Attack in Nice, France

And on Bastille Day, of all days.

The animals will not stop, they are coming out of every corner.
Their only agenda is death, their only ambition is death, their only goal is for you to die.

Pray for the ever increasing list of victims.
Protect yourself and your loved ones, in every and any way you can.

The Muslims in Marseille have caused shit for many years on Bastille Day, usually it's smashing up and setting cars on fire. Marseille, ie. the Crapheap of France and Islamic Hellhole HQ.
This is my drawing that was part of Pamela Geller's art exhibition in Garland Texas. The words in the image are Muhammad's. Don't know about you guys but I know who the enemy is.

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Didn't some Islamic attack get averted in Garland, Texas, people got their guns and shot the bastards I'm sure I heard this.


Yes. 2 Moslem terrorists attacked the facility and were shot dead by the police.
The American MSM is playing right into the hands of those responsible for this mayhem. We are giving them a blow-by-blow description of the the terror they created and are slapping each other and high-fivin' as the pandering talking heads pride themselves on using a French word (promanade) more than once to show how sophisticated they are.

Shephard Smith couldn't wait to show the bodies and blood in the streets - he is despicable in his own right. Fox News went to the dark side, too.

Instead of warning our young children at home that they are about to be exposed to gratuitous scenes of death and carnage and then allowing them to see it, THE MSM should act responsibly and black out the videos so that the enemy will not get the intel they hope for and we should not give grades to make them feel they have succeeded in killing more innocent people.

The media are scum. They are guilty of aiding and abetting this terror for the sake of ratings. We should be ashamed of ourselves but it's too late for that.
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

It was just a pinprick strike by a lone wolf Islamist again.

One sick puppy! Seek help!
France should gather every truck in the country, go house to house, loading up with Muslims and drive them out of the country. Dump them in some desert.

The truck driver was a 31 year old resident of Nice of Tunisian origin.

"The truck driver was a 31 year old resident of Nice of Tunisian origin."

Even if born in France, he and his family aren't French and can never be French or European, they are Tunisian, Tunisia is their DNA's nation, Tunisian is their culture and the culture and DNA of their Ancestors.

This crap about being born in a nation makes you of that nation, needs to stop, you are what your DNA is, the DNA of your Ancestry.
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

It was just a pinprick strike by a lone wolf Islamist again.

How the fuck do you know. And the families of the dead certainly don't think of it as a "pinprick", you ass.
This is my drawing that was part of Pamela Geller's art exhibition in Garland Texas. The words in the image are Muhammad's. Don't know about you guys but I know who the enemy is.

View attachment 81566

Is it treason that Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama steadfastly refuses to recognize the danger and do what is necessary to protect the world.
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I heard al queda had called for truck attacks such as this recently. Also france24 says the truck was loaded with heavy weapons, whatever that means. Anyone know? .
The Muslims in Marseille have caused shit for many years on Bastille Day, usually it's smashing up and setting cars on fire. Marseille, ie. the Crapheap of France and Islamic Hellhole HQ.

Home of Popeye Doyle's French Connection if I remember correctly...

Yes a great film "The French Connection II" is all based in Marseille and that was filmed in the mid-1970s and it was a Muslim crapheap then, now it's worse and aside from the actual city centre, Marseille is a No-Go Zone.
After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

It was just a pinprick strike by a lone wolf Islamist again.

How the fuck do you know. And the families of the dead certainly don't think of it as a "pinprick", you ass.

It's now 78 dead and 50 plus injured, 15 seriously, they're saying that many are children, it's beyond offensive to refer to this as a "pinprick", which is why I didn't even bother responding to yiostheoy's comments.
Fucking muslim sub-human scum!
I used to live a few miles from Nice.
The muslims have destroyed Nice!
They destroy everywhere they go!
Time for WAR!
Kick EVERY fuckijg muslim out of europe!
Send them back to the fucking shitholes in Africa where they came from NOW!
No but I would definitely stop immigration.

This news is going to benefit trump.
why would any non-muslim not be an islamophobe? don't get it, I HATE the religion of peace
I heard al queda had called for truck attacks such as this recently. Also france24 says the truck was loaded with heavy weapons, whatever that means. Anyone know? .

Not possible.....Framce has extreme gun control and has completely outlawed rifles and pistols......and grenades.........they have all the gun the banning of guns...that American anti gunners say they want...........

So obviously.....they can't have had guns or grenades...they are illegal in France....
Any muslim terrorists held captive by any government need to be executed General Pershing style. This crap need to stop now. Send the message to these barbarians that it ends now. And while we are at it, nuke the savages in Iraq/Syria.
The American MSM is playing right into the hands of those responsible for this mayhem. We are giving them a blow-by-blow description of the the terror they created and are slapping each other and high-fivin' as the pandering talking heads pride themselves on using a French word (promanade) more than once to show how sophisticated they are.

Shephard Smith couldn't wait to show the bodies and blood in the streets - he is despicable in his own right. Fox News went to the dark side, too.

Instead of warning our young children at home that they are about to be exposed to gratuitous scenes of death and carnage and then allowing them to see it, THE MSM should act responsibly and black out the videos so that the enemy will not get the intel they hope for and we should not give grades to make them feel they have succeeded in killing more innocent people.

The media are scum. They are guilty of aiding and abetting this terror for the sake of ratings. We should be ashamed of ourselves but it's too late for that.

False...again. I have been watching Fox since before the attack began. Each time they showed video of the street of the attack and any bodies, they cautioned that some images might be disturbing. Fox News refused to show the most graphic. Bill O'Reilly was very specific that if there were children in the room please take them out of the room or change the channel.

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