"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

this is your last chance to read the book before the movie comes out.

i have waited my whole life for this. when i was in high school i discovered ayn rand, it changed my life , and much to my delight, would end up in a conservative website framed by objectivism.
i remember thinking, someday, once the internet is invented, this will be my political philosohpy and i will take it to the people..

life imitates art. we are dagney taggert and hank rearden (the protagonists) and the democratic party (led by one barrak obama... if that is your real name), is the government, and "mr. thompson".

you are going to be seeing and hearing and feeling atlas shrugged a lot in the coming time until the 2012 election.

as wonderfual as the original novel is, no, magnificient... the movie will better present to the masses, that big government is not only wrong, in this country, according to our constitution, it is immoral.

i further suggest that this hollywood production will play a large roll in unseating the president of obama, how ultimately and deliciously ironic. how do you like us now.


it looks good, no, great.

I have read the book, it was required reading in a course I was taking, a conservative think tank course. What I find interesting is that Anne had that much insight to what is happening now, but then I read she was a child in Soviet Russia and she saw it from a young age. I agree that if enough people see this movie or read her book, it will definitely be a game changer. I want it shown everywhere. BTW- the French at that time, would not allow her book to be printed in the French language as they were socialists.
You didn't type that with a straight face.

AGW is outright fraud. A scam to bilk people.

WERE melting.

The issue is not that the climate changes, the climate has been in a state of change for 4.5 billion years on this planet. The fraud is in the claim of causation.

Gore used a fraud created by Jones and Mann to bilk billions of dollars from tax payers and consumers.

Mann observed a trend and leveraged it to defraud suckers.

Now the cycle has shifted, and the frauds are exposed.

The cycle has shifted, has it? Have levels of CO2 and other GHGs in the atmosphere been going down? We know they trap energy so, if there indeed has been a shift, they should be going down, right? How about showing us THAT data? I don't really believe you know much about the subject, except what's been spoon-fed to you by the talking heads. A good way of telling one's level of knowledge is by what's discussed. Those who know the subject discuss the data. Those who don't, discuss Gore. :eusa_hand:

have you read the book ?? we have to ask now cause people haven't been reading the book. do you really still belive in "global warming" cause by man ?

I don't think a planet can have this many humans added to it, each one having to have the latest in industrial and scientific technology to support its existence, without it having a major effect on the environmental structure of Planet Earth itself. To me, it's a no-brainer.


World population from 1800 to 2100, based on UN 2004 projections
(red, orange, green) and US Census Bureau historical estimates
Konradv... can't win in the environmental forum, so he drags is whacko cult faith into other threads to 'win' there.

Come on now... scream 'Victory is Mine' like a good little Stewie.

Unlike the ones who post their own *proof* that it's junk science, huh?
So it's a relgion now?

It's never been anything other than a religion.

You have no scientific basis for what you're saying except to regurgitate what you've heard.

Irony - it's what makes you loons fun to mock.

You can save your question,

Couldn't find a verse to respond, huh?

What happens if CO2 keeps going up and absorbs more and more radiation?

What happens if the watermelon keeps growing and becomes bigger than the sun?

Your question reveals the utter lack of comprehension you have of the subject.

Say, which absorbs more infrared energy, water vapor or CO2 based on PPM? Check that spectrograph...


If warmists could pass even third grade science, they would be forced to reject their silly religion.

Mock away. It's not going to change MY mind, since I choose to believe the thousands of scientists, NOAA, and their computer models over any of your so-called *proof*. Did you ever ask yourself what the fate of earth would really be if you're actually wrong? The global warming thing is simply a topic that should be dealt with in a PROactive manner, just in case all those computer models are correct.
Konradv... can't win in the environmental forum, so he drags is whacko cult faith into other threads to 'win' there.

Come on now... scream 'Victory is Mine' like a good little Stewie.

Unlike the ones who post their own *proof* that it's junk science, huh?
Obviously you've not read the decimation of his points in the environmental forum. Please, have fun looking it up. I've neither the time nor inclination to go posting links for you. I've pointed you in the right direction and that's more than enough.
Konradv... can't win in the environmental forum, so he drags is whacko cult faith into other threads to 'win' there.

Come on now... scream 'Victory is Mine' like a good little Stewie.

Unlike the ones who post their own *proof* that it's junk science, huh?
Obviously you've not read the decimation of his points in the environmental forum. Please, have fun looking it up. I've neither the time nor inclination to go posting links for you. I've pointed you in the right direction and that's more than enough.

If you're talking about Al Gore's book, yes, there are controversial points. If you're talking about global warming in general, I stand by my position.
Unlike the ones who post their own *proof* that it's junk science, huh?
Obviously you've not read the decimation of his points in the environmental forum. Please, have fun looking it up. I've neither the time nor inclination to go posting links for you. I've pointed you in the right direction and that's more than enough.

If you're talking about Al Gore's book, yes, there are controversial points. If you're talking about global warming in general, I stand by my position.
yeah yeah... okay.

So, if I'm reading this right, Ayn Rand believed or didn't believe in global warming.


I assumed that the person who noted that was being sarcastic.

At least I hope that was his intent.
Obviously you've not read the decimation of his points in the environmental forum. Please, have fun looking it up. I've neither the time nor inclination to go posting links for you. I've pointed you in the right direction and that's more than enough.

If you're talking about Al Gore's book, yes, there are controversial points. If you're talking about global warming in general, I stand by my position.
yeah yeah... okay.


Cute, but "An Inconvenient Truth" isn't the bible that I rely on.
If you're talking about Al Gore's book, yes, there are controversial points. If you're talking about global warming in general, I stand by my position.
yeah yeah... okay.


Cute, but "An Inconvenient Truth" isn't the bible that I rely on.
As long as you don't trust anything from Hansen or Mann or the IPCC.

Climategate and admissions made by the head of the IPCC have proven those data sets are corrupted.
yeah yeah... okay.


Cute, but "An Inconvenient Truth" isn't the bible that I rely on.
As long as you don't trust anything from Hansen or Mann or the IPCC.

Climategate and admissions made by the head of the IPCC have proven those data sets are corrupted.

You mean the arctic ice shelfs aren't melting? That Italy and Switzerland won't be redrawing their boundaries because the Alps are melting? Oh whew...
Cute, but "An Inconvenient Truth" isn't the bible that I rely on.
As long as you don't trust anything from Hansen or Mann or the IPCC.

Climategate and admissions made by the head of the IPCC have proven those data sets are corrupted.

You mean the arctic ice shelfs aren't melting? That Italy and Switzerland won't be redrawing their boundaries because the Alps are melting? Oh whew...

the alps.... are melting.....
so begins the next age of global warming.... lovely
Cute, but "An Inconvenient Truth" isn't the bible that I rely on.
As long as you don't trust anything from Hansen or Mann or the IPCC.

Climategate and admissions made by the head of the IPCC have proven those data sets are corrupted.

You mean the arctic ice shelfs aren't melting? That Italy and Switzerland won't be redrawing their boundaries because the Alps are melting? Oh whew...
Yeah, go find some of Westwall's threads on the glaciers to educate yourself. He's done stellar work debunking the global receding icepack.
I don't think a planet can have this many humans added to it, each one having to have the latest in industrial and scientific technology to support its existence, without it having a major effect on the environmental structure of Planet Earth itself. To me, it's a no-brainer.

And we finally get to the truth of it, the left is ultimately a death cult.

Blow all the smoke and bullshit away and the truth of the agenda is revealed, the lust for mass murder, the desire to slaughter your fellow humans.

In the best of Rand's work, she wrote "The most insidious thing about the Soviet system was not that they would kill people, but that they denied life to we, the living." (From "We, the Living.")

The ultimate truth of the left is hatred for life, all else is simply a veneer to cover the fact that the goal of the left is to slaughter as many humans as possible.
I don't think a planet can have this many humans added to it, each one having to have the latest in industrial and scientific technology to support its existence, without it having a major effect on the environmental structure of Planet Earth itself. To me, it's a no-brainer.

And we finally get to the truth of it, the left is ultimately a death cult.

Blow all the smoke and bullshit away and the truth of the agenda is revealed, the lust for mass murder, the desire to slaughter your fellow humans.

In the best of Rand's work, she wrote "The most insidious thing about the Soviet system was not that they would kill people, but that they denied life to we, the living." (From "We, the Living.")

The ultimate truth of the left is hatred for life, all else is simply a veneer to cover the fact that the goal of the left is to slaughter as many humans as possible.

soylent green again....

if we do this and tap the earth for energy, for fun, and to cool us off, we should be fine.

and.. from the hit michael moore movie farrakhan 911 (actually it was bowling for concubines)

"FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS".... same guy, what a coincidence...

apparently , according to some people who were there, sloppy filmmaker michael moore did a little fancy cutting to change the meaning of the events. (deceitful) moore has a long record of lying about the truth in his movies. (michael moore hates america)
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Mock away. It's not going to change MY mind,

No more than an expose of L. Ron Hubbard will change the mind of Tom Cruise.

since I choose to believe the thousands of scientists,

You choose to believe your priests and mullahs and ignore tens of thousands of scientists who tell you that science doesn't involve a conclusion that we force theories to adapt to.

Did you ever ask yourself what the fate of earth would really be if you're actually wrong?

Oh my allah, I hadn't thought of that.

So what your saying is that if we DON'T sacrifice our virgin daughters to the volcano god, the anger of Giai will be so great that she will not only destroy me, but the entire globe?

Well, it's so original that I could hardly NOT believe it....


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