Atheism: The fool's philosophy

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And now you are judging me. Do you think that gives you some kind of moral high ground? And when have I judged anyone? Pointing out the fact that something is wrong is not judging. And when have I ever twisted anything the Bible says? Give me one example.

You lawyer the bible, you lawyer the definition of judgement. I am not Christian so the tenets of that religion don't apply to me. But you claim to follow it so they do apply to you. Well, if you were Christian anyway.

Stop judging god's children, you aren't the one appointed to do so. Type in 'number of children that go to sleep hungry in America every night'. Then find a local food bank and go do god's work instead of yammering your nonsense here where it helps no one but your ego.
I did not lawyer anything. I judged no one. I asked for an example of my doing so, and you failed to provide one. I think your problem just might be that you don't like to hear the word no, if it interferes in what you like to do.

Have you looked up the definition of 'judgement'. If not then yes, that will interfere with what I like to do.
Judging atheists and judging atheism isn't the same thing.
Then why do you take objection to people who believe n God?
Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
This is another thing I've noticed - atheism seems to sell itself solely on finding fault in Christianity and religion, portraying them all as hypocrites. But rarely if ever sells anything "good" about atheism.

That's because atheism as a movement is almost entirely in the western world where Christianity has been dominant for almost 2,000 years.

Atheism isn't defined by a positive belief but in a lack of belief in god or gods and the supernatural. Atheism doesn't appeal to one's emotions but to one's reason. It denies faith-based belief in any idea not well supported by evidence and reason.

Its best appeal is liberation from a celestial dictator; one could say modern conservatives are for small government and atheists are for small religion.
Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
This is another thing I've noticed - atheism seems to sell itself solely on finding fault in Christianity and religion, portraying them all as hypocrites. But rarely if ever sells anything "good" about atheism.

Atheism isn't defined by a positive belief but in a lack of belief in god or gods and the supernatural.
They have a positive belief in "science and the Scientific method" as "gospel".

Atheism doesn't appeal to one's emotions but to one's reason.
It's based on empiricism, aka the inductive method not the deductive method - most logical arguments support the existence of God..

It denies faith-based belief in any idea not well supported by evidence and reason.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method, a man-made institution who they blindly give authority to define "evidence". Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.

Its best appeal is liberation from a celestial dictator; one could say modern conservatives are for small government and atheists are for small religion.
Science becomes their dictator. If they were for "small religion" progressives would be so adamant at imposing their "Science as gospel" ideology on the public sector.
They have a positive belief in "science and the Scientific method" as "gospel".
When you say "they" do you only mean only atheists because many scientists are Christians or belong to other faiths. You shouldn't use religious text to describe science or the Scientific method. Science merits itself on being challenged. It continues to change parameters and reshape what we know about the Universe. The scientific method is just the way to answer scientific questions by making observations and doing experiments. If you have a better way to study science we are all ears.

It's based on empiricism, aka the inductive method not the deductive method - most logical arguments support the existence of God..
OK, let's just hear some of these logical arguments.

No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.

a man-made institution
Of course it's man made. Pretty hard to follow the Coyote's institution.
who they blindly give authority to define "evidence".
Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Science becomes their dictator.
No, it is a tool for learning and discovering. It is a tool for knowledge.
If they were for "small religion" progressives would be so adamant at imposing their "Science as gospel" ideology on the public sector.
We don't want generations of children turning out ignorant to the world around them.
Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
This is another thing I've noticed - atheism seems to sell itself solely on finding fault in Christianity and religion, portraying them all as hypocrites. But rarely if ever sells anything "good" about atheism.

Atheism isn't defined by a positive belief but in a lack of belief in god or gods and the supernatural.
They have a positive belief in "science and the Scientific method" as "gospel".

Atheism doesn't appeal to one's emotions but to one's reason.
It's based on empiricism, aka the inductive method not the deductive method - most logical arguments support the existence of God..

It denies faith-based belief in any idea not well supported by evidence and reason.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method, a man-made institution who they blindly give authority to define "evidence". Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.

Its best appeal is liberation from a celestial dictator; one could say modern conservatives are for small government and atheists are for small religion.
Science becomes their dictator. If they were for "small religion" progressives would be so adamant at imposing their "Science as gospel" ideology on the public sector.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize you are an expert in atheism. Please, continue to tell me what my beliefs are since you know better than I do.

Your logical fallacy is strawman
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the signs said
"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls
And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?
Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

Science becomes their dictator.
No, it is a tool for learning and discovering. It is a tool for knowledge.
Science can't provide any knowledge about truth or morality, only cause and effect.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.

Stalin was raised a Christian- clearly this is why we need to be proactive in the defending the world against the dangers of Christianity.
Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
This is another thing I've noticed - atheism seems to sell itself solely on finding fault in Christianity and religion, portraying them all as hypocrites. But rarely if ever sells anything "good" about atheism.

Why would I have to defend against not collecting stamps?

I mean not believing in your fairy tale.

I just don't.

You theocrats start thread after thread attacking me for not believing in your fairy tale. I don't have to defend my lack of belief in fairy tales at all.

If believing in fairy tales brings you comfort- go for it. Just leave me the hell alone.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And what good does atheism offer?

"There is no God"

"Man is just an animal"

"The only purpose in life is to eat, sleep, fuck, murder, rape... or whatever your primate impulses tell you... boom!"

That's the only "philosophy" that atheism boils down to.

Atheism offers no philosophy.

We just don't accept your fairy tales.

I don't believe in God or leprechauns or unicorns or dragons.

Why does this so intensely offend you?
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

Funny how Weatherman lies about atheists.

Funny in a sick demented way.
Fact is fact. I don't believe in a flat earth and I think men walked on the moon, so I feel no urge to post in those threads. Their beliefs are beyond reason to me. Atheists on the other hand fill this religion forum with their views every day. Atheists post in the religion forum for one reason - they know deep down there really is a God and are struggling on how to rationalize that fact for themselves.
On the flip side Christianity includes people like Thomas Aquinas, not to mention a lot of history's greatest scientists; yet atheists want Christianity to abandon their faith as though "atheism" is in any way a better option.

When have I told you to abandon your fairy tales?

I don't need your fairy tales- but if you need them- enjoy them.

Christians like yourself want to tell atheists like me what I should believe. I feel no similar compulsion to tell you to stop believing in your fairy tales.
No, it's about blind faith in the Scientific method,
no blind faith. The scientific method has been proven to work.
Circular logic - "Science works because science says so"

Let's hear your definition of "evidence" then.
Logical evidence.

Using reason isn't allowed if it contradicts with the establishment.
What establishment. Do you mean the entire Scientific Community?

Yep, atheists put blind faith in the Scientific community and that their "evidence" should be the basis of their belief system.

This is the result of the derp bubble created by Faux News and con-radio, people who think all knowledge is subjective and all opinions are just equal opinions. To them Einstein's equations are just Einstein's opinion and if they have a differing 'opinion' of General Relativity then in their minds it is an equal argument and their batshit beliefs are equal to any of Einstein's facts.

It is an intentional tool used by propagandists to get their followers to not view factual knowledge as factual knowledge but rather just someone else's unproven ideas. Like their own.

Reality and facts are anathema to these people. Uninformed opinion for them, as it is on Faux news, is what counts. They gather in small groups in their back yards or living rooms and because 6 of them agree on something then that makes it concrete fact, even though there are no supporting facts. They are the penultimate group think example. "If everyone I know believes it then it must be true".
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

Funny how Weatherman lies about atheists.

Funny in a sick demented way.
Fact is fact. I don't believe in a flat earth and I think men walked on the moon, so I feel no urge to post in those threads. Their beliefs are beyond reason to me. Atheists on the other hand fill this religion forum with their views every day. Atheists post in the religion forum for one reason - they know deep down there really is a God and are struggling on how to rationalize that fact for themselves.

Fact is fact.

This thread is an attack on 'atheism' by a Christian.

This thread is about a Christian telling others that he is right and atheists are wrong.

Christians post about atheism for only one reason- down deep they doubt their own faith in their fairy tale.

Me- I post only to refute people like you and the OP who lie about me.
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

Funny how Weatherman lies about atheists.

Funny in a sick demented way.
Fact is fact. I don't believe in a flat earth and I think men walked on the moon, so I feel no urge to post in those threads. Their beliefs are beyond reason to me. Atheists on the other hand fill this religion forum with their views every day. Atheists post in the religion forum for one reason - they know deep down there really is a God and are struggling on how to rationalize that fact for themselves.
It also fits in with the progressive agenda; most 'evangelical atheists' are progressives whose ideology comes from utopian socialists like John Stuart Mill, and much like Marxists the ultimate goal is to eliminate religion and replace it with blind faith in the state.
Atheism offers no philosophy.
That's more or less the point.

People should give up their religion do... what? Watch George Carlin videos on Youtube and beat off in their basement all day?

As if that's an improvement over religion.

And when have I asked you to give up you fairy tales?

Atheism offers no philosophy- we just don't believe in your fairy tales

We just don't accept your fairy tales.

I don't believe in God or leprechauns or unicorns or dragons.

Why does this so intensely offend you?

I don't need your fairy tales- or 'atheism' to have philosophy.

As Thomas Jefferson noted:

If we did a good act merely from the love of God and a belief that it is pleasing to Him, whence arises the morality of the Atheist?
It is idle to say, as some do, that no such thing exists.
We have the same evidence of the fact as of most of those we act on, to wit: their own affirmations, and their reasonings in support of them. I have observed, indeed, generally, that while in Protestant countries the defections from the Platonic Christianity of the priests is to Deism, in Catholic countries they are to Atheism. Diderot, D'Alembert, D'Holbach, Condorcet, are known to have been among the most virtuous of men. Their virtue, then, must have had some other foundation than love of God.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Thomas Law, June 13, 1814,
Funny how atheists feel the need to convince others that their religion has greater benefits than all others.

Funny how Weatherman lies about atheists.

Funny in a sick demented way.
Fact is fact. I don't believe in a flat earth and I think men walked on the moon, so I feel no urge to post in those threads. Their beliefs are beyond reason to me. Atheists on the other hand fill this religion forum with their views every day. Atheists post in the religion forum for one reason - they know deep down there really is a God and are struggling on how to rationalize that fact for themselves.
It also fits in with the progressive agenda; most 'evangelical atheists' are progressives whose ideology comes from utopian socialists like John Stuart Mill, and much like Marxists the ultimate goal is to eliminate religion and replace it with blind faith in the state.

Yet most 'progressives' are also Christians.

From Teddy Roosevelt to Jimmy Carter to Martin Luther King Jr.

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