Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Pressure? My ass! You are merely asked to pledge allegiance to a country who provides funding for your education.

It's cult-like bullshit that doesn't need to be in an elementary school. Sorry nut job, no funds are going to be pulled from schools that do this.
You are wrong asshole! There is nothing cult like about it! Cult is just the newest of your libtarded buzzwords.
Oh, we've been "brainwashed" alright, but in a pretty innocent sense. What is the harm in pledging loyalty to your country and the positive ideals for which is stands?
Sure, I'm part of a generation that was fed that propaganda since Kindergarten, heard the Anthem at the opening of every sports game, etc. When I hear those opening strains, I still get a little bit of a shiver.
But I grew up and learned to step back and look at the bigger picture and see the flaws, not just the good, in our system and how it is operating. That is not a bad thing. That is just a grown up view of things.
So I don't see the problem with reciting the Pledge or performing the Anthem, but it appears the generations that do that unquestioningly are dying out. It is not worth fighting over. That only makes it more of an "issue" to "free" oneself from.
I am sick of the gimme people with their hands out disrespecting the people and the gov. That provide that money and their freedom to be assholes.

6 year old Johnny that can barely locate his own dick should be denied an education because his parents don't want him participating in cult behavior? Hmm, how about, no? Piss off.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.
You are wrong asshole! There is nothing cult like about it! Cult is just the newest of your libtarded buzzwords.
Oh, we've been "brainwashed" alright, but in a pretty innocent sense. What is the harm in pledging loyalty to your country and the positive ideals for which is stands?
Sure, I'm part of a generation that was fed that propaganda since Kindergarten, heard the Anthem at the opening of every sports game, etc. When I hear those opening strains, I still get a little bit of a shiver.
But I grew up and learned to step back and look at the bigger picture and see the flaws, not just the good, in our system and how it is operating. That is not a bad thing. That is just a grown up view of things.
So I don't see the problem with reciting the Pledge or performing the Anthem, but it appears the generations that do that unquestioningly are dying out. It is not worth fighting over. That only makes it more of an "issue" to "free" oneself from.
I am sick of the gimme people with their hands out disrespecting the people and the gov. That provide that money and their freedom to be assholes.

6 year old Johnny that can barely locate his own dick should be denied an education because his parents don't want him participating in cult behavior? Hmm, how about, no? Piss off.

I know 6 year old Johnny's ability to find his own dick is important to you, sick fuck
I am sick of the gimme people with their hands out disrespecting the people and the gov. That provide that money and their freedom to be assholes.

6 year old Johnny that can barely locate his own dick should be denied an education because his parents don't want him participating in cult behavior? Hmm, how about, no? Piss off.
How about you go fuck yourself?

You are seriously one of the dumbest posters on USMB. Go hang out in one of the nonpolitical sections. You're far too stupid to participate here.
Don’t it chap your furry dick that you can’t boss me around?

I'm not the type to censor. I just thought I'd give you a useful suggestion.
Put your useful suggestions where the moon don’t shine if your head has left any room.
What is the harm in pledging loyalty to your country and the positive ideals for which is stands?
I would say because it presents a case that does not exist and provides an alternate reality.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Especially when liberty and justice for all most emphatically did not exist when the pledge was invented and does not now. Too, the nation is under several gods.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid as the generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid ass generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
Hey you mofo. I did not start the goddamn name calling you did!
Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.
I agree
You should pledge allegiance ONCE in your lifetime

Being expected to pledge daily kind of demeans the sincerity of your pledge
Most kids, I'll wager, believe the first words of the Pledge are "Ready Begin..."
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid ass generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
Hey you mofo. I did not start the goddamn name calling you did!

My dislike of you started the other day when you started flaming me and calling me a racist because you didn't understand my thread for what it was. If you want to apologize for that shit I'll apologize for what I said and we can sort out our differences more politely.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid as the generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
And, I do not give a flying fuck how much you pay in taxes! This is America, we do have a constitution and a flag we do spend federal money to educate people and if they are too goddamn sorry to say the pledge of allegiance to the country then they should give up the money! Isn’t that flag on every capital building? Flies at half staff? I am entitled to speak my mind and I do not give a shit how much you don’t like it.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid ass generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.
Hey you mofo. I did not start the goddamn name calling you did!

My dislike of you started the other day when you started flaming me and calling me a racist because you didn't understand my thread for what it was. If you want to apologize for that shit I'll apologize for what I said and we can sort out our differences more politely.
I do not give a shit that you dislike me! You were being a racist and a race baiter and you know it. That’s another thing that sickens me you racists on the left and you perpetual race baiting.
You should pledge allegiance ONCE in your lifetime
Why? I don't understand that. It implies all those people in other countries who've never pledged allegiance to their flag are disloyal to their countries.

Do you say your wedding vows daily?

You should have the opportunity to pledge allegiance to your country (not the flag) once you turn 18. A child cannot be held to such a pledge.

Once you have made a pledge, it remains in effect until you renounce it
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Good for them. Being pressured into reciting your loyalty every morning is cult level shit.

Atlanta school: No more Pledge of Allegiance to start day

Students at an Atlanta school will no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance to start their school day.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School on Tuesday announced the change in a news release.
I agree
You should pledge allegiance ONCE in your lifetime

Being expected to pledge daily kind of demeans the sincerity of your pledge
Most kids, I'll wager, believe the first words of the Pledge are "Ready Begin..."
I just bet you would wager that.
CULT BEHAVIOR? Where do you get off calling the Pledge of Allegiance cult behavior?
That's ridiculous.

It's indoctrination. They are brainwashing these kids with nationalism so they grow up just as stupid as the generations before them. Fuck the pledge. I served in this country's armed forces for 4 years by the way, so call me whatever you want. And hey WillowTree I most likely pay a LOT more in federal income taxes than you do. Well, most likely some dude takes care of your dumb ass, but yeah, you can fuck right off with that bullshit talking point as well.

If you pay so much in taxes you're making good money. On another thread you said you would leave the US but couldn't afford it

You need to keep your lies in order.

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