Atlantic Editor Concedes Central Claim Of Trump Hit Piece Could Be Wrong

“The fact that Fuentes—Kelly’s closest ally—is now publicly denying the report from The Atlantic is a monstrous strike against the credibility of the report. Several Trump critics, including former National Security Adviser John Bolton, have also denied this happened.“
The only change for me that has come from this latest dem propaganda campaign is a new disrespect for Jennifer Griffin.
Yes "CONFIRMED" but then when you dig deeper one finds that she is a fake news liar who has NOT confirmed the points in contention, in fact, her unnamed sources were UNABLE TO CONFIRM the points in question, but, she still used the fake news label of CONFIRMED, even when it was actually the opposite, much like the FISA applications that used Hillary's unconfirmed dirt in Court applications under the stamp of CONFIRMED.
More of Trump's suckers and losers:

Fake News. No one is fooled. Very telling that Biden and The Ho are reduced to this already.
It's only dead in the minds of Trumpsters.

"I like people who weren't captured".
All americans like people who weren't captured. Why do you am want our soldiers captured and tortured?
You're sick.
And yet, you said nothing when Obama surrogate Wesley Clark expressed a similar thought:

Clark responded: “Well, I don’t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.”

Wesley Clark? That's the best deflection you can come up with?

Trump: "I like people who weren't captured". Insulting every last POW in American history.

But you're fine with that.
A deflection? He was an Obama Surrogate making a similar point to the one you are currently feigning rage over. I like how the Fake News liars assume no one can remember and pull up a quote like this.

McCain was heroic during his captivity, in the Senate he was a lying backstabbing bitter hateful small minded prick who gratuitously attacked Trump. And Trump promptly took him to the woodshed, as everyone knows Trump will when you attack him. This is no secret. You know it. I know it. The American People know it.

Like Obama's surrogate Wesley Clark said of John McCain: “Well, I don’t think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president.”

A story based on anonymous sources is inherently unreliable and Atlantic's editors broke journalism rules of ethics to publish it.
Not if they verified the sources and found them credible.

Those who are aware of who said it and corroborated it are sticking by the story
The only change for me that has come from this latest dem propaganda campaign is a new disrespect for Jennifer Griffin.
Yes "CONFIRMED" but then when you dig deeper one finds that she is a fake news liar who has NOT confirmed the points in contention, in fact, her unnamed sources were UNABLE TO CONFIRM the points in question, but, she still used the fake news label of CONFIRMED, even when it was actually the opposite, much like the FISA applications that used Hillary's unconfirmed dirt in Court applications under the stamp of CONFIRMED.
Well, she's married to one of NPR's editors (who also worked for the "New York Slime"), so what did you expect???

Wait! What? Will any of you lefties apologize? Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, you'll feel better.

On Sunday, Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White House’s account that President Trump’s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.

“I’m sure all of those things are true,” Goldberg told CNN in an interview on Friday when asked to respond to evidence a story he published saying otherwise is false.


Despite conceding that the cancellation due to weather might be true, Goldberg stood by his story about President Trump’s trip to the cemetery, claiming that “the public’s interest in meeting this information outweigh the ambiguities or the difficulties of anonymous sourcing” and that he will “be continuing to make that effort to move this material directly onto the record.”

While others have claimed to “confirm” the report with more anonymous sources, The Atlantic has published false stories before, which raises more questions about the legitimacy of a report given by unknown people.


there are many pieces of supporting evidence. The Associated Press, New York Times, Fox News (!) and Washington Post quickly confirmed Goldberg’s reporting. The Post added several related details, in addition to Trump describing fallen soldiers as “losers.” “In one account, the president told senior advisers that he didn’t understand why the U.S. government placed such value on finding soldiers missing in action because they had performed poorly and gotten caught and deserved what they got, according to a person familiar with the discussion.”

What’s more, other sources have claimed that Trump dismisses the value of military service. Michael Cohen testified in 2018 that Trump admitted faking bone spurs to avoid serving in Vietnam and told him, “You think I’m stupid? I wasn’t going to Vietnam.” Mary Trump, in a previously recorded interview, said Trump threatened to disown one of her sons if he enlisted in the military. (It’s significant that she offered this account before Goldberg’s story, and thus could not have crafted it to fit a narrative created by Goldberg.)
Wait! What? Will any of you lefties apologize? Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, you'll feel better.

On Sunday, Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg admitted the White House’s account that President Trump’s trip to a cemetery of fallen World War I soldiers in France in 2018 was modified due to bad weather is probably accurate.
“I’m sure all of those things are true,” Goldberg told CNN in an interview on Friday when asked to respond to evidence a story he published saying otherwise is false.
Despite conceding that the cancellation due to weather might be true, Goldberg stood by his story about President Trump’s trip to the cemetery, claiming that “the public’s interest in meeting this information outweigh the ambiguities or the difficulties of anonymous sourcing” and that he will “be continuing to make that effort to move this material directly onto the record.”
While others have claimed to “confirm” the report with more anonymous sources, The Atlantic has published false stories before, which raises more questions about the legitimacy of a report given by unknown people.

I can't wait for the next bombshell I love it when the leftists pile it on they are too stupid to realize the more they do it the worse it will be for them on election day.
They are Trumps best campigan ad
The good thing is most of all the fabrications come to light. When you're evil enough to lie it usually catches up to you. Just like Russia collusion, Ukraine, it generally comes out in the end as you have to make up more lies to cover the first.

Everyone knows who's behind this and they've been fabricating this smear for several weeks, including already have commercials ready to go. This is a conspiracy.
More of Trump's suckers and losers:

Fake News. No one is fooled. Very telling that Biden and The Ho are reduced to this already.
"Fake News": The last refuge of the obedient Trumpster.

Those are, indeed, American POWs. I know what you think of them.
You are the one using them as political props. I already stated that I admire John McCain's heroics during his captivity, and recognize that he was a backstabbing lying small minded prick in the US Senate. He attacked Trump and McCain got his ass kicked. You are the only one still whining about it.

McCain's son in law noted over the weekend that the Left keeps bringing this up, dishonoring McCain's memory in order to inflame division in the US electorate, and he would like the Left to stop exploiting McCain like this.

Unfortunately, lies and smears and the attempt to stoke hate and division is all Biden and The Ho have left, Sad!
It's not dead because it's entirely plausible. Trump's dealings with all these ex-generals and other assorted military personnel is a good example of how he feels about military service. It counts for nothing with him.

you do not have enough evidence to JUMP to that conclusion
He always says he loves "the troops" but when he has dealt with military types on an individual basis, especially when they criticize him, he's kind of a jerk.

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