Atheism: The fool's philosophy

You were the one who started your whine fest against Atheists- clearly it does bother you.
It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

You were the one who started your whine fest against Atheists- clearly it does bother you.
It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

I have great sympathy for Christians who suffer real persecution.

None of those are in the United States.

And we Atheists in the United States have not been calling for the persecution or murder of Christians, despite centuries of Christians persecuting persons who did not believe in their specific brand of Christianity.
I can't think of any western Atheist that champions North Korea. In fact all the well known ones (Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris...etc) have heavily criticized North Korea.
I noticed that Obama wasn't on that list. Oh. That's right. He's not atheist. He's a muslim. Sorry.
It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

I have great sympathy for Christians who suffer real persecution.

None of those are in the United States.

And we Atheists in the United States have not been calling for the persecution or murder of Christians, despite centuries of Christians persecuting persons who did not believe in their specific brand of Christianity.
I can't think of any western Atheist that champions North Korea. In fact all the well known ones (Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris...etc) have heavily criticized North Korea.
I noticed that Obama wasn't on that list. Oh. That's right. He's not atheist. He's a muslim. Sorry.
Ridiculous non-sequitur. Frankly I don't care what religion or non-religion Obama is. Keep focued. Back to all those atheists killing Christians.
Ask a North Korean: is religion allowed?
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

A lie. We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

A lie. We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

I have great sympathy for Christians who suffer real persecution.

None of those are in the United States.

And we Atheists in the United States have not been calling for the persecution or murder of Christians, despite centuries of Christians persecuting persons who did not believe in their specific brand of Christianity.
Oh. So now Christians are the ones doing the persecuting? Give me one example.

Christians have been doing the persecuting for centuries. Are you really that ignorant?

Christians have persecuted homosexuals for centuries- passing laws to put gays in jail- most recently Louisiana rejected an attempt to overturn its unconstitutional anti-gay sodomy laws because of pressure by Christians conservatives.

History is not kind to Christian religious zealots.

Where should we start- here in the United States, Christian minorities fled Christian oppression in England(and Europe) to the United States- and then almost immediately started persecuting those who did not practice their own form of Christianity. My favorite was how people were fined if they did not attend church. Christians burnt and hung people for being witches. And prosecuted those who were not the right flavor- for instance Quakers- by boring holes in their tongues
Why the Puritans persecuted Quakers
The Puritans reacted with vehement rejection, and submitted Quakers who would not heed the warnings to leave and never return to terrible punishments. Boring holes through their tongues was just one of these.

Then there was the Reformation- where Catholics killed lots of peasants and Protestants killed lots of peasants- all for being the wrong kind of Christians. The 30 years war was a war of the Reformation where millions died because their Prince decided they were the wrong brand of Christianity.

And then there were the various massacres by Christians of Jews....
April 26, 1349 Roman Catholic mobs burn to death all Jews in Germersheim, Germany.

Others? The priest led invasions of North and South America- where the priests burned the writings of the Aztecs as an affront to god, while Christian soldiers massacred Aztecs and Mayans in the name of God.

Now I don't blame modern Christians for the acts of other Christians- like you want to blame me for the acts of those who happen to be athiests.
Why don't you compare what these so called Christians did, with the teachings of Christ? Most notably, His command to love thy neighbor. Just because someone says they are a Christian, doesn't make it true. In fact, the Bible states that Christians would always be a very small minority. So there is no way that true Christians would ever have the political clout to do the things you accuse them of doing. Is there?
Here is what you challenged me to show you:

Oh. So now Christians are the ones doing the persecuting? Give me one example.

As I pointed out- Christians have been doing the persecuting for centuries- persecuting people in the name of Christ. Even if you dont' consider them a true 'Christian', that doesn't detract from the fact that there is a long history of people calling themselves Christians- persecuting in the name of Christ- often authorized by the leaders of the Christian churches.

So once again:

Christians have persecuted homosexuals for centuries- passing laws to put gays in jail- most recently Louisiana rejected an attempt to overturn its unconstitutional anti-gay sodomy laws because of pressure by Christians conservatives.

History is not kind to Christian religious zealots.

Where should we start- here in the United States, Christian minorities fled Christian oppression in England(and Europe) to the United States- and then almost immediately started persecuting those who did not practice their own form of Christianity. My favorite was how people were fined if they did not attend church. Christians burnt and hung people for being witches. And prosecuted those who were not the right flavor- for instance Quakers- by boring holes in their tongues
Why the Puritans persecuted Quakers
The Puritans reacted with vehement rejection, and submitted Quakers who would not heed the warnings to leave and never return to terrible punishments. Boring holes through their tongues was just one of these.

Then there was the Reformation- where Catholics killed lots of peasants and Protestants killed lots of peasants- all for being the wrong kind of Christians. The 30 years war was a war of the Reformation where millions died because their Prince decided they were the wrong brand of Christianity.

And then there were the various massacres by Christians of Jews....
April 26, 1349 Roman Catholic mobs burn to death all Jews in Germersheim, Germany.

Others? The priest led invasions of North and South America- where the priests burned the writings of the Aztecs as an affront to god, while Christian soldiers massacred Aztecs and Mayans in the name of God.

Now I don't blame modern Christians for the acts of other Christians- like you want to blame me for the acts of those who happen to be athiests.
It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

I have great sympathy for Christians who suffer real persecution.

None of those are in the United States.

And we Atheists in the United States have not been calling for the persecution or murder of Christians, despite centuries of Christians persecuting persons who did not believe in their specific brand of Christianity.
I can't think of any western Atheist that champions North Korea. In fact all the well known ones (Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris...etc) have heavily criticized North Korea.
I noticed that Obama wasn't on that list. Oh. That's right. He's not atheist. He's a muslim. Sorry.

LOL.....and by 'muslim' you mean:
  • Attends Christian church
  • Publicly proclaims his salvation in Christ
  • Married in a Christian church
  • baptized his daughters in a Christian Church
  • eat pork
  • drinks alcohol
  • doesn't fast for Ramadan
  • owns a dog
I think I see the problem here.

You don't even know who is a Christian.
It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

It doesn't bother me. Why should it? If someone wants to reject God, they will suffer the consequences.
You reject every other god. What if you worshiped the wrong god? Will you suffer the consequences. As for a god that would chose fear induced tactics to be worshipped, I can safely say that I'm glad I don't believe in such a scornful and spoiled malcontent.

What does bother me is that these same atheists are attacking Christianity.
Said the person who started a thread calling atheists fools.

They are murdering Christians. That bothers me.
A lie.
If atheists were content to allow others to believe what they want, it wouldn't bother me in the least what they believe.
We do. We haven't asked for the destruction of churches or other places of worship.
The Christian persecution watchdog group Open Doors has released its annual list of countries where Christians face the greatest persecution and found that it has reached unprecedented levels worldwide as over 7,000 Christians were killed for their faith between Nov. 1, 2014, and Oct. 31, 2015.
Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds

That doesn't include the millions who were killed in Russia, Germany, N Korea. Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It's a fact.

I have great sympathy for Christians who suffer real persecution.

None of those are in the United States.

And we Atheists in the United States have not been calling for the persecution or murder of Christians, despite centuries of Christians persecuting persons who did not believe in their specific brand of Christianity.
I can't think of any western Atheist that champions North Korea. In fact all the well known ones (Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris...etc) have heavily criticized North Korea.
I noticed that Obama wasn't on that list. Oh. That's right. He's not atheist. He's a muslim. Sorry.

So far what the OP has been demonstrating is that his 'Christianity' is a fool's philosophy. Not everyone elses- just his.
From your link:
"the dramatic rise in the amount of persecution against Christians is in part due to the rise of Islamic extremist groups like the Islamic State, Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab."

who knew atheist=Islam
Genocide in North Korea | World Policy Institute

Note how you ignored your own link?
How's that?

Non-atheists prosecuting other non-atheists

While pariah states like North Korea, Sudan (No. 8) and Eritrea (No. 3) continue to stomp on the religious freedoms of Christians and others, the dramatic rise in the amount of persecution against Christians is in part due to the rise of Islamic extremist groups like the Islamic State, Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab.

As IS continues to have a stronghold on much of the historically-Christian Nineveh province in northern Iraq, Iraq is listed at No. 2 on the list.

With the emergence of the IS, thousands of Christians have been forced to flee their homes and villages or risk being killed for their love of Christ. Due to the mass exodus of Christians, the research finds that Christianity is "on the verge of extinction" from Iraq, a place where Christians have lived for two millennia.

Considering that IS also has control of chunks of Syria, Open Doors lists Syria at No. 5 on the list.

"Islamic extremist caliphates are solidified and expanding," Curry said. "The data shows that the Islamic State caliphate has effectively carried out genocide against Yazidis and Christians in Syria and Iraq, pushing hundreds of thousands of Christians into refugee camps in North Iraq and other countries."

Read more at 2015 Deadliest Year for Christians Worldwide, Open Doors' World Watch List Finds
I think what we have here is a problem with word usage. Since Christians are the ones being exterminated,

Christians and Muslims and many others are 'being exterminated' because of their religion.

You started this thread to attack atheists.

I was pointing out your own citation shows that much of the attacks against Christians are by other non-atheists.

And considering that Koreans consider their leader practically divine- perhaps the Korean persecution is being done by theists also.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.
Why do many atheists and skeptics fight so hard to deny God if they don't believe He exists?

Christian author Ray Comfort (pictured below) may have a point when he says atheists know there is a God.

In his book You Can Lead an Atheist to Evidence but You Can't Make Him Think (WND Books, 2009), Comfort said, “We don't have to prove that God exists to the professing atheist. This is because he intuitively knows that He exists. Every person has a God-given conscience. The Bible tells us that this is the 'work of the law written on their hearts'.”

Just as every sane human knows it's wrong to lie, steal, kill, and commit adultery, Comfort says, they also know that God should be first in their life.

Comfort's reasoning is this: People don't fight against something that doesn't exist, or something they don't believe exists.

That's why you don't see groups rising up to fight against the tooth fairy. You don't see professors in universities ridiculing the existence of Santa Claus. You don't see organizations mobilizing troops to denounce werewolves, bunyips, or leprechauns.


Above: Atheist bus campaign creator Ariane Sherine with atheist Richard Dawkins.

What's different with atheists?
So what's different in the atheist's brain? If God doesn't exist, why do atheists such as Richard Dawkins care so passionately that some people believe in Him? Why do they bother writing books against the existence of God? Or waste time preparing videos for YouTube that ridicule God? Or fund ads on the side of London buses?

In fact, why do atheists bother acknowledging that people believe in God at all? People believe all sorts of ridiculous things that atheists don't care about, so why does it matter to them if one of those things is God?

Interestingly, the Bible gives some answers to this.

Psalm 14:1 says, “The fool has said in his heart, There is no God.” Atheists may be brilliant scholars or academics. They may be wonderful inventors, surgeons, or scientists. But if they say there is no God they are declaring themselves fools in spiritual matters. This is why atheism is sometimes called the fool's philosophy.

The Apostle Paul pointed out in Romans 2:15 that God has written intuitive knowledge of His law in our human conscience. In a wonderful passage in Romans 1:20 he says, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.”

There is abundant evidence of God's handiwork written on our conscience and in nature all around us, and there is no excuse for not recognizing God's work in this.

Justifying our actions
So, what is at the core of the atheist's concern?

As sinful humans, we have an amazing tendency to try to justify our actions. This is something that sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. We do something stupid and try to invent plausible reasons why we did it. Sometimes this is to fool others; sometimes it is to convince ourselves that we are not as stupid as our actions indicate.

Sometimes people who have taken a strong point of view on something wrong think it is their duty to get others on side, because there is safety in numbers. This is how cults form, and how dictators get away with murder.

If atheists know in their hearts that there really is a God, but they don't want to be accountable to God for their actions, then it starts to make sense why they try so hard to convince others that God doesn't exist.

This also explains why no-one bothers speaking out against belief in mermaids, pixies, and werewolves. People do not have the truth of these mythical creatures written in their hearts or on their conscience. Nor does nature declare anything about the majesty and power of leprechauns or hobgoblins.

So atheists must know intuitively that God exists. They just want to convince themselves and others that He doesn't exist because if He does it means they have made the worst decision of their lives to reject Him. And that has eternal consequences that are too horrible for them to contemplate.

God wants us to come to Him. He offers salvation to all, and has given two magnificent evidences of Himself. One is the overwhelming evidence of His physical creation all around us, and the other is the imprint of His existence in our conscience.

There should be no atheists. The fact that there are shows human rebellion and arrogance — not an intellectual discovery.
I agree; even when atheists openly declare there is no God they still find something or someone else to deify as God; hence atheists often deify the Scientific Method as a replacement for a religious hierarchy such as the Holy See, and simply use "science" as a surrogate for religion even to the point of using it to try to explain things it doesn't explain.

"Evolution" just becomes a replacement for a creation myth.

"Global warming alarmism" becomes their secular replacement for eschatology or a "rapture" like scenario.

I believe all people are intuitively spiritual beings. When people lose their trust in the world they fool themselves into believing there is no God.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.
True, the most of history's notable atheists are either murdering dictators like Stalin or sociopathic sex criminals like Marquis De Sade.

On the flip side Christianity includes people like Thomas Aquinas, not to mention a lot of history's greatest scientists; yet atheists want Christianity to abandon their faith as though "atheism" is in any way a better option.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And now you are judging me. Do you think that gives you some kind of moral high ground? And when have I judged anyone? Pointing out the fact that something is wrong is not judging. And when have I ever twisted anything the Bible says? Give me one example.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And what good does atheism offer?

"There is no God"

"Man is just an animal"

"The only purpose in life is to eat, sleep, fuck, murder, rape... or whatever your primate impulses tell you... boom!"

That's the only "philosophy" that atheism boils down to.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And now you are judging me. Do you think that gives you some kind of moral high ground? And when have I judged anyone? Pointing out the fact that something is wrong is not judging. And when have I ever twisted anything the Bible says? Give me one example.

You lawyer the bible, you lawyer the definition of judgement. I am not Christian so the tenets of that religion don't apply to me. But you claim to follow it so they do apply to you. Well, if you were Christian anyway.

Stop judging god's children, you aren't the one appointed to do so. Type in 'number of children that go to sleep hungry in America every night'. Then find a local food bank and go do god's work instead of yammering your nonsense here where it helps no one but your ego.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And now you are judging me. Do you think that gives you some kind of moral high ground? And when have I judged anyone? Pointing out the fact that something is wrong is not judging. And when have I ever twisted anything the Bible says? Give me one example.

You lawyer the bible, you lawyer the definition of judgement. I am not Christian so the tenets of that religion don't apply to me. But you claim to follow it so they do apply to you. Well, if you were Christian anyway.

Stop judging god's children, you aren't the one appointed to do so. Type in 'number of children that go to sleep hungry in America every night'. Then find a local food bank and go do god's work instead of yammering your nonsense here where it helps no one but your ego.
I did not lawyer anything. I judged no one. I asked for an example of my doing so, and you failed to provide one. I think your problem just might be that you don't like to hear the word no, if it interferes in what you like to do.
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And now you are judging me. Do you think that gives you some kind of moral high ground? And when have I judged anyone? Pointing out the fact that something is wrong is not judging. And when have I ever twisted anything the Bible says? Give me one example.

You lawyer the bible, you lawyer the definition of judgement. I am not Christian so the tenets of that religion don't apply to me. But you claim to follow it so they do apply to you. Well, if you were Christian anyway.

Stop judging god's children, you aren't the one appointed to do so. Type in 'number of children that go to sleep hungry in America every night'. Then find a local food bank and go do god's work instead of yammering your nonsense here where it helps no one but your ego.
I did not lawyer anything. I judged no one. I asked for an example of my doing so, and you failed to provide one. I think your problem just might be that you don't like to hear the word no, if it interferes in what you like to do.

Have you looked up the definition of 'judgement'. If not then yes, that will interfere with what I like to do.
Because you God freaks have had control of society for way too long...
We still do; atheists are still 3% of the population, less than homosexuals apparently.

Many lives were lost in the struggle for freedom from religion being forced upon society...
Atheists Stalin and Mao killed over 100 billion people in trying to force atheism on society, I agree - this is why we need to be proactive in the fight against atheism.
I am no atheist, yet you need me to be...
Christians have done more good for more people than anyone else. Sure, there are some wacko's out there who give Christians a bad name. But I'll tell you one thing. Nothing good ever came from atheism.

You certainly guzzle the koolaid from the pitcher don't you. For someone that is supposed to 'allow god' to be the sole judge on judgement day, you dive right in to judging everyone about everything.

Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
And now you are judging me. Do you think that gives you some kind of moral high ground? And when have I judged anyone? Pointing out the fact that something is wrong is not judging. And when have I ever twisted anything the Bible says? Give me one example.

You lawyer the bible, you lawyer the definition of judgement. I am not Christian so the tenets of that religion don't apply to me. But you claim to follow it so they do apply to you. Well, if you were Christian anyway.

Stop judging god's children, you aren't the one appointed to do so. Type in 'number of children that go to sleep hungry in America every night'. Then find a local food bank and go do god's work instead of yammering your nonsense here where it helps no one but your ego.
I did not lawyer anything. I judged no one. I asked for an example of my doing so, and you failed to provide one. I think your problem just might be that you don't like to hear the word no, if it interferes in what you like to do.

Have you looked up the definition of 'judgement'. If not then yes, that will interfere with what I like to do.
Judging atheists and judging atheism isn't the same thing.
Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
This is another thing I've noticed - atheism seems to sell itself solely on finding fault in Christianity and religion, portraying them all as hypocrites. But rarely if ever sells anything "good" about atheism.
Is that WWJD? It is what lawyered Jesus would do, and that is what all fake kristians do, they lawyer the bible until it's twisted to fit around the life they choose when you are supposed to wrap your life around the bible. But that last part is too hard for 98% of people that claim to be Christian. Thus they are kristians. Fake Christians.
This is another thing I've noticed - atheism seems to sell itself solely on finding fault in Christianity and religion, portraying them all as hypocrites. But rarely if ever sells anything "good" about atheism.

I'm sure you 'notice' various things.

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