Atheists on this board answer this question....

Atheist - n. A person who is not a theist.

That's it. It's that simple.

Theist - n. A person who affirmatively believes at least one god exists


Atheism is the belief that no god exists. However, the nature of atheism is nuanced with complex and sometimes conflicting variants being found. In order to understand these it must first be understood that non belief in a god does not equate to non belief in spiritual or supernatural ideas altogether. And it does not necessitate an absence of beliefs on matters that theists tend to attribute to deities.

The broadest division of forms of atheism is positive and negative (also known as strong and weak) atheism. Strong atheism is a positive, affirmative disbelief in the existence of a deity. Meanwhile weak atheism is a tacit disbelief, generally without aversion to the possibility of a deity. A strong atheist will firmly disavow the existence of any deity much like a Jewish person will disavow the existence of the Devil and a Christian will disavow the existence of Zeus. By contrast, a weak atheist's non belief is justified by a lack of sufficiently compelling evidence. He disbelieves a god exists, but does not discount the possibility that a god exists. The difference can be summarized as such: a strong atheist's non belief is one of faith, whereas a weak atheist's non belief is one of pragmatism. Weak atheism should not be confused with agnosticism. While agnosticism can include uncertainty as to whether a deity exists or not, it most commonly refers to a non atheist person who does not know which spiritual system they find most compelling.

Both forms of atheism can be subsequently cross referenced against materialism, i.e. the belief that the physical world as we know it is the full extent existence. Among non-materialists it is possible, and not uncommon, for belief in other supernatural phenomena. Some atheists believe in a spiritual aspect of existence other than in the form of a deity. Buddhists are one example. Some may believe in supernatural phenomena that are separate from their core spiritual views.

Questions of ethics and morality are often a misunderstood subsection of beliefs within atheism. Where many theists tend to directly attribute ethical systems to deities (with morality being a direct measure of personal adherence to the dictations of said deities), a misconception often arises that an atheist subsequently recognize no ethical or moral system. This is not the case, however, and atheists of all forms generally find some system of right and wrong by which they live their lives. The forms and shades of these systems are just as varied among atheists as theists.

You're using old precepts... A-theism is a distant cousin of the sociopathic anti-theist.

You'll find few if any a-theists who comment on this threads. The reason is that they have no interests in the subject of theism. They're not suing buying bill-board ads, they're not suing communities to place a Godless message next to the Manger Scene, or to have "God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance to the national standard. The atheist could not care less about such things.

The anti-theist on the other hand, they're loathsome sociopaths, determined to exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights. And they're practicing those things that have always lead straight to misery, destruction and death.

But hey... such is the nature of evil... . Right?

You are right

Most atheists don't give a shit about your silly beliefs. No harm, no foul
But there are a small percentage who have grown tired of others pushing their beliefs in their faces and are doing a little fight fire with fire

Christians are not too happy

Well, the Anti-theists will push until they trigger their own demise. I say keep pushin'.

After all, Christians aren't bound to any particular set of principles and have a long history of allowing people to walk all over them, forever... it's not like they've beaten back, set upon and eviscerated the greatest evils that have crawled the earth.

So yeah... If I were you, I'd stay right up in their grill. They aren't going to do anything about it.
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Atheist - n. A person who is not a theist.

That's it. It's that simple.

Theist - n. A person who affirmatively believes at least one god exists


Atheism is the belief that no god exists. However, the nature of atheism is nuanced with complex and sometimes conflicting variants being found. In order to understand these it must first be understood that non belief in a god does not equate to non belief in spiritual or supernatural ideas altogether. And it does not necessitate an absence of beliefs on matters that theists tend to attribute to deities.

The broadest division of forms of atheism is positive and negative (also known as strong and weak) atheism. Strong atheism is a positive, affirmative disbelief in the existence of a deity. Meanwhile weak atheism is a tacit disbelief, generally without aversion to the possibility of a deity. A strong atheist will firmly disavow the existence of any deity much like a Jewish person will disavow the existence of the Devil and a Christian will disavow the existence of Zeus. By contrast, a weak atheist's non belief is justified by a lack of sufficiently compelling evidence. He disbelieves a god exists, but does not discount the possibility that a god exists. The difference can be summarized as such: a strong atheist's non belief is one of faith, whereas a weak atheist's non belief is one of pragmatism. Weak atheism should not be confused with agnosticism. While agnosticism can include uncertainty as to whether a deity exists or not, it most commonly refers to a non atheist person who does not know which spiritual system they find most compelling.

Both forms of atheism can be subsequently cross referenced against materialism, i.e. the belief that the physical world as we know it is the full extent existence. Among non-materialists it is possible, and not uncommon, for belief in other supernatural phenomena. Some atheists believe in a spiritual aspect of existence other than in the form of a deity. Buddhists are one example. Some may believe in supernatural phenomena that are separate from their core spiritual views.

Questions of ethics and morality are often a misunderstood subsection of beliefs within atheism. Where many theists tend to directly attribute ethical systems to deities (with morality being a direct measure of personal adherence to the dictations of said deities), a misconception often arises that an atheist subsequently recognize no ethical or moral system. This is not the case, however, and atheists of all forms generally find some system of right and wrong by which they live their lives. The forms and shades of these systems are just as varied among atheists as theists.

You're using old precepts... A-theism is a distant cousin of the sociopathic anti-theist.

You'll find few if any a-theists who comment on this threads. The reason is that they have no interests in the subject of theism. They're not suing buying bill-board ads, they're not suing communities to place a Godless message next to the Manger Scene, or to have "God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance to the national standard. The atheist could not care less about such things.

The anti-theist on the other hand, they're loathsome sociopaths, determined to exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights. And they're practicing those things that have always lead straight to misery, destruction and death.

But hey... such is the nature of evil... . Right?

You are right

Most atheists don't give a shit about your silly beliefs. No harm, no foul
But there are a small percentage who have grown tired of others pushing their beliefs in their faces and are doing a little fight fire with fire

Christians are not too happy

Well, the Anti-theists will push until they trigger their own demise. I say keep pushin'.

After all, Christians aren't bound to any particular set of principles and have a long history of allowing people to walk all over them forever... it's not like they've beaten back, set upon and eviscerated the greatest evils that have crawled the earth.

So yeah... If I were you, I'd stay right up in their grill. They aren't going to do anything about it.
Christians need to man up and stop whining about petty insults

Nobody is stopping you from celebrating your holiday
Atheist - n. A person who is not a theist.

That's it. It's that simple.

Theist - n. A person who affirmatively believes at least one god exists


Atheism is the belief that no god exists. However, the nature of atheism is nuanced with complex and sometimes conflicting variants being found. In order to understand these it must first be understood that non belief in a god does not equate to non belief in spiritual or supernatural ideas altogether. And it does not necessitate an absence of beliefs on matters that theists tend to attribute to deities.

The broadest division of forms of atheism is positive and negative (also known as strong and weak) atheism. Strong atheism is a positive, affirmative disbelief in the existence of a deity. Meanwhile weak atheism is a tacit disbelief, generally without aversion to the possibility of a deity. A strong atheist will firmly disavow the existence of any deity much like a Jewish person will disavow the existence of the Devil and a Christian will disavow the existence of Zeus. By contrast, a weak atheist's non belief is justified by a lack of sufficiently compelling evidence. He disbelieves a god exists, but does not discount the possibility that a god exists. The difference can be summarized as such: a strong atheist's non belief is one of faith, whereas a weak atheist's non belief is one of pragmatism. Weak atheism should not be confused with agnosticism. While agnosticism can include uncertainty as to whether a deity exists or not, it most commonly refers to a non atheist person who does not know which spiritual system they find most compelling.

Both forms of atheism can be subsequently cross referenced against materialism, i.e. the belief that the physical world as we know it is the full extent existence. Among non-materialists it is possible, and not uncommon, for belief in other supernatural phenomena. Some atheists believe in a spiritual aspect of existence other than in the form of a deity. Buddhists are one example. Some may believe in supernatural phenomena that are separate from their core spiritual views.

Questions of ethics and morality are often a misunderstood subsection of beliefs within atheism. Where many theists tend to directly attribute ethical systems to deities (with morality being a direct measure of personal adherence to the dictations of said deities), a misconception often arises that an atheist subsequently recognize no ethical or moral system. This is not the case, however, and atheists of all forms generally find some system of right and wrong by which they live their lives. The forms and shades of these systems are just as varied among atheists as theists.

You're using old precepts... A-theism is a distant cousin of the sociopathic anti-theist.

You'll find few if any a-theists who comment on this threads. The reason is that they have no interests in the subject of theism. They're not suing buying bill-board ads, they're not suing communities to place a Godless message next to the Manger Scene, or to have "God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance to the national standard. The atheist could not care less about such things.

The anti-theist on the other hand, they're loathsome sociopaths, determined to exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights. And they're practicing those things that have always lead straight to misery, destruction and death.

But hey... such is the nature of evil... . Right?

You are right

Most atheists don't give a shit about your silly beliefs. No harm, no foul
But there are a small percentage who have grown tired of others pushing their beliefs in their faces and are doing a little fight fire with fire

Christians are not too happy

Well, the Anti-theists will push until they trigger their own demise. I say keep pushin'.

After all, Christians aren't bound to any particular set of principles and have a long history of allowing people to walk all over them forever... it's not like they've beaten back, set upon and eviscerated the greatest evils that have crawled the earth.

So yeah... If I were you, I'd stay right up in their grill. They aren't going to do anything about it.
Christians need to man up and stop whining about petty insults

Nobody is stopping you from celebrating your holiday

First: It's "Holy Day"

Second: Time and place... time and place.

There's a point where it becomes a threat and at that point the threat is eradicated. You'll know when that point is reached.

Understand how it works:

God endows us with inalienable rights. With those rights come correlating responsibilities. Part and parcel of those responsibilities is to not exercise one's rights to the detriment of another to exercise their own rights.

When someone fails to bear their responsibilities, it falls to the Christian to inform the usurper of their crime, to make them aware of their failure and to ask that they change their ways. To then give the time to adjust, and to guide them, to the extent possible, toward the light.

'... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations ... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is our right and responsibility, it is our duty, to throw off such usurpations and to provide new guards for our future security. ...'

Time and place... .
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. !

Wow that is really sad for you. I am sorry that your life is so devoid of meaning without your god that you would commit suicide without it.

As a true atheist, I love life.

Without needing any God.
Why do you love life? There is no meaning after death.

You really only love life because of your belief in an afterlife? How very sad.

My life is so full- why would I care about what happens to me after I die?

I have a wonderful marriage to my best friend and beautiful wife. I have have a fantastic child that I enjoy tremendously.

I love my friends, and my family. I have a great job that I enjoy. I live in a great place- go walking on the beach, enjoy the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing.

I go walking in redwoods, and enjoy the smell of eucalyptus after a rainstorm. Eating fresh oysters and drinking great wine. Making a great meal- and then enjoying it.

The feel of the sun on my face, the joy of a great new book, laughing with friends, enjoying a good new....

Even my commute- seeing hawks on the fence posts, cows in and horses in the pastures, the wind causing ripples in the water.....why wouldn't I love being alive?

Why don't you?
But you won't have any recollection of these events. Poof! gone.
But that's no skin off my nose. I really don't care what you are doing now since from your point of view all of the above will never exist.
Atheist - n. A person who is not a theist.

That's it. It's that simple.

Theist - n. A person who affirmatively believes at least one god exists


Atheism is the belief that no god exists. However, the nature of atheism is nuanced with complex and sometimes conflicting variants being found. In order to understand these it must first be understood that non belief in a god does not equate to non belief in spiritual or supernatural ideas altogether. And it does not necessitate an absence of beliefs on matters that theists tend to attribute to deities.

The broadest division of forms of atheism is positive and negative (also known as strong and weak) atheism. Strong atheism is a positive, affirmative disbelief in the existence of a deity. Meanwhile weak atheism is a tacit disbelief, generally without aversion to the possibility of a deity. A strong atheist will firmly disavow the existence of any deity much like a Jewish person will disavow the existence of the Devil and a Christian will disavow the existence of Zeus. By contrast, a weak atheist's non belief is justified by a lack of sufficiently compelling evidence. He disbelieves a god exists, but does not discount the possibility that a god exists. The difference can be summarized as such: a strong atheist's non belief is one of faith, whereas a weak atheist's non belief is one of pragmatism. Weak atheism should not be confused with agnosticism. While agnosticism can include uncertainty as to whether a deity exists or not, it most commonly refers to a non atheist person who does not know which spiritual system they find most compelling.

Both forms of atheism can be subsequently cross referenced against materialism, i.e. the belief that the physical world as we know it is the full extent existence. Among non-materialists it is possible, and not uncommon, for belief in other supernatural phenomena. Some atheists believe in a spiritual aspect of existence other than in the form of a deity. Buddhists are one example. Some may believe in supernatural phenomena that are separate from their core spiritual views.

Questions of ethics and morality are often a misunderstood subsection of beliefs within atheism. Where many theists tend to directly attribute ethical systems to deities (with morality being a direct measure of personal adherence to the dictations of said deities), a misconception often arises that an atheist subsequently recognize no ethical or moral system. This is not the case, however, and atheists of all forms generally find some system of right and wrong by which they live their lives. The forms and shades of these systems are just as varied among atheists as theists.

You're using old precepts... A-theism is a distant cousin of the sociopathic anti-theist.

You'll find few if any a-theists who comment on this threads. The reason is that they have no interests in the subject of theism. They're not suing buying bill-board ads, they're not suing communities to place a Godless message next to the Manger Scene, or to have "God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance to the national standard. The atheist could not care less about such things.

The anti-theist on the other hand, they're loathsome sociopaths, determined to exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights. And they're practicing those things that have always lead straight to misery, destruction and death.

But hey... such is the nature of evil... . Right?

You are right

Most atheists don't give a shit about your silly beliefs. No harm, no foul
But there are a small percentage who have grown tired of others pushing their beliefs in their faces and are doing a little fight fire with fire

Christians are not too happy

Well, the Anti-theists will push until they trigger their own demise. I say keep pushin'.

After all, Christians aren't bound to any particular set of principles and have a long history of allowing people to walk all over them forever... it's not like they've beaten back, set upon and eviscerated the greatest evils that have crawled the earth.

So yeah... If I were you, I'd stay right up in their grill. They aren't going to do anything about it.
Christians need to man up and stop whining about petty insults

Nobody is stopping you from celebrating your holiday

First: It's "Holy Day"

Second: Time and place... time and place.

There's a point where it becomes a threat and at that point the threat is eradicated. You'll know when that point is reached.

Understand how it works:

God endows us with inalienable rights. With those rights come correlating responsibilities. Part and parcel of those responsibilities is to not exercise one's rights to the detriment of another to exercise their own rights.

When someone fails to bear their responsibilities, it falls to the Christian to inform the usurper of their crime, to make them aware of their failure and to ask that they change their ways. To then give the time to adjust, and to guide them, to the extent possible, toward the light.

'... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations ... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is our right and responsibility, it is our duty, to throw off such usurpations and to provide new guards for our future security. ...'

Time and place... .
God wants you to live and let live

Stop trying to dictate what others are allowed to believe or not believe

Basically.....lighten up
Only a progressive douche would think that observing holy days forces anyone at all to *believe*...
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.
Hitler and Stalin- were both raised Christian.

They rejected those religions and commtted their mthey are violating Christian teachings

No. Just your interpretation.

So you feel that words written in plain english, the same language you use to express yourself, require 'interpreting'?

Folks what you're seeing in that mess is the perversion of human reasoning OKA: Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and as such are never the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

As such relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth. And with truth being essential to trust and both being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and a soundly reasoned morality being essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people that Relativism can never serve justice.

And THAT is why you see the feckless rants of relativism throughout the internet clambering for injustice, as they foolishly equate sound, moral practices as unsound and immoral. A people who reject the very principles that define morality, running to proclaim themselves as the arbiters of such.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of socialism.
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.

(Enjoy kids... this promises to be HILARIOUS!)
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. !

Wow that is really sad for you. I am sorry that your life is so devoid of meaning without your god that you would commit suicide without it.

As a true atheist, I love life.

Without needing any God.
Why do you love life? There is no meaning after death.

You really only love life because of your belief in an afterlife? How very sad.

My life is so full- why would I care about what happens to me after I die?

I have a wonderful marriage to my best friend and beautiful wife. I have have a fantastic child that I enjoy tremendously.

I love my friends, and my family. I have a great job that I enjoy. I live in a great place- go walking on the beach, enjoy the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing.

I go walking in redwoods, and enjoy the smell of eucalyptus after a rainstorm. Eating fresh oysters and drinking great wine. Making a great meal- and then enjoying it.

The feel of the sun on my face, the joy of a great new book, laughing with friends, enjoying a good new....

Even my commute- seeing hawks on the fence posts, cows in and horses in the pastures, the wind causing ripples in the water.....why wouldn't I love being alive?

Why don't you?

OH I do! And I enjoy every moment ALSO knowing that I'll be in an even better place because I've made good use of my time here.
I've laid up treasures in heaven and as such my future is even brighter! The only sadness I have is reading about people like you that
because you believe in nothing hereafter you will not be better off IN the hereafter.
I am hedging the bet. Since it takes more energy to be a good person, a constructive person in this life I'm doing so because I believe in the hereafter
what I've done here will stand me in good stead in the here after.
But you...while you've enjoyed the fruit of this life, you have convinced others there is nothing and that is truly a shame.
Because YOU don't have empirical proof of life after death you need to convince others that there isn't any to reinforce your belief structure.
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

No, history provides plentiful examples of why the state should never exert any influence at all over religious endeavors of the people.
Hitler and Stalin- were both raised Christian.

They rejected those religions and commtted their mthey are violating Christian teachings

No. Just your interpretation.

So you feel that words written in plain english, the same language you use to express yourself, require 'interpreting'?

Folks what you're seeing in that mess is the perversion of human reasoning OKA: Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and as such are never the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

As such relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth. And with truth being essential to trust and both being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and a soundly reasoned morality being essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people that Relativism can never serve justice.

And THAT is why you see the feckless rants of relativism throughout the internet clambering for injustice, as they foolishly equate sound, moral practices as unsound and immoral. A people who reject the very principles that define morality, running to proclaim themselves as the arbiters of such.

Deceit, FRAUD and Ignorance: The Fundamental Elements of socialism.
I agree 100%!
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?
You're using old precepts... A-theism is a distant cousin of the sociopathic anti-theist.

You'll find few if any a-theists who comment on this threads. The reason is that they have no interests in the subject of theism. They're not suing buying bill-board ads, they're not suing communities to place a Godless message next to the Manger Scene, or to have "God" removed from the Pledge of Allegiance to the national standard. The atheist could not care less about such things.

The anti-theist on the other hand, they're loathsome sociopaths, determined to exercise their rights to the detriment of the means of others to exercise their own rights. And they're practicing those things that have always lead straight to misery, destruction and death.

But hey... such is the nature of evil... . Right?

You are right

Most atheists don't give a shit about your silly beliefs. No harm, no foul
But there are a small percentage who have grown tired of others pushing their beliefs in their faces and are doing a little fight fire with fire

Christians are not too happy

Well, the Anti-theists will push until they trigger their own demise. I say keep pushin'.

After all, Christians aren't bound to any particular set of principles and have a long history of allowing people to walk all over them forever... it's not like they've beaten back, set upon and eviscerated the greatest evils that have crawled the earth.

So yeah... If I were you, I'd stay right up in their grill. They aren't going to do anything about it.
Christians need to man up and stop whining about petty insults

Nobody is stopping you from celebrating your holiday

First: It's "Holy Day"

Second: Time and place... time and place.

There's a point where it becomes a threat and at that point the threat is eradicated. You'll know when that point is reached.

Understand how it works:

God endows us with inalienable rights. With those rights come correlating responsibilities. Part and parcel of those responsibilities is to not exercise one's rights to the detriment of another to exercise their own rights.

When someone fails to bear their responsibilities, it falls to the Christian to inform the usurper of their crime, to make them aware of their failure and to ask that they change their ways. To then give the time to adjust, and to guide them, to the extent possible, toward the light.

'... But when a long train of abuses and usurpations ... evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is our right and responsibility, it is our duty, to throw off such usurpations and to provide new guards for our future security. ...'

Time and place... .
God wants you to live and let live

Stop trying to dictate what others are allowed to believe or not believe

Basically.....lighten up

Yes, but God provided us with the responsibility to live... and where threats to our lives exist, we are tasked with the duty to destroy that threat.

And in that, we, lighten up the cultural load.

My advice to you is to live and let live and in doing so, to stop forcing the unprincipled tenets of your Godless cult upon innocent people. Or... through your failure to provide the courtesy, suffer the consequences intrinsic to such behavior.

Personally, I'm perfectly fine either way. I would prefer you to comply, but I have no problem with your suffering the consequences.
That's not an example, or evidence.


"In order to liberate the lower class, Marx believed that the government would have to control all means of production so that no one could outdo anyone else by making more money. Unfortunately, that proves to this day to be more difficult than he might have realized.
Marx described three necessary phases toward achieving his idea of utopia.

  • Phase 1: A revolution must take place in order to overthrow the existing government. Marx emphasized the need for total destruction of the existing system in order to move on to Phase 2.
  • Phase 2: A dictator or elite leader (or leaders) must gain absolute control over the proletariat. During this phase, the new government exerts absolute control over the common citizen's personal choices -- including his or her education, religion, employment and even marriage. Collectivization of property and wealth must also take place.
  • Phase 3: Achievement of utopia. This phase has never been attained because it requires that all non-communists be destroyed in order for the Communist Party to achieve supreme equality. In a Marxist utopia, everyone would happily share property and wealth, free from the restrictions that class-based systems require."
Communist Theories and Principles - HowStuffWorks
And we all know how that works out:

Although Communism is one of the most well-known cases of atheism's ties to mass murder, the French Revolution and subsequent Reign of Terror, inspired by the works of Diderot, Voltaire, Sade, and Rousseau, managed to commit similar persecutions and exterminations of religious people and promote secularism and militant atheism. Official numbers indicate that 300,000 Frenchmen died during Robespierre's Reign of Terror, 297,000 of which were of middle-class or low-class.[8] Of the amount murdered via the guillotine, only 8% had been of the aristocratic class, with over 30% being from the peasant class.[9]

"One of the most well known cases of mass murder during the French Revolution was the genocide at Vendee, which has yet to be officially recognized as genocide. Some estimates indicated that Robespierre and the Jacobins planned to massacre well over 15,000,000 Frenchmen,[8] and that he also intended to commit genocide against the Alsace region of France due to their German-speaking populace.[9] Besides the guillotine, the French Revolution also resulted in various other deaths, including trampling children with horses, burning people in ovens, "Republican Marriages" (which involved stripping people naked, tying them together to a log in a suggestive fashion, and then putting them into the water to drown. In the event that there wasn't enough people of both sexes, they also resorted to "tying the knot" in a homosexual manner), cutting recently-raped girls in half after tying them to a tree, crushing pregnant women under wine pressers, cutting up pregnant women and using bayonets to stab the fetus inside before leaving her to die, "catching" infants thrown from a balcony with their bayonets, and using shotguns to ensure people bled out to death.[9] These actions, especially the Reign of Terror in 1793, would also inspire Karl Marx with the Communist manifesto, specifically telling Frederick Engels in correspondences to each other: “There is only one way of shortening, simplifying, and concentrating the bloodthirsty death-throes of the old society and the bloody birth pangs of the new--revolutionary terror. . . . [...] Once we are at the helm, we shall be obliged to reenact the year 1793. [...] We are pitiless and we ask no pity from you. When our time comes, we shall not conceal terrorism with hypocritical phrases. . . The vengeance of the people will break forth with such ferocity that not even the year 1793 enables us to envisage it. . . .”[10]"

Atheism and Mass Murder - Conservapedia
"The total body count for the ninety years between 1917 and 2007 is approximately 148 million dead at the bloody hands of fifty-two atheists, three times more than all the human beings killed by war, civil war, and individual crime in the entire twentieth century combined."

Atheism and Mass Murder - Conservapedia
Whenever Christian teachings are literally applied to secular governance horrible things happen. History provides plentiful examples why "Christian nations" are bloody and tyrannical.

Provide one of those plentiful examples.
The catholic church, their vassal states and the bloodbath that occurred during the reformation is all the example anyone needs. More people have been put to the sword in the name of Jesus Christ than any other "reason". History has all but excluded the nationalistic christian dogma that allowed Hitler to kill millions so add that to your list. The Crusades are another example of Christian solders wading in the blood of the unbelievers. Want me to continue?


You have none. The crusades resulted in the deaths of paltry thousands, many of them muslim invaders; nothing compared to the atheist regimes of the 20th century.

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