Attack in Nice, France

I spend a lot of time in Nice. And I have family and friends there. My heart is breaking again. Many children have been killed. For all the apologist assholes, GFYs.

What does GFYs mean?

Yes I know, it's very frustrating and again I feel furious at this slaughter of innocent people and yes many children are dead, our European brothers and sisters and at times like this I don't care, I just think round them all up and start shooting the POS.
The world is now getting a taste of what Israel has had to deal with for 60 years.

But but but, oh hold on, I forgot :eusa_doh:

What we need to do is start acting like the IDF does with these savages, we need to start demolishing them and if anyone doesn't like it, then tough, who cares what testicle-free bedwetters and Human Rights groups think? The same crowd who defend Hamas and Hezbollah I might add.

WHAT about OUR peoples' human rights? Our people have the human right not to get slaughtered by Islamic savages on our own European streets in our OWN nations.

It's time to stop talking and start acting, all these pathetic so-called Western leaders, all they do is talk and have more summits to discuss what to do and then they never do anything substantial, meanwhile whilst they're talking the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult are planning and executing more attacks slaughtering our peoples.

This is absolute Treason from the so-called Western leaders, it's their FIRST obligation to protect their respective peoples', all they care about is giving blow-job's to the Muslims saying "oh but not ALL the Muslims are Radical"

No not ALL the Muslims are Radical, but ALL the terrorists ARE Muslims. It's not rocket science.
If good Muslim Americans found out a bunch of their brothers and sisters who weren't born here were deported, they'll get over it. In fact I would hope they'd remember all the anti American shit their deported friends used to say and then warn their kids not to be anti American.

I am grateful we don't have any trouble in Dearborn, mi. I think things have been OK so far in America but if what happened in France happened here I bet ID feel differently.

I wonder how the French feel right now.

They have to round up either hundreds or thousands of these rabble rousers and send them back to where they came.

Imagine going from complaining about stupid lazy arrogant infidels in Milwaukee to living back in Pakistan with your uncle the goat farmer akmed

It's time to stop talking and start acting, all these pathetic so-called Western leaders, all they do is talk and have more summits to discuss what to do and then they never do anything substantial, meanwhile whilst they're talking the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult are planning and executing more attacks slaughtering our peoples.

This is absolute Treason from the so-called Western leaders, it's their FIRST obligation to protect their respective peoples', all they care about is giving blow-job's to the Muslims saying "oh but not ALL the Muslims are Radical"

No not ALL the Muslims are Radical, but ALL the terrorists ARE Muslims. It's not rocket science.
If good Muslim Americans found out a bunch of their brothers and sisters who weren't born here were deported, they'll get over it. In fact I would hope they'd remember all the anti American shit their deported friends used to say and then warn their kids not to be anti American.

I am grateful we don't have any trouble in Dearborn, mi. I think things have been OK so far in America but if what happened in France happened here I bet ID feel differently.

I wonder how the French feel right now.

They have to round up either hundreds or thousands of these rabble rousers and send them back to where they came.

Imagine going from complaining about stupid lazy arrogant infidels in Milwaukee to living back in Pakistan with your uncle the goat farmer akmed

This is coming to American cities, it's a cancer that's been allowed to spread.

Western peoples' are unprotected and vulnerable because there's no strong Western leadership anywhere.
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

That Hollande is a piece of....

Well ...........of excrement in all honesty.....pardon my pun intended.

Time for Marie Le Pen to defend France.:thup:
By all means elect the Nazi to defend France.

You ignorant Leftist, you know nothing about Marine Le Pen, you're just parroting the Propaganda garbage.

Who is defending France now? That's right NOBODY. The only crowd being defended are the Islamic filth who are being allowed whenever they want to murder French people.
Jean-Marie Le Pen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^ Her father was far-right and denied the holocaust .. Nazi.
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I agree with you whole heartedly re: merkle and he leanings when it comes to the best interest of the German People. I hope some of these folks take the time to read your post and learn how and why the German people are the way they are. Germany has paid a heavy price for the Third Reich. I was under the assumption that some of the restrictions had been softened. I know they have had a Military for over 50 years. Just exactly how Strac they are I don't know. While the forth and fifth generation is now the majority of the population of German People because of their open immigration the people have been watered down.
I enjoyed your post thoroughly...
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

That Hollande is a piece of....

Well ...........of excrement in all honesty.....pardon my pun intended.

Time for Marie Le Pen to defend France.:thup:
By all means elect the Nazi to defend France.

You ignorant Leftist, you know nothing about Marine Le Pen, you're just parroting the Propaganda garbage.

Who is defending France now? That's right NOBODY. The only crowd being defended are the Islamic filth who are being allowed whenever they want to murder French people.
Jean-Marie Le Pen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^ Her father was far-right and denied the holocaust .. Nazi.

Hey dumbo big deal, he's the father, he's NOT Marine Le Pen.

Typical Leftist ignorance.

I ask you AGAIN, or is this above the capacity of your 1.5 of a brain cell?

Who is defending France now? That's right NOBODY. The only crowd being defended are the Islamic filth who are being allowed whenever they want to murder French people.
Americans being reported among the victims. That makes 3 Islamo attacks murderering American citizens in the past month.
Used to be a day if you killed an American overseas there would be hell to pay.
After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
So should we start building concentration camps to house Muslim Americans?

But I would stop importing more than 100,000 a year. Just rich Arabs, Arabs with skills and some refuges
FDR would and did.
No one is going to say much if a bunch of radical Muslims are rounded up and sent back to their country of origin. There's 1 million people on the no fly list. Let's let them fly one last time.

What will Muslim Americans say? I would think they'd be grateful they were chosen to stay. That's an adjective Arabs don't understand. No Appreciation.
But we must bring more and more and more and more of these prehistoric people into the west, and if you don't go along with it you're a racist, a xenophobe, yada yada.
Have I told you lately just how much I hate liberals ?
Unrestricted immigration is a major plank in the DNC Campaign platform that Hillary happily campaigns on. She will bring in as many Muslims as humanly possible, while Obama empties GITMO.
Americans being reported among the victims. That makes 3 Islamo attacks murderering American citizens in the past month.
Used to be a day if you killed an American overseas there would be hell to pay.
Does France need our help again?
It's civilization vs Islam. Like I've said for a few years, it's WW3. Everyday a few more start to realize it.
Things are getting so bad I started watching out at crowded Gas stations thinking some nut going to spray/douse and light humans. I know a bit silly, but it looks so easy. Or worse, blow the storage. Pinpricks but could work for BLM or muzlim.
If only we knew where ISIS hangs out. If only there was a Capitol of the Islamic State we could bomb. im sure Obama would attack that city, wouldn't he? Just as soon as our military intelligence or the CIA locates their secret Capitol.

It's time to stop talking and start acting, all these pathetic so-called Western leaders, all they do is talk and have more summits to discuss what to do and then they never do anything substantial, meanwhile whilst they're talking the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult are planning and executing more attacks slaughtering our peoples.

This is absolute Treason from the so-called Western leaders, it's their FIRST obligation to protect their respective peoples', all they care about is giving blow-job's to the Muslims saying "oh but not ALL the Muslims are Radical"

No not ALL the Muslims are Radical, but ALL the terrorists ARE Muslims. It's not rocket science.
If good Muslim Americans found out a bunch of their brothers and sisters who weren't born here were deported, they'll get over it. In fact I would hope they'd remember all the anti American shit their deported friends used to say and then warn their kids not to be anti American.

I am grateful we don't have any trouble in Dearborn, mi. I think things have been OK so far in America but if what happened in France happened here I bet ID feel differently.

I wonder how the French feel right now.

They have to round up either hundreds or thousands of these rabble rousers and send them back to where they came.

Imagine going from complaining about stupid lazy arrogant infidels in Milwaukee to living back in Pakistan with your uncle the goat farmer akmed

This is coming to American cities, it's a cancer that's been allowed to spread.

Western peoples' are unprotected and vulnerable because there's no strong Western leadership anywhere.
We are fortunate that we have uncovered most plots. We have very good intelligence even you and I don't know about. They are listening to everything.

When you overpopulate a city with too many poor people who don't fit in and they are too good to wash dishes and think non Muslims are the enemy. Why let more in?
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

That Hollande is a piece of....

Well ...........of excrement in all honesty.....pardon my pun intended.

Time for Marie Le Pen to defend France.:thup:
By all means elect the Nazi to defend France.

The EU is following Hitlers German trajectory far more than any of the anti globalists you are whining about.
If only we knew where ISIS hangs out. If only there was a Capitol of the Islamic State we could bomb. im sure Obama would attack that city, wouldn't he?
Why aren't we building an army of all the men fleeing Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and send them back armed?

We gave Mexicans who served in the Iraq war citizenship. If an Arab wants citizenship they need to serve. And when Isis comes don't drop your weapons and run.

Hate Isis like you hate America.

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