"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

Ayn Rand's view of Ronald Reagan:

In 1976, as Burns reports, she urged readers to oppose his campaign for president. "I urge you, as emphatically as I can, not to support the candidacy of Ronald Reagan," she wrote, calling him a conservative in "the worst sense of the word," because he backed a mixed economy and opposed abortion rights.


Ed Kilgore for Democracy Journal: In Galt They Trust

From the about part in your link

The mission of Democracy is to build a vibrant and vital progressivism for the twenty-first century that builds on the movement’s proud history, is true to its central values, and is relevant to present times.

Democracy and progressivism two words that stand out. I call your source a load of bullshit.

So you dispute that Ayn Rand ever said that?
Ayn Rand's view of Ronald Reagan:

In 1976, as Burns reports, she urged readers to oppose his campaign for president. "I urge you, as emphatically as I can, not to support the candidacy of Ronald Reagan," she wrote, calling him a conservative in "the worst sense of the word," because he backed a mixed economy and opposed abortion rights.


Ed Kilgore for Democracy Journal: In Galt They Trust

From the about part in your link

The mission of Democracy is to build a vibrant and vital progressivism for the twenty-first century that builds on the movement’s proud history, is true to its central values, and is relevant to present times.

Democracy and progressivism two words that stand out. I call your source a load of bullshit.

So you dispute that Ayn Rand ever said that?

I find it suspicious that a progressive site would use a quote from her, without taking it out of context.+How ever I will add so what? she didn't like Reagan. Clinton doesn't like obama.
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Ayn Rand's view of Ronald Reagan:

In 1976, as Burns reports, she urged readers to oppose his campaign for president. "I urge you, as emphatically as I can, not to support the candidacy of Ronald Reagan," she wrote, calling him a conservative in "the worst sense of the word," because he backed a mixed economy and opposed abortion rights.


Ed Kilgore for Democracy Journal: In Galt They Trust

From the about part in your link

The mission of Democracy is to build a vibrant and vital progressivism for the twenty-first century that builds on the movement’s proud history, is true to its central values, and is relevant to present times.

Democracy and progressivism two words that stand out. I call your source a load of bullshit.

Something wrong with your Google finger? It's an accurate quote, inserted many times in many articles. Here's one from a right-wing blogger, who expands Rand's distaste not only for Reagan but Greenspan and Bush41.

AriArmstrong.com: Reading Anne Heller on Ayn Rand
What about Reagan, who defined the politics of the 1980s? Rand wrote, "I urge you, as emphatically as I can, not to support the candidacy of Ronald Reagan." Of course Reagan did nominate Greenspan, Rand's "disciple," to the Fed, an institution which Rand opposed. George H. W. Bush, who rounded out the '80s, was an even worse disaster by Rand's standards.

It's from the Ayn Rand Letter that was published in the 60's/70's. It's amazing how these clowns react to a simple fact that they don't like.
From the about part in your link

The mission of Democracy is to build a vibrant and vital progressivism for the twenty-first century that builds on the movement’s proud history, is true to its central values, and is relevant to present times.

Democracy and progressivism two words that stand out. I call your source a load of bullshit.

So you dispute that Ayn Rand ever said that?

I find it suspicious that a progressive site would use a quote from her, without taking it out of context.

Then how about an Ayn Rand fan site? Post 3:

When did Ayn Rand change her mind about Ronald Reagan? - Objectivist Living
My question is dead on your statement not so much

A Constitutional amendment is just like a wind you know it there but you can't see it.

For a guy who spends a good deal of his time here defending the 2nd AMENDMENT, it's odd you would also argue that the Constitution can't be amended.

When did I say it can't be amended? I did ask how many times it has been amended in the past 80 years. Meaning it's hard to do because of the constitutional restraints. So are you going to answer the question?

Ok, simple enough, straightforward question:

Since you don't believe there is any such thing as a representative Democracy, since you don't believe that any past or present republics are democracies...

...can you name any nations/societies past or present, that did or do in fact practiced what fits your definition of Democracy?
So you dispute that Ayn Rand ever said that?

I find it suspicious that a progressive site would use a quote from her, without taking it out of context.

Then how about an Ayn Rand fan site? Post 3:

When did Ayn Rand change her mind about Ronald Reagan? - Objectivist Living

As I finished : However I will add so what? she didn't like Reagan. Clinton doesn't like obama. If that also susposed to mean anything?
I find it suspicious that a progressive site would use a quote from her, without taking it out of context.

Then how about an Ayn Rand fan site? Post 3:

When did Ayn Rand change her mind about Ronald Reagan? - Objectivist Living

As I finished : However I will add so what? she didn't like Reagan. Clinton doesn't like obama. If that also susposed to mean anything?

It means she's not a Conservative, by any normal modern measure.
this is your last chance to read the book before the movie comes out.

i have waited my whole life for this. when i was in high school i discovered ayn rand, it changed my life , and much to my delight, would end up in a conservative website framed by objectivism.
i remember thinking, someday, once the internet is invented, this will be my political philosohpy and i will take it to the people..

life imitates art. we are dagney taggert and hank rearden (the protagonists) and the democratic party (led by one barrak obama... if that is your real name), is the government, and "mr. thompson".

you are going to be seeing and hearing and feeling atlas shrugged a lot in the coming time until the 2012 election.

as wonderfual as the original novel is, no, magnificient... the movie will better present to the masses, that big government is not only wrong, in this country, according to our constitution, it is immoral.

i further suggest that this hollywood production will play a large roll in unseating the president of obama, how ultimately and deliciously ironic. how do you like us now.


it looks good, no, great.

Have you ever wondered why this book didn't change the face of American politics when it came out? Because back then, Americans knew BS when they saw it.
For a guy who spends a good deal of his time here defending the 2nd AMENDMENT, it's odd you would also argue that the Constitution can't be amended.

When did I say it can't be amended? I did ask how many times it has been amended in the past 80 years. Meaning it's hard to do because of the constitutional restraints. So are you going to answer the question?

Ok, simple enough, straightforward question:

Since you don't believe there is any such thing as a representative Democracy, since you don't believe that any past or present republics are democracies...

...can you name any nations/societies past or present, that did or do in fact practiced what fits your definition of Democracy?
Germany was a democracy, James Madison form of government he created was a Republic. His iuntent was to created a democracy but with the final vote on the Constitution we ended up with a Constitutiona Republican I suggest you watch a more perfect union.
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What's the one issue liberals and radical muslims agree on?

Hatred for the Jew and the west. Strange bedfellows indeed.

I don't hate Jews and I hardly hate the west? WTF? Wow your brain kicked in, now it's gone again. Sad.
Well that makes you atypical when you get down to it Maggie. I've met more than a few liberals who hate the western (as typified by American, pre-multiculturalism, life) culture, and a few who blame Jews for the world's ills. I've seen a lot of them on boards like this one too.

So have I. And the majority are right wing extremists who also hate black people.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers had a political message in it? I haven't seen the newer version, but I've seen the original several times, and I don't recall any. I thought they were just the victims of an alien invasion.

[Currently, I'm trying to follow "The Event," which had somewhat of a political message to it last season, but there's been a plot twist this year, so I don't think it's going there. Looks like those "aliens" might not be aliens at all, but the people who once inhabited earth and were shipped to outer space for some reason years ago.]

I love science fiction, if it has a credible plot, and I'm not usually looking for a political message in any of it.
Watch the original 1950's version with Kevin McCarthy. It's an allegory for the red scare. Just like can be found in the 1950's War of the Worlds. The best part is you CAN watch it without seeing the allegories... but then again, you don't watch it in college as a study of science fiction and it's ramification on society like I did. Talk about your easy class, but very interesting what symbolism can work it's way in.

Oh how could I also forget "The Thing", both the original and John Carpenter's remake.

OR, sometimes a syfi movie is just a syfi movie. Was The Blob an instrument of politics too? I'm sorry, but I usually enjoy science fiction just for the possibilities, not looking for some political innuendos therein. These days, however, someone is sure to make anything political. I had a discussion a few weeks ago about The History Channel's series called "Ancient Aliens" which I find to be absolutely mind-blowing. A credible mix of theory based on scientific and archeological fact. But I was met with a barrage of criticisms calling The History Channel a left-wing vessel for some kind of distorted political messaging. I mean, seriously?
When did I say it can't be amended? I did ask how many times it has been amended in the past 80 years. Meaning it's hard to do because of the constitutional restraints. So are you going to answer the question?

Ok, simple enough, straightforward question:

Since you don't believe there is any such thing as a representative Democracy, since you don't believe that any past or present republics are democracies...

...can you name any nations/societies past or present, that did or do in fact practiced what fits your definition of Democracy?
Germany was a democracy, James Madison form of government he created was a Republic. His iuntent was to created a democracy but with the final vote on the Constitution we ended up with a Constitutiona Republican I suggest you watch a more perfect union.

Germany when? What??!!
ok, simple enough, straightforward question:

Since you don't believe there is any such thing as a representative democracy, since you don't believe that any past or present republics are democracies...

...can you name any nations/societies past or present, that did or do in fact practiced what fits your definition of democracy?
germany was a democracy, james madison form of government he created was a republic. His iuntent was to created a democracy but with the final vote on the constitution we ended up with a constitutiona republican i suggest you watch a more perfect union.

germany when? What??!!

423-425 ad
Ok, simple enough, straightforward question:

Since you don't believe there is any such thing as a representative Democracy, since you don't believe that any past or present republics are democracies...

...can you name any nations/societies past or present, that did or do in fact practiced what fits your definition of Democracy?
Germany was a democracy, James Madison form of government he created was a Republic. His iuntent was to created a democracy but with the final vote on the Constitution we ended up with a Constitutiona Republican I suggest you watch a more perfect union.

Germany when? What??!!

Right before the nazis took control of the government.
I hope no one has already mentioned this quote:

There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Ayn Rand is perhaps one of the worst authors I've ever wasted my time on. I got through 3/4ths of the Fountainhead before I tossed the book where it belonged..the trash.

It's comforting to know that before she died..she, like many Americans, had to rely on SSI because she went broke due to Medical expenses.

The irony was thick with this one.

There is no evidence to support your lie, thank you for trolling

Not only did she do it, she wrote an article defending her decision to do so.

Government Grants and Scholarships — Ayn Rand Lexicon
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