Atheists on this board answer this question....

"The total body count for the ninety years between 1917 and 2007 is approximately 148 million dead at the bloody hands of fifty-two atheists, three times more than all the human beings killed by war, civil war, and individual crime in the entire twentieth century combined."

Atheism and Mass Murder - Conservapedia
Conservapedia? Shit, I heard they were rewriting the bible to take out all the parts that urge compassion.
Yup. Conservapedia. Where someone honest has actually compiled the numbers, and sourced them.

Feel free to pull your numbers from somewhere and source them. I'll wait. So far, all we have you saying (over and over) is CHRISTIANS ARE BAD AND THERE WERE A LOT OF PEOPLE KILLED 1000 YEARS AGO IN THE CRUSADES SO CHRISTIANS ARE BAD!

It's are indeed an idiot.
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?
"The total body count for the ninety years between 1917 and 2007 is approximately 148 million dead at the bloody hands of fifty-two atheists, three times more than all the human beings killed by war, civil war, and individual crime in the entire twentieth century combined."

Atheism and Mass Murder - Conservapedia

Conservapedia is a wacko source.
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?



The Crusades were a RESPONSE to ISLAMIC CRUSADES which had CONQUERED CHRISTIANS... Defense of one's means to fulfill their lives is a fundamental responsibility of Christianity.

These myths that killing human beings is a sin against God is absurdly foolish, as there is NOTHING in the Christian Religion which could lead ANYONE to such a conclusion. Killing the unrepentant is essential to the viability of the species. As God has demonstrated on numerous occasions.

That you disagree, is irrelevant.

And by all means PLEASE CONTINUE!
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

Nope, that's not what I said or implied.

What I said is that your statements about Christianity causing more deaths than any other ideology is a flat out lie. And I provided the numbers to prove it.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

See: Jesus' reaction to the unjust who used the church for their own subjective needs.

See: Revelations...
Meanwhile, let's continue with reality and reason. Occupied is only making a lame point that is made over and over by ignorant, lazy and disorganized anti-Christians for years. I don't think he will read this. The hallmark of ignorant, lazy and disorganized anti-Christians is that they only read propaganda, and if they can get away with LISTENING to it second or third hand instead of reading even that much, they will do that.

But he should read this:

"The assertion is that religion has caused most of the killing and bloodshed in the world. The greatest atrocities committed against man were done in the name of God.

"Before I get to the particular facts, there is more than just a factual problem here. There is a theoretical problem as well and I tried to make the point that we must distinguish between what an individual or group of people do and what the code that they allegedly follow actually asserts. The fact is that there are people who do things consistently that are inconsistent with the code that they allegedly follow. But often times when that happens, especially where religion is concerned, the finger is pointed not at the individual who is choosing to do something barbaric, but at the code he claims to represent. The only time it's legitimate to point to the code as the source of barbarism is if the code is, in fact, the source of barbarism. People object to a religion that used barbaric means to spread the faith. But one can only use that as an objection against the religion if it's the religion itself that asserts that one must do it this way, as opposed to people who try to promote the spread of the religion in a forceful fashion in contradiction to what the religion actually teaches.

"It's my understanding that much of Islam has been spread by the edge of the sword. That isn't because Muslim advocates were particularly violent. It's because their religion actually advocates this kind of thing. The difference between that and Christianity is that when Christianity was spread by the edge of the sword it was done so in contradistinction to the actually teachings of Christianity. This is when individual people who claim to be Christians actually did things that were inconsistent with their faith."

Stand to Reason The Real Murderers Atheism or Christianity
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

Nope, that's not what I said or implied.

What I said is that your statements about Christianity causing more deaths than any other ideology is a flat out lie. And I provided the numbers to prove it.
You provided nothing. You can subtract Hitler from the count, his religious speeches urging his countrymen to rise up against the Jews in the name of German Christian identity are a matter of record. Not sure what his real feeling on Jesus was but he damned sure used him to get the power he wanted.
" The rule actually is that when we remove God from the equation, when we act and live as if we have no one to answer to but ourselves, and if there is not God, then the rule of law is social Darwinism--the strong rule the weak. We'll find that, quite to the contrary, it is not Christianity and the belief in the God of the Bible that results in carnage and genocide. But it's when people reject the God of the Bible that we are most vulnerable to those kinds of things that we see in history that are the radical and gross destruction of human lives. "

"It is true that it's possible that religion can produce evil, and generally when we look closer at the detail it produces evil because the individual people are actually living in a rejection of the tenants of Christianity and a rejection of the God that they are supposed to be following. So it can produce it, but the historical fact is that outright rejection of God and institutionalizing of atheism actually does produce evil on incredible levels. We're talking about tens of millions of people a result of the rejection of God. "

Stand to Reason The Real Murderers Atheism or Christianity
"The total body count for the ninety years between 1917 and 2007 is approximately 148 million dead at the bloody hands of fifty-two atheists, three times more than all the human beings killed by war, civil war, and individual crime in the entire twentieth century combined."

Atheism and Mass Murder - Conservapedia
Conservapedia? Shit, I heard they were rewriting the bible to take out all the parts that urge compassion.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted
Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

Nope, that's not what I said or implied.

What I said is that your statements about Christianity causing more deaths than any other ideology is a flat out lie. And I provided the numbers to prove it.
You provided nothing. You can subtract Hitler from the count, his religious speeches urging his countrymen to rise up against the Jews in the name of German Christian identity are a matter of record. Not sure what his real feeling on Jesus was but he damned sure used him to get the power he wanted.

No, you proved nothing.

I made my case quite eloquently. Just because you're too stupid to understand how it works doesn't mean I failed. It just means you're too stupid to understand how this works.
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.

There weren't as many people to kill back then. That's the only reason Christian kill totals are smaller.

Christian motivated killing began to recede once we started getting rid of Christian theocracies.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

See: Jesus' reaction to the unjust who used the church for their own subjective needs.

See: Revelations...
I like Jesus and admire his teachings too bad his lousy fan club is prone to brutality when they hold secular power.
You are right

Most atheists don't give a shit about your silly beliefs. No harm, no foul
But there are a small percentage who have grown tired of others pushing their beliefs in their faces and are doing a little fight fire with fire

Christians are not too happy

Well, the Anti-theists will push until they trigger their own demise. I say keep pushin'.

After all, Christians aren't bound to any particular set of principles and have a long history of allowing people to walk all over them forever... it's not like they've beaten back, set upon and eviscerated the greatest evils that have crawled the earth.

So yeah... If I were you, I'd stay right up in their grill. They aren't going to do anything about it.
Christians need to man up and stop whining about petty insults

Nobody is stopping you from celebrating your holiday

First: It's "Holy Day"

Second: Time and place... time and place.

There's a point where it becomes a threat and at that point the threat is eradicated. You'll know when that point is reached.

Understand how it works:

God endows us with inalienable rights. With those rights come correlating responsibilities. Part and parcel of those responsibilities is to not exercise one's rights to the detriment of another to exercise their own rights.

When someone fails to bear their responsibilities, it falls to the Christian to inform the usurper of their crime, to make them aware of their failure and to ask that they change their ways. To then give the time to adjust, and to guide them, to the extent possible, toward the light.

'... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations ... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is our right and responsibility, it is our duty, to throw off such usurpations and to provide new guards for our future security. ...'

Time and place... .
God wants you to live and let live

Stop trying to dictate what others are allowed to believe or not believe

Basically.....lighten up

Yes, but God provided us with the responsibility to live... and where threats to our lives exist, we are tasked with the duty to destroy that threat.

And in that, we, lighten up the cultural load.

My advice to you is to live and let live and in doing so, to stop forcing the unprincipled tenets of your Godless cult upon innocent people. Or... through your failure to provide the courtesy, suffer the consequences intrinsic to such behavior.

Personally, I'm perfectly fine either way. I would prefer you to comply, but I have no problem with your suffering the consequences.
Sorry....but someone not saying Merry Christmas is not a threat to your life
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

Nope, that's not what I said or implied.

What I said is that your statements about Christianity causing more deaths than any other ideology is a flat out lie. And I provided the numbers to prove it.
You provided nothing. You can subtract Hitler from the count, his religious speeches urging his countrymen to rise up against the Jews in the name of German Christian identity are a matter of record. Not sure what his real feeling on Jesus was but he damned sure used him to get the power he wanted.

No, you proved nothing.

I made my case quite eloquently. Just because you're too stupid to understand how it works doesn't mean I failed. It just means you're too stupid to understand how this works.
“My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a
fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded
by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and
summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest
not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian
and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord
at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the
Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight
against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with
deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact
that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As
a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have
the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is
anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly, it is
the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty
to my own people. And when I look on my people I see them work and
work and toil and labor, and at the end of the week they have only
for their wages wretchedness and misery. When I go out in the morning
and see these men standing in their queues and look into their
pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very
devil, if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two
thousand years ago, turn against those by whom today this poor people
are plundered and exposed.”
[Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich on April 12, 1922, countering a
political opponent, Count Lerchenfeld, who opposed antisemitism on
his personal Christian feelings.
Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

Nope, that's not what I said or implied.

What I said is that your statements about Christianity causing more deaths than any other ideology is a flat out lie. And I provided the numbers to prove it.
You provided nothing. You can subtract Hitler from the count, his religious speeches urging his countrymen to rise up against the Jews in the name of German Christian identity are a matter of record. Not sure what his real feeling on Jesus was but he damned sure used him to get the power he wanted.

Pfft..Hitler, lol. An atheist progressive, like you... who used lies and propaganda to establish his regime

He did lip service to the church because the church tried to stop him early on. Anybody with even the least bit of education knows this. Then he proceeded to kill priests, nuns and bishops.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

Nope, that's not what I said or implied.

What I said is that your statements about Christianity causing more deaths than any other ideology is a flat out lie. And I provided the numbers to prove it.
You provided nothing. You can subtract Hitler from the count, his religious speeches urging his countrymen to rise up against the Jews in the name of German Christian identity are a matter of record. Not sure what his real feeling on Jesus was but he damned sure used him to get the power he wanted.

Pfft..Hitler, lol. An atheist progressive, like you... who used lies and propaganda to establish his regime

He did lip service to the church because the church tried to stop him early on. Anybody with even the least bit of education knows this. Then he proceeded to kill priests, nuns and bishops.
Sounds more like you in the example given. You didn't even read it did you?
"It has been estimated that in less than the past 100 years, governments under the banner of atheistic communism have caused the death of somewhere between 40,472,000 to 259,432,000 human lives.[7][8][9][10][11][12] Dr. R. J. Rummel, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Hawaii, is the scholar who first coined the term democide (death by government). Dr. R. J. Rummel's mid estimate regarding the loss of life due to communism is that communism caused the death of approximately 110,286,000 people between 1917 and 1987.[13]"

Mass murder - Conservapedia

You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.
So it's not like they massacred anyone that mattered? The protestant reformation was the most protracted period of warfare in European history, Christians fought on both sides of that one, explain how Jesus would approve of that?

Nope, that's not what I said or implied.

What I said is that your statements about Christianity causing more deaths than any other ideology is a flat out lie. And I provided the numbers to prove it.
You provided nothing. You can subtract Hitler from the count, his religious speeches urging his countrymen to rise up against the Jews in the name of German Christian identity are a matter of record. Not sure what his real feeling on Jesus was but he damned sure used him to get the power he wanted.

Pfft..Hitler, lol. An atheist progressive, like you... who used lies and propaganda to establish his regime

He did lip service to the church because the church tried to stop him early on. Anybody with even the least bit of education knows this. Then he proceeded to kill priests, nuns and bishops.
Sounds more like you in the example given. You didn't even read it did you?

I've read his speeches many times. Trust me, you aren't the first limp wristed atheist to try to make the case that Hitler was an Christian, therefore we should ignore the hundreds of millions killed by atheist tyrants in the 20th century. Lame.

But since it seems to be new to you, and you think you're making a stellar point, let me educate you:

"In adulthood, he began to distrust some aspects of organized religion, but in power was prepared to delay clashes with the churches out of political considerations."

"Goebbels wrote in 1941 that Hitler "hates Christianity, because it has crippled all that is noble in humanity."[5] Many historians have come to the conclusion that Hitler's long term aim was the eradication of Christianity in Germany,"

"Hitler's public relationship to religion has been characterised as one of opportunistic pragmatism.[8] His regime did not publicly advocate for state atheism, but it did seek to reduce the influence of Christianity on society. Hitler himself was reluctant of public attacks on the Church for political reasons, despite the urgings of Nazis like Bormann. Although he was skeptical of religion,[9][10] he did not present himself to the public as an atheist, and spoke of belief in an "almighty creator".[11][12] In private he could be ambiguous.[13][14] Evans wrote that Hitler repeatedly stated that Nazism was a secular ideology founded on science, which in the long run could not "co-exist with religion".

Religious views of Adolf Hitler - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even wiki knows you're an idiot.

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