Atheists on this board answer this question....

First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
I specifically gave the definition... which is there is NO God or gods right?
Therefore atheists have no reason to fear others that do as long as the believers do no harm to an atheist which is the question...again.
"What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something"?
Why is it necessary to force the rest of us to believe in the atheists premise there is no God or gods?
Most atheists proclaim themselves as logical,rational,thinking... so why is it necessary for atheists to promote their disbelief?

So using your logic the only thing(s) a person can believe in is/are god or gods.

If you believe in neither then you believe in nothing.

And you do not see the flaw in that logic?

I can't speak for atheists who need to broadcast just as I can't speak for believers who proselytize

Why do Jehova's Witnesses knock on doors?

I don't know.

But Atheists have every right to express their views just as you do.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

When an American president (George H.W. Bush) says publically that he doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, that is something that Atheists should feel outraged about, but also raises the stress level. If a president doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, what's next? Deportation for all atheists? Or worse?

We also have Republicans saying that Muslims are not protected by the First Amendment since they are not Christians. These dipshits think the First Amendment is only for Christians, which is so ironic as to make one scream at the incredible stupidity of it all.
This thread is not in any way suitable for the forum it currently resides in.

I'm thinking Badlands?
Are you afraid of something? The premise of this thread is atheists are projecting their disbelief structure in politics...
See this: In Lake Worth Florida An Atheist 8217 s Invocation Offered Thanks to Allah Zeus Satan Buddha Krishna and Thor
So again.. why is this NOT a political forum thread if atheists are projecting their belief structure into political arena?

Because the OP has nothing, whatsoever to do with politics. You are now injecting politics into the tread, where previously, no such reference existed.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The question is: Why do you fear atheists?
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

When an American president (George H.W. Bush) says publically that he doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, that is something that Atheists should feel outraged about, but also raises the stress level. If a president doesn't believe that atheists are Americans, what's next? Deportation for all atheists? Or worse?

We also have Republicans saying that Muslims are not protected by the First Amendment since they are not Christians. These dipshits think the First Amendment is only for Christians, which is so ironic as to make one scream at the incredible stupidity of it all.

I think this is key.

They really do believe that other religions, as well as other political beliefs - eg Communism - should not have the same contitutional protection afforded to christians.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The question is: Why do you fear atheists?

I'm still trying to figure out why he posted a link to christians forcing their beliefs on atheists as proof of the opposite.

First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

Believe whatever you want

Just don't force your beliefs on me or my children
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The question is: Why do you fear atheists?

I'm still trying to figure out why he posted a link to christians forcing their beliefs on atheists as proof of the opposite.

:dunno: The persecution complex is a large part of their culture.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
I specifically gave the definition... which is there is NO God or gods right?
Therefore atheists have no reason to fear others that do as long as the believers do no harm to an atheist which is the question...again.
"What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something"?
Why is it necessary to force the rest of us to believe in the atheists premise there is no God or gods?
Most atheists proclaim themselves as logical,rational,thinking... so why is it necessary for atheists to promote their disbelief?

Why do conservatives fear liberals?
These dipshits think the First Amendment is only for Christians

And when you mix that with the followup "If you don't like it nothing is stopping you from going out and founding your own country. This guy did it so why can't you?" they just dig themselves even deeper into an impenetrable cocoon of stupidity.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The question is: Why do you fear atheists?

I'm still trying to figure out why he posted a link to christians forcing their beliefs on atheists as proof of the opposite.

I didn't post a link regarding Christians...
The link was from an Atheist web site reporting on atheist prayer in a Florida city council meeting.
I was describing though the Muslim belief that infidels must be killed.
It is a fact supported by their Koran. No where in the Christian world today is there a concerted effort to kill non-Christians or for that matter
as Egypt recently has done with the gay community.
And that right there is the fun part. It is always devised in such a manner as to force a choice of why Christianity is so much better.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

You premise has a flaw.

Atheists do not believe in a god.

That is not the same as believing in nothing.
I specifically gave the definition... which is there is NO God or gods right?
Therefore atheists have no reason to fear others that do as long as the believers do no harm to an atheist which is the question...again.
"What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something"?
Why is it necessary to force the rest of us to believe in the atheists premise there is no God or gods?
Most atheists proclaim themselves as logical,rational,thinking... so why is it necessary for atheists to promote their disbelief?

Why do conservatives fear liberals?

Why do non-conservatives fear people that want people to be free?
Most conservatives for example have had NO problem with Romney-care as it was chosen by a state.
Again this is an example though of non-conservatives that are very ignorant, that want a cookie cutter, same size fits all to all..i.e. womb to tomb mentality.
Conservatives WANT individuals to have the freedom to choose their own destiny.
And that right there is the fun part. It is always devised in such a manner as to force a choice of why Christianity is so much better.
Well think for a second.
Atheists believe there is no God or gods right?
So they believe in nothing after life it would appear.
Say they are right. So what is wrong with a person who believes in a God and there is none. There is nothing.
What has it cost the Christian? Since there is nothing which is what atheists believe, the Christian hasn't lost anything right as there is nothing.
BUT assume there is an afterlife as Christians believe.
What if Christians are right and the kind of life style you lived while alive determines factors in the afterlife?
If there is nothing Christians have lost nothing... but if there is something and Christians have lived their lives with the belief of an afterlife while the atheist believing nothing has a life not helpful in the afterlife...what will be their belief then?

My point is a TRULY intelligent, rational and logical person who believes there is no God,etc. would have no need to inflict the atheist point of view as there is nothing to argue against? Why does any atheist have any interest in doing anything in this life if there is no life after?
Truly intelligent, rational atheist truly believing there is nothing in this life that affects their afterlife should logically have NO need for life today!
Serious atheists commit suicide. There is no reason for their life today if there is nothing after their life today.
And that right there is the fun part. It is always devised in such a manner as to force a choice of why Christianity is so much better.
Well think for a second.
Atheists believe there is no God or gods right?
So they believe in nothing after life it would appear.
Say they are right. So what is wrong with a person who believes in a God and there is none. There is nothing.
What has it cost the Christian? Since there is nothing which is what atheists believe, the Christian hasn't lost anything right as there is nothing.
BUT assume there is an afterlife as Christians believe.
What if Christians are right and the kind of life style you lived while alive determines factors in the afterlife?
If there is nothing Christians have lost nothing... but if there is something and Christians have lived their lives with the belief of an afterlife while the atheist believing nothing has a life not helpful in the afterlife...what will be their belief then?

My point is a TRULY intelligent, rational and logical person who believes there is no God,etc. would have no need to inflict the atheist point of view as there is nothing to argue against? Why does any atheist have any interest in doing anything in this life if there is no life after?
Truly intelligent, rational atheist truly believing there is nothing in this life that affects their afterlife should logically have NO need for life today!
Serious atheists commit suicide. There is no reason for their life today if there is nothing after their life today.

You're just not very bright at all. You spend your entire life with one foot in the grave. As long as you keep your idiocy outside of law then there is no problem.
Being an atheist doesn't mean you believe in nothing. It just means you don't hold a belief in a god. Atheists can still believe in spirits, ghosts, aliens, magical creatures, fate, spiritual forces, politicians, ideologies, and so on.
And that right there is the fun part. It is always devised in such a manner as to force a choice of why Christianity is so much better.
Well think for a second.
Atheists believe there is no God or gods right?
So they believe in nothing after life it would appear.
Say they are right. So what is wrong with a person who believes in a God and there is none. There is nothing.
What has it cost the Christian? Since there is nothing which is what atheists believe, the Christian hasn't lost anything right as there is nothing.
BUT assume there is an afterlife as Christians believe.
What if Christians are right and the kind of life style you lived while alive determines factors in the afterlife?
If there is nothing Christians have lost nothing... but if there is something and Christians have lived their lives with the belief of an afterlife while the atheist believing nothing has a life not helpful in the afterlife...what will be their belief then?

My point is a TRULY intelligent, rational and logical person who believes there is no God,etc. would have no need to inflict the atheist point of view as there is nothing to argue against? Why does any atheist have any interest in doing anything in this life if there is no life after?
Truly intelligent, rational atheist truly believing there is nothing in this life that affects their afterlife should logically have NO need for life today!
Serious atheists commit suicide. There is no reason for their life today if there is nothing after their life today.

Your logic is terrible. An atheist can have just as strong ties to family, friends and community as a religious person. My will to live, my reasons for enjoying life, have to do with here and now. They have nothing to do with preparing for an afterlife.

I don't criticize your beliefs. I just don't want you imposing them on other people that may not believe as you do.
First a definition:
"An Atheist"... a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.
An atheist's belief is by definition based on "nothing".

The question then is:What do atheists have to fear from people that believe in something?

As long as that something does not do as the majority of radical Muslims believe, i.e. any person that is an infidel must be put to death, why do atheists fear NOTHING i.e. they don't believe in the existence of God or gods..?

The question is: Why do you fear atheists?

I'm still trying to figure out why he posted a link to christians forcing their beliefs on atheists as proof of the opposite.

I didn't post a link regarding Christians...
The link was from an Atheist web site reporting on atheist prayer in a Florida city council meeting.
I was describing though the Muslim belief that infidels must be killed.
It is a fact supported by their Koran. No where in the Christian world today is there a concerted effort to kill non-Christians or for that matter
as Egypt recently has done with the gay community.

Yes you did post a link regarding christians. To refresh your memory, here's your post.

Are you afraid of something? The premise of this thread is atheists are projecting their disbelief structure in politics...
See this: In Lake Worth Florida An Atheist 8217 s Invocation Offered Thanks to Allah Zeus Satan Buddha Krishna and Thor
So again.. why is this NOT a political forum thread if atheists are projecting their belief structure into political arena?

The link you posted clearly shows christians forcing their beliefs on non-christians but you said it shows proof that non-christians force their beliefs on christians ...

That's pretty nutty in itself but now you say it was actually about Muslims? And Egypt?

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