Atheists want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist because they think it will hurt Christianity

Why are people so stupid? Atheism has nothing to do with science. Read my lips .... Science does not disprove the existence of God but Science most definitely DISPROVES THE BIBLE & the KORAN. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Science cannot disprove the Bible or Koran, dude, as Science cannot 'disprove' literary works of any kind that contain allegory, metaphor and prophetic text..
So, you are saying that nothing found in the bible has been disproved. Gee whilikers.
Not by science.

None of us were present when these things happened and they involved things that go beyond the natural law.

Why dont we take a specific case?
Disprove the Song of Solomon, OK? Then I'll rebut your arguments.
...... None of us were present when these things happened and they involved things that go beyond the natural law....
Jesus pigs.jpg
All I have is evidence that abiogenesis didn't happen on Earth nor our solar system. Experimenters like Urey-Miller have tried to demonstrate, but failed. You got observations and experiments, but no God to falsify it. First, you have to admit to the possibility of a supernatural creator.
Talk is truly cheap. Cheaper by the dozen. Even cheaper by the baker's dozen..

Got real, scientific evidence? Good, shut up, share it, allow others to evaluate its veracity and true significance vs your claims. But you don't really have any "evidence," do you now? You read some idiot claiming some crap somewhere is all. Admit it.

"Experimenters like Urey-Miller have tried to demonstrate, but failed." Yes, and you're not simply some asshole barking nonsense on the interwebs. "Demonstrate" what now?
They found that several organic amino acids had formed spontaneously from inorganic raw materials. These molecules collected together in the pool of water to form coacervates.
In the warm primordial ocean, aggregates of amino acids, proteins, and other hydrocarbons came together into a form called *coacervates*. Amino acids will spontaneously form coacervates in the same way that beads of vinegar in oil come together. The Miller-Urey experiment showed that amino acids form under conditions similar to the Earth's primordial environment.
These beads, or coacervates are perhaps the simplest of systems that, without a membrane, can be said to be bound together; that is they have a distinct inside and outside. The primordial ocean provided an ideal medium for their formation, for the primordial ocean was large, and water can hold the coacervates suspended for a long period of time without being disturbed.
First, its definition from the Discovery Institute:
"Intelligent Design: A scientific theory that holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause rather than undirected process such as natural selection."
While I agree that there are indicators that the universe has design, that is NOT a scientific theory. It is a philosophical theory that kind of transitions between natural philosophy and theology.

That is the axiomatic flaw to presenting ID as science theory; it has a much broader scope than mere science allows for.
Science cannot disprove the Bible or Koran, dude, as Science cannot 'disprove' literary works of any kind that contain allegory, metaphor and prophetic text..
So, you are saying that nothing found in the bible has been disproved. Gee whilikers.
Look, I gave you an opportunity to prove your point and all you are doing in response is actin like a jack ass.

Disprove the Song of Solomon or shut the fuck up.
You're deliberately trying to derail the topic of abiogenesis. We aren't discussing nutrition. For abiogenesis, one needs to have proteins. No one is arguing there aren't amino acid compounds out there, but there are no processes to randomly or have probability convert amino acids into proteins like our body does just from amino acids. Their chirality prevents it.

BTW, you're wrong. Proteins are the building blocks to life. Amino acids just provide the energy from food to fuel the body to convert it to proteins. Like duh yourself!


Proteins are polymers of amino acids ... and chirality has no effect on the amino group attaching to the organic acid group ... c'mon man, this is second year chemistry ... we have dictionaries, try to learn how to use them ...
Disprove the Song of Solomon or shut the fuck up.

Having actually read the Song of Solomon myself ... this comment made me laugh ... well spoken ... and I will shut the fuck up because there is no disproving this ... fifteen love ...
Making up bullshit as a half ass straw man proves nothing more than that you have nothing.Prove the Ten Plagues did not happen, when there are natural events that *could* have caused it, smart ass. ...... Look, I gave you an opportunity to prove your point and all you are doing in response is actin like a jack ass. Disprove the Song of Solomon or shut the fuck up.
There are two facts here and both are from the Twilight Zone:
Fact one). You said .....
None of us were present when these things happened and they involved things that go beyond the natural law.
Fact two). You want me to take fact one seriously.
There are two facts here and both are from the Twilight Zone:
Fact one). You said .....
None of us were present when these things happened and they involved things that go beyond the natural law.
Fact two). You want me to take fact one seriously.
That I stated the challenge is not from 'the Twilight Zone, and yes, I expect you to either be rational or shut the fuck up.

Sounds like you just need to shut the fuck up already.
That I stated the challenge is not from 'the Twilight Zone, and yes, I expect you to either be rational or shut the fuck up.

Sounds like you just need to shut the fuck up already.

What you need to do is support your statement and respond to my comment .....
So, you are saying that nothing found in the bible has been disproved.
... so far all I see is you trying to find something in the bible that might be true. I guess when you see a Hollywood film that is "based on a true story" you take it for factual through and through. If you shut the fuck up or shut the hell up or keep talking makes no difference to me but please stop trying to pass off fairy tales (such as the bible) as a factbook. The book is filled with myths.
If you can't prove it then it's really a form of lying to teach in the schools and convince innocent little children it's true.

It seems you've offered an opinion on the existence of God; no proof and yet billions of children are educated by priests, rabbis, Imams and other clergy.
But belief in these theories are more wishful thinking than reality.

The concept that there are an infinite number of parallel universes is poppycock. Even if true, there will never be a way to prove it.

If extra-terrestrial civilizations existed, we'd know it by now. We've been listening for their radio signals for decades and in all that time we've heard squat.

The reality is that atheist scientists have pushed belief in these notions because they hate Christianity and want to undermine people's faith in religion.
Easy one. You assume they use radio, but what if they don't? What if they use Quantum pairs, or something we never even dreamed of? In that case we wouldn't hear a peep.
What you need to do is support your statement and respond to my comment .....

I did. I stated that science cannot disprove literary works, which you still do not grasp the significance of yet.

I am trying to help you understand my point by challenging you to disprove the Song of Solomon, and you keep ignoring that challenge because you are a stupid ass smooth brained moron.

... so far all I see is you trying to find something in the bible that might be true. I guess when you see a Hollywood film that is "based on a true story" you take it for factual through and through. If you shut the fuck up or shut the hell up or keep talking makes no difference to me but please stop trying to pass off fairy tales (such as the bible) as a factbook. The book is filled with myths.
No, I dont take Hollywood movies as factual, but I do not think that 'science' can disprove them necessarily either.

But that is a straw man argument anyway. We are talking about the Bible and the Koran, not sleazy Hollywood perversions.
What you need to do is support your statement and respond to my comment .....

I did. I stated that science cannot disprove literary works, which you still do not grasp the significance of yet.

I am trying to help you understand my point by challenging you to disprove the Song of Solomon, and you keep ignoring that challenge because you are a stupid ass smooth brained moron.

... so far all I see is you trying to find something in the bible that might be true. I guess when you see a Hollywood film that is "based on a true story" you take it for factual through and through. If you shut the fuck up or shut the hell up or keep talking makes no difference to me but please stop trying to pass off fairy tales (such as the bible) as a factbook. The book is filled with myths.
No, I dont take Hollywood movies as factual, but I do not think that 'science' can disprove them necessarily either.

But that is a straw man argument anyway. We are talking about the Bible and the Koran, not sleazy Hollywood perversions.
Who cares about some trivial matter upon which you hang your hat? Science has disproved the biblical accounts of creation. That's fundamental stuff. The bible is full of fairy tales, genesis is only one of them.
Even right wingers can't seem to obey Ten simple Commandments from God and we need the Expense of Government as a result. Right wingers merely complaining about taxes due to their lack obedience to the Commands of God could be a proof they are just right wing Hoaxsters and hypocrites.
Who cares about some trivial matter upon which you hang your hat? Science has disproved the biblical accounts of creation. That's fundamental stuff. The bible is full of fairy tales, genesis is only one of them.
Again, you demonstrate what an ignorant fuckface you are.

The book of Genesis Creation story is allegory, not literal and not modern scientific theory. It cannot be 'disproven', jack ass.

And it is not a trivial matter to point out the range of topics science is applicable to and what is not.

Again, you are just a driveling idiot.

Welcome to my ignore list, twat.
...... Science has disproved the biblical accounts of creation. That's fundamental stuff. The bible is full of fairy tales, genesis is only one of them.
Again, you demonstrate what an ignorant fuckface you are. The book of Genesis Creation story is allegory, not literal and not modern scientific theory. It cannot be 'disproven', jack ass. And it is not a trivial matter to point out the range of topics science is applicable to and what is not. Again, you are just a driveling idiot.
You may say so but my point has been made and I have proven two things:

1). That science has disproved the biblical accounts of creation, rendering the bible a work of fantasy, fiction, and superstition.
2). That you are now aware of it as your final statement attests ....
Welcome to my ignore list, twat.
... which is the written form of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying, "La-La-La-La!"

Why are people so stupid? Atheism has nothing to do with science. Read my lips .... Science does not disprove the existence of God but Science most definitely DISPROVES THE BIBLE & the KORAN. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Jim is correct in that science just studies things. It never aims to prove and disprove anything. It temporarily accepts and rejects ideas based upon currently available evidence.
No scientific evidence? - notion rejected until some is presented to support it..
MISCONCEPTION: Science proves ideas.
CORRECTION: Journalists often write about "scientific proof" and some scientists talk about it, but in fact, the concept of proof — real, absolute proof — is not particularly scientific. Science is based on the principle that any idea, no matter how widely accepted today, could be overturned tomorrow if the evidence warranted it. Science accepts or rejects ideas based on the evidence; it does not prove or disprove them. To learn more about this, visit our page describing how science aims to build knowledge.
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