Athiest Playbook

. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?
the eggs you hardboil have been laid by hens who have never seen a rooster......if it was a fertilized egg there wouldn't BE a difference......

Eggs do not have to be unfertilized. Many people eat balut, even feathered eggs (heads included). Ortolans whole with their heads are also delicious.
that may be, but eating balut would in fact be identical to abortion, which would rather fuck up sealy's argument......
If you swallow seamen are you a cannibal?

The only argument I'm making is that an unborn baby while sad and unfortunate its not murder because life isn't that precious.
perhaps your life is not precious.....can't say that for everyone though......
. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?
the eggs you hardboil have been laid by hens who have never seen a rooster......if it was a fertilized egg there wouldn't BE a difference......

Eggs do not have to be unfertilized. Many people eat balut, even feathered eggs (heads included). Ortolans whole with their heads are also delicious.
And I don't think the fetalized egg is considered a chick until its born. Until it hatches its just an egg.


do you consider these chicks or just bird fetus'
it is just a name, but great to eat
. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?
the eggs you hardboil have been laid by hens who have never seen a rooster......if it was a fertilized egg there wouldn't BE a difference......

Eggs do not have to be unfertilized. Many people eat balut, even feathered eggs (heads included). Ortolans whole with their heads are also delicious.
that may be, but eating balut would in fact be identical to abortion, which would rather fuck up sealy's argument......
If you swallow seamen are you a cannibal?

The only argument I'm making is that an unborn baby while sad and unfortunate its not murder because life isn't that precious. It's just a seedling. Bfd. Who cares if I want to abort? You and your imaginary God?

it is not a human being
. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?
the eggs you hardboil have been laid by hens who have never seen a rooster......if it was a fertilized egg there wouldn't BE a difference......

Eggs do not have to be unfertilized. Many people eat balut, even feathered eggs (heads included). Ortolans whole with their heads are also delicious.
And I don't think the fetalized egg is considered a chick until its born. Until it hatches its just an egg.
then how do you distinguish it from an egg which does NOT have a "fetalized" chick inside?.....
One has a chick growing inside one doesn't.

I know it better to not abort or not get pregnant in the first place but my life or anyone's life is to short to force someone who doesn't want to to birth a baby when its only a month in.
Beer helps. :beer:
Actually they did recreate a big bang in a lab.

Yeah? Pretty cool!

Not the same as recreating creation though, eh? ;)
Our universe is expanding. What's beyond the edge of our universe? Are we like a giant lava lamp? I think so. I think there are probably other universes expanding in fact an infinite number of them. Do universes ever merge and become one big universe?

But I don't claim to know. We aren't even smart enough to get to other stars. The closest one would take 70,000 years to get to. Life might be very common we just don't know it.

And no matter what we learn nothing will prove or disprove pink unicorns or gods.
Beer helps. :beer:
Actually they did recreate a big bang in a lab.

Yeah? Pretty cool!

Not the same as recreating creation though, eh? ;)
Our universe is expanding. What's beyond the edge of our universe? Are we like a giant lava lamp? I think so. I think there are probably other universes expanding in fact an infinite number of them. Do universes ever merge and become one big universe?

But I don't claim to know. We aren't even smart enough to get to other stars. The closest one would take 70,000 years to get to. Life might be very common we just don't know it.

And no matter what we learn nothing will prove or disprove pink unicorns or gods.

Oh, the unicorn is the one animal they forgot to load onto Noah's ark. :D
I loved the cosmos. Watched them both multiple times.

So you know the honest answer is we just don't know. Why assume out of ignorance a creator? And why believe he visited Jo Smith Mohammad or moses?

Regarding the Mormons, I couldn't tell you. I first understood Mormonism as a cult and was never attracted to it.

I can dig the passion behind the faith, but I can't relate to the stories. :dunno:

Regarding the stories of Moses though, I can relate... I've never practiced Judaism, but at one point in time I was a bible thumping Pentecostal. One of the hopeful variety, not an angry one. It was what was plausible to me at that Time. Whether right or wrong in their convictions, Monkeys mix their faith with a measure of passion, so yes... as a Monkey... I can relate to someone believing something that they believe they have a reason to believe in, and I can relate to believing it with the entirety of heart, mind, soul and body. I hope everyone can.

I'm a Monkey who came of age in America late in the 20th Century. I'm a curious Monkey.... Had my train of thought been raised in flesh in India instead, I'm certain that I'd have a better understanding of Hindu. I hope that I would have found myself educated beyond believing in the plausibility of Hinduism, like it worked out for me here in America with Christianity, but that's an unprovable exercise in speculation from the get-go.

In a world where anything is possible regarding the stories of creation and other unprovable questions, and with Monkeys living such intertwined lives as a somewhat cooperative species, we have no real influence over each others beliefs and attitudes, sans telling anyone who'll listen how we feel, and collectively agreeing to punish bad behavior. Since beliefs are like nipples, in that each of us has a set and no two sets are alike, the key to peace for our species is understanding the passionate rights every Monkey has to be passionately wrong regarding unprovable questions.

Kudos to those of you out there who understand the need to accept our OWN right to be wrong on the unprovable querries, you're a step heading in the right direction. A living planet evolving into a Sentient World, taking baby steps to the stars.
One has a chick growing inside one doesn't.
and if you crush the shell of the one with a chick growing inside you kill the chick........
I have gushers of blessing flowing in my life. I'm watching a kids religious channel right now and they just sang a song that repeated this over and over for 5 minutes. I was so curious such a repetitive song would go on. Talk about brainwashing kids.

What happened to bugs Bunny?

So what about the pre chick. Life isn't that precious. The world doesn't miss a beat just keeps on turning.
One has a chick growing inside one doesn't.
and if you crush the shell of the one with a chick growing inside you kill the chick........
Funny because I feel like I value living humans more than anti abortion people do.

Conservatives care about the life up until it is born then its on its own. Gods will after that.

I'm sorry I'll just never agree a woman should be forced to have a baby if she catches it early enough. Do you know what it's like to have a child? Screw that you're gonna make someone who doesn't want to go through it if she don't want to. Mind your own business. There's real people being murdered right now. Worry about them. Worry about the people in Tennessee Oklahoma city and Louisiana.
Yesterday I read a top ten list of religious white wing Christian terrorists like the guy who shot up a liberal Christian church or shot tiller the abortion doctor. America has been terrorized more by Christians than Muslims.
Yesterday I read a top ten list of religious white wing Christian terrorists like the guy who shot up a liberal Christian church or shot tiller the abortion doctor. America has been terrorized more by Christians than Muslims.

The man you call "white wing christian terrorist" was maybe not a murderer. It's allowed to kill someone on reason of extended self-defense. But it was not only not his duty to do so - it was even wrong what he did. The problem was a lack of understanding and communication. He spoke not with serios authorities of the christian church[es] before and so he took this risk for his eternal soul. God may forgive him.

Muslims are by the way not terrorists but members of the religion Islam. This religion allows not to kill innocent people. Terrorists are called terrorists because they are killing innocent people.

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One has a chick growing inside one doesn't.
and if you crush the shell of the one with a chick growing inside you kill the chick........
I have gushers of blessing flowing in my life. I'm watching a kids religious channel right now and they just sang a song that repeated this over and over for 5 minutes. I was so curious such a repetitive song would go on. Talk about brainwashing kids.

What happened to bugs Bunny?

So what about the pre chick. Life isn't that precious. The world doesn't miss a beat just keeps on turning.
Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God

so you don't disrespect life.

I just don't believe in God.

This means now: Either you believe god is not existing or you don't trust in god. In first case : everyone has a belief. I don't know your belief and indeed it's for me personally completly unimportnat what your belief is, I'm interested in the answer you are. Everyone is an answer to everything what had happened before and waht leaded to the own existance. In the second case. To trust in god is more like the art of life itselve. It doesn't mean to spring from a bridge and to expect the hand of god will help. It means god shows signs and ways what are outside of the own person - ... also inside - but the message comes not from the person oneselve - the message comes from god. Even the message "You will die now" is hopefully not a message of fear if god is with us and shows to us that this is in his will. Someone is full of awareness who trusts in god and not a blind subject in a blind world.

If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it.

No. You have to respect life - otherwise you are not able to respect yourselve. You are what you are.

They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good.

I tell you what's good and not so good because of a fruit of paradise. You tell me it's not good to tell you what's good. That's what you think what's good.

So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on.

The words and your spirit here seem not be in balance. The words are words of freedom, self-destination and order - the spirit is a spirit of a hungry revolution looking for the own children.

And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life

Strange. No idea what you like to say with this sentence.

I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion.

To be honest: not really. If I could kill someone and because of this abortion would stop worldwide then I guess I had to do so - even if I would know that I will go to hell for this deed. But that's not the solution for this problem. It would be more easy everyone would live in love of the child in the manger and not in fear of the own children.

I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

Maybe I understand in a better way the difference between an ox and donkey. A donkey hears with his horns.

It's important to me what you believe because you pass laws based on your beliefs and I got to live with you.

I'm not a member of your world - I'm a German. You know this. Your stereotypes have nothing to do with me. What Americans call "justice" in sense of laws is in my eyes often only a kind of joke - even harmful joke sometimes. In general I think laws are counterproductive for justice in many ways. The letter kills but formulas are not empty - there's a spirit inside. I guess with their spirit Christians could live very well in an anarchic world without laws - but an anarchic world without laws could not live. For Germany I would suggest to create completly new laws. Specially this nonsense to say "guilty in the name of ..." has to stop forever. For me personally it's not very important what someone did in the past - it's more important how dangerous someone is for the life of others now and in the future.

Constitution facts logic and science trump all religions not just yours.

Again: I'm a German. I don't discuss about the american constitution because it's sacrosanct. You are using your constitution like a shield - but indeed science is not a religion or an antireligion. People of all religions are able to be scientists.

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Beer helps. :beer:
Actually they did recreate a big bang in a lab.

Yeah? Pretty cool!

Not the same as recreating creation though, eh? ;)
Our universe is expanding. What's beyond the edge of our universe? Are we like a giant lava lamp? I think so. I think there are probably other universes expanding in fact an infinite number of them. Do universes ever merge and become one big universe?

But I don't claim to know. We aren't even smart enough to get to other stars. The closest one would take 70,000 years to get to. Life might be very common we just don't know it.

And no matter what we learn nothing will prove or disprove pink unicorns or gods.

There is nothing beyond the edge of the universe according to physicists. Literally. No empty space, no 'other side'. Only the absolute value of 'nothing'.

The multi-verse theory is still in early infancy and there is no hard evidence that any other universe exists.

'Gods' are the mental crutch that uneducated people use to make scary reality not so scary. Which is fine as long as they don't try to force it on someone else. But they all seem to love to do just that.

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