Atheists want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist because they think it will hurt Christianity

You're deliberately trying to derail the topic of abiogenesis. We aren't discussing nutrition. For abiogenesis, one needs to have proteins. No one is arguing there aren't amino acid compounds out there, but there are no processes to randomly or have probability convert amino acids into proteins like our body does just from amino acids. Their chirality prevents it.

BTW, you're wrong. Proteins are the building blocks to life. Amino acids just provide the energy from food to fuel the body to convert it to proteins. Like duh yourself!


Proteins are polymers of amino acids ... and chirality has no effect on the amino group attaching to the organic acid group ... c'mon man, this is second year chemistry ... we have dictionaries, try to learn how to use them ...

Haha. Get serious. We are talking about the beginning and the BS of abiogenesis. I just showed it is impossible to happen and you are spouting mumbo jumbo.
First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."
While I agree that there are indicators that the universe has design, that is NOT a scientific theory. It is a philosophical theory that kind of transitions between natural philosophy and theology.

That is the axiomatic flaw to presenting ID as science theory; it has a much broader scope than mere science allows for.

Again, I'm not arguing ID. I was just describing for the people like Hollie who ascribe it to those who believe in creation science like me.
Haha. Get serious. We are talking about the beginning and the BS of abiogenesis. I just showed it is impossible to happen and you are spouting mumbo jumbo.

Here's a link to the scientific paper you referenced ... "A Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions" --- Miller, Stanley --- Science, May 15th, 1953 ...

Show me where any of this disproves the results they got ... amino acids from strictly non-biological sources ... read ... enjoy ... you haven't shown this is be impossible ... at least not with research that clearly shows it is possible ...

Basic organic chemistry is "mumbo jumbo" to you? ... that's sad ... that article above is going to be way over your head ... of course anything you haven't bothered to learn is wrong ...

You do agree that a Water Element can randomly crash into an Earth Element and combine to form a new substance ... and then again a random crash into a Fire Element ... and this forms life ... see how every living thing is a combination of Water, Earth and Fire Elements ... Uranus created these Elements just before he got his balls cut off ... then Cronus twisted and perverted them into His image ... Zeus took over and straighten things out, and that why we still sacrifice our children at His temples ...

Air turned out to be a total slut ... spawned the Gorgons ... yeah, snakes, always the snakes ...
Again, I'm not arguing ID. I was just describing for the people like Hollie who ascribe it to those who believe in creation science like me.
"Creation Science" to my mind is an oxymorn.

Science cannot prove or disprove theology like the concept of Creation.

It can prove the Big Bang, which one could think of as the story of Creation expressed in the form of scientific theory of Relativity terms, but that is kind of different.
Haha. Get serious. We are talking about the beginning and the BS of abiogenesis. I just showed it is impossible to happen and you are spouting mumbo jumbo.

Here's a link to the scientific paper you referenced ... "A Production of Amino Acids Under Possible Primitive Earth Conditions" --- Miller, Stanley --- Science, May 15th, 1953 ...

Show me where any of this disproves the results they got ... amino acids from strictly non-biological sources ... read ... enjoy ... you haven't shown this is be impossible ... at least not with research that clearly shows it is possible ...

Basic organic chemistry is "mumbo jumbo" to you? ... that's sad ... that article above is going to be way over your head ... of course anything you haven't bothered to learn is wrong ...

You do agree that a Water Element can randomly crash into an Earth Element and combine to form a new substance ... and then again a random crash into a Fire Element ... and this forms life ... see how every living thing is a combination of Water, Earth and Fire Elements ... Uranus created these Elements just before he got his balls cut off ... then Cronus twisted and perverted them into His image ... Zeus took over and straighten things out, and that why we still sacrifice our children at His temples ...

Air turned out to be a total slut ... spawned the Gorgons ... yeah, snakes, always the snakes ...

I already mentioned Stanley Miller was a fail and you're stuck in 1953. Boring.

No basic organic chemistry is a good start. When you explain it, it's mumbo jumbo because you use it to make up stuff (called lies).

Besides, if basic organic chemistry is all it took to take amino acids and form proteins, then someone would've been able to do it by now. But, the creation scientists have won because no one could as they explained due to chirality.
Again, I'm not arguing ID. I was just describing for the people like Hollie who ascribe it to those who believe in creation science like me.
"Creation Science" to my mind is an oxymorn.

Science cannot prove or disprove theology like the concept of Creation.

It can prove the Big Bang, which one could think of as the story of Creation expressed in the form of scientific theory of Relativity terms, but that is kind of different.

It's not theology as I said it's mostly from the Book of Genesis. Science backs up what it states. Creation scientists like Father Georges Lemaitre came up with the Big Bang Theory to explain how God created the universe. But he didn't come up with singularity nor cosmic inflation which violate the laws of physics.
No basic organic chemistry is a good start. When you explain it, it's mumbo jumbo because you use it to make up stuff (called lies).

So you don't believe amino groups readily bond with organic acid groups ... how strange ... what holds your proteins together then? ... "It's the liar who calls out 'liar' first" ...

Besides, if basic organic chemistry is all it took to take amino acids and form proteins, then someone would've been able to do it by now. But, the creation scientists have won because no one could as they explained due to chirality.

Making proteins is easy ... kitchen counter chemistry ... making amino acids is trickier ... but alanine is simple enough ...
There are several amino acids that are not chiral ... look that word up in the dictionary because you're using it wrong ...
First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."
While I agree that there are indicators that the universe has design, that is NOT a scientific theory. It is a philosophical theory that kind of transitions between natural philosophy and theology.

That is the axiomatic flaw to presenting ID as science theory; it has a much broader scope than mere science allows for.

Again, I'm not arguing ID. I was just describing for the people like Hollie who ascribe it to those who believe in creation science like me.
Yes, you acknowledge ‘belief’ in something you call creation science. Belief is a requirement as ID’iot creation science is nothing more than Christian fundamentalism under a burqa of deceit and falsehoods.

As the bankruptcy of “creation science" is recognized, a new slogan, intelligent design, has been adopted by those who persist in their attempts to inject creationism (Christian fundamentalism) into the legitimate science curriculum.

The relevant, legitimate sciences have repeatedly and successfully refuted the usual arguments by ID’iot creationers that supernatural gods are responsible for the natural world. The arguments from science and reason are grounded on the science of biological life. Science has convincingly demonstrated, to any rational person, that complexity sufficient for life could readily have emerged naturally in the primeval chemical stew. The processes causing the first emergence of life on the planet are not fully understood but nothing about biological life requires your gods.

The planet is not flat. Life evolves. These are material facts.
First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."
While I agree that there are indicators that the universe has design, that is NOT a scientific theory. It is a philosophical theory that kind of transitions between natural philosophy and theology.

That is the axiomatic flaw to presenting ID as science theory; it has a much broader scope than mere science allows for.

Again, I'm not arguing ID. I was just describing for the people like Hollie who ascribe it to those who believe in creation science like me.
Yes, you acknowledge ‘belief’ in something you call creation science. Belief is a requirement as ID’iot creation science is nothing more than Christian fundamentalism under a burqa of deceit and falsehoods.

As the bankruptcy of “creation science" is recognized, a new slogan, intelligent design, has been adopted by those who persist in their attempts to inject creationism (Christian fundamentalism) into the legitimate science curriculum.

The relevant, legitimate sciences have repeatedly and successfully refuted the usual arguments by ID’iot creationers that supernatural gods are responsible for the natural world. The arguments from science and reason are grounded on the science of biological life. Science has convincingly demonstrated, to any rational person, that complexity sufficient for life could readily have emerged naturally in the primeval chemical stew. The processes causing the first emergence of life on the planet are not fully understood but nothing about biological life requires your gods.

The planet is not flat. Life evolves. These are material facts.
Oh! Truth ..... brutal and naked! “Creation science" is half-assed damage control.
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"It's the liar who calls out 'liar' first"

I already called you the one who makes up stories from 1953. A bore, too. Where is the experiment to show amino acids formed a protein in the lab? You said it was basic organic chemistry. I said it took a living organism to form amino acids into protein. The amino acids come from our food. Why don't you give me your credit card number and letter of authorization and I'll go dine at a fine steakhouse and convert it to protein. You continue to do that weekly and I'll post a pic of my bod after 90 days. I'll do before and after pics.

"The body needs 20 different amino acids to maintain good health and normal functioning. People must obtain nine of these amino acids, called the essential amino acids, through food. Good dietary sources include meat, eggs, tofu, soy, buckwheat, quinoa, and dairy.

Amino acids are compounds that combine to make proteins. When a person eats a food that contains protein, their digestive system breaks the protein down into amino acids. The body then combines the amino acids in various ways to carry out bodily functions.

A healthy body can manufacture the other 11 amino acids, so these do not usually need to enter the body through the diet.

Amino acids build muscles, cause chemical reactions in the body, transport nutrients, prevent illness, and carry out other functions. Amino acid deficiency can result in decreased immunity, digestive problems, depression, fertility issues, lower mental alertness, slowed growth in children, and many other health issues.

Each of the essential amino acids plays a different role in the body, and the symptoms of deficiency vary accordingly."

Making proteins is easy ... kitchen counter chemistry ... making amino acids is trickier ... but alanine is simple enough ...
There are several amino acids that are not chiral ... look that word up in the dictionary because you're using it wrong ...

Another lie. You do it from the amino acids we find in the atmosphere or wherever you think abiogenesis happens. In space? In the hot geyser? In warm ponds? Notice you never talk about abiogenesis but continue to spout your mumbo jumbo you liar.
Oh! Truth ..... brutal and naked! “Creation science" is half-assed damage control.

You sound smart, but it's only partially right. Evolution
is "half-assed damage control."

Let's look at Darwin. He didn't think 3 billion years was enough. Thus, evo was in mothballs until... what exactly?
"It's the liar who calls out 'liar' first"

I already called you the one who makes up stories from 1953. A bore, too. Where is the experiment to show amino acids formed a protein in the lab? You said it was basic organic chemistry. I said it took a living organism to form amino acids into protein. The amino acids come from our food. Why don't you give me your credit card number and letter of authorization and I'll go dine at a fine steakhouse and convert it to protein. You continue to do that weekly and I'll post a pic of my bod after 90 days. I'll do before and after pics.

"The body needs 20 different amino acids to maintain good health and normal functioning. People must obtain nine of these amino acids, called the essential amino acids, through food. Good dietary sources include meat, eggs, tofu, soy, buckwheat, quinoa, and dairy.

Amino acids are compounds that combine to make proteins. When a person eats a food that contains protein, their digestive system breaks the protein down into amino acids. The body then combines the amino acids in various ways to carry out bodily functions.

A healthy body can manufacture the other 11 amino acids, so these do not usually need to enter the body through the diet.

Amino acids build muscles, cause chemical reactions in the body, transport nutrients, prevent illness, and carry out other functions. Amino acid deficiency can result in decreased immunity, digestive problems, depression, fertility issues, lower mental alertness, slowed growth in children, and many other health issues.

Each of the essential amino acids plays a different role in the body, and the symptoms of deficiency vary accordingly."

Making proteins is easy ... kitchen counter chemistry ... making amino acids is trickier ... but alanine is simple enough ...
There are several amino acids that are not chiral ... look that word up in the dictionary because you're using it wrong ...

Another lie. You do it from the amino acids we find in the atmosphere or wherever you think abiogenesis happens. In space? In the hot geyser? In warm ponds? Notice you never talk about abiogenesis but continue to spout your mumbo jumbo you liar.

"Utilizing Unnatural Amino Acids To Illustrate Protein Structure–Function Relationships: An Experiment Designed for an Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory" --- Maza et. al. --- ACS Publications --- Jan 28th, 2016 ... hoods are for girls, you can do this in your kitchen ...

We're using A.I. Oparin's derivation of abiogenesis ... "once is enough" ... as this works exceptional well as we move on in time ... only one Coronavirus mutated into SARS-CoV-2, and then divided like crazy to infect the whole world ... that mutation need only happen once ...

This might shock you, but there is a non-zero probability for two methane molecules and an ammonia molecule to collide in just the right way to form alanine ... and this probability is greatly increased when these molecules are dissolved in water ... methane, ammonia and water are abundant in the universe ... seems just having water in it's liquid state on the surface of a rocky planet is all we need to form life ...

God zapping dust into humans is your claim ... biologists claim a slow step-wise development from very simple structures into more complex structures and eventually into very simple bacteria ...

You've become very hateful, and are resurrecting the Spirit of Satan ... you've created yourself and have disdained God's hand ... "liar" is quick to your lips, one calls their own judgement whether they know it or not ...
"It's the liar who calls out 'liar' first"

I already called you the one who makes up stories from 1953. A bore, too. Where is the experiment to show amino acids formed a protein in the lab? You said it was basic organic chemistry. I said it took a living organism to form amino acids into protein. The amino acids come from our food. Why don't you give me your credit card number and letter of authorization and I'll go dine at a fine steakhouse and convert it to protein. You continue to do that weekly and I'll post a pic of my bod after 90 days. I'll do before and after pics.

"The body needs 20 different amino acids to maintain good health and normal functioning. People must obtain nine of these amino acids, called the essential amino acids, through food. Good dietary sources include meat, eggs, tofu, soy, buckwheat, quinoa, and dairy.

Amino acids are compounds that combine to make proteins. When a person eats a food that contains protein, their digestive system breaks the protein down into amino acids. The body then combines the amino acids in various ways to carry out bodily functions.

A healthy body can manufacture the other 11 amino acids, so these do not usually need to enter the body through the diet.

Amino acids build muscles, cause chemical reactions in the body, transport nutrients, prevent illness, and carry out other functions. Amino acid deficiency can result in decreased immunity, digestive problems, depression, fertility issues, lower mental alertness, slowed growth in children, and many other health issues.

Each of the essential amino acids plays a different role in the body, and the symptoms of deficiency vary accordingly."

Making proteins is easy ... kitchen counter chemistry ... making amino acids is trickier ... but alanine is simple enough ...
There are several amino acids that are not chiral ... look that word up in the dictionary because you're using it wrong ...

Another lie. You do it from the amino acids we find in the atmosphere or wherever you think abiogenesis happens. In space? In the hot geyser? In warm ponds? Notice you never talk about abiogenesis but continue to spout your mumbo jumbo you liar.

"Utilizing Unnatural Amino Acids To Illustrate Protein Structure–Function Relationships: An Experiment Designed for an Undergraduate Biochemistry Laboratory" --- Maza et. al. --- ACS Publications --- Jan 28th, 2016 ... hoods are for girls, you can do this in your kitchen ...

" ... as this works exceptional well as we move on in time ... only one Coronavirus mutated into SARS-CoV-2, and then divided like crazy to infect the whole world ... that mutation need only happen once ...

This might shock you, but there is a non-zero probability for two methane molecules and an ammonia molecule to collide in just the right way to form alanine ... and this probability is greatly increased when these molecules are dissolved in water ... methane, ammonia and water are abundant in the universe ... seems just having water in it's liquid state on the surface of a rocky planet is all we need to form life ...

God zapping dust into humans is your claim ... biologists claim a slow step-wise development from very simple structures into more complex structures and eventually into very simple bacteria ...

You've become very hateful, and are resurrecting the Spirit of Satan ... you've created yourself and have disdained God's hand ... "liar" is quick to your lips, one calls their own judgement whether they know it or not ...


Haha. You may as be Joe Biden light with your weird science.

We're using A.I. Oparin's derivation of abiogenesis

This is more of the same argument for aliens in the vastness of the universe. We have no intelligent aliens. We also have no microbe aliens.

You just admitted there are no experiments to produce abiogenesis. We can conclude life just does not happen through abiogenesis. What it does show is God created all kinds of life and reproduction as written in Genesis and it has come to this,

God zapping dust into humans is your claim

And to dust we shall return which is what happens. We also find plenty of carbon in the soil, so there is your evidence for both.
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... you are spouting mumbo jumbo.
Please do not feign surprise.

Why would I be surprised? You're the one claiming it will happen and it hasn't in how many billions of years now haha. 6,000 may as well be going on 4.5 billion.

Not me. You have me confused with the guy I told you not to be surprised that he's "spouting mumbo jumbo".

Oh, okay. The other guy may as well have Mumbo Jumbo as his nick.
Here's what I think.

One planet in the universe has intelligent life: Earth.

One form of intelligent life exists in the universe: humans.

One universe exists, there are no others: our universe.

Prove me wrong.
I understand if you dont think your God could create other life or a diverse universe. But mine can.
So if it cant be proven it doesnt exist- wow a religous man who denies faith
I myself dont always rely on needing proof for everything. Sometimes I just look at the possibilities.
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Atheists know they can't take theists seriously if we have the expense of Government instead of being moral enough to obey a few simple Commandments from God.

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