Atheists on this board answer this question....

I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. !

Wow that is really sad for you. I am sorry that your life is so devoid of meaning without your god that you would commit suicide without it.

As a true atheist, I love life.

Without needing any God.
From the Atheist Foundation.......
Reaching a full potential of life before death is only afforded to those who reject the notion of life after death.
Life after Death Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Truly a vacuous meaningless statement because why go through all the effort of life, much less as above stated "reaching full potential"
if there is nothing here after.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. Honestly. WHY would there be any purpose in going to school, having a job,
having kids! What purpose would any life fulfill if all there is was this life! Why in the hell go on?
Seriously why would any atheist want to be alive? They should commit suicide and I really wouldn't care. They have no reason to exist if they
have no belief there is a here after!

Do you know there is an afterlife? Are you absolutely certain there is one? Or do you believe it in hopes that this idea is true: life eternal?

Have you given much thought to what the afterlife is? Existence without struggle seems meaningless to me. After a million years, what's left to do? Sounds like eternal life would get very boring. I like mountaineering and skiing. Without the danger, those activities lose their thrill and their meaning. I like reading and educating myself, but in a perfect world and with universal knowledge, what would be the point? Even as a kid I got tired of summer vacation and looked forward to school. I relish a challenge, but what challenges are there in Heaven? Being with your loved ones for eternity sounds wonderful, but what's love without loss? Without the ever-present possibility of death, we lose our humanity, our identities, what makes us who we are. Unless God does a periodic mind-wipe. But then, if He does, how do we not know that we don't already live in Heaven? Perhaps that's what death is.

If you are so certain that the afterlife exists, should you not fear death? Should you not mourn those who have died whom you believe have already gone to this perfect place with no suffering, no struggle, no loss, and no end?
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. !

Wow that is really sad for you. I am sorry that your life is so devoid of meaning without your god that you would commit suicide without it.

As a true atheist, I love life.

Without needing any God.
There was indeed a creation, Man created God. Quite a few of them as a matter of fact.
From the Atheist Foundation.......
Reaching a full potential of life before death is only afforded to those who reject the notion of life after death.
Life after Death Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Truly a vacuous meaningless statement because why go through all the effort of life, much less as above stated "reaching full potential"
if there is nothing here after.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. Honestly. WHY would there be any purpose in going to school, having a job,
having kids! What purpose would any life fulfill if all there is was this life! Why in the hell go on?
Seriously why would any atheist want to be alive? They should commit suicide and I really wouldn't care. They have no reason to exist if they
have no belief there is a here after!

Do you know there is an afterlife? Are you absolutely certain there is one? Or do you believe it in hopes that this idea is true: life eternal?

Have you given much thought to what the afterlife is? Existence without struggle seems meaningless to me. After a million years, what's left to do? Sounds like eternal life would get very boring. I like mountaineering and skiing. Without the danger, those activities lose their thrill and their meaning. I like reading and educating myself, but in a perfect world and with universal knowledge, what would be the point? Even as a kid I got tired of summer vacation and looked forward to school. I relish a challenge, but what challenges are there in Heaven? Being with your loved ones for eternity sounds wonderful, but what's love without loss? Without the ever-present possibility of death, we lose our humanity, our identities, what makes us who we are. Unless God does a periodic mind-wipe. But then, if He does, how do we not know that we don't already live in Heaven? Perhaps that's what death is.

If you are so certain that the afterlife exists, should you not fear death? Should you not mourn those who have died whom you believe have already gone to this perfect place with no suffering, no struggle, no loss, and no end?
It's not what I believe it is what the atheist believes. If there is no life after death why the hell exist now? What's the purpose of this existence if you don't think there is something better? Hence if I were an atheist the only course of action is suicide. Again after all why waste all the energy and existence for nothing?
From the Atheist Foundation.......
Reaching a full potential of life before death is only afforded to those who reject the notion of life after death.
Life after Death Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Truly a vacuous meaningless statement because why go through all the effort of life, much less as above stated "reaching full potential"
if there is nothing here after.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. Honestly. WHY would there be any purpose in going to school, having a job,
having kids! What purpose would any life fulfill if all there is was this life! Why in the hell go on?
Seriously why would any atheist want to be alive? They should commit suicide and I really wouldn't care. They have no reason to exist if they
have no belief there is a here after!

Do you know there is an afterlife? Are you absolutely certain there is one? Or do you believe it in hopes that this idea is true: life eternal?

Have you given much thought to what the afterlife is? Existence without struggle seems meaningless to me. After a million years, what's left to do? Sounds like eternal life would get very boring. I like mountaineering and skiing. Without the danger, those activities lose their thrill and their meaning. I like reading and educating myself, but in a perfect world and with universal knowledge, what would be the point? Even as a kid I got tired of summer vacation and looked forward to school. I relish a challenge, but what challenges are there in Heaven? Being with your loved ones for eternity sounds wonderful, but what's love without loss? Without the ever-present possibility of death, we lose our humanity, our identities, what makes us who we are. Unless God does a periodic mind-wipe. But then, if He does, how do we not know that we don't already live in Heaven? Perhaps that's what death is.

If you are so certain that the afterlife exists, should you not fear death? Should you not mourn those who have died whom you believe have already gone to this perfect place with no suffering, no struggle, no loss, and no end?
It's not what I believe it is what the atheist believes. If there is no life after death why the hell exist now? What's the purpose of this existence if you don't think there is something better? Hence if I were an atheist the only course of action is suicide. Again after all why waste all the energy and existence for nothing?

So sad that the only thing that keeps you from committing suicide is you believing in a god- that you don't recognize anything else in your life is worthwhile.

So very sad. I really hope you get some help, so that if your faith slips you don't end up comitting suicide.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. !

Wow that is really sad for you. I am sorry that your life is so devoid of meaning without your god that you would commit suicide without it.

As a true atheist, I love life.

Without needing any God.
Why do you love life? There is no meaning after death. If there is nothing you won't know ! So why exist now? Doesn't make any sense.
Makes no more sense then my believing there IS an after life and as a result I want to better my self just on the chance there is a measure of the quality of my life in the afterlife. I certainly don't want to be a negative force in this life as it would reflect poorly on my after life.
And again if there is no afterlife, what have I lost? Nothing.
But as an atheist you don't believe in an after life. So why waste your life now. Why not end your life as it as you've identified as an atheist will have NO effect after your death...i.e. no afterlife, no remembering your life....gone!
From the Atheist Foundation.......
Reaching a full potential of life before death is only afforded to those who reject the notion of life after death.
Life after Death Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Truly a vacuous meaningless statement because why go through all the effort of life, much less as above stated "reaching full potential"
if there is nothing here after.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. Honestly. WHY would there be any purpose in going to school, having a job,
having kids! What purpose would any life fulfill if all there is was this life! Why in the hell go on?
Seriously why would any atheist want to be alive? They should commit suicide and I really wouldn't care. They have no reason to exist if they
have no belief there is a here after!

Do you know there is an afterlife? Are you absolutely certain there is one? Or do you believe it in hopes that this idea is true: life eternal?

Have you given much thought to what the afterlife is? Existence without struggle seems meaningless to me. After a million years, what's left to do? Sounds like eternal life would get very boring. I like mountaineering and skiing. Without the danger, those activities lose their thrill and their meaning. I like reading and educating myself, but in a perfect world and with universal knowledge, what would be the point? Even as a kid I got tired of summer vacation and looked forward to school. I relish a challenge, but what challenges are there in Heaven? Being with your loved ones for eternity sounds wonderful, but what's love without loss? Without the ever-present possibility of death, we lose our humanity, our identities, what makes us who we are. Unless God does a periodic mind-wipe. But then, if He does, how do we not know that we don't already live in Heaven? Perhaps that's what death is.

If you are so certain that the afterlife exists, should you not fear death? Should you not mourn those who have died whom you believe have already gone to this perfect place with no suffering, no struggle, no loss, and no end?
It's not what I believe it is what the atheist believes. If there is no life after death why the hell exist now? What's the purpose of this existence if you don't think there is something better? Hence if I were an atheist the only course of action is suicide. Again after all why waste all the energy and existence for nothing?
So life itself isn't enough eh? Sounds like the thinking of a believer. Ignore what's known and dream of what isn't.
From the Atheist Foundation.......
Reaching a full potential of life before death is only afforded to those who reject the notion of life after death.
Life after Death Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Truly a vacuous meaningless statement because why go through all the effort of life, much less as above stated "reaching full potential"
if there is nothing here after.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. Honestly. WHY would there be any purpose in going to school, having a job,
having kids! What purpose would any life fulfill if all there is was this life! Why in the hell go on?
Seriously why would any atheist want to be alive? They should commit suicide and I really wouldn't care. They have no reason to exist if they
have no belief there is a here after!

Do you know there is an afterlife? Are you absolutely certain there is one? Or do you believe it in hopes that this idea is true: life eternal?

Have you given much thought to what the afterlife is? Existence without struggle seems meaningless to me. After a million years, what's left to do? Sounds like eternal life would get very boring. I like mountaineering and skiing. Without the danger, those activities lose their thrill and their meaning. I like reading and educating myself, but in a perfect world and with universal knowledge, what would be the point? Even as a kid I got tired of summer vacation and looked forward to school. I relish a challenge, but what challenges are there in Heaven? Being with your loved ones for eternity sounds wonderful, but what's love without loss? Without the ever-present possibility of death, we lose our humanity, our identities, what makes us who we are. Unless God does a periodic mind-wipe. But then, if He does, how do we not know that we don't already live in Heaven? Perhaps that's what death is.

If you are so certain that the afterlife exists, should you not fear death? Should you not mourn those who have died whom you believe have already gone to this perfect place with no suffering, no struggle, no loss, and no end?
It's not what I believe it is what the atheist believes. If there is no life after death why the hell exist now? What's the purpose of this existence if you don't think there is something better? Hence if I were an atheist the only course of action is suicide. Again after all why waste all the energy and existence for nothing?

So sad that the only thing that keeps you from committing suicide is you believing in a god- that you don't recognize anything else in your life is worthwhile.

So very sad. I really hope you get some help, so that if your faith slips you don't end up comitting suicide.
But the point is why purpose is your life as an atheist? To help others come to your conclusions? What good does that do you if there is NOTHING after your life? I seriously don't comprehend WHY you think life as it is today should continue for yourself IF after you die
there is NOTHING? Why go through the wasted phony motions of supposedly thinking your life is "worthwhile" if you won't know anything about after you die? believe there is nothing. So why are you living today if there is nothing tomorrow? Doesn't make any sense.
From the Atheist Foundation.......
Reaching a full potential of life before death is only afforded to those who reject the notion of life after death.
Life after Death Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc
Truly a vacuous meaningless statement because why go through all the effort of life, much less as above stated "reaching full potential"
if there is nothing here after.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. Honestly. WHY would there be any purpose in going to school, having a job,
having kids! What purpose would any life fulfill if all there is was this life! Why in the hell go on?
Seriously why would any atheist want to be alive? They should commit suicide and I really wouldn't care. They have no reason to exist if they
have no belief there is a here after!

Do you know there is an afterlife? Are you absolutely certain there is one? Or do you believe it in hopes that this idea is true: life eternal?

Have you given much thought to what the afterlife is? Existence without struggle seems meaningless to me. After a million years, what's left to do? Sounds like eternal life would get very boring. I like mountaineering and skiing. Without the danger, those activities lose their thrill and their meaning. I like reading and educating myself, but in a perfect world and with universal knowledge, what would be the point? Even as a kid I got tired of summer vacation and looked forward to school. I relish a challenge, but what challenges are there in Heaven? Being with your loved ones for eternity sounds wonderful, but what's love without loss? Without the ever-present possibility of death, we lose our humanity, our identities, what makes us who we are. Unless God does a periodic mind-wipe. But then, if He does, how do we not know that we don't already live in Heaven? Perhaps that's what death is.

If you are so certain that the afterlife exists, should you not fear death? Should you not mourn those who have died whom you believe have already gone to this perfect place with no suffering, no struggle, no loss, and no end?
It's not what I believe it is what the atheist believes. If there is no life after death why the hell exist now? What's the purpose of this existence if you don't think there is something better? Hence if I were an atheist the only course of action is suicide. Again after all why waste all the energy and existence for nothing?
So life itself isn't enough eh? Sounds like the thinking of a believer. Ignore what's known and dream of what isn't.
No LIFE itself isn't enough. Because what is the purpose of existing if you won't have an knowledge of it after you are dead? I truly don't
understand why waste your breath. Your resources. Your existence if YOU don't think it has any continuance after your death?
YOU are fooling yourself if you "live life to it's fullest today" because when you die who the f..k will care? There is no existence after life
so seriously what difference will your living now make? Seriously! Think. You are proud to be an atheist as it supposedly shows you are
not falling for the afterlife crowd and their "ignorance". So why not die now and save resources for the rest of us that want to enjoy our lives and work towards making others lives better in the chance there is a hereafter that is affected by how well we lived today?
No LIFE itself isn't enough. Because what is the purpose of existing if you won't have an knowledge of it after you are dead? I truly don't
understand why waste your breath. Your resources. Your existence if YOU don't think it has any continuance after your death?
YOU are fooling yourself if you "live life to it's fullest today" because when you die who the f..k will care? There is no existence after life
so seriously what difference will your living now make? Seriously! Think. You are proud to be an atheist as it supposedly shows you are
not falling for the afterlife crowd and their "ignorance". So why not die now and save resources for the rest of us that want to enjoy our lives and work towards making others lives better in the chance there is a hereafter that is affected by how well we lived today?
I came from nothing, I return to nothing, and all those who came before suffered the same fate as will all those who follow after. In the meantime I play the one and only hand I've been dealt. It matters not that it matters not to anyone in the end, it mattered to me and no god is required. You are seeking a ticket to Heaven and that is no life at all.

BTW, I'm Agnostic, the only truly rational position, and Suicide is the only real question but once you decide to hang around and enjoy the game it no longer is. Everything follows from that decision. Without a god you are lost so you cling to one, which makes him no more valid than a shadow on a wall. You don't have faith, you have desperation...
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Atheist - n. A person who is not a theist.

That's it. It's that simple.

Theist - n. A person who affirmatively believes at least one god exists


Atheism is the belief that no god exists. However, the nature of atheism is nuanced with complex and sometimes conflicting variants being found. In order to understand these it must first be understood that non belief in a god does not equate to non belief in spiritual or supernatural ideas altogether. And it does not necessitate an absence of beliefs on matters that theists tend to attribute to deities.

The broadest division of forms of atheism is positive and negative (also known as strong and weak) atheism. Strong atheism is a positive, affirmative disbelief in the existence of a deity. Meanwhile weak atheism is a tacit disbelief, generally without aversion to the possibility of a deity. A strong atheist will firmly disavow the existence of any deity much like a Jewish person will disavow the existence of the Devil and a Christian will disavow the existence of Zeus. By contrast, a weak atheist's non belief is justified by a lack of sufficiently compelling evidence. He disbelieves a god exists, but does not discount the possibility that a god exists. The difference can be summarized as such: a strong atheist's non belief is one of faith, whereas a weak atheist's non belief is one of pragmatism. Weak atheism should not be confused with agnosticism. While agnosticism can include uncertainty as to whether a deity exists or not, it most commonly refers to a non atheist person who does not know which spiritual system they find most compelling.

Both forms of atheism can be subsequently cross referenced against materialism, i.e. the belief that the physical world as we know it is the full extent existence. Among non-materialists it is possible, and not uncommon, for belief in other supernatural phenomena. Some atheists believe in a spiritual aspect of existence other than in the form of a deity. Buddhists are one example. Some may believe in supernatural phenomena that are separate from their core spiritual views.

Questions of ethics and morality are often a misunderstood subsection of beliefs within atheism. Where many theists tend to directly attribute ethical systems to deities (with morality being a direct measure of personal adherence to the dictations of said deities), a misconception often arises that an atheist subsequently recognize no ethical or moral system. This is not the case, however, and atheists of all forms generally find some system of right and wrong by which they live their lives. The forms and shades of these systems are just as varied among atheists as theists.
No LIFE itself isn't enough. Because what is the purpose of existing if you won't have an knowledge of it after you are dead? I truly don't
understand why waste your breath. Your resources. Your existence if YOU don't think it has any continuance after your death?
YOU are fooling yourself if you "live life to it's fullest today" because when you die who the f..k will care? There is no existence after life
so seriously what difference will your living now make? Seriously! Think. You are proud to be an atheist as it supposedly shows you are
not falling for the afterlife crowd and their "ignorance". So why not die now and save resources for the rest of us that want to enjoy our lives and work towards making others lives better in the chance there is a hereafter that is affected by how well we lived today?
I came from nothing, I return to nothing, and all those who came before suffered the same fate as will all those who follow after. In the meantime I play the one and only hand I've been dealt. It matters not that it matters not to anyone in the end, it mattered to me and no god is required. You are seeking a ticket to Heaven and that is no life at all.

BTW, I'm Agnostic, the only truly rational position, and Suicide is the only real question but once you decide to hang around and enjoy the game it no longer is. Everything follows from that decision. Without a god you are lost so you cling to one, which makes him mo more valid than a shadow on a wall. You don't have faith, you have desperation...

But you didn't come from nothing! You are the sum of your ancestors genes. Most of those ancestors believed in a better life for what? YOU?
YOU who believe you came from nothing? Seriously you are criticizing me because I'd rather believe there is an afterlife and that is different then believing in a "God" or gods! Yet not one of you supposedly intelligent people i.e. atheists/agnostics... seemed to catch that!
And that is my point about atheists and the definition being belief there is no God or gods.
There is an after life. Otherwise our current lives are meaningless and we should have never crawled out of the microbial soup...
Microbial Soup - YouTube
The point is there is a purpose to our lives and instead of acting pompous and phony "intellectually" superior to those that believe in God or gods, why not be accepting of the possibility you maybe wrong about returning to nothing. I for one am not that knowledgable to be so adamant that there isn't a "God" or gods.
Every day so many advancements in the constant search for answers is bringing more questions.
Watch and listen (if you are intellectually honest enough.. to the following TED presentation by
Alexander Tsiaras is the Founder, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of
Note how many times in this video of extremely sophisticated and advanced photography of a human cell through 9 months that
Mr. Tsiaras uses the word "divinity" to explain the extremely complicated, mathematically and reproductive processes of a human being.
Alexander Tsiaras Conception to birth -- visualized Talk Video

then tell me this is luck. chance.
hmmm..the socialist mass murderers of the 20th century were atheists....they seem to have killed close to 100 million people.....sure...defenders of atheism say they didn't do it to promote atheism...but it can't be a coincidence that the greatest mass murderers in history were all atheists...can it?
There is an after life. Otherwise our current lives are meaningless and we should have never crawled out of the microbial soup...
Why must you demand more than what you have? What is before you is all there is. All the rest is folly.
If there is nothing after will not know it. You will not have memories of this life. Nothing.
So if there is nothing, why the struggle to exist today? A true atheist would commit suicide because why waste time,energy for something
you will not remember as there will be no afterlife.
There is an after life. Otherwise our current lives are meaningless and we should have never crawled out of the microbial soup...
Why must you demand more than what you have? What is before you is all there is. All the rest is folly.
If there is nothing after will not know it. You will not have memories of this life. Nothing.
That is correct, but one doesn't usually leave the table when one still has chips, or in this case skin, in the game. The destination is known, the path however is unknown. Try to enjoy the meandering stroll even if there is no escaping destiny.
I mean truly if I were a true atheist believer I'd commit suicide. !

Wow that is really sad for you. I am sorry that your life is so devoid of meaning without your god that you would commit suicide without it.

As a true atheist, I love life.

Without needing any God.
Why do you love life? There is no meaning after death.

You really only love life because of your belief in an afterlife? How very sad.

My life is so full- why would I care about what happens to me after I die?

I have a wonderful marriage to my best friend and beautiful wife. I have have a fantastic child that I enjoy tremendously.

I love my friends, and my family. I have a great job that I enjoy. I live in a great place- go walking on the beach, enjoy the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing.

I go walking in redwoods, and enjoy the smell of eucalyptus after a rainstorm. Eating fresh oysters and drinking great wine. Making a great meal- and then enjoying it.

The feel of the sun on my face, the joy of a great new book, laughing with friends, enjoying a good new....

Even my commute- seeing hawks on the fence posts, cows in and horses in the pastures, the wind causing ripples in the water.....why wouldn't I love being alive?

Why don't you?

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