'Atlanta Jewish Times' Publisher, Apologizes For Obama Assassination Comments


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I have stated in the past myself that I would not mind to see Bush and Dick hanged, and my reasons for such are clear - war crimes. What are Israel's reasons for wanting to assassinate Obama? we hear similar hate speech against the president every day on Fox News and talk radio - the way I see it, Obama promised to meet with Iran in 2008 first year in office, but as president every time he goes to the middle east, his air force one gets derailed to Israel, why are they still upset at Obama?

Jews don't like Obama because he won't jump on the israel firster bandwagon and shut the hell up. He wants to TALK to Iran and he is holding Israels feet to the fire over its human rights abuses and stealing the land of the Palestinians and building on it. Last president that tried to clash with their power was not so lucky...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg9m1F8B2_c]65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama - YouTube[/ame]

If he'll lie to US what do you think he does and WILL DO to the Jooz?
Jews don't like Obama because he won't jump on the israel firster bandwagon and shut the hell up. He wants to TALK to Iran and he is holding Israels feet to the fire over its human rights abuses and stealing the land of the Palestinians and building on it. Last president that tried to clash with their power was not so lucky...

You're such an ignorant idiot. Jews voted for Obama over 80% in the last election.
Then again, you're a jew-hater so of course you're stupid and ill informed.
Do we really want to delve into WHO is a "jew hater" such an idiotic use of words...I am Jew Aware...:)
Jews don't like Obama because he won't jump on the israel firster bandwagon and shut the hell up. He wants to TALK to Iran and he is holding Israels feet to the fire over its human rights abuses and stealing the land of the Palestinians and building on it. Last president that tried to clash with their power was not so lucky...

You're such an ignorant idiot. Jews voted for Obama over 80% in the last election.
Then again, you're a jew-hater so of course you're stupid and ill informed.

you really may have to spell it out for him, Jews for the most part are LIBERAL, so why would they want to kill off their golden egg laying goose, "Obama Assassination"..., :lmao: ABSURD !!!!!!!
Jews use whatever and whoever they can to further their own aims. They are a people apart from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE else.
Jews don't like Obama because he won't jump on the israel firster bandwagon and shut the hell up. He wants to TALK to Iran and he is holding Israels feet to the fire over its human rights abuses and stealing the land of the Palestinians and building on it. Last president that tried to clash with their power was not so lucky...

You're such an ignorant idiot. Jews voted for Obama over 80% in the last election.
That's irrelevant, and it only confirms my statement in OP "what reason does Israel have to hate Obama" - I can identify with Israel myself, but I think for very different reasons, and being that Obama is a Zionist puppet I feel their hate is faked, and as you say - 80% Jews voted for him, so let me ask you brother Rabbi, are 80% of Jews stupid? when will they wake up not to believe anything publicized on the establishment media? and even more so, why do you keep calling ME stupid?
Jews don't like Obama because he won't jump on the israel firster bandwagon and shut the hell up. He wants to TALK to Iran and he is holding Israels feet to the fire over its human rights abuses and stealing the land of the Palestinians and building on it. Last president that tried to clash with their power was not so lucky...

You're such an ignorant idiot. Jews voted for Obama over 80% in the last election.
Then again, you're a jew-hater so of course you're stupid and ill informed.

you really may have to spell it out for him, Jews for the most part are LIBERAL, so why would they want to kill off their golden egg laying goose, "Obama Assassination"..., :lmao: ABSURD !!!!!!!
Thank you. and no, Rabbi did not mean me being stupid, but the Jew that owns the newspaper. After I looked at his apology video, I have to admit, I can forgive a moron like that as well - some people are special (only question is how do they get to own news papers)
The guy's an idiot.

whom are you speaking.., the OPoster or the other guy ?

Both. The editor for writing Obama should be assassinated by Mossad. Total idiocy. The OP for thinking this is indicative of anything other than the stupidity of one person.
You never answered my question - what about all the political experts on talk shows and FOX NEWS that call Obama a dictator? still one person? or the whole media industry minus the left whose job it is to play the supporter?
Just a slight aside, but did the liberal makers of this ever apologize?


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