"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

For those Tea Partiers on the edge of their seats, waiting to find out what happens in the next two installments of the Atlas Shrugged movie series -- they may not want to hold their breath.

John Aglialoro, the producer, distributor, and financier of the first Atlas Shrugged movie, says he's reconsidering his plans, thanks to scathing reviews from movie critics (and TPM). "Critics, you won," he told the Los Angeles Times. "I'm having deep second thoughts on why I should do Part 2."

Atlas Shrugged: Part One opened April 15 on 299 screens. The Times reports:

"Atlas Shrugged" was the top-grossing limited release in its opening weekend, generating $1.7 million on 299 screens and earning a respectable $5,640 per screen. But the box office dropped off 47% in the film's second week in release even as "Atlas Shrugged" expanded to 425 screens.The Tea Party group Freedomworks helped push to get it distributed to those 299 screens, and Aglialoro was hoping to expand to 1000 if the box office returns were strong enough. So far the movie's made $3.1 million -- which is not very strong at all.

"Why should I put up all of that money if the critics are coming in like lemmings?" Aglialoro, said. "I'll make my money back and I'll make a profit, but do I wanna go and do two? Maybe I just wanna see my grandkids and go on strike."

Tea Party's Hopes For Atlas Shrugged Trilogy Foiled By Terrible Reviews | TPMDC

Good. I'm glad someone else is going to get fucked. I'm still pissed the AMCTV cancelled 'Rubicon'.:lol:
Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?
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Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?


You've never read Rand. You are just another ignorant leftist attacking that which you don't and can't understand.
Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?

Conservatives pretend to 'get' Ayn Rand the way some people pretend to 'get' opera.

They think it makes them look smart.
Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?

How can people like you insist the opposite? That I owe you something for nothing? That you have an inherent right to anything of mine? How can people believe such ridiculous crap?
Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?

How can people like you insist the opposite? That I owe you something for nothing? That you have an inherent right to anything of mine? How can people believe such ridiculous crap?

Why does contributing to the society through taxes always come down to "you are robbing what is mine and giving it to those who don't deserve it"??

God Damnit.....They take money from me for roads that I don't use and give it to others FOR FREE

Where is Ayn Rand when we need her?
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And if anyone wanted to see a successful version of the world that her opposition would like to live in... oh wait, there ain't one. :razz:

Sure there is;

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) - IMDb

The dream of leftists everywhere.

Funny you should mention 1984

“First I spent five years in an unsuitable profession (the Indian Imperial Police, in Burma), and then I underwent poverty and the sense of failure. This increased my natural hatred of authority and made me for the first time fully aware of the existence of the working classes, and the job in Burma had given me some understanding of the nature of imperialism: but these experiences were not enough to give me an accurate political orientation. Then came Hitler, the Spanish Civil War, etc. By the end of 1935 I had still failed to reach a firm decision.”
He goes on to say;
“The Spanish war and other events in 1936-37 turned the scale and thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.”


Once again we see that a self proclaiming conservative clearly doesn't have fucking clue what the fuck he is talking about.

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Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?

How can people like you insist the opposite? That I owe you something for nothing? That you have an inherent right to anything of mine? How can people believe such ridiculous crap?

Why does contributing to the society through taxes always come down to "you are robbing what is mine and giving it to those who don't deserve it"??

God Damnit.....They take money from me for roads that I don't use and give it to others FOR FREE

Where is Ayn Rand when we need her?

That isn't what it comes down to. Bones, insisted that Rands philosophy was ridiculous. Well the alternative to a philosophy where one does not have any inherent right to someone elses property is one where one DOES have an inherent right to someone elses property. And I find the later to be a far bigger load of 'jabberwocky' than the former.
Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?


You've never read Rand. You are just another ignorant leftist attacking that which you don't and can't understand.

I agree 100% and have read Rand. How's that, Sparky? Your little jibes are beyond worthless, much like Rand's philosophy.

You want the REAL story on Objectivism, check out this site. It goes beyond the fantasies of the Randites and puts things in perspective.

Critiques Of Libertarianism: Criticisms of Objectivism (or Ayn Rand).
Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?

How can people like you insist the opposite? That I owe you something for nothing? That you have an inherent right to anything of mine? How can people believe such ridiculous crap?

Why does contributing to the society through taxes always come down to "you are robbing what is mine and giving it to those who don't deserve it"??

God Damnit.....They take money from me for roads that I don't use and give it to others FOR FREE

Where is Ayn Rand when we need her?

If you had even bothered to read the first 100 pages of AS, you would know that the plot has nothing to do with taxation. In the book, the government confiscates the rights of business owners to even own their own businesses. It is not about providing for society via taxation of anywhere from 1-99%, it is the complete elimination of property rights all together.

Big difference even from the social program fiasco that we have today.

Ayn Rand was quite a demented soul. Only a sociopath extols the virtues of selfishness and lambastes altruism. Moreover, her prose was stilted and beyond boring. How can people seriously latch on to such bogus jabberwocky?

Conservatives pretend to 'get' Ayn Rand the way some people pretend to 'get' opera.

They think it makes them look smart.
Unlike on the left... not everything is spin and lies to cover their political realities.

Orwell said it best.

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength

Nice to see they're living up to this prediction.
Once again we see that a self proclaiming conservative clearly doesn't have fucking clue what the fuck he is talking about.


I need say nothing. Anyone with a modicum of knowledge of Orwell knows what a fool you made of yourself.
I agree 100% and have read Rand. How's that, Sparky?

If you make the utterly stupid statements which Bones did, then you too will find retort.

I don't care whether you agree or disagree with Rand. I DO object to those who falsely portray Objectivism based on talking ponts they really don't grasp.

You want the REAL story on Objectivism, check out this site.

Why don't YOU present your objections, rather than linking to one of the hate sites that substitutes for intellect among you drones?

Here is a small quote from Rand;

{"When you accept money in payment for your effort, you do so only on the conviction that you will exchange it for the product of the effort of others. It is not the moochers or the looters who give value to money. Not an ocean of tears nor all the guns in the world can transform those pieces of paper in your wallet into the bread you will need to survive tomorrow. Those pieces of paper, which should have been gold, are a token of honor – your claim upon the energy of the men who produce. Your wallet is your statement of hope that somewhere in the world around you there are men who will not default on that moral principle which is the root of money. Is this what you consider evil? }

Where is she wrong, drone?
I agree 100% and have read Rand. How's that, Sparky?

If you make the utterly stupid statements which Bones did, then you too will find retort.

I don't care whether you agree or disagree with Rand. I DO object to those who falsely portray Objectivism based on talking ponts they really don't grasp.

You want the REAL story on Objectivism, check out this site.

Why don't YOU present your objections, rather than linking to one of the hate sites that substitutes for intellect among you drones?

Here is a small quote from Rand;

{"When you accept money in payment for your effort, you do so only on the conviction that you will exchange it for the product of the effort of others. It is not the moochers or the looters who give value to money. Not an ocean of tears nor all the guns in the world can transform those pieces of paper in your wallet into the bread you will need to survive tomorrow. Those pieces of paper, which should have been gold, are a token of honor – your claim upon the energy of the men who produce. Your wallet is your statement of hope that somewhere in the world around you there are men who will not default on that moral principle which is the root of money. Is this what you consider evil? }

Where is she wrong, drone?
Hell, it'd be nice to see him present an original thought instead of parroting someone elses.

If wishes were horses.... Beggers would sleep in horsepoop.
I agree 100% and have read Rand. How's that, Sparky?

If you make the utterly stupid statements which Bones did, then you too will find retort.

I don't care whether you agree or disagree with Rand. I DO object to those who falsely portray Objectivism based on talking ponts they really don't grasp.

You want the REAL story on Objectivism, check out this site.

Why don't YOU present your objections, rather than linking to one of the hate sites that substitutes for intellect among you drones?

Here is a small quote from Rand;

{"When you accept money in payment for your effort, you do so only on the conviction that you will exchange it for the product of the effort of others. It is not the moochers or the looters who give value to money. Not an ocean of tears nor all the guns in the world can transform those pieces of paper in your wallet into the bread you will need to survive tomorrow. Those pieces of paper, which should have been gold, are a token of honor – your claim upon the energy of the men who produce. Your wallet is your statement of hope that somewhere in the world around you there are men who will not default on that moral principle which is the root of money. Is this what you consider evil? }

Where is she wrong, drone?
Hell, it'd be nice to see him present an original thought instead of parroting someone elses.

If wishes were horses.... Beggers would sleep in horsepoop.

You have to laugh that we've been here for 74 pages now and not a one of the bashers can muster an objective, rationale argument against her philosophy. I was actually discussing it with a good friend who is as liberal as liberal gets and asked him the same thing. He admitted that well he'd never actually read the book and his objection was based on what other people had said about her. He said, and I quote "I can't say specifically. I just don't like her." And that is essentially what we are getting here.
Well, I saw Atlas Shrugged for the second time, this afternoon. It is still only playing at one Theater in Queens County. Knowing exactly what to expect this time around, I actually caught more, and enjoyed it better than the first time I saw it on Opening day. The Cast did do a remarkable job of keeping true to form, and I thank them for it. You did make it about the Characters, not Yourselves or Self-Aggrandizement. Every one of you played your parts well. That is refreshing to see. I really hope the other two parts of the Trilogy come through. Something like this needs to be done right, or not attempted at all. You are off to a Great Start. Fuck the Numbers, The Novel Itself was not about Numbers, nor should the Numbers obstruct a project like this. It is not the detractors that lose when you give up, but those that are your supporters. You started this project out of Principle, Why abandon Principle now?
Again, the box-office results are in and again, Atlas Shrugged took a nosedive. The box office collapse continued in the third week of release. Instead of the 1000 screens the producers promised, the film ended April playing on 371 screens, with total sales on the third Friday down 58% from the previous Friday, marking the second consecutive week in which Friday ticket sales dropped more than 50% week over week.

The film dropped over 50% of its total weekend audience for the second time in a row as well to finish with less than half a million dollars ($403,000) and a drop in its per screen average to a pitiful thousand dollars a pop ($1,086).

After three weeks, the film has made back just $3.8 million of its $20 million dollar budget and plans to release it wider have been canceled due to its poor performance on even a limited number of screens. With the film set to recoup less than 25% of its budget, it's already one of the biggest flops of the year.

So, are the people who predicted a colossal success finally able to admit the film is dead and they were dead wrong, will you cling to the idea that I'm pronouncing it dead long before it's had a chance, or will you simply continue to avoid and ignore the thread like embarrassed cowards because things didn't go your way?
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Again, the box-office results are in and again, Atlas Shrugged took a nosedive. The box office collapse continued in the third week of release. Instead of the 1000 screens the producers promised, the film ended April playing on 371 screens, with total sales on the third Friday down 58% from the previous Friday, marking the second consecutive week in which Friday ticket sales dropped more than 50% week over week.

The film dropped over 50% of its total weekend audience for the second time in a row as well to finish with less than half a million dollars ($403,000) and a drop in its per screen average to a pitiful thousand dollars a pop ($1,086).

After three weeks, the film has made back just $3.8 million of its $20 million dollar budget and plans to release it wider have been canceled due to its poor performance on even a limited number of screens. With the film set to recoup less than 25% of its budget, it's already one of the biggest flops of the year.

So, are the people who predicted a colossal success finally able to admit the film is dead and they were dead wrong, will you cling to the idea that I'm pronouncing it dead long before it's had a chance, or will you simply continue to avoid and ignore the thread like embarrassed cowards because things didn't go your way?

I blame the Liberal Lamestream Media

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