Athiest Playbook

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

In 1611 God said, "Don't kill" to the English speaking population. It wasn't until recently that God changed his mind and replaced the word "kill" with "murder".

I don't know why God felt the need to change His position. I have a theory that God needs us to fight a holy war against the Muslims in the near future. The Quaker's theology was really messing up the recruiting efforts of various military institutions of English speaking peoples. I think that is why God felt the need to change the wording of the ten commandments a little bit. The Quaker's non-violent doctrine and the Muslim jihad's violent doctrine are really jacking up God's plan for His kingdom.

It is more accurately described this way.
Thou shalt not kill without a majority vote.
Thou shalt not steal without a majority vote.
Thou shalt not commit adultery unless you have been elected to political office.
The Ten Commandments for Elected Officials are different than the ones the rest of us have to follow.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me except for the vague unknown God described in the constitution. (Also mentioned in Acts 17:23)

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images except that creepy little pyramid with an eye ball on the back of dollar bills.

Thou shalt not use the name of the Lord in vain unless it helps you secure votes in more conservative regions of the country.

Remember the sabbath and keep it holy unless congress is in session then that's fine.

Honor your father and your mother unless shaming them helps you secure votes in more conservative regions of the country.

Thou shalt not kill without a majority vote.

Thou shalt not commit adultery unless you have been elected to political office.

Thou shalt not steal unless you label it taxation. In that case it's fine.

Thou shalt not bear false witness unless lying helps you secure votes in more conservative regions of the country.

Thou shalt not covet what your neighbor has unless you are the minority party. In that case you are free to covet their power and whine about it as much as possible.
Christians say its OK to kill. They say God said thou shall not murder, not thou shall not kill.

Ever since they told me that I've noticed how many of you say kill when you mean murder.

You don't murder a home intruder.

Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God

so you don't disrespect life.

I just don't believe in God.

This means now: Either you believe god is not existing or you don't trust in god. In first case : everyone has a belief. I don't know your belief and indeed it's for me personally completly unimportnat what your belief is, I'm interested in the answer you are. Everyone is an answer to everything what had happened before and waht leaded to the own existance. In the second case. To trust in god is more like the art of life itselve. It doesn't mean to spring from a bridge and to expect the hand of god will help. It means god shows signs and ways what are outside of the own person - ... also inside - but the message comes not from the person oneselve - the message comes from god. Even the message "You will die now" is hopefully not a message of fear if god is with us and shows to us that this is in his will. Someone is full of awareness who trusts in god and not a blind subject in a blind world.

If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it.

No. You have to respect life - otherwise you are not able to respect yourselve. You are what you are.

They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good.

I tell you what's good and not so good because of a fruit of paradise. You tell me it's not good to tell you what's good. That's what you think what's good.

So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on.

The words and your spirit here seem not be in balance. The words are words of freedom, self-destination and order - the spirit is a spirit of a hungry revolution looking for the own children.

And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life

Strange. No idea what you like to say with this sentence.

I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion.

To be honest: not really. If I could kill someone and because of this abortion would stop worldwide then I guess I had to do so - even if I would know that I will go to hell for this deed. But that's not the solution for this problem. It would be more easy everyone would live in love of the child in the manger and not in fear of the own children.

I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

Maybe I understand in a better way the difference between an ox and donkey. A donkey hears with his horns.

I don't believe there is a God. So the athiest playbook is very simple. Until you prove your God is real we can't base any laws on this mythical creature your superstitious and controlling ancestors say happened.

Do you take us for fools of yesteryear?
Christians say its OK to kill. They say God said thou shall not murder, not thou shall not kill.

Ever since they told me that I've noticed how many of you say kill when you mean murder.

You don't murder a home intruder.

Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God

so you don't disrespect life.

I just don't believe in God.

This means now: Either you believe god is not existing or you don't trust in god. In first case : everyone has a belief. I don't know your belief and indeed it's for me personally completly unimportnat what your belief is, I'm interested in the answer you are. Everyone is an answer to everything what had happened before and waht leaded to the own existance. In the second case. To trust in god is more like the art of life itselve. It doesn't mean to spring from a bridge and to expect the hand of god will help. It means god shows signs and ways what are outside of the own person - ... also inside - but the message comes not from the person oneselve - the message comes from god. Even the message "You will die now" is hopefully not a message of fear if god is with us and shows to us that this is in his will. Someone is full of awareness who trusts in god and not a blind subject in a blind world.

If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it.

No. You have to respect life - otherwise you are not able to respect yourselve. You are what you are.

They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good.

I tell you what's good and not so good because of a fruit of paradise. You tell me it's not good to tell you what's good. That's what you think what's good.

So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on.

The words and your spirit here seem not be in balance. The words are words of freedom, self-destination and order - the spirit is a spirit of a hungry revolution looking for the own children.

And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life

Strange. No idea what you like to say with this sentence.

I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion.

To be honest: not really. If I could kill someone and because of this abortion would stop worldwide then I guess I had to do so - even if I would know that I will go to hell for this deed. But that's not the solution for this problem. It would be more easy everyone would live in love of the child in the manger and not in fear of the own children.

I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

Maybe I understand in a better way the difference between an ox and donkey. A donkey hears with his horns.

It's important to me what you believe because you pass laws based on your beliefs and I got to live with you.

Than God for the constitution and a secular society. Best thing we ever did.

Constitution facts logic and science trump all religions not just yours.
Christians say its OK to kill. They say God said thou shall not murder, not thou shall not kill.

Ever since they told me that I've noticed how many of you say kill when you mean murder.

You don't murder a home intruder.

Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God

so you don't disrespect life.

I just don't believe in God.

This means now: Either you believe god is not existing or you don't trust in god. In first case : everyone has a belief. I don't know your belief and indeed it's for me personally completly unimportnat what your belief is, I'm interested in the answer you are. Everyone is an answer to everything what had happened before and waht leaded to the own existance. In the second case. To trust in god is more like the art of life itselve. It doesn't mean to spring from a bridge and to expect the hand of god will help. It means god shows signs and ways what are outside of the own person - ... also inside - but the message comes not from the person oneselve - the message comes from god. Even the message "You will die now" is hopefully not a message of fear if god is with us and shows to us that this is in his will. Someone is full of awareness who trusts in god and not a blind subject in a blind world.

If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it.

No. You have to respect life - otherwise you are not able to respect yourselve. You are what you are.

They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good.

I tell you what's good and not so good because of a fruit of paradise. You tell me it's not good to tell you what's good. That's what you think what's good.

So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on.

The words and your spirit here seem not be in balance. The words are words of freedom, self-destination and order - the spirit is a spirit of a hungry revolution looking for the own children.

And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life

Strange. No idea what you like to say with this sentence.

I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion.

To be honest: not really. If I could kill someone and because of this abortion would stop worldwide then I guess I had to do so - even if I would know that I will go to hell for this deed. But that's not the solution for this problem. It would be more easy everyone would live in love of the child in the manger and not in fear of the own children.

I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

Maybe I understand in a better way the difference between an ox and donkey. A donkey hears with his horns.

It doesn't mean God shows signs. That's what you want to believe. You can't say God did something before even proving it exists. Stop doing that.
afterall, the Almighty just evened the playing field ( for women ) by providing the pill.

not all the hatchling Terrapin's make it to the sea.

Yeah that's a good point. If God wanted every baby born there would be no miscarriages

Because god created weather we make houses and roofs.

What proof do you have a God exists? Until then stop making stupid claims with no basis in reality. Omg you sound like an ancient Greek talking about why Zeus sent the storm last night. Evolve or go extinct.
Until you prove your God is real we can't base any laws on this mythical creature your superstitious and controlling ancestors say happened.

This is a common misconception among secularist. The people elected to office can make laws based upon anything that they want. They can base the laws on magical sea monsters. They can base laws on their grandpa that whipped him with a tobacco stick. They can base it upon blowing dice for a lucky roll.

You are mistaken.
It's important to me what you believe because you pass laws based on your beliefs and I got to live with you.

I'm confused. First you say they can't. Then you say they already do it. You need to go sit in the corner and think about what you just said.
Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God

so you don't disrespect life.

I just don't believe in God.

This means now: Either you believe god is not existing or you don't trust in god. In first case : everyone has a belief. I don't know your belief and indeed it's for me personally completly unimportnat what your belief is, I'm interested in the answer you are. Everyone is an answer to everything what had happened before and waht leaded to the own existance. In the second case. To trust in god is more like the art of life itselve. It doesn't mean to spring from a bridge and to expect the hand of god will help. It means god shows signs and ways what are outside of the own person - ... also inside - but the message comes not from the person oneselve - the message comes from god. Even the message "You will die now" is hopefully not a message of fear if god is with us and shows to us that this is in his will. Someone is full of awareness who trusts in god and not a blind subject in a blind world.

If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it.

No. You have to respect life - otherwise you are not able to respect yourselve. You are what you are.

They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good.

I tell you what's good and not so good because of a fruit of paradise. You tell me it's not good to tell you what's good. That's what you think what's good.

So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on.

The words and your spirit here seem not be in balance. The words are words of freedom, self-destination and order - the spirit is a spirit of a hungry revolution looking for the own children.

And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life

Strange. No idea what you like to say with this sentence.

I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion.

To be honest: not really. If I could kill someone and because of this abortion would stop worldwide then I guess I had to do so - even if I would know that I will go to hell for this deed. But that's not the solution for this problem. It would be more easy everyone would live in love of the child in the manger and not in fear of the own children.

I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

Maybe I understand in a better way the difference between an ox and donkey. A donkey hears with his horns.

I don't believe there is a God.

Do you also believe you live in a spiritless world?

So the athiest playbook is very simple. Until you prove your God is real

God is the creator of reality. If I find a cake then I say "human beings were here". If I find reality then I think "god made it". I can find out who made the cake - with methods what have nothing to do with the cake. But I don't have methods what have nothing to do with reality - except spirituality itselve.

Do you take us for fools of yesteryear?

I'm not able to do anything with this sentence.

You are wrong. No one - specially not an Antisemite - is able to understand the bible if he understands not the whole bible and its spirit. A human being is a human being from the very first moment of life to the last moment of life. Nobody has any spiritual right to kill human beings. No one - without any exception except self-defense - but even self-defense leads not to good spiritual consequences. The political dimension is: Abortion leads the unalienable human rights into absurdity.

Christians say its OK to kill. They say God said thou shall not murder, not thou shall not kill.

Ever since they told me that I've noticed how many of you say kill when you mean murder.

You don't murder a home intruder.

Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God I just don't believe in God. If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it. They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good. So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on. And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

The most basic rule, do unto others..., seems to not apply to god. He makes humans suffer and then expects us to love him for it?
Man has suffered from the dawn of time long before god was part of society and development of civilization. Where is all this love when there are natural and human disasters?
You know what I mean. They can pass unconstitutional laws too but hopefully the supremes overturn them over time.
Christians say its OK to kill. They say God said thou shall not murder, not thou shall not kill.

Ever since they told me that I've noticed how many of you say kill when you mean murder.

You don't murder a home intruder.

Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God I just don't believe in God. If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it. They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good. So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on. And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

The most basic rule, do unto others..., seems to not apply to god. He makes humans suffer and then expects us to love him for it?
Man has suffered from the dawn of time long before god was part of society and development of civilization. Where is all this love when there are natural and human disasters?

Stop talking about it as if it exists. Do you not believe in it or are you mad at it?
It's important to me what you believe because you pass laws based on your beliefs and I got to live with you.

I'm confused. First you say they can't. Then you say they already do it. You need to go sit in the corner and think about what you just said.
Yes you are confused.

Yes our government can be made up of mostly Christians but when they pass a law that's unconstitutional hopefully our secular government and constitution should strike down laws that aren't cool with the rest of us.

I've told you all that they use social issues as wedge issues to divide the masses. I told you the rich republicans don't care about social issue. Not one bit. So I wasn't shocked that the alito Roberts court that has sided 100% with corporations so far, no surprise they would vote yes to gay marriage. You're a broke sucker.
Markus Kaarma murdered a home intruder. He murdered Diren Dede not because he was a German and a Muslim - he murdered him because he was a young boy like all others. A tragedy. Every murder is a tragedy.

From my point of view a law like "You are allowed to kill a home intruder" would be an impossible law. Everyone is allowed to defend the own life and also the resources someone - or a community - needs to live. But even in case an aggressor dies on his own fault because someone had to defend himselve or others - even in this case for example a mother loses a son and god will suffer with her. It's not good to have to suffer. Human beings are normally not killers. It's for sane human beings normally not easy to live with a situation where someone was forced to kill someone else.

I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God I just don't believe in God. If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it. They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good. So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on. And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

The most basic rule, do unto others..., seems to not apply to god. He makes humans suffer and then expects us to love him for it?
Man has suffered from the dawn of time long before god was part of society and development of civilization. Where is all this love when there are natural and human disasters?

Stop talking about it as if it exists. Do you not believe in it or are you mad at it?

Most of the world believes in a god of some type, even primitive man believed in a mother nature figure. They were hardly gong to understand the creation of life and evolution as we understand it today. The use of a powerful god was a tool to organize man and build ancient civilization, and to kill others.
I'm turned off by religious hypocrisy and cruelty in the name of a god. Their belief in a super power is not the issue. Their actions and treatment towards others in the name of some god is.

We have proof of the existence of religion that uses fear of a god to control others. I am trying to speak to those who believe in, fear and use god for some ulterior purpose.
I was simply pointing out you made a mistake. God said don't murder, not don't kill.

So do not murder anyone - also not your animalic brothers and sisters - and also not animals themselves. And it's for everyone much better to remember "Don't kill!". 7+1 letters - in seven days god created the world and now is the eighth day. It's not over yet. God is not dead - he's risen. Who disrespects life disrespects god.

I don't disrespect God I just don't believe in God. If someone or something wants respect from me they'll come and ask for it. They won't tell your ancestors to write a book to give to me telling me what is and is not good. So until your God shows himself we're going to go with secular laws that us real physical actual humans can agree on. And I really don't know what to say about abortion because that is disrespecting your life I guess but seeing is that it's still in the seed form I think you see the difference between murder and abortion. I mean you do understand the difference between hard boiling an egg and cutting a chicken's head off right?

The most basic rule, do unto others..., seems to not apply to god. He makes humans suffer and then expects us to love him for it?
Man has suffered from the dawn of time long before god was part of society and development of civilization. Where is all this love when there are natural and human disasters?

Stop talking about it as if it exists. Do you not believe in it or are you mad at it?

Most of the world believes in a god of some type, even primitive man believed in a mother nature figure. They were hardly gong to understand the creation of life and evolution as we understand it today. The use of a powerful god was a tool to organize man and build ancient civilization, and to kill others.
I'm turned off by religious hypocrisy and cruelty in the name of a god. Their belief in a super power is not the issue. Their actions and treatment towards others in the name of some god is.

We have proof of the existence of religion that uses fear of a god to control others. I am trying to speak to those who believe in, fear and use god for some ulterior purpose.

One might never have heard of a God and come to the conclusion that there must be a creator. I get it. We've been debating it since we were inventive enough to come up with the concept. I'm cool with this debate because no one knows. And the more we know about the universe the more amazing it all is.

It wasn't till moses Peter mary paul & Mohammad and Joseph Smith lied and said God talked to or impregnated them that I call bullshit.

You want to believe and be a good person to thank it great.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Except one.

"God is possible."

Monkey history is chock full of stories that are laughably implausible, but God is possible.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Except one.

"God is possible."

Monkey history is chock full of stories that are laughably implausible, but God is possible.
Possible yes. Probable? That depends. Zeus? Juju? The God that talked to Joseph Smith or Mohammad or moses? Which story is possible scientifically?
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Except one.

"God is possible."

Monkey history is chock full of stories that are laughably implausible, but God is possible.
Like what? What's implausible?

Then tell us your alternative more plausible theory.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Except one.

"God is possible."

Monkey history is chock full of stories that are laughably implausible, but God is possible.
Possible yes. Probable? That depends. Zeus? Juju? The God that talked to Joseph Smith or Mohammad or moses? Which story is possible scientifically?

"Which story is possible scientifically?" :eusa_eh:

You're barking up the wrong tree with me and that question Brother...

My opinion, for what it's worth, is that the most plausible creation story is the one told by Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson in the 'Cosmos' series.

Plausible is opinion... and no two opinions are identical... 'scientifically possible' means that whatever you're trying to prove can be repeated in experiment and, thus far at least, Creation remains un-repeatable.

That means anything is possible. ANYthing.

It's possible that the next world is to be ruled jointly by the Pastafarians and the Rastafarians.

That is NOT, in my humble opinion, a very plausible scenario... but either anything's possible, or its not. God is not weighing in on the matter, and death remains a one-way ticket. There is very little reliable information coming from the other side of that life altering transition.

On a Living TimeLine, where anything is possible, the gift shared by the Monkeys is the understanding that we are indeed here, (wherever in the fuck 'here' is). It's one of the coolest things too.... No matter how sad or grand the circumstances of any given Monkey life on our TimeLine, the birthright that every Monkey gets just for being born a Monkey with a capital 'M' for Sentience and growing to the point of understanding that we are indeed here, is to put their inner toys of imagination and thought to work and decide for Him or Her self what's plausible.

The tricky part on the road to becoming a Sentient species is general understanding of everyone's right to be wrong on these kinds of questions.

Beer helps. :beer:

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