Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong

The Atlantic Hoax is Dead ā€“ Bring on the Next Hoax!

7 Sep 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon

So, The Atlanticā€™s ā€œTrump hates the militaryā€ hoax died on the vine after about a 24-hour run. It died for the simple reason that Trumpā€™s public actions consistently in favor of the interests of the U.S. military and its personnel and retirees rendered the anonymously-sourced hit piece transparently unbelievable to anyone with functioning synapses in their cranial cavity, which of course excludes China Joe Biden.
The obvious hope of the Biden/Harris campaign and its corrupt media toadies was that this particular hoax would lead thousands of Trump supporters to finally abandon him out of disgust. Yeah, thatā€™s not going to happen.
No passenger on the Trump Train is leaping off over this story or for any other reason. The only disgust expressed by any real Trump supporter towards anyone involved in the obvious hoax is toward Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, the Atlanticā€™s corrupt owner who is also the poisonous Black Widow of Steve Jobs, and all the other Democrat media toadies like Jake Tapper and Jennifer Griffin who did everything they could to amplify it.
Think about it: Among your circle of friends, co-workers and acquaintances, do you know a single Trump supporter who has said he/she is going to vote for Creepy Uncle McWifeMolester on November 3? Of course you donā€™t because those people do not exist.
The corrupt media continues to trot out this parade of ā€œformer Bush officialsā€ and ā€œformer McCain campaign workersā€ and ā€œformer Romney peopleā€ who claim to be all like ā€˜Republicansā€™ and stuff and who just hate Trump and have signed a letter condemning him along with 400 of their fellow sippers of cheap zinfandel, but so what?
The Atlantic hoax has failed. Miserably. Gloriously. A truly epic fail.
Lacking any other alternative, the Democrats and their media toadies will simply mount the next hoax. We donā€™t know what form it will take or exactly when it will come, but we do know this: It will also be an epic fail, and it will be glorious.
That is all.


What they did was put out the ultimate LIE that proves that everything they say is a lie. When it isn't a lie it's still a lie because truth is often determined by context and the context of their lies is always a false narrative.

Harris/Bide and their deep state, MIC, and RINO collaborationists have extended the legal principal of 'falsus in uno falsus in omnibus to falsus in pluribus falsus in omnibus.' (Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - Wikipedia )
They have lied about so many things so consistently that we just have to assume every word out of their mouths every dot on a printed page is a lie. And our ears are closed to the notion that it could be otherwise.
It's like the lie "the threat is not China, it's Russia," a lie on which Tim Cook and Jobs's the Atlantic owning widow have been trying to bet their fortunes. Once Biden becomes zombie President do you think the CCP is going to refrain from taking everything they want, Apple and Taiwan included. What are we going to do - risk nuclear war? A question you have to turn around on the Chinese and convince them there is a very very bright red white and blue line in the Ocean starting 6 miles off the Chinese coast-line.
They can bet their own fortunes, but we refuse to have them use ours in their efforts. They can't bet ours and that is what they are trying to do.
Consider this.
Why would *any* voter to pick the party of violent rapists, murderers, arsonists, rioters and looters over the GOP at a time when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat prosecutors are aiding criminals instead of prosecuting them?
PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists want productive people harnessed to their communist schemes or dead. To the Dems, we are the kulaks that Stalin killed by the millions - wreckers and saboteurs and enemies of the state. Why would any productive person vote Democrat? Itā€™s like voting yourself into the grave.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are going for broke to eliminate Trump and the GOP... They have failed and they are well aware of their failure. They have only one option Left and are scared to use it...

The story never made any sense, just on the basis that there was no reason for the D's to sit on it for 2 years. That was nonsensical
Hilarious, Labor Day, and Trumpoholics are working their asses off defending the indefensible "Suckers and Losers" comments made by Donnie bone spurs.
It's not dead because it's entirely plausible. Trump's dealings with all these ex-generals and other assorted military personnel is a good example of how he feels about military service. It counts for nothing with him.
you do not have enough evidence to JUMP to that conclusion
He always says he loves "the troops" but when he has dealt with military types on an individual basis, especially when they criticize him, he's kind of a jerk.
i) he loves "the troops"
ii) when they criticize him, he's kind of a jerk
Those aren't mutually incompatible propositions.
There is no one in your life who you love, and who you will also be criticize, if they criticize you?
Adults know when criticism is justified and how to answer it like an adult.
Trump has had endless "planned" hit pieces on him. There are people who follow politics a lot deeper then I. But following politics at all is disgusting and demoralizing. If you do not, it seems a lot sunnier out.
The Atlantic Hoax is Dead ā€“ Bring on the Next Hoax!

7 Sep 2020 ~~ By David Blackmon

So, The Atlanticā€™s ā€œTrump hates the militaryā€ hoax died on the vine after about a 24-hour run. It died for the simple reason that Trumpā€™s public actions consistently in favor of the interests of the U.S. military and its personnel and retirees rendered the anonymously-sourced hit piece transparently unbelievable to anyone with functioning synapses in their cranial cavity, which of course excludes China Joe Biden.
The obvious hope of the Biden/Harris campaign and its corrupt media toadies was that this particular hoax would lead thousands of Trump supporters to finally abandon him out of disgust. Yeah, thatā€™s not going to happen.
No passenger on the Trump Train is leaping off over this story or for any other reason. The only disgust expressed by any real Trump supporter towards anyone involved in the obvious hoax is toward Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg, the Atlanticā€™s corrupt owner who is also the poisonous Black Widow of Steve Jobs, and all the other Democrat media toadies like Jake Tapper and Jennifer Griffin who did everything they could to amplify it.
Think about it: Among your circle of friends, co-workers and acquaintances, do you know a single Trump supporter who has said he/she is going to vote for Creepy Uncle McWifeMolester on November 3? Of course you donā€™t because those people do not exist.
The corrupt media continues to trot out this parade of ā€œformer Bush officialsā€ and ā€œformer McCain campaign workersā€ and ā€œformer Romney peopleā€ who claim to be all like ā€˜Republicansā€™ and stuff and who just hate Trump and have signed a letter condemning him along with 400 of their fellow sippers of cheap zinfandel, but so what?
The Atlantic hoax has failed. Miserably. Gloriously. A truly epic fail.
Lacking any other alternative, the Democrats and their media toadies will simply mount the next hoax. We donā€™t know what form it will take or exactly when it will come, but we do know this: It will also be an epic fail, and it will be glorious.
That is all.


What they did was put out the ultimate LIE that proves that everything they say is a lie. When it isn't a lie it's still a lie because truth is often determined by context and the context of their lies is always a false narrative.

Harris/Bide and their deep state, MIC, and RINO collaborationists have extended the legal principal of 'falsus in uno falsus in omnibus to falsus in pluribus falsus in omnibus.' (Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus - Wikipedia )
They have lied about so many things so consistently that we just have to assume every word out of their mouths every dot on a printed page is a lie. And our ears are closed to the notion that it could be otherwise.
It's like the lie "the threat is not China, it's Russia," a lie on which Tim Cook and Jobs's the Atlantic owning widow have been trying to bet their fortunes. Once Biden becomes zombie President do you think the CCP is going to refrain from taking everything they want, Apple and Taiwan included. What are we going to do - risk nuclear war? A question you have to turn around on the Chinese and convince them there is a very very bright red white and blue line in the Ocean starting 6 miles off the Chinese coast-line.
They can bet their own fortunes, but we refuse to have them use ours in their efforts. They can't bet ours and that is what they are trying to do.
Consider this.
Why would *any* voter to pick the party of violent rapists, murderers, arsonists, rioters and looters over the GOP at a time when Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat prosecutors are aiding criminals instead of prosecuting them?
PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists want productive people harnessed to their communist schemes or dead. To the Dems, we are the kulaks that Stalin killed by the millions - wreckers and saboteurs and enemies of the state. Why would any productive person vote Democrat? Itā€™s like voting yourself into the grave.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists are going for broke to eliminate Trump and the GOP... They have failed and they are well aware of their failure. They have only one option Left and are scared to use it...

The story never made any sense, just on the basis that there was no reason for the D's to sit on it for 2 years. That was nonsensical
bingo common sense thinking leftists can't grasp it.
The has been a very despicable Democrat Dirty Trick.

We all know that the filthy Democrats will do anything to make America a Socialist shithole and this is just the latest.

It's only dead in the minds of Trumpsters.

"I like people who weren't captured".
it's dead because the editor said it is
You don't understand. To the liberal mind, narrative is more important than facts or reality. Thus, they will continue insisting this happened no matter who says it didn't. I do believe they would not hesitate to say that the source of the narrative is lying should it disavow what it started. Heck, they insisted that the Ukrainians were lying when they said there was no pressure from TRUMP!. They preferred their own narrative to the "victim's" statement.
This is because they completely live by their feelings and the way they Feel reality should be.
It's only dead in the minds of Trumpsters.

"I like people who weren't captured".
Most people that have been watching him the last several years know it's total crap.
Course it was pretty obvious that Barry had a particular disdain for people in uniform.
Even Bush would come to our post and give a speech periodically.....but Obama only showed up at 160th to thank them for giving him his one and only foreign policy accomplishment.....killing Bin Laden. The self-centered prick never visited the rest of us on Ft Campbell.
A friend of mine at DoJ told me that Biden eats little babies and pulls the wings off butterflies.

He doesnt want me to give his name, but, you know, tough shit, Bunker Biden.

See how that works, you fucking goofballs?
It's only dead in the minds of Trumpsters.

"I like people who weren't captured".
All americans like people who weren't captured. Why do you am want our soldiers captured and tortured?
You're sick.
And yet, you said nothing when Obama surrogate Wesley Clark expressed a similar thought:

Clark responded: ā€œWell, I donā€™t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.ā€

Wesley Clark? That's the best deflection you can come up with?

Trump: "I like people who weren't captured". Insulting every last POW in American history.

But you're fine with that.
How old is that, Mac? Is that the best you've got now, dredging up something from almost four years ago? I can see you're going to be busy the last two months before the election...

The real measure of how a President feels about the military is the way he treats the military under his control. Trump has done everything he can to build the military back up, he's passed legislation to make care at the VA better for our veterans and kept our troops from being embroiled in shit holes like Syria.
Last edited:
Hilarious, Labor Day, and Trumpoholics are working their asses off defending the indefensible "Suckers and Losers" comments made by Donnie bone spurs.
the anonymous source said that about obama

itā€™s true that the specific allegation that Obama wasnā€™t born in the U.S. first reared its head during the 2008 presidential race, rumblings about Obamaā€™s ā€œothernessā€ had been percolating since long before that. In 2004, a political gadfly named Andy Martin issued a press release calling Barack Obama a ā€œcomplete fraudā€ who had ā€œmisrepresented his heritageā€ in his memoir, Dreams From My Father, and ā€œis a Muslim who has concealed his religion.ā€ The theme was pushed further in December 2006 by conservative columnist Debbie Schlussel, who published an article entitled ā€œBarack Hussein Obama: Once a Muslim, Always a Muslim,ā€ which stated that ā€œObama has a ā€˜born-againā€™ affinity for the nation of his Muslim father, Kenya.ā€ In March 2007, Clinton campaign strategist Mark Penn proposed attacking Obama on the basis of his ā€œlack of American roots.ā€ And, in December 2007, a Clinton volunteer county coordinator in Iowa was fired for forwarding an e-mail making the by-then familiar claim that Obama is a Muslim.
The idea that Obama was born elsewhere, specifically Kenya, was first floated in April 2008, according to a 22 April 2011 Politico article by Ben Smith and Byron Tau on the origins of birtherism:
"Obama's literary bio represents the first promotion of his being born in Kenya. If this was a mere oversight, it would have quickly been corrected. Instead 16 years went by with the bio neither revised nor updated. It was finally corrected in 2007 when Obama announced his Presidential candidacy. During that Presidential campaign, the birth issue was not raised by Obamaā€™s opponent John McCain. McCain actually went so far as to chastise anyone for even mentioning Obamaā€™s middle name of Hussein."

Hilarious, Labor Day, and Trumpoholics are working their asses off defending the indefensible "Suckers and Losers" comments made by Donnie bone spurs.
Defend no one. Thereā€™s no story
This whole thread is trumpoholics defending an international story and #1 story in America. As usual, Trump defense is denial and delusion.
It's only dead in the minds of Trumpsters.

"I like people who weren't captured".
All americans like people who weren't captured. Why do you am want our soldiers captured and tortured?
You're sick.
And yet, you said nothing when Obama surrogate Wesley Clark expressed a similar thought:

Clark responded: ā€œWell, I donā€™t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.ā€

Wesley Clark? That's the best deflection you can come up with?

Trump: "I like people who weren't captured". Insulting every last POW in American history.

But you're fine with that.
How old is that, Mac? Is that the best you've got now, dredging up something from almost four years ago? I can see you're going to be busy the last two months before the election...

The real measure of how a President feels about the military is the way he treats the military under his control. Trump has done everything he can to build the military back up, he's passed legislation to make care at the VA better for our veterans and kept our troops from being embroiled in shit holes like Syria.
Yup. They quickly beat a retreat from their initial claims to the well known conflict between McCain and Trump, that McCains family has asked that the Left quit dredging up in an attempt to sow hate and division among the American People.

It's sad what the Left has sunk too, given that many decades ago the were the party of youth and fresh ideas. Now it's just really old shriveled up Leftists working hate. Unfortunate!
Hilarious, Labor Day, and Trumpoholics are working their asses off defending the indefensible "Suckers and Losers" comments made by Donnie bone spurs.
Defend no one. Thereā€™s no story
This whole thread is trumpoholics defending an international story and #1 story in America. As usual, Trump defense is denial and delusion.
Name the person who said they heard the President say those words.
It's not dead because it's entirely plausible. Trump's dealings with all these ex-generals and other assorted military personnel is a good example of how he feels about military service. It counts for nothing with him.
you do not have enough evidence to JUMP to that conclusion
He always says he loves "the troops" but when he has dealt with military types on an individual basis, especially when they criticize him, he's kind of a jerk.
i) he loves "the troops"
ii) when they criticize him, he's kind of a jerk
Those aren't mutually incompatible propositions.
There is no one in your life who you love, and who you will also be criticize, if they criticize you?
Adults know when criticism is justified and how to answer it like an adult.
Trump has had endless "planned" hit pieces on him. There are people who follow politics a lot deeper then I. But following politics at all is disgusting and demoralizing. If you do not, it seems a lot sunnier out.
Hate, division, frustration, looting, violence and arson seems to be all the Left has left.
More of Trump's suckers and losers:

Fake News. No one is fooled. Very telling that Biden and The Ho are reduced to this already.
"Fake News": The last refuge of the obedient Trumpster.

Those are, indeed, American POWs. I know what you think of them.
Think of them better than jane fonda the traitor whore. Libscum are idiots.
Yes. Some of them even chant Death To America while others us American POW's as political props. Sad!
It's only dead in the minds of Trumpsters.

"I like people who weren't captured".
All americans like people who weren't captured. Why do you am want our soldiers captured and tortured?
You're sick.
And yet, you said nothing when Obama surrogate Wesley Clark expressed a similar thought:

Clark responded: ā€œWell, I donā€™t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.ā€

Wesley Clark? That's the best deflection you can come up with?

Trump: "I like people who weren't captured". Insulting every last POW in American history.

But you're fine with that.
How old is that, Mac? Is that the best you've got now, dredging up something from almost four years ago? I can see you're going to be busy the last two months before the election...

The real measure of how a President feels about the military is the way he treats the military under his control. Trump has done everything he can to build the military back up, he's passed legislation to make care at the VA better for our veterans and kept our troops from being embroiled in shit holes like Syria.
Yup. They quickly beat a retreat from their initial claims to the well known conflict between McCain and Trump, that McCains family has asked that the Left quit dredging up in an attempt to sow hate and division among the American People.

It's sad what the Left has sunk too, given that many decades ago the were the party of youth and fresh ideas. Now it's just really old shriveled up Leftists working hate. Unfortunate!

In their desperation, they know not what they are anymore!
Looks like a total self-identity crisis to me.

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