Attack in Nice, France

It's time to stop talking and start acting, all these pathetic so-called Western leaders, all they do is talk and have more summits to discuss what to do and then they never do anything substantial, meanwhile whilst they're talking the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult are planning and executing more attacks slaughtering our peoples.

This is absolute Treason from the so-called Western leaders, it's their FIRST obligation to protect their respective peoples', all they care about is giving blow-job's to the Muslims saying "oh but not ALL the Muslims are Radical"

No not ALL the Muslims are Radical, but ALL the terrorists ARE Muslims. It's not rocket science.
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

That Hollande is a piece of....

Well ...........of excrement in all honesty.....pardon my pun intended.

Time for Marie Le Pen to defend France.:thup:
By all means elect the Nazi to defend France.
After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
So should we start building concentration camps to house Muslim Americans?

But I would stop importing more than 100,000 a year. Just rich Arabs, Arabs with skills and some refuges

I'm so furious AGAIN because of this absolutely savagery, I'm up for camps and just shooting the bastards on the spot, where they stand.

Maybe if we rounded up say 5,000 of the POS and just machine-gunned them all live on television, it'd send these wastes of human skin the message that we're not taking this crap anymore.

Fuck the UN, Fuck Amnesty International, Fuck the Bedwetters and Fuck the Geneva Conventions.
Calm down. We know who the bad actors are. France knows. Maybe we don't have enough to prosecute but we know these nationalized citizens have made pro Isis comments. That should be enough. These people weren't born in America/France so their citizenship can be taken away. Go raid and send the Pakistani back to Pakistan. The Saudis back to Saudi Arabia. The Iranians back to Iran.

I know too many not grateful. Remember I live near Dearborn, mi the Arab capital of the USA. We can not have too many immigrants come to Dearborn that it becomes an Arab ghetto with poverty. Then we will have Isis attacks. We need to stop the flow of immigrants from the middle East
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

That Hollande is a piece of....

Well ...........of excrement in all honesty.....pardon my pun intended.

Time for Marie Le Pen to defend France.:thup:
By all means elect the Nazi to defend France.
Interesting Germany accomplished Hitler's dream of uniting Europe and I just heard Germany is going to start building up its army to help with Isis. Holy shit!
Orlando, Dallas and now France again and the cycle will keep on going... I am too tire to write a rant about how angry I am... I wish they would leave the Frogs alone but savages will never stop until they either wipe us out or they are genocide off the face of the Earth...

It's time to stop talking and start acting, all these pathetic so-called Western leaders, all they do is talk and have more summits to discuss what to do and then they never do anything substantial, meanwhile whilst they're talking the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult are planning and executing more attacks slaughtering our peoples.

This is absolute Treason from the so-called Western leaders, it's their FIRST obligation to protect their respective peoples', all they care about is giving blow-job's to the Muslims saying "oh but not ALL the Muslims are Radical"

No not ALL the Muslims are Radical, but ALL the terrorists ARE Muslims. It's not rocket science.
Has there ever been a Muslim turning in another who was either planning or had conducted a terrorist attack?

Not to my knowledge. I consider all Muslims to be terrorists or at best sympathetic to terrorism.
The American MSM is playing right into the hands of those responsible for this mayhem. We are giving them a blow-by-blow description of the the terror they created and are slapping each other and high-fivin' as the pandering talking heads pride themselves on using a French word (promanade) more than once to show how sophisticated they are.

Shephard Smith couldn't wait to show the bodies and blood in the streets - he is despicable in his own right. Fox News went to the dark side, too.

Instead of warning our young children at home that they are about to be exposed to gratuitous scenes of death and carnage and then allowing them to see it, THE MSM should act responsibly and black out the videos so that the enemy will not get the intel they hope for and we should not give grades to make them feel they have succeeded in killing more innocent people.

The media are scum. They are guilty of aiding and abetting this terror for the sake of ratings. We should be ashamed of ourselves but it's too late for that.
Promenade des Anglais is the name. Do you still ask for "freedom fries"?

It's just all too much to handle again, it makes one feel both sick and absolutely furious with rage.

Lucy I saw General Flynn on FOX. He say he very worried about reports out of Germany, he mentioned Berlin.

We at the moment consider our German cousins potentially the enemy and a potential danger to the whole of Europa. They need proper leadership.

We have ceased having any sympathy with our German cousins until Traitor Bitch Merkel is removed. Their fate is in their own hands, either they get some balls and start acting and forget all the Propaganda horsecrap they've been fed for 20 years about "history" or they sink in the cesspit of Islam.

We were not subjected to the horsecrap Propaganda about "history", that's why we can stand up and say we're proud Austrians and proud of Austria and proud Patriots.

The Germans cannot do this, they're NOT allowed to show pride in their nation or say that they're proud Patriots, or they get called "names" by the Foreign Entity that controls them and by their Traitor Government, who threaten them with arrest and do actually arrest citizens.

Germany is an Occupied Nation, it's Government takes their orders from elsewhere and that elsewhere is from outside of the nation, the German Constitution should be used as birdcage liner, it was written by, shall I call them "New York lawyers" and it was written NOT to benefit the German people, it was written to shut them up from being able to defend themselves and also to make sure the German people forevermore handed BILLIONS and BILLIONS in extortion money until Germany has been bled dry and then spat out. It's criminal.

Our German cousins need freeing from this Foreign imposed Tyranny, a Foreign imposed Tyranny that's being used now to FULL effect to destroy them with the goal of replacing them, by allowing MILLIONS of Muslim and African savages to pile in unopposed, these are the replacements and mass breeding machines, to outbreed the Germans until they exist no more in a nation of THEIR Ancestors.

Traitor Bitch Merkel and ALL those supporting her need removing, the people need freeing, the POS German Constitution needs burning, Germany needs to be allowed to have it's original flag, the spirit of Otto von Bismarck NEEDS to rise up to save them.

As I said, Germany's fate is in the peoples' hands, if they're not willing to finally stand up and take their nation back, well then they deserve to sink in the quagmire.



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After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
So should we start building concentration camps to house Muslim Americans?

But I would stop importing more than 100,000 a year. Just rich Arabs, Arabs with skills and some refuges

Then you're part of the problem. Congratulations.
After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
So should we start building concentration camps to house Muslim Americans?

But I would stop importing more than 100,000 a year. Just rich Arabs, Arabs with skills and some refuges

Then you're part of the problem. Congratulations.

and you are part of what? Islamic apologist? or something more sinister.....should you be on the watch list?

Man who killed at least 80 after driving through crowd identified
After each Islamic terror attack, we get a few more millimeters closer to actually doing something. It's just a shame that our politicians haven't the backbone to act now and save lives.

We are at war. It's time we realized it.
So should we start building concentration camps to house Muslim Americans?

But I would stop importing more than 100,000 a year. Just rich Arabs, Arabs with skills and some refuges
FDR would and did.
French Pres Holland is really over-reacting in his speech on what to do in response to the latest lone wolf attack.

He is recalling to duty all reservists and recently discharged military and police personnel.

That Hollande is a piece of....

Well ...........of excrement in all honesty.....pardon my pun intended.

Time for Marie Le Pen to defend France.:thup:
By all means elect the Nazi to defend France.

You ignorant Leftist, you know nothing about Marine Le Pen, you're just parroting the Propaganda garbage.

Who is defending France now? That's right NOBODY. The only crowd being defended are the Islamic filth who are being allowed whenever they want to murder French people.

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