Athiest Playbook

That is all one needs to realize believing in God is a choice in America and most Americans, at least 51% of us believe so little that we've made abortion legal. Is it murder? Then why did America a "Christian" nation and Richard Nixon and the supreme Court approve it?

Those judges and politicians were elected by us. They came from American homes schools and churches. They are us. They spoke for us.

Those 60s hippies got it right. It's my body and my fetus I'll do what I want.
It is simple really.

The collective willful ignorance of so many billions of people are holding back the progress of human kind.

Yes it does make us, that don't want to have our existence held hostage to fairy tales, angry.

You may as well say that your right to believe in faith allows you to drive 5 mph on the freeway. I have no doubt that if it was supposedly said by your Jesus that men should not travel any faster than a donkey that is exactly what you would do.

And what makes YOUR faith and beliefs so special? Why can't ANYONE use that excuse to do anything they want?

The problem is that you people don't want to acknowledge the effect religion has on the world we live in. You take absolutely no responsibility for the damage caused by religion in the past and even now in the present.

Why should those that live their lives doing right by their neighbors, without having to rely on some formula supposedly written some 2000 years ago, give deference to this obvious sham?

Even a person of limited mental horse power would laugh at such a ridiculous story if not for the massive peer pressure extended in support of this so called faith.

If not for the deeply and overwhelmingly embedded advantage enjoyed by organized religion against living just by reasoned thinking we could do just fine.

Yes it is irritating from the perspective of those of us that live our lives just fine without faith in an afterlife or the special super powers you have bestowed upon Jesus and your god.

The only difference between you and some wacko that believes in Superman and Batman are the numbers of people involved.

Yes it is true that we find your fantasies ridiculous and intrusive. We find your faith in a Heaven, Hell, Jesus and God childish.

Much like a child that clings too long to the fable of Santa Claus we hope for the day you will all grow up.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just
want it to remain a legal option.

A human being is human beginning from the first second of life on Earth to the end of life. A human being has the right to live. So how can the death of a human being be a legal option? Only [extended] self-defense is able to be a legal option to kill a human being - nothing else. Abortion is in most cases not self-defense.

We promote planned parenthood.

Planned parenthood has to do with contradiction not with abortion.

In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Madre mia. Sometimes I'm not able to believe what I read. If men like to force women to have sex with them and don't like to be responsible in case of pregnancy then this gives men absolutelly not any right furthermore to force women to agree their children have to be executed only because they fear this child could destroy the own life.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control.

For stupid Catholics like me and all others birth control is a completly normal form of family planning. The only problem in this context is the special contraceptiva "the pill".

There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.

Our 'foolish' beliefers are attacked in many ways in all places, societies, histories as well inside and outside from lots of people with a 'noble' belief like yours . You are not an exception. The only problem is it - as far as I can see - that indeed the catholic church has no chance any longer to survive.

A duck is a duck the minute the egg is laid? Most people realize the difference when cooking the two. It's a lot easier cooking an egg. Don't have to chop the head off first or shoot it.
Society seems to demand all these things then spends the next years trying to fix and repair the fallout . I think abortion for the most part, is a result of one of those demands.

For those of you who are convinced other peoples beliefs have "held all mankind back"....why don't YOU get out there... volunteer,, get a science degree ( or whatever degree) and do something toward the problem you are so passionate about.

Dont keep sitting on all that logic and intelligence... lol
Society seems to demand all these things then spends the next years trying to fix and repair the fallout . I think abortion for the most part, is a result of one of those demands.

For those of you who are convinced other peoples beliefs have "held all mankind back"....why don't YOU get out there... volunteer,, get a science degree ( or whatever degree) and do something toward the problem you are so passionate about.

Dont keep sitting on all that logic and intelligence... lol
We aren't. Did you see those pictures of Pluto? While you've been fighting your holy wars were moving forward despite you. Imagine if Russia China America and every other God fearing country took half their defense budgets and put them towards our real problems.

You have to agree God or no God we are still a very young primitive unintelligent superstitious species on just one tiny planet in the universe
I truly believe we can survive long after this planet expires. Long after our entire solar system expires. But we can't use up all our natural resources first. Wtf? We are wasting time on bullshit like no offense but who's God is the true God? Who gives a fuck? And if Muslims want a holy war maybe Christians and Jews need to change their behaviors because its not completely good vs. Evil. I'll pick Christianity all day everyday over Islam but only as a lesser of two evils. I say no offense to Christians because they aren't evil, just ignorant for believing lies.
Society seems to demand all these things then spends the next years trying to fix and repair the fallout . I think abortion for the most part, is a result of one of those demands.

For those of you who are convinced other peoples beliefs have "held all mankind back"....why don't YOU get out there... volunteer,, get a science degree ( or whatever degree) and do something toward the problem you are so passionate about.

Dont keep sitting on all that logic and intelligence... lol
We aren't. Did you see those pictures of Pluto? While you've been fighting your holy wars were moving forward despite you. Imagine if Russia China America and every other God fearing country took half their defense budgets and put them towards our real problems.

You have to agree God or no God we are still a very young primitive unintelligent superstitious species on just one tiny planet in the universe

Yes I did see it. My point was, there are MANY problems. People who genuinely want to do good and more importantly are doing worthwhile things DONT need to continually dis others for not doing what they are doing. ( poorly written I know lol)

There are Christians getting science degrees whether you want to acknowledge that or not. one is spending all their time fighting Holy Wars:cuckoo:
I truly believe we can survive long after this planet expires. Long after our entire solar system expires. But we can't use up all our natural resources first. Wtf? We are wasting time on bullshit like no offense but who's God is the true God? Who gives a fuck? And if Muslims want a holy war maybe Christians and Jews need to change their behaviors because its not completely good vs. Evil. I'll pick Christianity all day everyday over Islam but only as a lesser of two evils. I say no offense to Christians because they aren't evil, just ignorant for believing lies.

There is one true God and its not a waste of time sharing the gospel. In fact you couldn't be further from the truth if you tried.
I think its a little arrogant to believe we can survive without a solar system? hmm lol,... but no one is stopping anyone from researching that for themselves.
Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just
want it to remain a legal option.

A human being is human beginning from the first second of life on Earth to the end of life. A human being has the right to live. So how can the death of a human being be a legal option? Only [extended] self-defense is able to be a legal option to kill a human being - nothing else. Abortion is in most cases not self-defense.

We promote planned parenthood.

Planned parenthood has to do with contradiction not with abortion.

In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Madre mia. Sometimes I'm not able to believe what I read. If men like to force women to have sex with them and don't like to be responsible in case of pregnancy then this gives men absolutelly not any right furthermore to force women to agree their children have to be executed only because they fear this child could destroy the own life.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control.

For stupid Catholics like me and all others birth control is a completly normal form of family planning. The only problem in this context is the special contraceptiva "the pill".

There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.

Our 'foolish' beliefers are attacked in many ways in all places, societies, histories as well inside and outside from lots of people with a 'noble' belief like yours . You are not an exception. The only problem is it - as far as I can see - that indeed the catholic church has no chance any longer to survive.

I attacked you? I'm simply having a conversation. A heated debate maybe one we'd be uncomfortable having face to face, no?

Your church was against contraception of any kind at one time.


Glad to see your church changing with the times. Just like society so too is your cult becoming more liberal.

Who would lead us if we ever had a holy war vs. The Muslims? Your church. Then murder would be OK?

Since 2006 AD our holy father is not any longer the patriarch of the western world (Patriarcha Occidentis). I would say we are not in a little jihad with Muslims we are in a big jihad with ourselve. And murder is by the way unfortunatelly a completly normal instrument of the american politics.

If you believe in the bible God abortion is murder. This alone should tell you how many real Christians are in America. So few abortion is legal. Cherry pickers.

Think about it. How many athiests are in America vs. All you Jews Muslims Mormons and traditional Christians are the ones that legalized abortion back in the 1960s. Are you saying Christian America is capable of such evil?

And is it just us athiests who get abortions? You are a hoot.

I truly believe we can survive long after this planet expires. Long after our entire solar system expires. But we can't use up all our natural resources first. Wtf? We are wasting time on bullshit like no offense but who's God is the true God? Who gives a fuck? And if Muslims want a holy war maybe Christians and Jews need to change their behaviors because its not completely good vs. Evil. I'll pick Christianity all day everyday over Islam but only as a lesser of two evils. I say no offense to Christians because they aren't evil, just ignorant for believing lies.

There is one true God and its not a waste of time sharing the gospel. In fact you couldn't be further from the truth if you tried.
I think its a little arrogant to believe we can survive without a solar system? hmm lol,... but no one is stopping anyone from researching that for themselves.
If we spent the last 100 years building a spaceship instead of nuclear bombs battleships and war planes we might already be out of this solar system. Instead we have new horizons at Pluto and voyager 1&2 out of the solar system. We could have done so much better without all the holy wars.
That is all one needs to realize believing in God is a choice in America and most Americans, at least 51% of us believe so little that we've made abortion legal. Is it murder? Then why did America a "Christian" nation and Richard Nixon and the supreme Court approve it?

Those judges and politicians were elected by us. They came from American homes schools and churches. They are us. They spoke for us.

Those 60s hippies got it right. It's my body and my fetus I'll do what I want.

I never heard hippies fought for abortion.

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Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just
want it to remain a legal option.

A human being is human beginning from the first second of life on Earth to the end of life. A human being has the right to live. So how can the death of a human being be a legal option? Only [extended] self-defense is able to be a legal option to kill a human being - nothing else. Abortion is in most cases not self-defense.

We promote planned parenthood.

Planned parenthood has to do with contradiction not with abortion.

In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Madre mia. Sometimes I'm not able to believe what I read. If men like to force women to have sex with them and don't like to be responsible in case of pregnancy then this gives men absolutelly not any right furthermore to force women to agree their children have to be executed only because they fear this child could destroy the own life.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control.

For stupid Catholics like me and all others birth control is a completly normal form of family planning. The only problem in this context is the special contraceptiva "the pill".

There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.

Our 'foolish' beliefers are attacked in many ways in all places, societies, histories as well inside and outside from lots of people with a 'noble' belief like yours . You are not an exception. The only problem is it - as far as I can see - that indeed the catholic church has no chance any longer to survive.

A duck is a duck the minute the egg is laid?

Yes. It is not the egg of an eagle it's a duck.
Most people realize the difference when cooking the two. It's a lot easier cooking an egg. Don't have to chop the head off first or shoot it.

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Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just want it to remain a legal option. We promote planned parenthood. In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control. There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.
you promote PP?.....does that include selling the body parts of the unborn children they kill?......

The greater good. What about vegens who are horrified by the chicken on your table? Do you care what they say? That dead birds gonna feed 5 people. Can't afford or arent qualified to raise a child? Get an abortion. And the doctors should experiment on the fetus if the parents agree. Most will because it might cure cancer or something else. The greater good. Wouldn't that be nice to think your abortion might end up curing Alzheimer's?

The "greater good" is to kill the most helpless human beings because strong human beings need it to sacrifice their children? The youngest will be killed for the life of the oldest? What kind of Alzheimer is this?

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Good for you. I think differently. If that were it, I'd be fine.
You go on ahead and live your life as though existence is some cosmic accident. I won't ridicule your belief system nor try to take you into the fold.
Please afford me the same courtesy.
Stop trying to rally all the Christians to vote GOP and we will stop pointing out why you are wrong to ban stem cell or abortion or gay marriage.

You guys are the ones asseting this is a Christian nation. The phuck it is.
stop promoting the killing of unborn children and you might get more Christians voting for you........
We don't promote abortion we just want it to remain a legal option. We promote planned parenthood. In other words sexually active women not getting pregnant in the first place. Rubbers and pills are far less effective than iud's.

Oh yea, and stupid Catholics are even against birth control. There's a great example of how a seemingly good religion is wrong or bad. It's not as bad as killing for God but its a good illustration why we attack your foolish beliefs.
you promote PP?.....does that include selling the body parts of the unborn children they kill?......

The greater good. What about vegens who are horrified by the chicken on your table? Do you care what they say? That dead birds gonna feed 5 people. Can't afford or arent qualified to raise a child? Get an abortion. And the doctors should experiment on the fetus if the parents agree. Most will because it might cure cancer or something else. The greater good. Wouldn't that be nice to think your abortion might end up curing Alzheimer's?
so you're saying you want to be the Colonel Sanders of abortions?.......Kentucky Fried Embryo?......
Do most theists agree its murder? Then why do they get abortions? When you are getting an abortion you realize it's not murder. You must never have needed one bad enough and you lack empathy.
most theists don't get abortions.....sorry for your inaccurate information......
Yes. Gordy howe was saved by this research. He had to fly to Cali because its illegal in Michigan. How many poor people can't afford to be saved. So instead you tell them to be saved by Jesus? Lol
sixty million children died to save Gordie Howe?.......was he worth it?......
Thank god we don't have 60 million more people on this planet consuming fish and gas.
why did you stop?......certainly you could have found a few hundred more to kill if you really wanted to make a difference.....
I truly believe we can survive long after this planet expires. Long after our entire solar system expires. But we can't use up all our natural resources first. Wtf? We are wasting time on bullshit like no offense but who's God is the true God? Who gives a fuck? And if Muslims want a holy war maybe Christians and Jews need to change their behaviors because its not completely good vs. Evil. I'll pick Christianity all day everyday over Islam but only as a lesser of two evils. I say no offense to Christians because they aren't evil, just ignorant for believing lies.
the funny part is, if a Muslim were only allowed to kill one person and had to choose between a Christian and an atheist, they would likely kill the atheist first.......
That is all one needs to realize believing in God is a choice in America and most Americans, at least 51% of us believe so little that we've made abortion legal. Is it murder? Then why did America a "Christian" nation and Richard Nixon and the supreme Court approve it?

Those judges and politicians were elected by us. They came from American homes schools and churches. They are us. They spoke for us.

Those 60s hippies got it right. It's my body and my fetus I'll do what I want.

I never heard hippies fought for abortion.
maybe when they said make pieces not war they were talking about aborting a fetus.....
Interesting to know we are the fastest growing segment of the population

Have you see the statistic that says of children who were raised atheist, only 30 percent remain atheist? As opposed to those who were raised Catholic, 68 percent, remained Catholic.

I ask because I always regard statistics with suspicion. In my small circle of atheists, that statistic doesn't seem to bear out (as all have remained atheists), but then I don't have a large circle of atheists from which to draw.
In other words a lot of people who's parents weren't religious become religious?

I don't know about those statistics but I can speculate. A lot of people that were raised "athiest" might just mean their parents didn't practice or talk about religion. The 70% of there children end up hearing about religion and get sucked in. Then they try to convert their parents.

Athiests like you and me would educate our kids and the chances of them falling for a religion would be much lower.

I am not an atheist. I'm one of those 68 percenters who was born and raised Catholic and am still Catholic. However, my grandfather was an atheist and so is my uncle. I married an atheist, and my brother-in-law is an atheist as well.
The Boy Who Could Fly: Avatar Appetite

What do theists think about non-religious sentimentalism (i.e., comic book superheroes, fantasy avatars, etc.)?

Capitalism creates daredevil profiteerism and leaves a lot of room for prosperity fantasies (and angst).

The fictional American comic book super-villain Kingpin (Marvel Comics), for example, is a diabolical tycoon with schemes for power-gain. The literary fantasy character Peter Pan (J.M. Barrie) is a wondrous and magical boy who can fly and leads kids on daring missions against a bizarre profiteer pirate named Captain Hook.

Transcendental logic suggests that self-idealization characters are simply extensions of absolute emotion, but how do theists answer the criticism that non-religious fantasy avatars such as Peter Pan are proof that people are not satisfied with orthodox religions?

An artistic rendering of a hypothetical evil Peter Pan perhaps reveals the anthropological value of derring-do consciousness films such as "The Man with the Golden Gun" (1974).


The Man with the Golden Gun (Film)


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