Atheism: The fool's philosophy

Atheism offers no philosophy.
That's more or less the point.

People should give up their religion do... what? Watch George Carlin videos on Youtube and beat off in their basement all day?

As if that's an improvement over religion.

I think Independent is telling of what his life was before he 'found' Christ and decided that Christ was telling him to attack atheists online rather than beating off in his mom's basement.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

This is the result of the derp bubble created by Faux News and con-radio, people who think all knowledge is subjective and all opinions are just equal opinions. To them Einstein's equations are just Einstein's opinion and if they have a differing 'opinion' of General Relativity then in their minds it is an equal argument and their batshit beliefs are equal to any of Einstein's facts.

It is an intentional tool used by propagandists to get their followers to not view factual knowledge as factual knowledge but rather just someone else's unproven ideas. Like their own.

Reality and facts are anathema to these people. Uninformed opinion for them, as it is on Faux news, is what counts. They gather in small groups in their back yards or living rooms and because 6 of them agree on something then that makes it concrete fact, even though there are no supporting facts. They are the penultimate group think example. "If everyone I know believes it then it must be true".
Look at you. Mr know it all. How do you know there is no God? The science you worship cannot prove, or disprove it. You try to paint theist as a bunch of ignorant savages, simply because don't believe that we evolved from some ape like critter. Get over yourself, you pompous ass.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

This is the result of the derp bubble created by Faux News and con-radio, people who think all knowledge is subjective and all opinions are just equal opinions. To them Einstein's equations are just Einstein's opinion and if they have a differing 'opinion' of General Relativity then in their minds it is an equal argument and their batshit beliefs are equal to any of Einstein's facts.

It is an intentional tool used by propagandists to get their followers to not view factual knowledge as factual knowledge but rather just someone else's unproven ideas. Like their own.

Reality and facts are anathema to these people. Uninformed opinion for them, as it is on Faux news, is what counts. They gather in small groups in their back yards or living rooms and because 6 of them agree on something then that makes it concrete fact, even though there are no supporting facts. They are the penultimate group think example. "If everyone I know believes it then it must be true".
Look at you. Mr know it all. How do you know there is no God? The science you worship cannot prove, or disprove it. You try to paint theist as a bunch of ignorant savages, simply because don't believe that we evolved from some ape like critter. Get over yourself, you pompous ass.

Again you project your own limitations onto the world. Atheists and Agnostics don't worship anything. You like to say that because religion takes a beating when held up to the light but it isn't true. The fact that you need to 'believe' such things only exposes your need to 'believe' something. And that is it in a nutshell. You feel vulnerable out on your own, having to think for yourself with no supernatural crutch to lean on.

You tend to ignore what other people say, I already said I'm an Agnostic. But it doesn't fit your meme-world so you ignore it.

Currently on Earth people worship about 4,000 gods, you are an atheist regarding 3,999 of them. I just believe in one less than you do.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

This is the result of the derp bubble created by Faux News and con-radio, people who think all knowledge is subjective and all opinions are just equal opinions. To them Einstein's equations are just Einstein's opinion and if they have a differing 'opinion' of General Relativity then in their minds it is an equal argument and their batshit beliefs are equal to any of Einstein's facts.

It is an intentional tool used by propagandists to get their followers to not view factual knowledge as factual knowledge but rather just someone else's unproven ideas. Like their own.

Reality and facts are anathema to these people. Uninformed opinion for them, as it is on Faux news, is what counts. They gather in small groups in their back yards or living rooms and because 6 of them agree on something then that makes it concrete fact, even though there are no supporting facts. They are the penultimate group think example. "If everyone I know believes it then it must be true".
Look at you. Mr know it all. How do you know there is no God? The science you worship cannot prove, or disprove it. You try to paint theist as a bunch of ignorant savages, simply because don't believe that we evolved from some ape like critter. Get over yourself, you pompous ass.

Again you project your own limitations onto the world. Atheists and Agnostics don't worship anything..
Oh yes they do:

Atheist god: "Science"

Atheist creation myth: "evolution"

Atheist chatechism: "The Scientific Method"

Atheist clergy: "Scientists"

Atheist saints: "Richard Dawkins, Chris Hitchens, Sam Harris, Charles Darwin, John Stuart Mill, etc"

Atheist holy books: "The God Delusion, The End of Faith, God is Not Great, On Origin of Species, etc"

Atheist salvation: "Technological utopia, transhumanist immortality, etc"

Atheist eschatology: "Global warming destroying the planet, etc"
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

This is the result of the derp bubble created by Faux News and con-radio, people who think all knowledge is subjective and all opinions are just equal opinions. To them Einstein's equations are just Einstein's opinion and if they have a differing 'opinion' of General Relativity then in their minds it is an equal argument and their batshit beliefs are equal to any of Einstein's facts.

It is an intentional tool used by propagandists to get their followers to not view factual knowledge as factual knowledge but rather just someone else's unproven ideas. Like their own.

Reality and facts are anathema to these people. Uninformed opinion for them, as it is on Faux news, is what counts. They gather in small groups in their back yards or living rooms and because 6 of them agree on something then that makes it concrete fact, even though there are no supporting facts. They are the penultimate group think example. "If everyone I know believes it then it must be true".
Look at you. Mr know it all. How do you know there is no God? The science you worship cannot prove, or disprove it. You try to paint theist as a bunch of ignorant savages, simply because don't believe that we evolved from some ape like critter. Get over yourself, you pompous ass.

Again you project your own limitations onto the world. Atheists and Agnostics don't worship anything. You like to say that because religion takes a beating when held up to the light but it isn't true. The fact that you need to 'believe' such things only exposes your need to 'believe' something. And that is it in a nutshell. You feel vulnerable out on your own, having to think for yourself with no supernatural crutch to lean on.

You tend to ignore what other people say, I already said I'm an Agnostic. But it doesn't fit your meme-world so you ignore it.

Currently on Earth people worship about 4,000 gods, you are an atheist regarding 3,999 of them. I just believe in one less than you do.
There is only one religion that has been proven to be correct by Historical and archaeological evidence. There is historical evidence that Jesus existed, that he was crucified and conquered death. There is historical PROOF that the Apostle Paul was real and that he wrote at least one book of the NT. Not evidence. PROOF. Paul was a contemporary of the other Apostles. All of them wrote of what they experienced during Christ's earthly ministry. These same Apostles were tortured and killed because they would not deny what they preached. A risen Savior. People do not die for a myth. Think about it.
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

This is the result of the derp bubble created by Faux News and con-radio, people who think all knowledge is subjective and all opinions are just equal opinions. To them Einstein's equations are just Einstein's opinion and if they have a differing 'opinion' of General Relativity then in their minds it is an equal argument and their batshit beliefs are equal to any of Einstein's facts.

It is an intentional tool used by propagandists to get their followers to not view factual knowledge as factual knowledge but rather just someone else's unproven ideas. Like their own.

Reality and facts are anathema to these people. Uninformed opinion for them, as it is on Faux news, is what counts. They gather in small groups in their back yards or living rooms and because 6 of them agree on something then that makes it concrete fact, even though there are no supporting facts. They are the penultimate group think example. "If everyone I know believes it then it must be true".
Look at you. Mr know it all. How do you know there is no God? The science you worship cannot prove, or disprove it. You try to paint theist as a bunch of ignorant savages, simply because don't believe that we evolved from some ape like critter. Get over yourself, you pompous ass.

Again you project your own limitations onto the world. Atheists and Agnostics don't worship anything..
Oh yes they do:

Atheist god: "Science"

Atheist creation myth: "evolution"

Atheist chatechism: "The Scientific Method"

Atheist clergy: "Scientists"

Atheist saints: "Richard Dawkins, Chris Hitchens, Sam Harris, Charles Darwin, John Stuart Mill, etc"

Atheist holy books: "The God Delusion, The End of Faith, God is Not Great, On Origin of Species, etc"

Atheist salvation: "Technological utopia, transhumanist immortality, etc"

Atheist eschatology: "Global warming destroying the planet, etc"
But most of all, they worship themselves.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

This is the result of the derp bubble created by Faux News and con-radio, people who think all knowledge is subjective and all opinions are just equal opinions.
They aren't equal - logic and philosophy are absolute unchanging truths so they trump science in the long run.

Scientific "facts" are not truths, the standard of "fact "is subjectively decided on by fallible mortals, so it has no more bearing on "truth" than the Catholic Chatecism, and is easily subject to change, as many things once considered fact no longer are.

Logic however is based on transcendent truths which never change. Therefore logic renders science essentially obsolete except for pointing out cause and effect. And most logical arguments support the existence of God and universal truth,.

To them Einstein's equations are just Einstein's opinion and if they have a differing 'opinion' of General Relativity then in their minds it is an equal argument and their batshit beliefs are equal to any of Einstein's facts.
...and the Big Bang theory was once considered "fringe science", but now it's considered fact - therefore "fact" doesn't mean truth nor is there any imperative to accept something as "truth" simply because it's considered a scientific fact today, when it could very well be proven false 10 years from now.

You simply blindly accept what scientist say is "fact" as absolute truth even when it's logically fallacious or subject to change. No different than a Catholic who bases their entire faith off of Papal decrees.

Reality and facts are anathema to these people. Uninformed opinion for them, as it is on Faux news, is what counts. They gather in small groups in their back yards or living rooms and because 6 of them agree on something then that makes it concrete fact, even though there are no supporting facts. They are the penultimate group think example. "If everyone I know believes it then it must be true".
Nope, philosophers like Plato were far ahead of today's science worship - in that they knew that truth derived from unchanging metaphysical truths about the universe like logic, rather than subjective material observations by Scientists.

They idea of order evolving from chaos on its own is logically improbable, yet people who blindly worship the Scientific Method as gospel will just say there's "no reason to believe in a God" because you can't prove on exists in a lab. Even when you can prove it through logic.
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

Funny how Weatherman lies about atheists.

Funny in a sick demented way.
Fact is fact. I don't believe in a flat earth and I think men walked on the moon, so I feel no urge to post in those threads. Their beliefs are beyond reason to me. Atheists on the other hand fill this religion forum with their views every day. Atheists post in the religion forum for one reason - they know deep down there really is a God and are struggling on how to rationalize that fact for themselves.
It also fits in with the progressive agenda; most 'evangelical atheists' are progressives whose ideology comes from utopian socialists like John Stuart Mill, and much like Marxists the ultimate goal is to eliminate religion and replace it with blind faith in the state.

Yet most 'progressives' are also Christians.

From Teddy Roosevelt to Jimmy Carter to Martin Luther King Jr.
I'm not sure I consider "progressive Christians" actual Christians.

I don't know much about progressive theology but I've heard they simply take the creation story of the Bible and claim the "creation" is man using technology to create a socialist utopia and therefore still a work in progress.

So it doesn't sound like Christianity to me, just progressivism a "Christian veneer" since they essentially just say that man is the creator himself rather than the creation.
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

Funny how Weatherman lies about atheists.

Funny in a sick demented way.
Fact is fact. I don't believe in a flat earth and I think men walked on the moon, so I feel no urge to post in those threads. Their beliefs are beyond reason to me. Atheists on the other hand fill this religion forum with their views every day. Atheists post in the religion forum for one reason - they know deep down there really is a God and are struggling on how to rationalize that fact for themselves.
It also fits in with the progressive agenda; most 'evangelical atheists' are progressives whose ideology comes from utopian socialists like John Stuart Mill, and much like Marxists the ultimate goal is to eliminate religion and replace it with blind faith in the state.

Yet most 'progressives' are also Christians.

From Teddy Roosevelt to Jimmy Carter to Martin Luther King Jr.
I'm not sure I consider "progressive Christians" actual Christians.

I don't know much about progressive theology but I've heard they simply take the creation story of the Bible and claim the "creation" is man using technology to create a socialist utopia and therefore still a work in progress.

So it doesn't sound like Christianity to me, just progressivism a "Christian veneer" since they essentially just say that man is the creator himself rather than the creation.
One thing I know for sure. Obama is not a Christian. Ain't no way.
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?

You need a crutch, feel free to believe in whatever crutch makes you feel safe.

It wouldn't matter what reality is revealed through study, you will always need the crutch. So grip it tight and hobble on your way.
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?

You need a crutch, feel free to believe in whatever crutch makes you feel safe.

It wouldn't matter what reality is revealed through study, you will always need the crutch. So grip it tight and hobble on your way.
It's hardly a crutch. It is a belief, based on evidence. I could say that you reject it, simply because it interferes with your life of sin. Hold tight to YOUR crutch. LOL!
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?

Simple facts for simpletons.

Currently, science cannot verify whether or not the Easter Bunny exists!
You are now free to actually accept or reject it based on your own assessement. Now... that very well might be difficult for you, given your affection for "absolutes." You might possibly feel more comfortable being told exactly what to accept and what to reject via a long line of "absolute claims." There is certainly a personailty type that is most comfortable embedded in revealed dogma requiring no actual decision making or judgment on their part.

One of the profound difficulties religious zealots have with reality in general and science in particular is that they are more complex than “the gawds did it.” The universe does not consist of ideals and opposites, but instead of continua along dimensions with multiple (often infinite) possible options. Yes… it is one of the rude awakenings to the religious that we live in a Darwinian world, not a Platonic one.
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

Funny how Weatherman lies about atheists.

Funny in a sick demented way.
Fact is fact. I don't believe in a flat earth and I think men walked on the moon, so I feel no urge to post in those threads. Their beliefs are beyond reason to me. Atheists on the other hand fill this religion forum with their views every day. Atheists post in the religion forum for one reason - they know deep down there really is a God and are struggling on how to rationalize that fact for themselves.

Fact is fact.

This thread is an attack on 'atheism' by a Christian.

This thread is about a Christian telling others that he is right and atheists are wrong.

Christians post about atheism for only one reason- down deep they doubt their own faith in their fairy tale.

Me- I post only to refute people like you and the OP who lie about me.
And the flat earthers and man never walked on the moon cultists attack everyone else everyday thinking they know better. But we ignore them because we think they are loons. And there are probably a hundred threads in this forum talking about faith where atheists feel the need to dive in and push their views on others. Atheists feel that urge to be in this forum for one reason - deep down you really know God exists but you are having difficulty reconciling things.

Christians talk about their faith for only one reason - they want to share the good news. If Christians really believed in what they say they do, it would be pretty crappy of them to keep it to themselves.
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?

You need a crutch, feel free to believe in whatever crutch makes you feel safe.

It wouldn't matter what reality is revealed through study, you will always need the crutch. So grip it tight and hobble on your way.
Christianity is not a crutch.
It's 5,000 John Hopkins hospitals.
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?

Simple facts for simpletons.

Currently, science cannot verify whether or not the Easter Bunny exists!
You are now free to actually accept or reject it based on your own assessement. Now... that very well might be difficult for you, given your affection for "absolutes." You might possibly feel more comfortable being told exactly what to accept and what to reject via a long line of "absolute claims." There is certainly a personailty type that is most comfortable embedded in revealed dogma requiring no actual decision making or judgment on their part.

One of the profound difficulties religious zealots have with reality in general and science in particular is that they are more complex than “the gawds did it.” The universe does not consist of ideals and opposites, but instead of continua along dimensions with multiple (often infinite) possible options. Yes… it is one of the rude awakenings to the religious that we live in a Darwinian world, not a Platonic one.
Can you tell us how and why the universe exists? NO! You cannot. So what makes you the expert? There may well have been a big bang. No one knows for sure. But even if there was was, you have no idea how or why it happened. God is just as valid a theory as anything science can come up with. Tell me I'm wrong.
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?

Simple facts for simpletons.

Currently, science cannot verify whether or not the Easter Bunny exists!
You are now free to actually accept or reject it based on your own assessement. Now... that very well might be difficult for you, given your affection for "absolutes." You might possibly feel more comfortable being told exactly what to accept and what to reject via a long line of "absolute claims." There is certainly a personailty type that is most comfortable embedded in revealed dogma requiring no actual decision making or judgment on their part.

One of the profound difficulties religious zealots have with reality in general and science in particular is that they are more complex than “the gawds did it.” The universe does not consist of ideals and opposites, but instead of continua along dimensions with multiple (often infinite) possible options. Yes… it is one of the rude awakenings to the religious that we live in a Darwinian world, not a Platonic one.
Can you tell us how and why the universe exists? NO! You cannot. So what makes you the expert? There may well have been a big bang. No one knows for sure. But even if there was was, you have no idea how or why it happened. God is just as valid a theory as anything science can come up with. Tell me I'm wrong.

Your answer is it was magic performed by a flying grandpa.

Stick with that if it makes you feel good.
You boil your entire argument down to exactly what I noted.

You believe your opinion is just as valid and refutes all the revealed truths science has uncovered over the last 2,000 years and you reject the reality.

Fine you are free to reject it as it interferes with your worship of myth. But don't pretend you have a coherent logical argument that there was in fact a talking snake and magic is real. These are the things of children's stories and adults ought to outgrow them.
Just want to point out the simple fact that science has no clue about how, or even why, the universe exists. They have proven nothing. So my myth is just as valid as yours. Isn't it?

Simple facts for simpletons.

Currently, science cannot verify whether or not the Easter Bunny exists!
You are now free to actually accept or reject it based on your own assessement. Now... that very well might be difficult for you, given your affection for "absolutes." You might possibly feel more comfortable being told exactly what to accept and what to reject via a long line of "absolute claims." There is certainly a personailty type that is most comfortable embedded in revealed dogma requiring no actual decision making or judgment on their part.

One of the profound difficulties religious zealots have with reality in general and science in particular is that they are more complex than “the gawds did it.” The universe does not consist of ideals and opposites, but instead of continua along dimensions with multiple (often infinite) possible options. Yes… it is one of the rude awakenings to the religious that we live in a Darwinian world, not a Platonic one.
Can you tell us how and why the universe exists? NO! You cannot. So what makes you the expert? There may well have been a big bang. No one knows for sure. But even if there was was, you have no idea how or why it happened. God is just as valid a theory as anything science can come up with. Tell me I'm wrong.

It is exactly the "how" questions that science addresses.

Can you tell us why the Christian gawds allowed their bibles to be altered by the corruptible hand of man?

It is not logically possible to say or think that your polytheistic gawds are the only gawds that don't exist.

Your polytheistic gawds are merely one conception of gawds. We are privileged to consider reality, but only the universe that actually exists can be fruitfully considered. How do we assign confidence to what is real and what is simply imaginary?

Evidence and reason. These are our only tools for that task. Thankfully, they appear to work pretty well, at least for those of us not bound to a precommittment to your dogma.

Millennia of philosophers and theologians have invented countless elaborate and ultimately futile models of reality and truth, with next to no positive impact on the human condition. Science in dramatic contrast is among the youngest of human of human endeavors, and yet has achieved things no previous discipline has approached. It has fed the hungry, cured disease, created technology that four generations ago would have been unimaginable. It has literally changed our world, while religions like Christianity and Islam have done little more than churn human misfortune in a static embrace of past error. Unlike all the philosophies and religions that came before it, science actually works.

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