Atheists on this board answer this question....

I'm more of an agnostic than atheist but I live in Utah which is a threocracy. I'm sick of all the stupid laws that conform to that theology which include the dumbest liquor laws in the civilized world, a tax structure that encourages families that have at least twice the average number of kids as the nation as a whole and church funded anti-gay lobbying that also gets funneled to other states.
And that right there is the fun part. It is always devised in such a manner as to force a choice of why Christianity is so much better.
Well think for a second.
Atheists believe there is no God or gods right?
So they believe in nothing after life it would appear.
Say they are right. So what is wrong with a person who believes in a God and there is none. There is nothing.
What has it cost the Christian? Since there is nothing which is what atheists believe, the Christian hasn't lost anything right as there is nothing.
BUT assume there is an afterlife as Christians believe.
What if Christians are right and the kind of life style you lived while alive determines factors in the afterlife?
If there is nothing Christians have lost nothing... but if there is something and Christians have lived their lives with the belief of an afterlife while the atheist believing nothing has a life not helpful in the afterlife...what will be their belief then?

My point is a TRULY intelligent, rational and logical person who believes there is no God,etc. would have no need to inflict the atheist point of view as there is nothing to argue against? Why does any atheist have any interest in doing anything in this life if there is no life after?
Truly intelligent, rational atheist truly believing there is nothing in this life that affects their afterlife should logically have NO need for life today!
Serious atheists commit suicide. There is no reason for their life today if there is nothing after their life today.
How is an atheist forcing their views on you?

Forcing everyone in a room to pray is forcing your beliefs on others, not the other way around.
HARDNOSE: Everybody praise Jesus!

ATHEIST: I don't want to praise someone I don't believe in.

HARDNOSE: Why are you trying to force your beliefs on me? Praise Jesus, or you are going to hell!!!
I think if Muslims were to try to force American children to all pray to Allah in the classroom, every person on this forum who thinks we should all have to pray to God in the classroom would instantly be outraged.

That is why no religion of any kind is allowed in the classroom.

If you think it is okay to force your religious beliefs on everyone's kids, but get all pissed off at the idea of someone else forcing their religious beliefs on your kids, then you are seriously, seriously confused about what America is about.

It is precisely this separation between every religion and the State which has allowed every religion to flourish in our country where it has languished in others. This is one of the very linchpins of a democracy.
I think if Muslims were to try to force American children to all pray to Allah in the classroom, every person on this forum who thinks we should all have to pray to God in the classroom would instantly be outraged.

That is why no religion of any kind is allowed in the classroom.

If you think it is okay to force your religious beliefs on everyone's kids, but get all pissed off at the idea of someone else forcing their religious beliefs on your kids, then you are seriously, seriously confused about what America is about.

It is precisely this separation between every religion and the State which has allowed every religion to flourish in our country where it has languished in others. This is one of the very linchpins of a democracy.

What would their reaction be if a teacher or football coach were to lead the group in a discussion of why there is no god?
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

Correction- as an atheist- I don't believe in 'nothing'- I just dont' believe in a god- or any god.

That being said- I don't fear your belief, or anyone else's.

I just don't believe what you do.

Simple as that.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
I specifically gave the definition... which is there is NO God or gods right?
Therefore atheists have no reason to fear others that do as long as the believers do no harm to an atheist which is the question...again.
"What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something"?
Why is it necessary to force the rest of us to believe in the atheists premise there is no God or gods?
Most atheists proclaim themselves as logical,rational,thinking... so why is it necessary for atheists to promote their disbelief?

Why do conservatives fear liberals?

Why do non-conservatives fear people that want people to be free?
Most conservatives for example have had NO problem with Romney-care as it was chosen by a state.
Again this is an example though of non-conservatives that are very ignorant, that want a cookie cutter, same size fits all to all..i.e. womb to tomb mentality.
Conservatives WANT individuals to have the freedom to choose their own destiny.

Wow-what a wierd attempt at logic.

Conservatives are okay with being forced to do something- but only if forced by the state- not the Federal government?

If either one is 'forced' then both are forced. If either one is not freedom- then both are 'not freedom'

And you are in effect derailing your own thread now making this about conservatives and non-conservatives rather than religion and atheism.
you need to get religion!

First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The question is: Why do you fear atheists?

I'm still trying to figure out why he posted a link to christians forcing their beliefs on atheists as proof of the opposite.

I didn't post a link regarding Christians...
The link was from an Atheist web site reporting on atheist prayer in a Florida city council meeting.
I was describing though the Muslim belief that infidels must be killed.
It is a fact supported by their Koran. No where in the Christian world today is there a concerted effort to kill non-Christians or for that matter
as Egypt recently has done with the gay community.
you need to get religion!

First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The question is: Why do you fear atheists?

I'm still trying to figure out why he posted a link to christians forcing their beliefs on atheists as proof of the opposite.

I didn't post a link regarding Christians...
The link was from an Atheist web site reporting on atheist prayer in a Florida city council meeting.
I was describing though the Muslim belief that infidels must be killed.
It is a fact supported by their Koran. No where in the Christian world today is there a concerted effort to kill non-Christians or for that matter
as Egypt recently has done with the gay community.

Got it. I'm going to dribble it up court pass it to you and you take the first shot.
I don't care what anyone believes, if it makes them happy then I am happy for them, but history tells us that religious secular authority has never been a good thing for people who want the government to stay out of their lives.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

Who told you that athiets fear people that ( sic ) believe in something?
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The word A-theist, refers to a person who has no concern with or use for Religion. Just a the A-poltical have no concern with or use for politics and the A-sexual have no concern with or use for sex.

Your query is therefore asking those who have no concern for something, why they would fear it. Which is sorta silly, because they wouldn't fear it and do not fear religion or religious people.

It's a rare day when you'll find an A-theist discussing it... let alone complaining about religion, religious practices or religious people.

The question should therefore be directed at those who never shut up about their complaints with Religion; and those are the lowly Anti-Theists. A cult of ass-hats, truly loathsome people. Just disgusting sub-human beings.

LOL! If Intellectual means could somehow be fashioned into an explosive energy, the combined intellectual means of the Anti-theist collective would be insufficient to ignite a common match.

For the edification of the anti-theist who may happen along to read this, that simply means that you and your comrades, are imbeciles.
I think the OP intended a troll thread but really doesn't give a darn enough about the topic to continue trolling it. Gawd knows he can troll like the best of 'em when he cares.
How is an atheist forcing their views on you?

Because his "view" is that atheists have no right to exist. Thus, by existing, they are forcing their views upon him.

Well there's that and the century of experience wherein the Anti-theists have attempted to remove the means of actual human beings to freely practice our religion.

I wouldn't worry about it, as the whole mess is about to crumble and from the ashes will rise a culture free of Left-think, across the board, which will naturally preclude the existence of anti-theists.

Nature has always had a way of working these things out.
I think the OP intended a troll thread but really doesn't give a darn enough about the topic to continue trolling it. Gawd knows he can troll like the best of 'em when he cares.

No, healthmyths posts with 100% sincerity. He just doesn't post with any damned sense.
I think the OP intended a troll thread but really doesn't give a darn enough about the topic to continue trolling it. Gawd knows he can troll like the best of 'em when he cares.

No, healthmyths posts with 100% sincerity. He just doesn't post with any damned sense.


I try to give the benefit of the doubt.
Well there's that and the century of experience wherein the Anti-theists have attempted to remove the means of actual human beings to freely practice our religion.

That is an absurd thing to say. There are people who want our culture to embrace public secularism, particularly in government actions, so that all people can freely practice their religion without social of governmental pressures. That does not mean that they want to eliminate religious freedom. To the contrary, they want to encourage full religious freedom.
Well there's that and the century of experience wherein the Anti-theists have attempted to remove the means of actual human beings to freely practice our religion.

That is an absurd thing to say. There are people who want our culture to embrace public secularism, particularly in government actions, so that all people can freely practice their religion without social of governmental pressures. That does not mean that they want to eliminate religious freedom. To the contrary, they want to encourage full religious freedom.

Yeah... so the myth of "Constitutional Separation of Church and State", the attack on Christmas, the force servitude of innocent people who reject 'Sexual Abnormality' and respect the natural standard of Marriage, which requires that Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman and of course, the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... ALL Anti-theist advocacies, you feel none of that is 'real'?


Get serious... .
Well there's that and the century of experience wherein the Anti-theists have attempted to remove the means of actual human beings to freely practice our religion.

That is an absurd thing to say. There are people who want our culture to embrace public secularism, particularly in government actions, so that all people can freely practice their religion without social of governmental pressures. That does not mean that they want to eliminate religious freedom. To the contrary, they want to encourage full religious freedom.

Yeah... so the myth of "Constitutional Separation of Church and State", the attack on Christmas, the force servitude of innocent people who reject 'Sexual Abnormality' and respect the natural standard of Marriage, which requires that Marriage is the joining of one man and one woman and of course, the Advocacy to Normalize Sexual Abnormality... ALL Anti-theist advocacies, you feel none of that is 'real'?


Get serious... .

:lol: As I said, your premise is false. The problem is that you want to press certain beliefs over other people. And so you take the idea of a secular society as an affront.

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