"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

This movie will be a flop and only the true believers will go and see it.

The rightwing herd will dutifully go see it they way they buy the stupid rightwing books.

Yeah cause that's sooooo much different than the left's circle jerk over an Inconvenient Truth or anything with Michael Moore's name on it.

That much is true, although I did try to make it through Ann Coulter's books "Treason" and "Slander." Michael Moore at least stirs controversy and jolts people into fact-checking, and thereby become more knowledgeable. "An Inconvenient Truth" was based on scientific evidence that produced a scary theory, but Gore became the whipping boy because he was the messenger of dire predictions. Ironically, if it had been a high-profile Republican who had written the book, attitudes would be completely the opposite and there wouldn't have been such an intensive search for other pieces of *proof* that global warming is a myth or a hoax. The right always has to be right, or they go bananas.
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This movie will be a flop and only the true believers will go and see it.
hmmmmmm smells like desperate hope.

If it gets enough publicity, it won't be a flop (financially anyway), and I'll wait until it comes out on DVD/DVR. In the meantime, though, I don't plan on re-reading the book so I won't know if the film stays true to the book. If it doesn't, the critics will be all over it.
This movie will be a flop and only the true believers will go and see it.
hmmmmmm smells like desperate hope.

Sounds like somebody is fantasizing that such a movie will be a hit when it obviously wont be, the subject matter will not interest the common American (as its not a slasher or fart humor type movie) or the American intellectual(as conservative philosophy does not equate to intellectualism) thus leaving a small audience made up of true believers

Jealous that they can google rather than pulling them out of their butts.

Did you finally figure it out? If so, hopefully you'll now start backing up your bullshit.

Rapier Wit, sharp as a meatball, as always.....:clap2:


Not to worry, big guy, you'll grow a brain someday that fits your fat head.
Yeah, apparently Rand's 'hero' was a rapist and a terrorist.

Hence the conservative adoration, I guess.

No, I think the conservative adoration has more to do with Rand's support of Moral Objectivism.


But don't let that stop you.

In reality, conservatives adore her because they heard they're supposed to.

! sorry...
also That much is true, although I did try to make it through Ann Coulter's books "Treason" and "Slander." Michael Moore at least stirs controversy and jolts people into fact-checking, and thereby become more knowledgeable. "An Incontinient, leaky Truth" was based on scientific evidence that produced a scary theory, but Gore became the whipping boy because he was the messenger of dire predictions. Ironically, if it had been a high-profile Republican who had written the book, attitudes would be completely the opposite and there wouldn't have been such an intensive search for other pieces of *proof* that global warming is a myth or a hoax. The right always has to be right, or they go bananas.

not much, and that word consensus, my own father signed a petition against kyoto, alond with 17,000 or so other scientists, and he was no rube i tell you. gore made it sound as if the entire scientific community was in agreement, simply not true. why would he do that?
then i think it's time to get into fear mongering and demogouguery. mick 'mo hates the states. big fat lying hypocritical capitalistic pig.
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Oddly enough, last fall I bought a boxed set (in paperback) of Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead for 1.00 at a book sale. I've found that getting up the gumption to plunge into them is kind of like getting up the gumption to clean the refrigerator.

At least the market appears to have properly valued the books. :lol:

Why would you buy them at all?

I tried, I really did, to read One or the Other (all I recall was a rape scene between the frustrated architect and some women vaguely associated with the plot).

I'm certain the movie will be better.

you are not alone, i love the ones that read the first 900 pages of atlas, couldn't finish because of literary impotence, or something...

Yeah, apparently Rand's 'hero' was a rapist and a terrorist.

Hence the conservative adoration, I guess.

this is a good example of peer pressure thinking, well what does obama think ?
dominique francon was actually the lead character in the novel (protagonist #1), how would you know, vaguely
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To bad we can't give a pop quiz, but they'd just Google their answers.

A pop quiz on what?

Would it be something like;

Q1. Obama is;

a.) God
b.) God
c.) God

Q2. Obama must be worshiped because he is;

a.) God
b.) God
c.) God

Q3. Obama is the one we have all waited on because he is;

a.) God
b.) God
c.) God


You mindless sycophants are funny, in that whole "Manson cult creepy" kinda way..
That much is true, although I did try to make it through Ann Coulter's books "Treason" and "Slander."

Love her or hate her, Coulter is funny as hell. If you couldn't "make it through" one of her books, it's because you either never picked it up or lack the literacy level requisite to decipher the polysyllabic words she uses.

Michael Moore at least stirs controversy and jolts people into fact-checking,

Moore is demagogue, his works are dishonest and incendiary.

"An Inconvenient Truth" was based on scientific evidence
that produced a scary theory,

No it wasn't. It was based on a religious fantasy promoted by fanatics and frauds.

Gore is a huckster who made himself obscenely wealthy by defrauding the gullible.
That much is true, although I did try to make it through Ann Coulter's books "Treason" and "Slander."

Love her or hate her, Coulter is funny as hell. If you couldn't "make it through" one of her books, it's because you either never picked it up or lack the literacy level requisite to decipher the polysyllabic words she uses.

Michael Moore at least stirs controversy and jolts people into fact-checking,

Moore is demagogue, his works are dishonest and incendiary.

"An Inconvenient Truth" was based on scientific evidence
that produced a scary theory,

No it wasn't. It was based on a religious fantasy promoted by fanatics and frauds.

Gore is a huckster who made himself obscenely wealthy by defrauding the gullible.

awesome 2008 !!! i just noticed that all three text ads above are atlas shrugged. i just went to godaddy and registered atlasshruggedstore.com, i have no idea what to do with it, something objective and capitalistic no doubt, this is such a great country.
i never read an ann coulter book, i've been kicked off her forum coulterchat, twice, i didn't even do nothin"
i suppose she would be a dagny taggert or dominique francon
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washamericom said:
not much, and that word consensus, my own father signed a petition against kyoto, alond with 17,000 or so other scientists, and he was no rube i tell you. gore made it sound as if the entire scientific community was in agreement, simply not true. why would he do that?
then i think it's time to get into fear mongering and demogouguery. mick 'mo hates the states. big fat lying hypocritical capitalistic pig.

To bad we can't give a pop quiz, but they'd just Google their answers.

A pop quiz on what?

Would it be something like;

Q1. Obama is;

a.) God
b.) God
c.) God

Q2. Obama must be worshiped because he is;

a.) God
b.) God
c.) God

Q3. Obama is the one we have all waited on because he is;

a.) God
b.) God
c.) God


You mindless sycophants are funny, in that whole "Manson cult creepy" kinda way..

Pop quiz on Atlas Shrugged, boopie. But something tells me that even if you took your own pop quiz above, you'd flunk, so the fact that you missed the point isn't surprising.
washamericom said:
not much, and that word consensus, my own father signed a petition against kyoto, alond with 17,000 or so other scientists, and he was no rube i tell you. gore made it sound as if the entire scientific community was in agreement, simply not true. why would he do that?
then i think it's time to get into fear mongering and demogouguery. mick 'mo hates the states. big fat lying hypocritical capitalistic pig.

why would he keep promoting the inconvenient truth and peddling junk science that he knew wasn't true? that's pathological. unless the cap and trade intellectual/educational complex and money had something to do with it all, not to mention the shot at "world government"

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