health
Sleep plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke.

Sleep deficiency also increases the risk of obesity. For example, one study of teenagers showed that with each hour of sleep lost, the odds of becoming obese went up. Sleep deficiency increases the risk of obesity in other age groups as well.

Sleep helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier than when you're well-rested.

Sleep also affects how your body reacts to insulin, the hormone that controls your blood glucose (sugar) level. Sleep deficiency results in a higher than normal blood sugar level, which may increase your risk for diabetes.

Why Is Sleep Important? - NHLBI, NIH
Yeah. Nothing there about dreaming. You do get that sleeping, and dreaming are two different things, right? Dreaming is a process that occurs during sleep. And it is not the only one, and, as your dismal failures demonstrate, there is no evidence linking dreams with any other process that occurs during sleep.
I taught my sons morals through many things Karate through my actions as well..

You are a hypocrite because you know that your view on religion was put into your kids minds too .. moron..

Fuck you. I have not called you names, or been rude to you. So fuck off with that moron bullshit. And, actually you're wrong. I, in fact, insisted that my son attend a local Church, Synagogue, Mosque, and the local Hindu Temple. Oh. And he also attended pagan circle with us. I wanted him to have as much exposure to as many different faiths as possible, growing up, so that he could come to his own conclusions about faith, and religion.

What religions did you make sure to expose your kids to, other than your own?
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
You are full of crap sir.
Statements like that are irrational.

You want me to link to rational analysis?

What like a logic 101 page?

Pretty sure if you were interested in reason your seek it out yourself.

Atheism requires an argument from silence. An assumption that if you haven't experienced something no one has. It begs the question again and again.

Be one thing if you were arguing agnosticism. That you don't know. That is rational. Atheism is a completely different set of assumptions.
"Atheism requires an argument from silence. "

Atheism requires no argument whatsoever. "Not accepting a belief" for which there is not a shred of evidence does not require an argument. It requires argument to convince someone to accept a belief, and it should take extraordinary arguments and extraordinary evidence to convince someone to accept an extraordinary claim.

What "argument" did you have to construct and employ to "convince yourself" not to believe in unicorns, or in talking houseplants? None at all.

Atheism isn't a belief in nothing. Its very specifically an argument for the non existence of God. It assumes that because I don't see evidence for God there is no God.

But as long as you don't know everything, its possible Hod is there. The only way to rationally know there is no God is to know all things, which means you would be god.

So there is literally no scenario where a belief that God is not there is rational.

"Atheism isn't a belief in nothing. Its very specifically an argument for the non existence of God."

I didn't say it is a belief in nothing, and you are 100% incorrect to say it as an argument for the non-existence of god, or any argument at all. It is simply the state of a person who has not adopted a belief that gods exist. You are wrong.

For instance, you are "a-leprechaunist". And I'm sure there was no argument required to convince you not to adopt a belief that leprechauns exist.

Atheism is not an argumemt or even a declaration that gods do not or cannot exist. That's a special case of atheism called "gnostic atheism".
So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..
Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams
Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
Oh for fuck's sake! I swear theists all have the same "Response Tree" that they share:


One more time, for the cheap seats. The guy who believes in an invisible Magic Sky Man, with no objective evidence whatsoever, has no business suggesting anyone is irrational.

The scriptures are objective evidence. They exist. The principles taught within can be tested. Gods voice can be heard. His love and presence felt. His influence, creation, and providence seen.
The Bible is objective evidence of the existence of God, like The Philosopher's Stone is objective evidence of the existence of harry Potter. You're right. The principles within can be tested...and fall woefully short. The rest of your statement is just emotional hogwash, and has nothing to do with objective evidence.

I myself am a witness of God's love. With my sense I've received a witness from the Holy Spirit. The issue isn't whether God will reveal Himself, its that you have no desire to experiment on the Word and find out. You want someone else to do the work for you. Life doesn't work that way.
Yeah...that's precisely the kind of subjective, personal, anecdotal evidence that doesn't qualify as objective, quantifiable, or verifiable.

Also, even if this wasn't the case it doesn't change the fact that atheism is irrational. Even assuming belief to be irrational. Not A does not equal B.
Again, you're presuming that atheism is the conclusion. It isn't. It. Is. The. Premise. There is no God is not a conclusion; it is a premise awaiting objective, verifiable, quantifiable evidence to falsify. Theists, on the contrary present "God exists", and "God did it" as the conclusion. A conclusion to which theists have arrived without a single shred of supporting objective, verifiable, quantifiable evidence.

Thus you are reinforcing my point. You aren't rational to begin with. I suspect you haven't a clue what reason is or how logic works because post after post you keep arguing logical fallacies.
The only one being irrational is you.

You have a philosophers stone?
Oh. I'm sorry. I forgot that in the states the book was titled The Sorcerer's Stone. In Britain, and Europe the title was The Philosopher's Stone. Not sure why the American publishers demanded a different title.
I wish I could simply "turn off" my rational mind. Imagine how much easier life is for those who can, so easily, simply ignore all of the rational, logical flaws inherent in their faith. Life would be so much easier if I could just ignore that I know what I know, and pretend that there is a "happily ever after" that no one has ever confirmed.

Turning off a rational mind requires one to begin with.

Atheism is, by definition, irrational.
You are full of crap sir.
Statements like that are irrational.

You want me to link to rational analysis?

What like a logic 101 page?

Pretty sure if you were interested in reason your seek it out yourself.

Atheism requires an argument from silence. An assumption that if you haven't experienced something no one has. It begs the question again and again.

Be one thing if you were arguing agnosticism. That you don't know. That is rational. Atheism is a completely different set of assumptions.
"Atheism requires an argument from silence. "

Atheism requires no argument whatsoever. "Not accepting a belief" for which there is not a shred of evidence does not require an argument. It requires argument to convince someone to accept a belief, and it should take extraordinary arguments and extraordinary evidence to convince someone to accept an extraordinary claim.

What "argument" did you have to construct and employ to "convince yourself" not to believe in unicorns, or in talking houseplants? None at all.

Atheism isn't a belief in nothing. Its very specifically an argument for the non existence of God. It assumes that because I don't see evidence for God there is no God.

But as long as you don't know everything, its possible Hod is there. The only way to rationally know there is no God is to know all things, which means you would be god.

So there is literally no scenario where a belief that God is not there is rational.
Why do you keep doing that? Are you incapable of comprehending the English Language, or are you intentionally ignoring what you are told, and choosing to tell lies?

Atheism is not an argument at all. It is a premise. That's it. Period. Full Stop. It is a theoretical starting point. "God does not exist". It is a falsifiable claim. From there, objective, verifiable, quantifiable evidence is researched to either confirm, or falsify the claim.

You are right that until we know everything the possibility of God exists. As does the possibility of fairies, and unicorns, and ghosts, and vampires, and aliens, and the Great Invisible Spaghetti Monster, and any of a million other mythical creatures for which there is, as yet, no objective, verifiable evidence.

The problem is that theists don't insist that God is possible. You insist that God exists. Further, you build entire religions around that conclusion for which you have no objective evidence.
So now you lie and twist things around..I did not say Dreams I said sleep...
Either you said, exactly that, or you and I misunderstood one another.

Here is my exact quote...

"A reminder that I told you dreams are from the Subconscious, you wake up and the Conscious takes over.

Sleeping is when healing takes place in the body..
Which I took to understand, because you added the reference to healing during sleep with dreams, to mean you were suggesting that dreams aid is healing. To which I replied:
You do get that those are two separate functions for which there is no evidence of connection, right?
If I misunderstood you, I apologise.

But will now add that dreams do help us mentally as well.. We process our stresses, joys, and pains of the day.. The subconscious gives us answers to many of our situations..start writing your dreams down when you wake up..

Heal yourself from inside your dreams
Yeah....that's entirely different than physical healing, and I think you know it. So, let's just be clear that dreams have nothing to do with healing the body.

Thanks for the apology, impressive.. and I apologise if I confused you..
Right, dreams don't heal physical...but like I said before dreams can bring enlightenment such as visions of songs, books, paintings from the subconscious.
And most of all God is in our subconscious ..I truly feel this is true by my researching for this thread..

And a atheist then uses the conscious for reason when they wake up from sleep...while the spiritual person feels the connection.


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