Atheist denied citizenship unless she joins church

Having to prove your CO status has not been ruled unconstitutional. I'm sure the ICE agent knew the quickest and easiest way to prove it was to join a church, so he gave her that advice, and like the fornicating pig she is ran with it, and will probably end up getting him fired. There is no place for that stupid bitch here.

It wasn't "advice" -- it was applied as a requirement. That's the unconstitutional part.

And your evidence for her 'fornicating' is -- where again?

We're making progress. You didn't argue with the part about her being a pig.


Well, I can only chew so much at one time... :thup:
We're making progress. You didn't argue with the part about her being a pig.


Well, I can only chew so much at one time... :thup:

Well chew on THIS: Citizens are entitled to more than non citizens.

Aye, we are. And this person is applying to be a citizen -- which means she would then be entitled to the same as we are. So the justification for this person's citizenship requirements being narrower than they are for the rest of us is.... where again?

::gulp:: yum
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You just have expectations of EXCELLENCE, COMPETENCE, and RESPONSIVENESS from your govt.
That's why you LOVE bigger govt right?

And why you couldn't see the relevence of my questions about the IRS..

Because you in your leftist mindset cannot even CONCEIVE of the possibility that the GOVT would handle citizens in a sloppy, unprofessional, and uninformed manner. That's if you're lucky and not on their current shit list..

I haven't said a damn word about "bigger government", or the IRS, or "left" or "right" anything, let alone "excellence", "competence" or "responsiveness" even without shouting.
Your red herrings are not my concern, so hold your fish at least until Friday.


Not offtopic at all... Your complaint here is that some lazy, uninformed and uninspired GS-8 phone clerk gave this women inadequate and misleading information.

Same problem folks have with the IRS giving shoddy inadequate explanations 40% of tthe time.. Same problem that allowed some brain dead GS7 rubber-stamper to renew Mohhamed Attah's visas AFTER he rammed the plane into the WTCenter..

You're expectations for govt customer service are just too high... Given the overwhelming evidence we have to cite. Those of us with a REALISTIC view of how inept govt customer service is --- would just Hmmmmph and "move on"..

You think this is a CONSPIRACY? No -- it's business as usual in the Wash DC Bureaucracy..
If she is going to claim conscientious objector status she needs to prove that up.


What in the world would that have to do with anything? She's not refusing to go to war, you know.

How about she just "claims" the US Constitution.

As usual -- you don't understand your own thread.. She attempted to MODIFY her citizenship application by stipulating she be RECOGNIZED as a conscientious objector. That means roughly --- she will not serve.

Now -- she needs to prove it. This isn't about "denying citizenship". This is a challenge to back up her C.O. status assertion.. As soon as that is resolved, we can get back to reconsidering her MODIFIED application..

Can ATHEISTS be C.Objectors?? Seems like it. But then again the incompetence of the BIG BUREAUCRACY YOU WORSHIP, might have to actually spent 12 man-years reading regs and court decisions..

YOU LIKE Big Bloated Govt?? Then don't act so shocked and irate when this shit happens..

R U that dense?

No they can't when it comes to the oath. Atheists don't have any scripture or dogma to point to that commands them to not kill or not do anything for that matter. Personal convictions do not weigh much compared to being brain washed by a cult like the Christians or Mormans. Truth is under the right set of circumstances anyone will kill without giving it a moments thought. I don't care who she is or who a guy might be.. If she enters her home and discovers a rapist molesting her daughter or young son and she grabs a butcher knife in the kitchen upon hearing the screams of her child ...she will stab the rapist until he stops moving.

Whether a citizen will volunteer to kill on the order of a military superior who gets sent somewhere on the planet on the order of a politician is another matter. I'm sure that there are a lot more psychopathes that just like to kill and harm others in the military than those that join and discover they cannot kill because upon seeing the reality of the act they reject it not out of fear but out of an inner compass that cannot be ignored.

A lot of innocent men women and children get killed whenever our troops get sent anywhere "to defend our freedom".

I am so totally offended by that phrase. The last time our freedom was actually on the line was in WWII. Every war since then has been a war of choice and the only thing on the block was some companies agreement about an economic resource or a trumped up threat like terrorism which clearly takes excellent intel and Navy Seal teams and drones to eliminate the individuals involved. We did not need to destroy Iraq to kill Saddam. We did not need to engage in over ten years of war in Afgahnistan to get our pound of flesh from Al Quida.

The truth of the matter is that 9/11 would not have happened if our own agencies that are charged with our safety had not bungled and dropped the ball ...all the way to the president that didn't have the curiosity to follow up on a known threat that had a recent history of violent, deadly attacks on our military and civilian assets thruout the ME and Africa. Few Americans have the balls to look at the facts of 9/11 and admit we knew that some sand ******* were being all hopped up by a guy we knew very well because he worked for us when the Russians were run out of Afgahnistan. 9/11 happened because of the hubris of George Bush and the incompetance of the FBI the NSA and the CIA. 9/11 happened because a couple of flight instructors were asked to teach some Mid East guys with no commercial aviation experience or prospects of ever needing to know how a Boeing passenger jet liner is flown even if only in a simulator but the most important part of flight training save weather is how to land the goddamned airplane. And these individuals told the instructors they were not interested in landing training. Flight instructors are supposed to be smart. They are suppposed to reject bad judgement observed in any student pilot. I know, I am a liscenced pilot. It makes my eyes pop right out of my head and make my skull want to explode when I think of all the flight instructors I have known and the ones that trained the terrorists didn't march right down to the local FBI and FAA offices and scream bloody murder until someone in authority acted. A classic case of unregulated buisness run amuck ... We will train our own assassins for a few bucks because we don't like to discourage any business opportunity. We are fools.

Our own stpidity and hubris allowed 9/11 to happen. That is only responsible way to look at it.

LikeI said earlier. We don't need the dumb bitch in our country. We already have enough morons amongst us.
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You just have expectations of EXCELLENCE, COMPETENCE, and RESPONSIVENESS from your govt.
That's why you LOVE bigger govt right?

And why you couldn't see the relevence of my questions about the IRS..

Because you in your leftist mindset cannot even CONCEIVE of the possibility that the GOVT would handle citizens in a sloppy, unprofessional, and uninformed manner. That's if you're lucky and not on their current shit list..

I haven't said a damn word about "bigger government", or the IRS, or "left" or "right" anything, let alone "excellence", "competence" or "responsiveness" even without shouting.
Your red herrings are not my concern, so hold your fish at least until Friday.


Not offtopic at all... Your complaint here is that some lazy, uninformed and uninspired GS-8 phone clerk gave this women inadequate and misleading information.

Same problem folks have with the IRS giving shoddy inadequate explanations 40% of tthe time.. Same problem that allowed some brain dead GS7 rubber-stamper to renew Mohhamed Attah's visas AFTER he rammed the plane into the WTCenter..

You're expectations for govt customer service are just too high... Given the overwhelming evidence we have to cite. Those of us with a REALISTIC view of how inept govt customer service is --- would just Hmmmmph and "move on"..

You think this is a CONSPIRACY? No -- it's business as usual in the Wash DC Bureaucracy..

Making up a premise and then putting it in bold doesn't make it MY premise, junior. And I know nothing about a "phone call", let alone who's "lazy" or "uninspired". The issue is that the USCIS office is requiring her, unconstitutionally, to join a church in order to process her application honestly. The key word is "unconstitutionally". They have no legal basis.

None of that bears any relationship whatsoever to the IRS, the left, the right, the center, the top, the bottom, "conspiracies" or Mohammed Freaking Atta. This is a constitutional issue. And if you practiced reading comprehension you might have noticed that I took the position that the office is wrong, not right. And it's not DC bureaucracy; it's Houston bureaucracy. That's why I use the term "Texas logic".

Spend more time reading and less time on the conspiracy comics and maybe your posts will start to make sense. This is the silliest red herring since last week's shimmering adventure where another poster tried to tie Barack O'bama into a thread about salad dressing and naked people.
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What in the world would that have to do with anything? She's not refusing to go to war, you know.

How about she just "claims" the US Constitution.

As usual -- you don't understand your own thread.. She attempted to MODIFY her citizenship application by stipulating she be RECOGNIZED as a conscientious objector. That means roughly --- she will not serve.

Now -- she needs to prove it. This isn't about "denying citizenship". This is a challenge to back up her C.O. status assertion.. As soon as that is resolved, we can get back to reconsidering her MODIFIED application..

Can ATHEISTS be C.Objectors?? Seems like it. But then again the incompetence of the BIG BUREAUCRACY YOU WORSHIP, might have to actually spent 12 man-years reading regs and court decisions..

YOU LIKE Big Bloated Govt?? Then don't act so shocked and irate when this shit happens..

R U that dense?

No they can't when it comes to the oath. Atheists don't have any scripture or dogma to point to that commands them to not kill or not do anything for that matter. Personal convictions do not weigh much compared to being brain washed by a cult like the Christians or Mormans. Truth is under the right set of circumstances anyone will kill without giving it a moments thought. I don't care who she is or who a guy might be.. If she enters her home and discovers a rapist molesting her daughter or young son and she grabs a butcher knife in the kitchen upon hearing the screams of her child ...she will stab the rapist until he stops moving.

Whether a citizen will volunteer to kill on the order of a military superior who gets sent somewhere on the planet on the order of a politician is another matter. I'm sure that there are a lot more psychopathes that just like to kill and harm others in the military than those that join and discover they cannot kill because upon seeing the reality of the act they reject it not out of fear but out of an inner compass that cannot be ignored.

A lot of innocent men women and children get killed whenever our troops get sent anywhere "to defend our freedom".

I am so totally offended by that phrase. The last time our freedom was actually on the line was in WWII. Every war since then has been a war of choice and the only thing on the block was some companies agreement about an economic resource or a trumped up threat like terrorism which clearly takes excellent intel and Navy Seal teams and drones to eliminate the individuals involved. We did not need to destroy Iraq to kill Saddam. We did not need to engage in over ten years of war in Afgahnistan to get our pound of flesh from Al Quida.

The truth of the matter is that 9/11 would not have happened if our own agencies that are charged with our safety had not bungled and dropped the ball ...all the way to the president that didn't have the curiosity to follow up on a known threat that had a recent history of violent, deadly attacks on our military and civilian assets thruout the ME and Africa. Few Americans have the balls to look at the facts of 9/11 and admit we knew that some sand ******* were being all hopped up by a guy we knew very well because he worked for us when the Russians were run out of Afgahnistan. 9/11 happened because of the hubris of George Bush and the incompetance of the FBI the NSA and the CIA. 9/11 happened because a couple of flight instructors were asked to teach some Mid East guys with no commercial aviation experience or prospects of ever needing to know how a Boeing passenger jet liner is flown even if only in a simulator but the most important part of flight training save weather is how to land the goddamned airplane. And these individuals told the instructors they were not interested in landing training. Flight instructors are supposed to be smart. They are suppposed to reject bad judgement observed in any student pilot. I know, I am a liscenced pilot. It makes my eyes pop right out of my head and make my skull want to explode when I think of all the flight instructors I have known and the ones that trained the terrorists didn't march right down to the local FBI and FAA offices and scream bloody murder until someone in authority acted. A classic case of unregulated buisness run amuck ... We will train our own assassins for a few bucks because we don't like to discourage any business opportunity. We are fools.

Our own stpidity and hubris allowed 9/11 to happen. That is only responsible way to look at it.

LikeI said earlier. We don't need the dumb bitch in our country. We already have enough morons amongst us.

Ironic conclusion, since her field is teaching adult literacy. Oops.

Ironicer still since the history you laid out before that line would seem to validate her position. There's a mixed message.
Margaret Doughty, Atheist Seeking U.S. Citizenship, Told To Join Church Or Be Denied

Margaret Doughty, an atheist and permanent U.S. resident for more than 30 years, was told by immigration authorities this month that she has until Friday to officially join a church that forbids violence or her application for naturalized citizenship will be rejected.

Doughty received the ultimatum after stating on her application that she objected to the pledge to bear arms in defense of the nation due to her moral opposition to war. According to a letter to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services by the American Humanist Association on Doughty's behalf, officials responded by telling her that she needed to prove that her status as a conscientious objector was due to religious beliefs. They reportedly told her she'd need to document that she was "a member in good standing" of a nonviolent religious organization or be denied citizenship at her June 21 hearing. A note “on official church stationary [sic]" would suffice, they said.
Her letter is at the link.

She is not being denied citizenship, she is allegedly being told that in order to claim conscientious objector status she has to be part of a church. Whoever told her that, if she was actually told that, is wrong, so you can relax and go find another fake demand to join a church to complain about.

The statute (above) says that no person "who by religious training and belief is conscientiously opposed to participation in war in any form" can be required to kill or train to kill in the military. CO provisions like this have been a part of American law since the time of the colonies.

United States courts have interpreted the meaning of religion according to the first amendment of the Constitution. That amendment guarantees the right to practice one's religion and guards against the government favoring a particular religion over another.

For a few years the legal recognition of conscientious objection was limited to those who belonged to religions that believed in a "supreme being." This wording favored certain religions over others.

Earlier, during World War I, the government would only give CO status to people who were members of "peace churches," such as the Society of Friends (Quakers), Mennonites or Brethren. But, this has changed.

In 1965 and in 1970 the Supreme Court ruled that the words "religious training and belief" must now be interpreted to include moral and ethical beliefs that have the same force in people's lives as traditional religious beliefs.

So, the word "religious" here refers to the nature of a person's training and beliefs. That means that the law considers many sincere beliefs "religious" even if they are not a part of what most people call a "religion."

Who is a Conscientious Objector?
I haven't said a damn word about "bigger government", or the IRS, or "left" or "right" anything, let alone "excellence", "competence" or "responsiveness" even without shouting.
Your red herrings are not my concern, so hold your fish at least until Friday.


Not offtopic at all... Your complaint here is that some lazy, uninformed and uninspired GS-8 phone clerk gave this women inadequate and misleading information.

Same problem folks have with the IRS giving shoddy inadequate explanations 40% of tthe time.. Same problem that allowed some brain dead GS7 rubber-stamper to renew Mohhamed Attah's visas AFTER he rammed the plane into the WTCenter..

You're expectations for govt customer service are just too high... Given the overwhelming evidence we have to cite. Those of us with a REALISTIC view of how inept govt customer service is --- would just Hmmmmph and "move on"..

You think this is a CONSPIRACY? No -- it's business as usual in the Wash DC Bureaucracy..

Making up a premise and then putting it in bold doesn't make it MY premise, junior. And I know nothing about a "phone call", let alone who's "lazy" or "uninspired". The issue is that the USCIS office is requiring her, unconstitutionally, to join a church in order to process her application honestly. The key word is "unconstitutionally". They have no legal basis.

None of that bears any relationship whatsoever to the IRS, the left, the right, the center, the top, the bottom, "conspiracies" or Mohammed Freaking Atta. This is a constitutional issue. And if you practiced reading comprehension you might have noticed that I took the position that the office is wrong, not right.

Spend more time reading and less time on the conspiracy comics and maybe your posts will start to make sense. This is the silliest red herring since last week's shimmering adventure where another poster tried to tie Barack O'bama into a thread about salad dressing and naked people.

She received BAD information in a letter (OK?) drafted by someone either untrained or unfamiliar with judicial precedent or the regs. This would come as no surprise to you if you had a realistic appraisal of typical customer relations with the govt.

I tried to remind you how useless typical GOVT HELP is... But because of YOUR RELIGION, (as a worshipper of the Huge Fed Govt) --- you not allowed to admit to that fact..

This bad information WON'T STAND UP. (as the wise QW told you) So you can get all outraged at WHATEVERTHEFUCK you're outraged at --- but tomorrow, she'll recieve more accurate and useful info from Immigration.

I'm OK with your inability to comprehend this -- and I won't bother your thread anymore.

Please just tell me.. WHO or WHAT do you think is trying to do EVIL to this woman? Who are YOU after here?
Not offtopic at all... Your complaint here is that some lazy, uninformed and uninspired GS-8 phone clerk gave this women inadequate and misleading information.

Same problem folks have with the IRS giving shoddy inadequate explanations 40% of tthe time.. Same problem that allowed some brain dead GS7 rubber-stamper to renew Mohhamed Attah's visas AFTER he rammed the plane into the WTCenter..

You're expectations for govt customer service are just too high... Given the overwhelming evidence we have to cite. Those of us with a REALISTIC view of how inept govt customer service is --- would just Hmmmmph and "move on"..

You think this is a CONSPIRACY? No -- it's business as usual in the Wash DC Bureaucracy..

Making up a premise and then putting it in bold doesn't make it MY premise, junior. And I know nothing about a "phone call", let alone who's "lazy" or "uninspired". The issue is that the USCIS office is requiring her, unconstitutionally, to join a church in order to process her application honestly. The key word is "unconstitutionally". They have no legal basis.

None of that bears any relationship whatsoever to the IRS, the left, the right, the center, the top, the bottom, "conspiracies" or Mohammed Freaking Atta. This is a constitutional issue. And if you practiced reading comprehension you might have noticed that I took the position that the office is wrong, not right.

Spend more time reading and less time on the conspiracy comics and maybe your posts will start to make sense. This is the silliest red herring since last week's shimmering adventure where another poster tried to tie Barack O'bama into a thread about salad dressing and naked people.

She received BAD information in a letter (OK?) drafted by someone either untrained or unfamiliar with judicial precedent or the regs. This would come as no surprise to you if you had a realistic appraisal of typical customer relations with the govt.

I tried to remind you how useless typical GOVT HELP is... But because of YOUR RELIGION, (as a worshipper of the Huge Fed Govt) --- you not allowed to admit to that fact..

Horse shit. I've never posted anything remotely resembling that. You're a fucking liar, period.

This bad information WON'T STAND UP. (as the wise QW told you)

--- which is exactly what I've been saying since I first came into this thread a hundred posts ago, dumbass.
QW quoted from the same page I quoted hours ago. Read much?

So you can get all outraged at WHATEVERTHEFUCK you're outraged at --- but tomorrow, she'll recieve more accurate and useful info from Immigration.

She damn well better. Agian, that's been my point here throughout. But for an asshat panting himself out of breath about incompetent bureaucracies, you're awfully confident that it's all going to turn around "tomorrow". Is that when the nurse brings your meds?

I'm OK with your inability to comprehend this -- and I won't bother your thread anymore.

Please just tell me.. WHO or WHAT do you think is trying to do EVIL to this woman? Who are YOU after here?

I'm here for the Constitution. You and your imaginary comic book red herrings and IRSes and Mohammed Attas can go sit on a tack for all I care. We the coherent can handle this.
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That would include a great number already citizens.

As has been pointed out, the applicant is a 64-year-old woman, and obviously has little chance of being inducted and placed in a foxhole in the near future, so clearly we can agree her objection is on principle...

... which means all these wags declaring "agree to take up arms or stay out" are in effect basing citizenship solely on a test of approved thought.


She is not a citizen.

Doesn't sound like she's much of a human being either.
As has been pointed out, the applicant is a 64-year-old woman, and obviously has little chance of being inducted and placed in a foxhole in the near future, so clearly we can agree her objection is on principle...

... which means all these wags declaring "agree to take up arms or stay out" are in effect basing citizenship solely on a test of approved thought.


She is not a citizen.

Doesn't sound like she's much of a human being either.

Hmm, spends her time teaching adult literacy (to Americans), honoured by Queen Elizabeth for her educational work, and has a lifelong moral stand against taking a life.

Nope, not much humanity there. Waste of human protoplasm she is.
Update on this horrible woman who has committed the unforgivable crime of being against war.

Margaret Doughty Approved For Citizenship As USCIS Backs Down In Flap Over Atheist Opposition To War

Margaret Doughty, an atheist and legal resident whose application for U.S. citizenship was nearly rejected this month over her non-religious opposition to war, will become a naturalized citizen next week, the blog Divided Under God first reported on Thursday.

According to Divided Under God, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services decided to retract a demand that Doughty show proof "on official church stationery" that her stated conscientious objector status was a function of her being a "member in good standing" of a pacifist religious group. Here's the text of a letter she received from her congressional Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas), who intervened in the matter:

“This Service hereby withdraws the request for evidence (RFE) issued on June 7, 2013. This Service accepts your detailed statement in satisfaction of the information requested by the RFE. Your application for naturalization has been approved.”
Update on this horrible woman who has committed the unforgivable crime of being against war.

Margaret Doughty Approved For Citizenship As USCIS Backs Down In Flap Over Atheist Opposition To War

Margaret Doughty, an atheist and legal resident whose application for U.S. citizenship was nearly rejected this month over her non-religious opposition to war, will become a naturalized citizen next week, the blog Divided Under God first reported on Thursday.

According to Divided Under God, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services decided to retract a demand that Doughty show proof "on official church stationery" that her stated conscientious objector status was a function of her being a "member in good standing" of a pacifist religious group. Here's the text of a letter she received from her congressional Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas), who intervened in the matter:

“This Service hereby withdraws the request for evidence (RFE) issued on June 7, 2013. This Service accepts your detailed statement in satisfaction of the information requested by the RFE. Your application for naturalization has been approved.”

:clap2: :eusa_dance: :thewave: :mm: :beer:

Final score: Constitution 1, Saboteurs 0.
Update on this horrible woman who has committed the unforgivable crime of being against war.

Margaret Doughty Approved For Citizenship As USCIS Backs Down In Flap Over Atheist Opposition To War

Margaret Doughty, an atheist and legal resident whose application for U.S. citizenship was nearly rejected this month over her non-religious opposition to war, will become a naturalized citizen next week, the blog Divided Under God first reported on Thursday.

According to Divided Under God, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services decided to retract a demand that Doughty show proof "on official church stationery" that her stated conscientious objector status was a function of her being a "member in good standing" of a pacifist religious group. Here's the text of a letter she received from her congressional Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas), who intervened in the matter:

“This Service hereby withdraws the request for evidence (RFE) issued on June 7, 2013. This Service accepts your detailed statement in satisfaction of the information requested by the RFE. Your application for naturalization has been approved.”

:clap2: :eusa_dance: :thewave: :mm: :beer:

Final score: Constitution 1, Saboteurs 0.

Sasboteurs? Who exactly is a Saboteur in this situation?
Update on this horrible woman who has committed the unforgivable crime of being against war.

Margaret Doughty Approved For Citizenship As USCIS Backs Down In Flap Over Atheist Opposition To War

:clap2: :eusa_dance: :thewave: :mm: :beer:

Final score: Constitution 1, Saboteurs 0.

Sasboteurs? Who exactly is a Saboteur in this situation?

Why, the yahoo who tried to force her to go git her some religion of course.

Hope he gets whatever retraining he needs.
Making up a premise and then putting it in bold doesn't make it MY premise, junior. And I know nothing about a "phone call", let alone who's "lazy" or "uninspired". The issue is that the USCIS office is requiring her, unconstitutionally, to join a church in order to process her application honestly. The key word is "unconstitutionally". They have no legal basis.

None of that bears any relationship whatsoever to the IRS, the left, the right, the center, the top, the bottom, "conspiracies" or Mohammed Freaking Atta. This is a constitutional issue. And if you practiced reading comprehension you might have noticed that I took the position that the office is wrong, not right.

Spend more time reading and less time on the conspiracy comics and maybe your posts will start to make sense. This is the silliest red herring since last week's shimmering adventure where another poster tried to tie Barack O'bama into a thread about salad dressing and naked people.

She received BAD information in a letter (OK?) drafted by someone either untrained or unfamiliar with judicial precedent or the regs. This would come as no surprise to you if you had a realistic appraisal of typical customer relations with the govt.

I tried to remind you how useless typical GOVT HELP is... But because of YOUR RELIGION, (as a worshipper of the Huge Fed Govt) --- you not allowed to admit to that fact..

Horse shit. I've never posted anything remotely resembling that. You're a fucking liar, period.

--- which is exactly what I've been saying since I first came into this thread a hundred posts ago, dumbass.
QW quoted from the same page I quoted hours ago. Read much?

So you can get all outraged at WHATEVERTHEFUCK you're outraged at --- but tomorrow, she'll recieve more accurate and useful info from Immigration.

She damn well better. Agian, that's been my point here throughout. But for an asshat panting himself out of breath about incompetent bureaucracies, you're awfully confident that it's all going to turn around "tomorrow". Is that when the nurse brings your meds?

I'm OK with your inability to comprehend this -- and I won't bother your thread anymore.

Please just tell me.. WHO or WHAT do you think is trying to do EVIL to this woman? Who are YOU after here?

I'm here for the Constitution. You and your imaginary comic book red herrings and IRSes and Mohammed Attas can go sit on a tack for all I care. We the coherent can handle this.

So I see I was right all along and this turns out to be the usual govt incompetence..

Not a plot to initiate the Theocracy or a massive breach of the Constitution.

Thanks for playing..

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