Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

Religion was "cute" while it was just dangling and digging daggers and swords...

But now they hold the power to destroy the world on a supernatural whim. And present a common threat to humanity. No matter what your religion or lack of...

Stupid people should not play these games. The end-result is mutual extermination. And then you take out the atheists with you...
We're just trying to tell you to wake up and stop! Before you kill us all... goshdangit!

And if it helps, I'll repeat the Sumerian stories that the OT is based on. Because they said something else than what OT religions say today.

And if you then want to consider the Anunnaki as "aliens" or mythological "rulers", that's up to you to decide for yourself.

The fact remains that their stories are the origins of the OT, and all religions that stem from that. Any religion that rewrote these stories to their benefit, are plagiarists and hoaxers. And thus the followers are following human-created fiction.

Whether the Sumerian stories are based on ancient aliens really doesn't matter anymore, because religious followers will never accept that, even after an alien intervention... They'll continue to deny, and worship their false god(s) as they were trained to do.
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We're just trying to tell you to wake up and stop! Before you kill us all... goshdangit!

And if it helps, I'll repeat the Sumerian stories that the OT is based on. Because they said something else than what OT religions say today.

You're trying to tell us this but you're all a bunch of idiots.

There is no "OT religions" ..there is an "Old Testament" which is part of The Bible. There is also a "New Testament" which is also part of The Bible. You can repeat Sumerian stories or Hebrew stories from a different time in history, it doesn't mean a damn thing today. Humans conveyed philosophy through storytelling back then and their stories were often allegorical. To discern if a particular story was allegorical or literal, you really need to do some deep research into the conditions, context, circumstances of the time, etc. You've not done ANY of that, you just take things and parse them out of context to bash religion. Like the fucking brain-dead moron that you are... it's all you're capable of.

In your fucked-up little mind, humans would've been far better off without any sort of religious beliefs... devoid of any spirituality whatsoever. There have been over 1,700 wars and only 127 were over religion.

Noted psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud said, "if mankind didn't believe in God he'd have to create him." We are spiritual creatures, hard-wired to believe in something greater than self. It is this human spirituality which enables inspiration. We've had this attribute since we've walked upright. To simply toss it aside as superfluous is just abject idiocy of the highest order. It's not only a denial of science and biology, it's a denial of basic common reasoning. Ergo: You're an idiot.
We're just trying to tell you to wake up and stop! Before you kill us all... goshdangit!

And if it helps, I'll repeat the Sumerian stories that the OT is based on. Because they said something else than what OT religions say today.

You're trying to tell us this but you're all a bunch of idiots.

There is no "OT religions" ..there is an "Old Testament" which is part of The Bible. There is also a "New Testament" which is also part of The Bible. You can repeat Sumerian stories or Hebrew stories from a different time in history, it doesn't mean a damn thing today. Humans conveyed philosophy through storytelling back then and their stories were often allegorical. To discern if a particular story was allegorical or literal, you really need to do some deep research into the conditions, context, circumstances of the time, etc. You've not done ANY of that, you just take things and parse them out of context to bash religion. Like the fucking brain-dead moron that you are... it's all you're capable of.

In your fucked-up little mind, humans would've been far better off without any sort of religious beliefs... devoid of any spirituality whatsoever. There have been over 1,700 wars and only 127 were over religion.

Noted psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud said, "if mankind didn't believe in God he'd have to create him." We are spiritual creatures, hard-wired to believe in something greater than self. It is this human spirituality which enables inspiration. We've had this attribute since we've walked upright. To simply toss it aside as superfluous is just abject idiocy of the highest order. It's not only a denial of science and biology, it's a denial of basic common reasoning. Ergo: You're an idiot.
I would agree that things don't improve when people abandon God. The French Revolution and Communism are just two examples. The millions of people murdered by atheistic governments is just astounding, far exceeding all religions combined.
We're just trying to tell you to wake up and stop! Before you kill us all... goshdangit!

And if it helps, I'll repeat the Sumerian stories that the OT is based on. Because they said something else than what OT religions say today.

You're trying to tell us this but you're all a bunch of idiots.

There is no "OT religions" ..there is an "Old Testament" which is part of The Bible. There is also a "New Testament" which is also part of The Bible. You can repeat Sumerian stories or Hebrew stories from a different time in history, it doesn't mean a damn thing today. Humans conveyed philosophy through storytelling back then and their stories were often allegorical. To discern if a particular story was allegorical or literal, you really need to do some deep research into the conditions, context, circumstances of the time, etc. You've not done ANY of that, you just take things and parse them out of context to bash religion. Like the fucking brain-dead moron that you are... it's all you're capable of.

In your fucked-up little mind, humans would've been far better off without any sort of religious beliefs... devoid of any spirituality whatsoever. There have been over 1,700 wars and only 127 were over religion.

Noted psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud said, "if mankind didn't believe in God he'd have to create him." We are spiritual creatures, hard-wired to believe in something greater than self. It is this human spirituality which enables inspiration. We've had this attribute since we've walked upright. To simply toss it aside as superfluous is just abject idiocy of the highest order. It's not only a denial of science and biology, it's a denial of basic common reasoning. Ergo: You're an idiot.

Here you go again Boss... Your previous post was something I could agree with. But once someone posts that can truly debate you, you switch sides. To debate me, again.

We went through this before, and it didn't end up well for you, so don't know why you're trying it again.

You cannot be a switch-hitter when it comes to truth.

Almost all wars are due to religion. And wars based on Socialism count. Where you got your numbers, is highly suspect.

We actually think the same, except that you have to defend religion for some reason.

I have no problems with a faith in a higher power. My problems start when people think their religion allows them to kill and subjugate others. Which is what OT-based religions have done for 4000 years, and continue to this day.
We're just trying to tell you to wake up and stop! Before you kill us all... goshdangit!

And if it helps, I'll repeat the Sumerian stories that the OT is based on. Because they said something else than what OT religions say today.

You're trying to tell us this but you're all a bunch of idiots.

There is no "OT religions" ..there is an "Old Testament" which is part of The Bible. There is also a "New Testament" which is also part of The Bible. You can repeat Sumerian stories or Hebrew stories from a different time in history, it doesn't mean a damn thing today. Humans conveyed philosophy through storytelling back then and their stories were often allegorical. To discern if a particular story was allegorical or literal, you really need to do some deep research into the conditions, context, circumstances of the time, etc. You've not done ANY of that, you just take things and parse them out of context to bash religion. Like the fucking brain-dead moron that you are... it's all you're capable of.

In your fucked-up little mind, humans would've been far better off without any sort of religious beliefs... devoid of any spirituality whatsoever. There have been over 1,700 wars and only 127 were over religion.

Noted psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud said, "if mankind didn't believe in God he'd have to create him." We are spiritual creatures, hard-wired to believe in something greater than self. It is this human spirituality which enables inspiration. We've had this attribute since we've walked upright. To simply toss it aside as superfluous is just abject idiocy of the highest order. It's not only a denial of science and biology, it's a denial of basic common reasoning. Ergo: You're an idiot.
I would agree that things don't improve when people abandon God. The French Revolution and Communism are just two examples. The millions of people murdered by atheistic governments is just astounding, far exceeding all religions combined.

Communism has never existed, you ignorant twat. What is it that you call Communist? And the millions and millions of people murdered by Socialist dictators, were done by people simply following their religious leader's orders. They killed and sacrificed their lives based on their religion, in the hopes it would lead the State to Utopia. ie Communism... Which it never did... and has never existed.

So understand the huge difference between Communism and Socialism, before you continue to make a fool out of yourself.

"Communism" is a utopia equivalent to "Heaven". There are no "heaven" countries, therefore there are no "communist" countries. Got it?

Socialists use the idea of Communism, and threat, to get the people to do what they want, and make them devote themselves both financially and militarily.

Religions do the same exact thing with "heaven and hell", and martyrdom. And especially donations.
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We're just trying to tell you to wake up and stop! Before you kill us all... goshdangit!

And if it helps, I'll repeat the Sumerian stories that the OT is based on. Because they said something else than what OT religions say today.

You're trying to tell us this but you're all a bunch of idiots.

There is no "OT religions" ..there is an "Old Testament" which is part of The Bible. There is also a "New Testament" which is also part of The Bible. You can repeat Sumerian stories or Hebrew stories from a different time in history, it doesn't mean a damn thing today. Humans conveyed philosophy through storytelling back then and their stories were often allegorical. To discern if a particular story was allegorical or literal, you really need to do some deep research into the conditions, context, circumstances of the time, etc. You've not done ANY of that, you just take things and parse them out of context to bash religion. Like the fucking brain-dead moron that you are... it's all you're capable of.

In your fucked-up little mind, humans would've been far better off without any sort of religious beliefs... devoid of any spirituality whatsoever. There have been over 1,700 wars and only 127 were over religion.

Noted psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud said, "if mankind didn't believe in God he'd have to create him." We are spiritual creatures, hard-wired to believe in something greater than self. It is this human spirituality which enables inspiration. We've had this attribute since we've walked upright. To simply toss it aside as superfluous is just abject idiocy of the highest order. It's not only a denial of science and biology, it's a denial of basic common reasoning. Ergo: You're an idiot.

Here you go again Boss... Your previous post was something I could agree with. But once someone posts that can truly debate you, you switch sides. To debate me, again.

We went through this before, and it didn't end up well for you, so don't know why you're trying it again.

You cannot be a switch-hitter when it comes to truth.

Almost all wars are due to religion. And wars based on Socialism count. Where you got your numbers, is highly suspect.

We actually think the same, except that you have to defend religion for some reason.

I have no problems with a faith in a higher power. My problems start when people think their religion allows them to kill and subjugate others. Which is what OT-based religions have done for 4000 years, and continue to this day.

Well, I haven't switched "sides" and I don't have any reason to. I am consistent in my views and the articulation of them.

Again... point of fact... there have been over 1,700 recorded wars in human history, only 127 were caused by or attributable to religion. So it's quite the opposite of your claim, very few wars were due to religion. What you want to do is dishonestly draw some transient connection with a religious view and blame that for any war. This is just as silly and ridiculous as claiming most wars are caused by testosterone.

I don't agree with exploitation of religion to justify killing and subjugating others. I just don't hold the religion itself responsible. These are the actions of men. It doesn't have anything to do with the religion, it's simply the vehicle of exploit for these individuals.

And again... there is no such thing as "OT-based religions" ....I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about? Christianity? That's based on THE BIBLE, not half of The Bible. You have to go back about 1,500 years to find an example of Christians starting a religious-based war and THEN it was a response to brutal Islamic aggression and persecution.
We're just trying to tell you to wake up and stop! Before you kill us all... goshdangit!

And if it helps, I'll repeat the Sumerian stories that the OT is based on. Because they said something else than what OT religions say today.

You're trying to tell us this but you're all a bunch of idiots.

There is no "OT religions" ..there is an "Old Testament" which is part of The Bible. There is also a "New Testament" which is also part of The Bible. You can repeat Sumerian stories or Hebrew stories from a different time in history, it doesn't mean a damn thing today. Humans conveyed philosophy through storytelling back then and their stories were often allegorical. To discern if a particular story was allegorical or literal, you really need to do some deep research into the conditions, context, circumstances of the time, etc. You've not done ANY of that, you just take things and parse them out of context to bash religion. Like the fucking brain-dead moron that you are... it's all you're capable of.

In your fucked-up little mind, humans would've been far better off without any sort of religious beliefs... devoid of any spirituality whatsoever. There have been over 1,700 wars and only 127 were over religion.

Noted psychiatrist, Sigmund Freud said, "if mankind didn't believe in God he'd have to create him." We are spiritual creatures, hard-wired to believe in something greater than self. It is this human spirituality which enables inspiration. We've had this attribute since we've walked upright. To simply toss it aside as superfluous is just abject idiocy of the highest order. It's not only a denial of science and biology, it's a denial of basic common reasoning. Ergo: You're an idiot.

Here you go again Boss... Your previous post was something I could agree with. But once someone posts that can truly debate you, you switch sides. To debate me, again.

We went through this before, and it didn't end up well for you, so don't know why you're trying it again.

You cannot be a switch-hitter when it comes to truth.

Almost all wars are due to religion. And wars based on Socialism count. Where you got your numbers, is highly suspect.

We actually think the same, except that you have to defend religion for some reason.

I have no problems with a faith in a higher power. My problems start when people think their religion allows them to kill and subjugate others. Which is what OT-based religions have done for 4000 years, and continue to this day.

Well, I haven't switched "sides" and I don't have any reason to. I am consistent in my views and the articulation of them.

No you aren't. Stop lying.

And men do the actions based on what they're told by their religion. Stop trying to excuse that.
Are you saying that Christianity is based on the Bible, not half of the Bible? Are you serious?

You switch hit so much that you don't even know what you're saying anymore...

The Bible is the OT and the NT. And subsequent texts.
No you aren't. Stop lying.

And men do the actions based on what they're told by their religion. Stop trying to excuse that.

That's just not true. Religion doesn't take over someone's mind and make them do things they have no control over, that's ridiculous. Do you really believe that's what happens?

I've not excused a damn thing, I'm simply pointing out the difference between a religion and the willful actions of individuals who exploit their religions. To blame the religion is to excuse the behavior of the individual.
The OT part is plagiarism from much more ancient Sumerian and Babylonian texts. And that leads to the NT.

No you aren't. Stop lying.

And men do the actions based on what they're told by their religion. Stop trying to excuse that.

That's just not true. Religion doesn't take over someone's mind and make them do things they have no control over, that's ridiculous. Do you really believe that's what happens?

I've not excused a damn thing, I'm simply pointing out the difference between a religion and the willful actions of individuals who exploit their religions. To blame the religion is to excuse the behavior of the individual.
Of course it does. That's why people kill themselves for their religion. They think they're gonna get to an utopia.
Here's what you're not getting...

If the religion didn't exist, would people follow their leader and kill others?
Name one ancient society that fought a war that was not due to religion. Since they didn't have long-range weapons and had to fight hand-to-hand. Which means likely death.

The only way they will do that, is because they believe they will be richer afterwards when they die.

Only religion offers that lie.
Are you saying that Christianity is based on the Bible, not half of the Bible? Are you serious?

You switch hit so much that you don't even know what you're saying anymore...

The Bible is the OT and the NT. And subsequent texts.

Yes, Christianity is based on the entire Bible, not half of it. In fact, John states in the book of Revelations that nothing should be added or taken away. So if you believe in Christianity, you believe in the whole Bible, not just half of it.

Now, I understand that you don't like the OT. If we completely disregard the NT and the teachings of Jesus, the Reformation and how the NT "modifies" Christianity, then you may have a valid point.... the OT is brutal. That's why Jesus had to come die for man's sins. But the fact remains, you can't just take the OT and disregard everything else and claim that's somehow Christianity. It's not.

The OT is presented as historic reference for Christians to understand the origins of Christianity. You're viewing it as part of the doctrine in practice but that has been replaced by the New Testament. Christians don't sacrifice goats over the fires anymore. They no longer have to do these things because their sins have been paid for by the blood of Christ.
The OT part is plagiarism from much more ancient Sumerian and Babylonian texts. And that leads to the NT.

It's not plagiarized, that's your opinion. There are similarities found in both OT and NT with more ancient texts. That might be coincidence or it might not be... you can't prove it either way. Just because you find similarity doesn't mean it was copied.
No you aren't. Stop lying.

And men do the actions based on what they're told by their religion. Stop trying to excuse that.

That's just not true. Religion doesn't take over someone's mind and make them do things they have no control over, that's ridiculous. Do you really believe that's what happens?

I've not excused a damn thing, I'm simply pointing out the difference between a religion and the willful actions of individuals who exploit their religions. To blame the religion is to excuse the behavior of the individual.
Of course it does. That's why people kill themselves for their religion. They think they're gonna get to an utopia.

Of course it does, what? Takes over their minds and makes them do things they don't really want to do? Nonsense.

You seem to be referring to Islamic Jihadists here, and they make a willing choice to do what they do. It's not so they can get some reward in the afterlife, it's because they feel they are called upon to do this in the name of Allah. The afterlife promised is simply a reward for obeying their religion.
Name one ancient society that fought a war that was not due to religion. Since they didn't have long-range weapons and had to fight hand-to-hand. Which means likely death.

The only way they will do that, is because they believe they will be richer afterwards when they die.

Only religion offers that lie.

Again, historians have documented over 1,700 wars and only 127 were "religious" wars. Most of the time, it's not about religion, it's about power and control of resources.

And I am going to go out on a limb and say it's extremely RARE for a human being to willingly give their life for the belief they will be richer afterwards when they die. Certainly, there have been some... suicide bombers, the 9/11 terrorists, kamikaze pilots... but by-and-large, it's a rare anomaly in humans. They might be willing to RISK their lives for a noble religious cause but it's not for the purpose of securing tangible assets in an afterlife. That's just basic psychology.
Religions and Religious beliefs are ubiquitous across times, and countries and cultures. From the perspective of Evolution it signals that it has Evolutionary survival value. It seems to me that human beings by virtue of simply being alive experience Existential anxiety at the awareness that our personal death and that of our family friends and loved one loom ahead and that we Exist in a boundlessly Mysterious universe....Organized Religion seems to offer an answer to that background anxiety all folks experience and answers to the Questions that surge in human minds about being alive in this Universe.

Humans are predator class organisms so what happens is that Religion is used by advanced predators to yes provide that soothing cosmic explanation to the Faithful while at the same time enriching themselves and violating rules of behavior laid down for others as being what "God" wants . Its used by self same predators as "control mechanisms" to keep the Faithful from challenging anything that is going on that benefit a narrow group of people while keeping the majority in thrall to unfair conditions .

Gadzook is a Religion without a God figure or a leader...Gadzookies know that there is an Energy that suffuses and controls all things and that makes up everything...that Energy I liken to the Central Light source in a Fiber optic lamp whereas we are the points of Lights connected to the Central source always through fiber optics line one needs a priest class or a clergy to connect...we are always connected ...we have direct line to source... It is the concerns of everyday life and survival plus a "foreign conceptual installation" in our awareness that keeps us from experiencing fully this direct connection to source..

"Every one of us human beings has two minds.

One is totally ours,

it is like a faint voice that always brings us order, directness, purpose.

The other is a foreign installation.

It brings us conflict, self-assertion, doubts, hopelessness:

it's ourselves as the 'me-me' center of the world."

"Infinity is everything that surrounds us: the spirit, the dark sea of awareness. It is something that exists out there and rules our lives. My steps and yours are ruled by infinity. "

<----we are those points of light propelled out from source into the Time Space continuum we occupy ...
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You're switching again. You can't help yourself, can you?

I think you may be being torn up by two different ideologies that exist within you.

One is of a person following science and logic and truth. And the other is a person who is still tied to his birth religion and hates to hear it being insulted.

So you bat both ways, and which way depends on the person you're arguing with. I get it. It's cool. I did the same thing for a long time in my childhood, until I realized which one could be dropped from consideration.

Again, I'm a very spiritual person, and I hold morality and virtue and ethics to the highest degree.

My reason for these debates, is to make people aware that they should never kill or die for their religion again.

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