Attack at Embasy

You base this metric on what, exactly?

dead americans abroad in 3 separate incidents in 3 months. Seems like they are not overly concerned about retaliation if you ask me.

I guess three attacks in three months is the new standard. Kinda like 11 or12% unemployment.

What about simultaneous attacks on 3 separate hotels in Jordan in 2004? Was that the new standard back then? Or 4 airplanes being used as missiles in 2001?
The truth is that terriots are getting bolder. And why not? I mean it is the perfect time, America is fighting wars in other countrys, and the nation is at war with its self (the donkeys and elephants) No one would know what to do, and so terriots would have a very good chance at destroying western civilzation as we know it.
I guess we'll find out by his actions....or lack thereof.

What actions did we take after the terror attacks in Saudi Arabia in 2004?

Why do you keep trying to deflect?
It's obvious to anyone who watches the news that there has been a rash of attacks recently. For you to say otherwise is ridiculous.

And there have been a rash of attacks before and there will be in the future, no matter who is president.
Bush will be blamed. Of course. As Madeline Allbright said, the democrats plan to blame Bush forever. The actual cause is the unwillingness of the obama regime to act. Americans are fair game and mostly designed to be sitting ducks. I see that the State Department is investigating this attack. Those would be the same people investigating or not investigating the attack in Benghazi. So we KNOW that nothing will happen, no one will be arrested, and the encouragement to commit more attacks will go on.
So what more details are we getting on this.. I know it is a suicide bomber... but no real details

2 dead, one of them is the suicide bomber and the other one is a Turkish security personnel. It turns out the bomber was part of a leftist terrorist group.

So far these are the details.
We should send the same team that successfully didn't investigate Benghazi to Algeria to not investigate that attack too.

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