Attack in Nice, France

the fucking left and their islam love-in, I hope most of the dead are lefties
I don't watch Hanity. I don't care for him all that much... Under the circumstances I have FNC on the tube. Newt is on Hanity and he is making more sense than I have heard in a long time. I really hope he finds a home in Trump's admin...
so.....Rifle in Orlando....49 dead.....

Truck in Paris....77 dead........

The anti gunners laughed at us when we said that you can kill just as many or more with a car or truck.....I wonder if they have stopped laughing.........

They still hate guns.......cause they are mentally handicapped....
What Islam is about:

I heard one of the guys from guantanamo he released is now back on the most wanted terrorist list. And he is trying to close it down and give the keys back to Cuba before the end of his term...
Any muslim terrorists held captive by any government need to be executed General Pershing style. This crap need to stop now. Send the message to these barbarians that it ends now. And while we are at it, nuke the savages in Iraq/Syria.
Any muslim terrorists held captive by any government need to be executed General Pershing style. This crap need to stop now. Send the message to these barbarians that it ends now. And while we are at it, nuke the savages in Iraq/Syria.
Not nuke but enough is enough.
It is reported that in a country that has completely banned rifles and pistols with detachable magazines...that the attacker was shooting from the assault truck as he ran people down....
The bastards will just lay low in France for a while, celebrating. PC politicians will let them roam free. They cause wasted resources or maybe strike elsewhere for a time.

Meanwhile, oblamo can't empty gitmo fast enuff. How bout hangings?
After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
So should we start building concentration camps to house Muslim Americans?

But I would stop importing more than 100,000 a year. Just rich Arabs, Arabs with skills and some refuges
No but I would definitely stop immigration.

This news is going to benefit trump.

Gee...why might Donald Trump benefit by yet ANOTHER fatal Islamic attack?
He said he'd stop immigration. Americans, even liberals like me, like that idea.

You know what my illegal immigrant Mexican said about Mexican Americans? They don't give a shit about illegals they'll vote for trump. Omg
After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
So should we start building concentration camps to house Muslim Americans?

But I would stop importing more than 100,000 a year. Just rich Arabs, Arabs with skills and some refuges

I'm so furious AGAIN because of this absolutely savagery, I'm up for camps and just shooting the bastards on the spot, where they stand.

Maybe if we rounded up say 5,000 of the POS and just machine-gunned them all live on television, it'd send these wastes of human skin the message that we're not taking this crap anymore.

Fuck the UN, Fuck Amnesty International, Fuck the Bedwetters and Fuck the Geneva Conventions.

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