"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

Atlas Shrugged has to be one of the most boring novels ever written. It goes on for over a thousand pages repeating the same thing over and over again. It doesn't have a single fully developed character, only caricatures. Started it in college and wondered why I never finished it. Thirty years later I did and know why. It stinks!!! The book isn't prophetic, it's a political screed masquerading as a novel, a very poor one at that.

It's so easy to spot the socialist, Marxist, one-worlders in here.
Atlas Shrugged has to be one of the most boring novels ever written. It goes on for over a thousand pages repeating the same thing over and over again. It doesn't have a single fully developed character, only caricatures. Started it in college and wondered why I never finished it. Thirty years later I did and know why. It stinks!!! The book isn't prophetic, it's a political screed masquerading as a novel, a very poor one at that.

No doubt Das Kapital was a damn fine read though...

It didn't try to masquerade as a novel. That all you got to say? A "you're a commie" one-liner?!?! Get back to us when you've got something of substance to say. :eusa_hand:

"You're a commie" sounds very sustainable to me.
Atlas Shrugged has to be one of the most boring novels ever written. It goes on for over a thousand pages repeating the same thing over and over again. It doesn't have a single fully developed character, only caricatures. Started it in college and wondered why I never finished it. Thirty years later I did and know why. It stinks!!! The book isn't prophetic, it's a political screed masquerading as a novel, a very poor one at that.

You got that right.

I had to read that book in High School. I had to finish it and do a book report on it. They would have frowned on a one pager "It Sucks" LOL

I am an avid reader but had all I could do to get through that crappy book.

Jesus. Boredom plus.

Claudette, you're disappointing me.
Atlas Shrugged has to be one of the most boring novels ever written. It goes on for over a thousand pages repeating the same thing over and over again. It doesn't have a single fully developed character, only caricatures. Started it in college and wondered why I never finished it. Thirty years later I did and know why. It stinks!!! The book isn't prophetic, it's a political screed masquerading as a novel, a very poor one at that.

You got that right.

I had to read that book in High School. I had to finish it and do a book report on it. They would have frowned on a one pager "It Sucks" LOL

I am an avid reader but had all I could do to get through that crappy book.

Jesus. Boredom plus.

P.S. I am surprised to learn that a school system would foster the reading of such anti-liberal anathema. Must have been a private school.
I have long been an Ayn Rand advocate and supporter. There is a movie based on one of her books, "The Fountainhead" and I loved watching it 3 times, from Netflix. Some great actors. Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal ( in her debut performance). HOT movie.

Humm...I've never heard of this movie, I'm going to have to check it out.

Man, you're way behind the times.
I have long been an Ayn Rand advocate and supporter. There is a movie based on one of her books, "The Fountainhead" and I loved watching it 3 times, from Netflix. Some great actors. Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal ( in her debut performance). HOT movie.

Humm...I've never heard of this movie, I'm going to have to check it out.

the fountainhead is awesome too, there aren't too many movies i'll watch in black and white.
she didn't write many novels. we the living...
you might also check out some of the interviews with ayn...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ukJiBZ8_4k]YouTube - Ayn Rand Mike Wallace Interview 1959 part 1[/ame]

live television...

"Anthem" was another of her novels, and then there is the non-fictional "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," "The Virtue of Selfishness," and "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology." I think "Anthem" was supposed to be a fictionalized account of her early life.
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"Anthem" was another of her novels, and then there is the non-fictional "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," "The Virtue of Selfishness," and "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology." I think "Anthem" was supposed to be a fictionalized account of her early life.

You are confusing "Anthem" with "We, the living" which was a horrific look at life in Lenin's USSR, including the mass starvation of St. Petersburg in 1923, when the attempt at full Communism was made.
Great Book for sure. But be very careful and wary on this one. Liberal Hollywood could be playing another dirty trick on you. Anything produced in Liberal Hollywood should be viewed with much caution. They'll likely try and spin it in a negative light which favors their Socialist/Progressive political ideology. That's what most Liberal Hollywood productions do. So don't be surprised if they ruin it and present the opposite spin on this Ayn Rand Masterpiece. Could be just another Liberal Hollywood dirty trick. I hope not though. It really is a great work.
One of the great novelists of all time was Mickey Spillane.

He said, "I write the first chapter so you will by the book and the last chapter so you will buy my next book."

He also said,"I don't have fans, I have customers and customers are my friends!"
I'm always very skeptical of anything Liberal Hollywood produces. They always put their Socialist/Progressive spin in their productions. So i could see them completely ruining this great work. They'll likely spin Rand's work into some kind of typical Liberal Hollywood propaganda film. It could very well end up being an Anti-Ayn Rand film. I wouldn't be surprised. Liberal Hollywood aint got nothin on Joseph Goebbels.
Great Book for sure. But be very careful and wary on this one. Liberal Hollywood could be playing another dirty trick on you. Anything produced in Liberal Hollywood should be viewed with much caution. They'll likely try and spin it in a negative light which favors their Socialist/Progressive political ideology. That's what most Liberal Hollywood productions do. So don't be surprised if they ruin it and present the opposite spin on this Ayn Rand Masterpiece. Could be just another Liberal Hollywood dirty trick. I hope not though. It really is a great work.

rest easy, i've just seen it... it's great... it's an indie film, can't wait to see it again and again, it's true to form, a well done film to be sure.
it's a limited opening, my sources tell me that hollywood hates it.


all they have to do it create a buzz, which they have. the real scope of this indie project will come in the form of dvd, sales and accessability to the public, just like in the book.
the worst scenario nightmare for the dimocrats will be when the movie's a hit and obama doesn't get re-elected. part of winning the future.

"The future is yesterday...". mR. thompson
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I'm always very skeptical of anything Liberal Hollywood produces. They always put their Socialist/Progressive spin in their productions. So i could see them completely ruining this great work. They'll likely spin Rand's work into some kind of typical Liberal Hollywood propaganda film. It could very well end up being an Anti-Ayn Rand film. I wouldn't be surprised. Liberal Hollywood aint got nothin on Joseph Goebbels.

Don't think much "Socialist/Progressive spin" will be on this movie....it seems major studio Hollywood already had a crack at it...but passed it up probably for political reasons...too bad for them because i think this movie will be a major blockbuster...shades of The Passion...
The movie was budgeted at perhaps $70 million. They got Geyer Kosinski, the manager of Angelina Jolie, as well as Jolie herself and a number of other stars connected to the project.

Unfortunately, the leadership at that studio couldn’t see fit to carry out that vision of the movie. Ultimately, whether it was politics or something about the storyline or whatever, they didn’t want to put the capital behind the project.

After that John Aglialoro financed it himself...and he is an Ayn Rand aficionado...
Who is John Aglialoro? Probably no one since Ayn Rand has invested so much in Atlas Shrugged. For nearly two decades he has championed the novel — financially, intellectually, logistically — because he was determined to make a movie that would do justice to Rand’s masterpiece.

Ranked by Forbes Small Business as the 10th richest executive of any small publicly-traded company (revenues under $200 million) in 2007, Aglialoro is one of those rare corporate executives who fully “gets” the philosophical message in Atlas Shrugged. And he wants the rest of the world to get it, too — by seeing it on the big screen.

John Aglialoro on the Atlas Shrugged movie :: The Atlasphere

...I like that this movie (1st of a trilogy) is opening on April 15th...Tax Day....quite appropriate...
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Should you trust the philosophy of a woman who looks like Peter Lorre?





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