Athiest Playbook

I think it's pretty well known fact that Christians borrowed a lot of pagan symbols. It is the same with our holidays. They are a mixture of pagan and Christian beliefs, especially much of the symbolism.
don't confuse bullshit from AtheistsRUs websites with fact.....
So, you think the scientists, archaeologists and others who discovered and studied these bones, which are well described and talked about in textbooks are lies or what?

Also, what is your personal belief? Do tell.

I believe what the scientists and archaeologists say. It doesn't matter if it is true or not. I believe it and lots of others believe it. That alone makes it important. The truth is irrelevant. What is relevant is whatever source binds us together as a people. Science and archaeology binds us here in the United States and that is our culture. You have to believe what scientists say or you will be labelled an idiot and cast out of society. I'm not going to challenge them.

What personal beliefs do you want to know about? I am an atheist that believes Christianity is the most awesome religion on the planet. I believe that Mormonism is the second most awesome religion on the planet. I believe that what I personally experience is the only thing that is verifiable. The other things that I believe are based upon my biased confidence in the person(s) making the claim and their persuasive description of their beliefs. I can't prove any of the things that scientist say are true. You can call me a skeptic. I'm skeptical but not cynical. Just because something is a lie doesn't mean that it lacks philosophical merit. Perhaps I am a Kantian by virtue.

Science has produced much evidence. I really don't know what you are skeptical about when it comes to fossils and other solid evidence. You can actually go to museums and see some of these fossils for yourself too.
when they dig them out of the ground do they have etchings in the bone that say tyrannosaurus 2.4 so they can fit them in the evolutionary table correctly?.......
I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
when they dig them out of the ground do they have etchings in the bone that say tyrannosaurus 2.4 so they can fit them in the evolutionary table correctly?.......

Apparently Christians in the past were able conspire to control society. I'm an atheist but I believe there is a load of motivation to control society with elaborate lies. Creating dinosaurs to promote an agenda is nothing in comparison of the things that have been done in the past in order to gain power over the minds of people.

The average person has to resort to accepting the most commonly believed lies. Anybody who challenges the zeitgeist of the day is labelled a nut job and is heavily ridiculed.

All of the science books can be complete lies. It isn't that outrageous. Lies have always been a part of human development.
I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just want it to remain a legal option. We promote planned parenthood. In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control. There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.
The major religions like to present a reality where you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. It all gets back to the threats and the fear mongering that is at the core of faith based religions such as christianity and islam.

If they can assign a title of "human being" to what is in the womb from the instant of pregnancy then they believe they have the authority to speak for said human being. If the unborn pregnancy is not a human being with all the rights given to live births then their house of cards never gets built.

These religious zealots believe ALL abortion is the murder of a human being. Therefore all parting out and distribution of cells for research is likewise partially responsible for murder.

The truth is that christians and muslims are clinically crazy...insane. There is no future in wanting christian's and muslim's votes. Take your votes and shove them where the sun don't shine. You are wrong about so many things it just boggles the mind on where to start.

The courts have ruled essentially that most abortions are just NONE of your damned business. THAT is your answer to that condition. Deal with it.
The major religions like to present a reality where you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. It all gets back to the threats and the fear mongering that is at the core of faith based religions such as christianity and islam.

If they can assign a title of "human being" to what is in the womb from the instant of pregnancy then they believe they have the authority to speak for said human being. If the unborn pregnancy is not a human being with all the rights given to live births then their house of cards never gets built.

These religious zealots believe ALL abortion is the murder of a human being. Therefore all parting out and distribution of cells for research is likewise partially responsible for murder.

The truth is that christians and muslims are clinically crazy...insane. There is no future in wanting christian's and muslim's votes. Take your votes and shove them where the sun don't shine. You are wrong about so many things it just boggles the mind on where to start.

The courts have ruled essentially that most abortions are just NONE of your damned business. THAT is your answer to that condition. Deal with it.
This is why I like to expose religion for the joke that it is. If I were a 15 year old girl and I got pregnant and I didn't want that mistake to ruin my life I would want abortion to be a legal option.

And I wouldn't want a 2000 year old fairytale getting in my way.

I also have a mom with Alzheimer's and anyone who's anti stem cell is pure ignorant.

Religion has held us back 2000-10,000 years. Imagine how much more advanced Wed be without religions. Jews Muslims and Christians all suck.
An atheist believes there is no god.
A theist believes there is a god.
An agnostic believes that he/she doesn't know. (No kidding!)

That's nonsense. An agnostics knows that there is no philosophical answer wether god exists or not. Agnosticism is a philosophy not a religion. An Atheist believes not in god (or transcendence or spirituality). He thinks a-atheists(=theists=Jew+Christians+Muslim+...) are wrong. The big problem of atheists is to to think that they could be wrong on their own. God could exist.

Agnosticism is a cowardly position to take.
Again: Agnosticism is not a religious position. It's a philosophy. For Christians philosophies are important because we believe "god is logos". But not everyone thinks in categories of philosophy; God loves this people too.

It is the non-offensive way to be an atheist. We can all be defined agnostic.

I'm agnostic on my own - and I'm Catholic. Agnosticism is part of my philosophy, Catholicism part of my christian religion.

Even the most devout Christian has a hair of doubt. Even the most staunch atheist isn't completely closed to the possibility.

We are all some unmeasurable mix of theist/atheist. It could be 49.999/50.001 but we all more to one side than the other.

That's exactly not this what agnosticism says. Agnosticism knows 100% that no one knows wether god exists or not.

Taken an agnostic position on the matter is like saying, "I have to talk to sound smart but I'm not going to defend anything." If you are afraid of the debate then why bother sticking your head into the discussion?

Not at all. It is saying, "I am not ruling out the possibility, but since there is no evidence . . . I am skeptical" There is nothing wrong with that position

When god created existance he was not existing because there was no existance. So you know now: God was once not existing when nothing was existing. If we speak about "Holy is he who never begun and who always was" then we speak not about a form of existance what's able to be thought in categories of philosophies or sciences. You can believe it or let it be to believe this. That's all.

and it is more honest than saying there definitely is or definitely is not a God. Also, many agnostics might even believe in a higher power but that it is not the Christian God or the Muslim God, or whatever god someone else may believe in. Also, many agnostics do not believe in any of the "organized religions" since they were made up by ancient men who were ignorant of the world around them. They attributed such things as volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes and other such events to "works of God" or "the gods are angry, time to sacrifice a virgin or a sheep." :D

You defend your belief - better to say: you agress your belief and your belief is just simple atheism. You are not skeptic in case of atheism.

I don't know if you meant to quote me here, but I am not an atheist since I do not know whether or not there is a "higher power."

We are for example not able to produce energy. But energy exists. This energy came from a higher power. Now you know that there was once a higher power.

That is to say, there is the possibility

Agnosticism speaks not about possibilities. Agnosticism speaks about what we are able to know about the existance of god. And the result is: We are not able to know wether god exists or not.

but since there is no evidence of a higher power in existence, I reserve some skepticism, perhaps a lot.

The problem is you are not able to build a falsifyable hypothese about the existance of the creator of existance.

Also, believing in the possibility


of a "higher power" doesn't mean it has to be the Christian, Muslim or whomever's "god." It could be something completely different. I can say without much doubt that I do not believe in the organized religions though. Atheists believe that there is no higher power or god.

So why is something here and not only nothing here?

a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God,and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.
Synonyms: disbeliever, nonbeliever, unbeliever; doubter, skeptic,secularist, empiricist; heathen, heretic, infidel, pagan.
a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge insome area of study.
a person who holds neither of two opposing positions on a topic:
Socrates was an agnostic on the subject of immortality.

Give me the writing of Socrates where he said so, then you will understand why I doubt in definitions in general. And furthermore: I read your other answer before. You started with a senseless counterquestion, continued with intentional ignorace and hurted the maxime "live and let live". Then you used an empty phrase for an agressive attack in the kind "You are wrong". Did you stomp with your foot this moment? And then you tried to flee in definitions. So: Calm down first and start to think on your own. Some ideological phrases help no one anything.

Let me say now something to this definition. A synonym for agnostic is here for example "unbeliever". But "a-gnostic" means "not to know" verbally. Who not knows has to believe. I believe in god (my religion) and I am an agnostic (my philosophy), because I don't know wether god exists or not. Since Christians are existing we say "We believe in god". This means normally: not to know but to trust in god.

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when they dig them out of the ground do they have etchings in the bone that say tyrannosaurus 2.4 so they can fit them in the evolutionary table correctly?.......

Apparently Christians in the past were able conspire to control society. I'm an atheist but I believe there is a load of motivation to control society with elaborate lies. Creating dinosaurs to promote an agenda is nothing in comparison of the things that have been done in the past in order to gain power over the minds of people.

The average person has to resort to accepting the most commonly believed lies. Anybody who challenges the zeitgeist of the day is labelled a nut job and is heavily ridiculed.

All of the science books can be complete lies. It isn't that outrageous. Lies have always been a part of human development.

The godless Nazis showed very well how effective lies can be. By the way: Hitler said he learned how to lie from Wilson - what's maybe a lie. Still today lots of Germans for example don't have any idea about what an Aryan is. That's a good example why it's very important what to believe and what not to believe.

I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just
want it to remain a legal option.

A human being is human beginning from the first second of life on Earth to the end of life. A human being has the right to live. So how can the death of a human being be a legal option? Only [extended] self-defense is able to be a legal option to kill a human being - nothing else. Abortion is in most cases not self-defense.

We promote planned parenthood.

Planned parenthood has to do with contradiction not with abortion.

In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Madre mia. Sometimes I'm not able to believe what I read. If men like to force women to have sex with them and don't like to be responsible in case of pregnancy then this gives men absolutelly not any right furthermore to force women to agree their children have to be executed only because they fear this child could destroy the own life.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control.

For stupid Catholics like me and all others birth control is a completly normal form of family planning. The only problem in this context is the special contraceptiva "the pill".

There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.

Our 'foolish' beliefers are attacked in many ways in all places, societies, histories as well inside and outside from lots of people with a 'noble' belief like yours . You are not an exception. The only problem is it - as far as I can see - that indeed the catholic church has no chance any longer to survive.

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I'm fine with that too.
I have to wonder why atheists are so eager to attack theists.

It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just want it to remain a legal option. We promote planned parenthood. In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control. There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.
you promote PP?.....does that include selling the body parts of the unborn children they kill?......
It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just
want it to remain a legal option.

A human being is human beginning from the first second of life on Earth to the end of life. A human being has the right to live. So how can the death of a human being be a legal option? Only [extended] self-defense is able to be a legal option to kill a human being - nothing else. Abortion is in most cases not self-defense.

We promote planned parenthood.

Planned parenthood has to do with contradiction not with abortion.

In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Madre mia. Sometimes I'm not able to believe what I read. If men like to force women to have sex with them and don't like to be responsible in case of pregnancy then this gives men absolutelly not any right furthermore to force women to agree their children have to be executed only because they fear this child could destroy the own life.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control.

For stupid Catholics like me and all others birth control is a completly normal form of family planning. The only problem in this context is the special contraceptiva "the pill".

There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.

Our 'foolish' beliefers are attacked in many ways in all places, societies, histories as well inside and outside from lots of people with a 'noble' belief like yours . You are not an exception. The only problem is it - as far as I can see - that indeed the catholic church has no chance any longer to survive.

I attacked you? I'm simply having a conversation. A heated debate maybe one we'd be uncomfortable having face to face, no?

Your church was against contraception of any kind at one time. Glad to see your church changing with the times. Just like society so too is your cult becoming more liberal.

Who would lead us if we ever had a holy war vs. The Muslims? Your church. Then murder would be OK?

If you believe in the bible God abortion is murder. This alone should tell you how many real Christians are in America. So few abortion is legal. Cherry pickers.

Think about it. How many athiests are in America vs. All you Jews Muslims Mormons and traditional Christians are the ones that legalized abortion back in the 1960s. Are you saying Christian America is capable of such evil?

And is it just us athiests who get abortions? You are a hoot.
It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just want it to remain a legal option. We promote planned parenthood. In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control. There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.
you promote PP?.....does that include selling the body parts of the unborn children they kill?......
Yes. Gordy howe was saved by this research. He had to fly to Cali because its illegal in Michigan. How many poor people can't afford to be saved. So instead you tell them to be saved by Jesus? Lol
Who would lead us if we ever had a holy war vs. The Muslims? Your church. Then murder would be OK?
oh, what a fun game.......who would lead us if we ever had a war against the Martians?........who would lead us if we ever had a war against dolphins?........who would lead us if we ever had a war against broccoli?.......
It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just want it to remain a legal option. We promote planned parenthood. In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control. There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.
you promote PP?.....does that include selling the body parts of the unborn children they kill?......

The greater good. What about vegens who are horrified by the chicken on your table? Do you care what they say? That dead birds gonna feed 5 people. Can't afford or arent qualified to raise a child? Get an abortion. And the doctors should experiment on the fetus if the parents agree. Most will because it might cure cancer or something else. The greater good. Wouldn't that be nice to think your abortion might end up curing Alzheimer's?
Who would lead us if we ever had a holy war vs. The Muslims? Your church. Then murder would be OK?
oh, what a fun game.......who would lead us if we ever had a war against the Martians?........who would lead us if we ever had a war against dolphins?........who would lead us if we ever had a war against broccoli?.......
Who would lead us off this rock or to solving global warming or cures? Science not religion.

By the way good morning.
Yes. Gordy howe was saved by this research. He had to fly to Cali because its illegal in Michigan. How many poor people can't afford to be saved. So instead you tell them to be saved by Jesus? Lol
sixty million children died to save Gordie Howe?.......was he worth it?......
Do most theists agree its murder? Then why do they get abortions? When you are getting an abortion you realize it's not murder. You must never have needed one bad enough and you lack empathy.
Yes. Gordy howe was saved by this research. He had to fly to Cali because its illegal in Michigan. How many poor people can't afford to be saved. So instead you tell them to be saved by Jesus? Lol
sixty million children died to save Gordie Howe?.......was he worth it?......
Thank god we don't have 60 million more people on this planet consuming fish and gas.

Just like we can't keep doubling the debt we can't keep doubling the population.

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