"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

If something as simple as a movie could change the face of American politics, It would have happened with Orwell's 1984. I would love for it to change. I just don't believe it will. Why continue to produce, when it's easier to collect from the State?
What will change American politics? The collapse of the USD. We cannot keep financing the military industrial complex and the social welfare state.
If something as simple as a movie could change the face of American politics, It would have happened with Orwell's 1984.

The first film of 1984 was poorly done. The later version was much better but not timely after the fall of the USSR.

What will change American politics? The collapse of the USD. We cannot keep financing the military industrial complex and the social welfare state.

You would be amazed.

We sit at the brink of an economic revolution that will dwarf even the digital revolution. It will change the world and boost the US economy into the stratosphere. I speak of biotechnology, the epicenter of which is in the USA.

We are on the brink of the golden age, economically speaking.
I enjoyed reading Atlas Shrugged, but the novel, for its purposes, fails to deliver. Rand take unbelievable characters and puts them into unbelievable scenarios, with the result of what is an unbelievable outcome. One thing I found very curious is Rand's inconsistent portrayal of the general public and public sentiment. On one hand she portrays the public as knowing, understanding, and even demanding the ideals represented by her protagonists and shows them as being frequently moved into action, like in the frequent abandonment of jobs, including railroad jobs, by many people across Rand's United States. But when it suits her she subsequently portrays the public as mindless and ignorant masses, lazy and entitled to a such a gross degree it is difficult to say whether they or the primary antagonists are the embodiment of the evil Rand suggests exists.

Rand's proper characters, both antagonists and protagonists alike, are written as if being embodies metaphors for the supreme purity of concepts Rand wished to present. This makes them believable in the Rand universe similar to how Gollum is a believable character within the LOTR universe, but unbelievable as characters that might exist in reality. While Rand does an excellent job of presenting a thoroughly thought out narrative and maintains a steady pace of developing the complexity of the plot as the story unfolds, in the end the plot itself, its developments, and Rand's suggestion about how our world might go if we so allowed it, only exists because it was so written.
Very well said.

The movie looks like a marriage of Sci-Fi & Lifetime, resulting in one big B-Movie that slipped through the cracks and fell through to limited theaters in Far RW towns, cities and states.

Atlas Shrugged has to be one of the most boring novels ever written. It goes on for over a thousand pages repeating the same thing over and over again. It doesn't have a single fully developed character, only caricatures. Started it in college and wondered why I never finished it. Thirty years later I did and know why. It stinks!!! The book isn't prophetic, it's a political screed masquerading as a novel, a very poor one at that.

You got that right.

I had to read that book in High School. I had to finish it and do a book report on it. They would have frowned on a one pager "It Sucks" LOL

I am an avid reader but had all I could do to get through that crappy book.

Jesus. Boredom plus.

P.S. I am surprised to learn that a school system would foster the reading of such anti-liberal anathema. Must have been a private school.

I was also forced to read Atlas Shrugged in public school.

Awful book.

I can't wait for the three-hour speech though. I guess they're gonna have make it it's own movie....
Rand's message in ATlas Shrugged was revolutionary.

And just in case some of you have yet to get it?

Her proposed revolution is being done right before your very eyes.

AT minimum the first shots were fired when Ronald Regan took office.

And the war continues to be waged through legislation designed to bankrupt the government AND the American middle class, too.

And about half the posters here approve of this revolution, too, far as I can tell.

The only question in my mind is this: How many of you people really approve of the END GAME of this revolution?

Not many of you would be my guess.

Most of you people really do love this nation and do think that the Randian plan will serve it.

You're wrong, but at least you're wrong for the right reasons.
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Rand's message in ATlas Shrugged was revolutionary.

And just in case some of you have yet to get it?

Her proposed revolution is being done right before your very eyes.

AT minimum the first shots were fired when Ronald Regan took office.

And the war continues to be waged through legislation designed to bankrupt the government AND the American middle class, too.

And about half the posters here approve of this revolution, too, far as I can tell.

The only question in my mind is this: How many of you people really approve of the END GAME of this revolution?

Not many of you would be my guess.

Most of you people really do love this nation and do think that the Randian plan will serve it.

You're wrong, but at least you're wrong for the right reasons.

Ayn Rand philosophy is being applied by invader Mexicans. Steal everything you can and take no responsibility for anything. Lets see how long the world can last on that.
Rand's message in ATlas Shrugged was revolutionary.

And just in case some of you have yet to get it?

Her proposed revolution is being done right before your very eyes.

AT minimum the first shots were fired when Ronald Regan took office.

And the war continues to be waged through legislation designed to bankrupt the government AND the American middle class, too.

And about half the posters here approve of this revolution, too, far as I can tell.

The only question in my mind is this: How many of you people really approve of the END GAME of this revolution?

Not many of you would be my guess.

Most of you people really do love this nation and do think that the Randian plan will serve it.

You're wrong, but at least you're wrong for the right reasons.

Ayn Rand philosophy is being applied by invader Mexicans. Steal everything you can and take no responsibility for anything. Lets see how long the world can last on that.

""a thousand seniors a day are dying of starvation, some in my district, some are messageboard racists, and some are killing babies, and defenseless bunny rabbits" nancy pelosi
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The movie looks like a marriage of Sci-Fi & Lifetime, resulting in one big B-Movie that slipped through the cracks and fell through to limited theaters in Far RW towns, cities and states.


Yeah, nameless backwaters like Los Angeles and New York...

When one lets partisanship rather than intellect define ones post - we get idiocy like you posted....
Ayn Rand philosophy is being applied by invader Mexicans. Steal everything you can and take no responsibility for anything. Lets see how long the world can last on that.

Rand had one simple message, you must offer equal value for what you demand. The most ethical act is the trade of value for value.

It is you of the left who seek to offer the threat of violence in exchange for value, or the use of fraud to take what you didn't earn. Rand advocated that one never take what one had not earned. This is a concept you of the left cannot grasp. You believe yourselves entitled by your need to take what you desire.
Ayn Rand philosophy is being applied by invader Mexicans. Steal everything you can and take no responsibility for anything. Lets see how long the world can last on that.

Rand had one simple message, you must offer equal value for what you demand. The most ethical act is the trade of value for value.

It is you of the left who seek to offer the threat of violence in exchange for value, or the use of fraud to take what you didn't earn. Rand advocated that one never take what one had not earned. This is a concept you of the left cannot grasp. You believe yourselves entitled by your need to take what you desire.

damn... you're good..... it's as if she's in the room.
The movie looks like a marriage of Sci-Fi & Lifetime, resulting in one big B-Movie that slipped through the cracks and fell through to limited theaters in Far RW towns, cities and states.


Yeah, nameless backwaters like Los Angeles and New York...

When one lets partisanship rather than intellect define ones post - we get idiocy like you posted....

Are you really that dumb or just completely dense?

LA and NYC ALWAYS have and feature films that can be seen almost NO WHERE else in the country.

I lived over a decade in NYC, I used to be quite the film buff. Watching rare international and indie films that get released in limited cities. So I think I know a little of what I speak.

How many theaters is this flick being released in?

Can you tell me that?

Here in Atlanta. GA...a RW bastion...its only in ONE theater on the 15th.

What does that tell you?

You far RWers really are a piece of work.

Are you really that dumb or just completely dense?

LA and NYC ALWAYS have and feature films that can be seen almost NO WHERE else in the country.

So then, what you had posted was complete bullshit and really fucking stupid.

That was kind of my point.

How many theaters is this flick being released in?

I have no idea. It IS an independent film, no one is claiming otherwise. Obviously the Hollywood left isn't going to produce Rand's ideas.

What does that tell you?

Not much.

The Passion of the Christ was supposed to be a major flop as well.

How did that work out for you of the extreme left?
Are you really that dumb or just completely dense?

LA and NYC ALWAYS have and feature films that can be seen almost NO WHERE else in the country.

So then, what you had posted was complete bullshit and really fucking stupid.

That was kind of my point.

How many theaters is this flick being released in?

I have no idea. It IS an independent film, no one is claiming otherwise. Obviously the Hollywood left isn't going to produce Rand's ideas.

What does that tell you?

Not much.

The Passion of the Christ was supposed to be a major flop as well.

How did that work out for you of the extreme left?

I saw the Passion of Christ in the theaters twice.

I have it on DVD and watch it periodically.

I read my bible and had personal devotion before leaving for work this morning.

Don't ASS.ume.
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Are you really that dumb or just completely dense?

LA and NYC ALWAYS have and feature films that can be seen almost NO WHERE else in the country.

So then, what you had posted was complete bullshit and really fucking stupid.

That was kind of my point.

I have no idea. It IS an independent film, no one is claiming otherwise. Obviously the Hollywood left isn't going to produce Rand's ideas.

What does that tell you?
Not much.

The Passion of the Christ was supposed to be a major flop as well.

How did that work out for you of the extreme left?

I saw the Passion of Christ in the theaters twice.

I have it on DVD and watch it periodically.

I read my bible and had personal devotion before leaving for work this morning.

Don't ASS.ume.
Firefly is better, especially the 'fix the bible' part. :lol:

PS: Most of the 'extreme left' are hypocrites, many don't really know what they are standing for means living a minimalist life style, not wasting money on XBOX and computer games (which communist groups in fact do spend their money on). ;)
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Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston and NYC Among First to Screen Film
ShareThis Email PDF Print Atlas Shrugged opens in theaters April 15th
We are rapidly booking theaters and look forward to announcing more over the next several weeks. Culver City, CA (Vocus/PRWEB) March 01, 2011

The Strike Productions, Inc. and Rocky Mountain Pictures today announced the eleven markets ATLAS SHRUGGED PART 1 will premiere on April 15, 2011.

The initial markets include Los Angeles (Orange County), San Francisco, Seattle, Philadelphia, Washington DC, New York City, South Florida, Boston, Denver, Dallas and Chicago.

“We are rapidly booking theaters and look forward to announcing more over the next several weeks. We’re off to a great start.” said Randy Slaughter of Rocky Mountain Pictures.

“Each of these initial markets have huge fan bases for Ayn Rand’s novel, and we’re thrilled to bring our film to them first,” according to Harmon Kaslow, the film’s producer.

“Fans will also be very excited to know they will have the opportunity to pre-purchase tickets very soon at our web site.” affirmed Kaslow.

ATLAS SHRUGGED PART I, a movie based on the Part I of Ayn Rand’s epic novel "Atlas Shrugged", is scheduled to open in limited release on April 15, 2011. For more information, visit Atlas Shrugged Movie - The Official Atlas Shrugged Movie Web Site.

About “The Strike” Productions:
“The Strike” Productions, Inc. was created by producers John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow as a new production company for the sole purpose of producing a trilogy of films based on Ayn Rand’s epic novel, "Atlas Shrugged." For more information, visit Atlas Shrugged Movie - The Official Atlas Shrugged Movie Web Site

About Rocky Mountain Pictures
Rocky Mountain Pictures is a “distributor for hire” who acts as a liaison between the independent producer/distributor and the exhibitors. For more information, visit Rocky Mountain Pictures | Upcoming Releases
I saw the Passion of Christ in the theaters twice.


That doesn't alter at all the fact that the left was claiming that an independent film, entirely in Aramaic, would be an utter and complete flop.

The claim of Atlas being a flop will be similar.

What will hurt this film is the length - what will save it is Netflix.
I saw the Passion of Christ in the theaters twice.


That doesn't alter at all the fact that the left was claiming that an independent film, entirely in Aramaic, would be an utter and complete flop.

The claim of Atlas being a flop will be similar.

What will hurt this film is the length - what will save it is Netflix.

it's amazing... atlas shrugged the movie will be the first film of social significance that will be available to anyone who wants to see it. the tech age is a beautiful methaphor and tribute to rand's philosophy and assertion that man is most creative when not stifled by the heavy hammer and anvil of government oppression.
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Are you really that dumb or just completely dense?

LA and NYC ALWAYS have and feature films that can be seen almost NO WHERE else in the country.

So then, what you had posted was complete bullshit and really fucking stupid.

That was kind of my point.

How many theaters is this flick being released in?

I have no idea. It IS an independent film, no one is claiming otherwise. Obviously the Hollywood left isn't going to produce Rand's ideas.

What does that tell you?

Not much.

The Passion of the Christ was supposed to be a major flop as well.

How did that work out for you of the extreme left?

will Galt's rant against mysticism and the sacrificial mentality it spawns resonate with the same crowd? Oh, the irony! :lol:
I saw the Passion of Christ in the theaters twice.


That doesn't alter at all the fact that the left was claiming that an independent film, entirely in Aramaic, would be an utter and complete flop.

The claim of Atlas being a flop will be similar.

What will hurt this film is the length - what will save it is Netflix.

it's amazing... atlas shrugged the movie will be the first film of social significance that will be available to anyone who wants to see it. the tech age is a beautiful methaphor and tribute to rand's philosophy and assertion that man is most creative when not stifled by the heavy hammer and anvil of government oppression.

This is the funniest thing I've read all day.

"the first film of social significance that will be available to anyone who wants to see it.."

Do you work for the distribution company? That's the only explanation I can come up with your emotional investment in this movie. Either that, or you're such a Randite fanboy that you're busting in your jeans over anything with her name on it.

Atlas Shrugged is a vanity project funded by a single man, starring b-actors from bad television shows. It's not going to "change" anything.

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