Atheists on this board answer this question....

From the Atheist Foundation.......
Reaching a full potential of life before death is only afforded to those who reject the notion of life after death.
Life after Death Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Truly a vacuous meaningless statement because why go through all the effort of life, much less as above stated "reaching full potential"
if there is nothing here after.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. Honestly. WHY would there be any purpose in going to school, having a job,
having kids! What purpose would any life fulfill if all there is was this life! Why in the hell go on?
Seriously why would any atheist want to be alive? They should commit suicide and I really wouldn't care. They have no reason to exist if they
have no belief there is a here after!

Do you know there is an afterlife? Are you absolutely certain there is one? Or do you believe it in hopes that this idea is true: life eternal?

Have you given much thought to what the afterlife is? Existence without struggle seems meaningless to me. After a million years, what's left to do? Sounds like eternal life would get very boring. I like mountaineering and skiing. Without the danger, those activities lose their thrill and their meaning. I like reading and educating myself, but in a perfect world and with universal knowledge, what would be the point? Even as a kid I got tired of summer vacation and looked forward to school. I relish a challenge, but what challenges are there in Heaven? Being with your loved ones for eternity sounds wonderful, but what's love without loss? Without the ever-present possibility of death, we lose our humanity, our identities, what makes us who we are. Unless God does a periodic mind-wipe. But then, if He does, how do we not know that we don't already live in Heaven? Perhaps that's what death is.

If you are so certain that the afterlife exists, should you not fear death? Should you not mourn those who have died whom you believe have already gone to this perfect place with no suffering, no struggle, no loss, and no end?
It's not what I believe it is what the atheist believes. If there is no life after death why the hell exist now? What's the purpose of this existence if you don't think there is something better? Hence if I were an atheist the only course of action is suicide. Again after all why waste all the energy and existence for nothing?

If there is no life after death, the purpose of life is to live it. Make your heaven here on earth.
What BELIEFS have I demonstrated that I wish to press upon other people?

--Homosexuality as "sexual abnormality"
--Homosexuality as "immoral"
--Male/female marriage as the "natural standard"
--Constitutional separation of church and state as a "myth"
--Secularism as an "attack" on Christmas, and really Christianity in general

Just to name a few....

And, abortion/birth control.

Sharia law at its finest.

Hey coward why you bail from every thread you are challenged in?

Since you brought up abortion, let me reask a question I asked of you in another thread that you ran from

How do you rectify these two laws.

1. says if your wife is 1 month pregnant and you hit her and the baby dies, your guilty of murder (the illegal taking of a human life)

2. Your wife can choose to end the same life that is in her body without it being called murder?

I mean at a minimum you could have the guts to say the law is wrong.

Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.
What BELIEFS have I demonstrated that I wish to press upon other people?

--Homosexuality as "sexual abnormality"
--Homosexuality as "immoral"
--Male/female marriage as the "natural standard"
--Constitutional separation of church and state as a "myth"
--Secularism as an "attack" on Christmas, and really Christianity in general

Just to name a few....

And, abortion/birth control.

Sharia law at its finest.

Hey coward why you bail from every thread you are challenged in?

Since you brought up abortion, let me reask a question I asked of you in another thread that you ran from

How do you rectify these two laws.

1. says if your wife is 1 month pregnant and you hit her and the baby dies, your guilty of murder (the illegal taking of a human life)

2. Your wife can choose to end the same life that is in her body without it being called murder?

I mean at a minimum you could have the guts to say the law is wrong.

Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.

You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.
What BELIEFS have I demonstrated that I wish to press upon other people?

--Homosexuality as "sexual abnormality"
--Homosexuality as "immoral"
--Male/female marriage as the "natural standard"
--Constitutional separation of church and state as a "myth"
--Secularism as an "attack" on Christmas, and really Christianity in general

Just to name a few....

And, abortion/birth control.

Sharia law at its finest.

Hey coward why you bail from every thread you are challenged in?

Since you brought up abortion, let me reask a question I asked of you in another thread that you ran from

How do you rectify these two laws.

1. says if your wife is 1 month pregnant and you hit her and the baby dies, your guilty of murder (the illegal taking of a human life)

2. Your wife can choose to end the same life that is in her body without it being called murder?

I mean at a minimum you could have the guts to say the law is wrong.

Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.

You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.

It is an analogy. A fetus is part of the women's body and it is her decision as to whether or not it remains there, hers. YOU cannot take that decision away from her either way just as YOU can't decide what is done with my window.
Because it is easy enough to show that millions have been murdered in the name of Christianity.

The best you might be able to argue is that Christians didn't murder as many.

The killing that the Christians did was at a time of a lot more barbarism than when the atheists did their killing....remember, we aren't talking the middle ages for atheists...they did their killing in modern nation states....Germany, Russia, and though China was primitive the time mao murdered close to 70 million people wasn't.....

I don't make that argument...I respond to the claim that christians have killed more people....
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--Homosexuality as "sexual abnormality"
--Homosexuality as "immoral"
--Male/female marriage as the "natural standard"
--Constitutional separation of church and state as a "myth"
--Secularism as an "attack" on Christmas, and really Christianity in general

Just to name a few....

And, abortion/birth control.

Sharia law at its finest.

Hey coward why you bail from every thread you are challenged in?

Since you brought up abortion, let me reask a question I asked of you in another thread that you ran from

How do you rectify these two laws.

1. says if your wife is 1 month pregnant and you hit her and the baby dies, your guilty of murder (the illegal taking of a human life)

2. Your wife can choose to end the same life that is in her body without it being called murder?

I mean at a minimum you could have the guts to say the law is wrong.

Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.

You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.

It is an analogy. A fetus is part of the women's body and it is her decision as to whether or not it remains there, hers. YOU cannot take that decision away from her either way just as YOU can't decide what is done with my window.

you are dumb

For purposes of the federal law concerning murder, the fetus is NOT considered to be part of the woman's body. If I cut off your finger, which is part of your body that's not murder.
And, abortion/birth control.

Sharia law at its finest.

Hey coward why you bail from every thread you are challenged in?

Since you brought up abortion, let me reask a question I asked of you in another thread that you ran from

How do you rectify these two laws.

1. says if your wife is 1 month pregnant and you hit her and the baby dies, your guilty of murder (the illegal taking of a human life)

2. Your wife can choose to end the same life that is in her body without it being called murder?

I mean at a minimum you could have the guts to say the law is wrong.

Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.

You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.

It is an analogy. A fetus is part of the women's body and it is her decision as to whether or not it remains there, hers. YOU cannot take that decision away from her either way just as YOU can't decide what is done with my window.

you are dumb

For purposes of the federal law concerning murder, the fetus is NOT considered to be part of the woman's body. If I cut off your finger, which is part of your body that's not murder.

I know you are, but what am I? The Federal law does not apply in all cases, only in the commission of some federal crimes of violence does not affect Roe v Wade and a women's right to choose what happens to her body. Besides, you're presuming I agree with the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, I don't. It comes too close to trying to separate the fetus from the mother. There are better ways to craft legislation that would punish violence against pregnant women that recognizes the additional injury a woman may suffer from loss of, or harm to, a wanted pregnancy.
Because it is easy enough to show that millions have been murdered in the name of Christianity.

The best you might be able to argue is that Christians didn't murder as many.

The killing that the Christians did was at a time of a lot more barbarism than when the atheists did their killing....remember, we aren't talking the middle ages for atheists...

The killings seem pretty barbaric regardless of when the killings took place.
You're using old precepts... A-theism is a distant cousin of the sociopathic anti-theist.

You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to invent your own bullshit just so you can argue your own bullshit.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Can't you poor fools see that Where_r_my_Keys has won yet again???

I can't help but to feel like you disagree.

Yet, instead of showing where I did not prevail, you chose to run with a rather impotent implication.

Now I wonder why THAT is?

So, just to clear it up, please specify where you see the opposition having sustained their position. Just quote the element(s) of the above exchange wherein the cult of anti-theism sustained the irrational premise that they're merely a-theistic and not anti-theistic.

Naturally, your failure to do so will stand as your concession that your above contribution was a deceit,advanced through fraudulent means, in an attempt to influence your comrades, OKA: the ignorant.
... There are better ways to craft legislation that would punish violence against pregnant women that recognizes the additional injury a woman may suffer from loss of, or harm to, a wanted pregnancy.

There is only one way to assure that one avoids an unwanted pregnancy and that is to bear the responsibility of being a WOMAN and to CHOOSE to allow a man into her body, ONLY when she WANTS TO GET PREGNANT!

Ya see, that is the extent of the 'RIGHT to CHOOSE'.
Beyond that, you're requiring that a woman possesses a "RIGHT" which sets her sense of convenience superior to the LIFE of another human being. And what WORSE, a human being she conceived through her own wanton and willful behavior; a human being for which she is SOLEY RESPONSIBLE.

And nature requires that there is no potential for such a right.
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... Naturally, your failure to sustain your position will stand as your concession that your above contribution was a Deceit and advanced through FRAUDULENT means, in a pathetic attempt to influence your comrades: the Ignorant.

Because you're a buffoon and it's fun to taunt you.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. (Ya did the very BEST you could lil' man. You keep trying, because even a blind nut finds a squirrel now and then... and you're due buddy. You're due... .)
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What BELIEFS have I demonstrated that I wish to press upon other people?

--Homosexuality as "sexual abnormality"
--Homosexuality as "immoral"
--Male/female marriage as the "natural standard"
--Constitutional separation of church and state as a "myth"
--Secularism as an "attack" on Christmas, and really Christianity in general

Just to name a few....

And, abortion/birth control.

Sharia law at its finest.

Hey coward why you bail from every thread you are challenged in?

Since you brought up abortion, let me reask a question I asked of you in another thread that you ran from

How do you rectify these two laws.

1. says if your wife is 1 month pregnant and you hit her and the baby dies, your guilty of murder (the illegal taking of a human life)

2. Your wife can choose to end the same life that is in her body without it being called murder?

I mean at a minimum you could have the guts to say the law is wrong.

Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.

You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.

Oh I just ADORE this one...

The window is a poor analogy for a human being, so she is pointing toward the stark distinction in the two scenarios wherein you kill her child or she kills her child... . She erroneously believes that because she is soley responsible for the child; having conceived such through her own wanton and willful behavior, that it's no one
else's business (privacy) if she murders her pre-born child. Sadly, murdering in private... abuses the rights which are relevant to privacy. The first responsibility of which is that one does not exercise their right to privacy, to the detriment of another human being, to exercise their own rights.

If I sit int he privacy of my home and arrange for the murder of someone else... my right to privacy does not excuse my actions which threatened the means of another to fulfill their life.
Hey coward why you bail from every thread you are challenged in?

Since you brought up abortion, let me reask a question I asked of you in another thread that you ran from

How do you rectify these two laws.

1. says if your wife is 1 month pregnant and you hit her and the baby dies, your guilty of murder (the illegal taking of a human life)

2. Your wife can choose to end the same life that is in her body without it being called murder?

I mean at a minimum you could have the guts to say the law is wrong.

Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.

You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.

It is an analogy. A fetus is part of the women's body and it is her decision as to whether or not it remains there, hers. YOU cannot take that decision away from her either way just as YOU can't decide what is done with my window.

you are dumb

For purposes of the federal law concerning murder, the fetus is NOT considered to be part of the woman's body. If I cut off your finger, which is part of your body that's not murder.

I know you are, but what am I? The Federal law does not apply in all cases, only in the commission of some federal crimes of violence does not affect Roe v Wade and a women's right to choose what happens to her body. Besides, you're presuming I agree with the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, I don't. It comes too close to trying to separate the fetus from the mother. There are better ways to craft legislation that would punish violence against pregnant women that recognizes the additional injury a woman may suffer from loss of, or harm to, a wanted pregnancy.

Oh, so your argument is that a fetus is only a human being if the mother wants the child


My God you truly are retarded
Is there or is there not a difference in the law if I break my window or if YOU break it?

Besides, those laws vary from state to state, they are not absolute.

You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.

It is an analogy. A fetus is part of the women's body and it is her decision as to whether or not it remains there, hers. YOU cannot take that decision away from her either way just as YOU can't decide what is done with my window.

you are dumb

For purposes of the federal law concerning murder, the fetus is NOT considered to be part of the woman's body. If I cut off your finger, which is part of your body that's not murder.

I know you are, but what am I? The Federal law does not apply in all cases, only in the commission of some federal crimes of violence does not affect Roe v Wade and a women's right to choose what happens to her body. Besides, you're presuming I agree with the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, I don't. It comes too close to trying to separate the fetus from the mother. There are better ways to craft legislation that would punish violence against pregnant women that recognizes the additional injury a woman may suffer from loss of, or harm to, a wanted pregnancy.

Oh, so your argument is that a fetus is only a human being if the mother wants the child


My God you truly are retarded

I never said that. I said a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body and the fetus is part of her body. There is a difference if I smash my own hand with a hammer or if you do it.
You moron

A) that's a FEDERAL law, supersedes all state laws, pesky COTUS

and a window isn't a fetus.

It is an analogy. A fetus is part of the women's body and it is her decision as to whether or not it remains there, hers. YOU cannot take that decision away from her either way just as YOU can't decide what is done with my window.

you are dumb

For purposes of the federal law concerning murder, the fetus is NOT considered to be part of the woman's body. If I cut off your finger, which is part of your body that's not murder.

I know you are, but what am I? The Federal law does not apply in all cases, only in the commission of some federal crimes of violence does not affect Roe v Wade and a women's right to choose what happens to her body. Besides, you're presuming I agree with the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, I don't. It comes too close to trying to separate the fetus from the mother. There are better ways to craft legislation that would punish violence against pregnant women that recognizes the additional injury a woman may suffer from loss of, or harm to, a wanted pregnancy.

Oh, so your argument is that a fetus is only a human being if the mother wants the child


My God you truly are retarded

I never said that. I said a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body and the fetus is part of her body. There is a difference if I smash my own hand with a hammer or if you do it.

Oh my God you are stupid

Do you know what MURDER is?

We're not talking about smashing your hand you dumb fuck

Murder is the illegal killing of a human being.

By the very nature of the law, the law is recognizing that a fetus is a human being, so how can a different law say "no a fetus is merely part of a woman's body?"

The two laws disagree on whether a fetus is a human being or not

It is an analogy. A fetus is part of the women's body and it is her decision as to whether or not it remains there, hers. YOU cannot take that decision away from her either way just as YOU can't decide what is done with my window.

you are dumb

For purposes of the federal law concerning murder, the fetus is NOT considered to be part of the woman's body. If I cut off your finger, which is part of your body that's not murder.

I know you are, but what am I? The Federal law does not apply in all cases, only in the commission of some federal crimes of violence does not affect Roe v Wade and a women's right to choose what happens to her body. Besides, you're presuming I agree with the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, I don't. It comes too close to trying to separate the fetus from the mother. There are better ways to craft legislation that would punish violence against pregnant women that recognizes the additional injury a woman may suffer from loss of, or harm to, a wanted pregnancy.

Oh, so your argument is that a fetus is only a human being if the mother wants the child


My God you truly are retarded

I never said that. I said a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body and the fetus is part of her body. There is a difference if I smash my own hand with a hammer or if you do it.

Oh my God you are stupid

Do you know what MURDER is?

We're not talking about smashing your hand you dumb fuck

Murder is the illegal killing of a human being.

By the very nature of the law, the law is recognizing that a fetus is a human being, so how can a different law say "no a fetus is merely part of a woman's body?"

The two laws disagree on whether a fetus is a human being or not


Gosh, Dumb as a Post, why don't you call me some more names and see if I want to continue discourse with you. I said I do not agree with the law (which, as I have already pointed out only applies to some Federal crimes of a violent nature) and therefore do not see it as murder. The law has also not had any effect on Roe v Wade has it?
As an atheist i don't care what other people believe. If it helps them deal with the stress and uncertainty of their mortality, more power to them.

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