"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

Just wiki it.

This popped up in the middle of 2010, based on the verbal claim of Evva Pryror. Pryror can and has produced no substantiating documentation nor records to support her claim.

Doesn't matter to the left though, wild allegations are "truth" when hurled at enemies of the party.
Ayn Rand wrote while high on Benzedrine. That explains the thousands of pages.

what's your excuse ?

So at least it can double as a door stop.
Naw. I already use "Silent Spring" for that.

this is sum funy shit..
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Oddly enough, last fall I bought a boxed set (in paperback) of Atlas Shrugged and the Fountainhead for 1.00 at a book sale. I've found that getting up the gumption to plunge into them is kind of like getting up the gumption to clean the refrigerator.

At least the market appears to have properly valued the books. :lol:

Why would you buy them at all?

I tried, I really did, to read One or the Other (all I recall was a rape scene between the frustrated architect and some women vaguely associated with the plot).

I'm certain the movie will be better.

Yeah, apparently Rand's 'hero' was a rapist and a terrorist.

Hence the conservative adoration, I guess.

No, I think the conservative adoration has more to do with Rand's support of Moral Objectivism.


But don't let that stop you.
Why would you buy them at all?

I tried, I really did, to read One or the Other (all I recall was a rape scene between the frustrated architect and some women vaguely associated with the plot).

I'm certain the movie will be better.

Yeah, apparently Rand's 'hero' was a rapist and a terrorist.

Hence the conservative adoration, I guess.

No, I think the conservative adoration has more to do with Rand's support of Moral Objectivism.


But don't let that stop you.

u r wise samson... you've brought this full circle
Why would you buy them at all?

I tried, I really did, to read One or the Other (all I recall was a rape scene between the frustrated architect and some women vaguely associated with the plot).

I'm certain the movie will be better.

Yeah, apparently Rand's 'hero' was a rapist and a terrorist.

Hence the conservative adoration, I guess.

No, I think the conservative adoration has more to do with Rand's support of Moral Objectivism.


But don't let that stop you.

In reality, conservatives adore her because they heard they're supposed to.
it's a real thick book though man...

So at least it can double as a door stop.

It took that long for the first person to finally finish reading the book.

I started reading one. You have to break the task down into smaller pieces, to endure getting through it. Kind of like a prison sentence (so I've heard).

I figure 35 pages a day and I'm out...errr I mean finished... in a month.
The rightwing herd will dutifully go see it they way they buy the stupid rightwing books.

Such is the curse of being literate.

Alas, you need never burden yourself with such concerns.

Just dutifully bleat "Ohhh Bahhh Bahhh Bahhh Mahhh" as you are programmed to do...

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