Attack in Nice, France

The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outrights ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemed this atc?

There is, you only see what your anger lets you see. A better question is why almost every conservative feels a need to blame Americans for worldwide terrorism and use this act as it is happening and vomit on the bodies of these poor people before they are even cold for political 'points on a message board'.

You won't answer that question as it strikes at the core of who you are, and it isn't pretty is it.
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outright ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.
Why don't you dig McVeigh up along with Reagan?
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outrights ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemned this atc?

They never do, each time the Religion of Peace commits a massacre it's rare to get even one person on the Left condemning it, what we get though is a lot of bashing of the Right as "hateful racist bigots" and a mixture of Islamist apologist stuff with head stuck in the sand stuff.
Hillary is on the phone with bill o'fucking rielly

You mean the Hillary that would increase the Syrian refugees by 550% ?

That Hillary ?
Those coming here are escaping ISIS, who kills Muslims as well as others.

So how do you explain all the new terrorist attacks?
Must be them damn radical right wing Christians

Snap, we post at the same time, yes the radical right wing Christians AND the Quakers :smoke: :rolleyes-41:

I believe it was radicalized Amish.....
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outrights ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemned this atc?

They never do, each time the Religion of Peace commits a massacre it's rare to get even one person on the Left condemning it, what we get though is a lot of bashing of the Right as "hateful racist bigots" and a mixture of Islamist apologist stuff with head stuck in the sand stuff.
Agreed. This would seem to indicate a death wish or a mental disorder.
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outrights ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemed this atc?

There is, you only see what your anger lets you see. A better question is why almost every conservative feels a need to blame Americans for worldwide terrorism and use this act as it is happening and vomit on the bodies of these poor people before they are even cold for political 'points on a message board'.

You won't answer that question as it strikes at the core of who you are, and it isn't pretty is it.

I don't care about points on a message board. What I do care about is that people on the left are consistantly silent when it comes to situations like this. This thread is a good example. You can't find condemnation from one liberal on here.
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outright ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

I remember when lefties like you viciously ridiculed Reagan for saying that the Soviet Union would end up on the Ash Heap of history.

It wasn't just that you thought he was wrong.

You thought is was reckless of him to say that and thus to insult the Soviets.


And you have the nerve to talk about ignoring reality.
Lefties have always been wrong, but somehow they never suffer from the consequences of their failed policies.
Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemned this atc?

I support gay rights, women's rights, am a strong advocate for the separation of church and state, favor progressive taxation and think the liberal Bill Maher is the bees knees.

I condemn this atrocity unconditionally and I condemn all the numb-nuts leftists who act as apologists for Islamist so routinely as they do. They are not liberals -- they are merely the stupid, reactive portion of the left.
Hillary is on the phone with bill o'fucking rielly

You mean the Hillary that would increase the Syrian refugees by 550% ?

That Hillary ?
Those coming here are escaping ISIS, who kills Muslims as well as others.

And among the are Isis supporters...........
Lefties believe every word Big Ears says, even though he is nearly as prolific a liar as Cankles. Big Ears says all these military aged men from Syria he is importing, are good people....yet no vetting is done and no way to confirm whether they are radicals or not.

Can't fix stupid.
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outrights ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemed this atc?

There is, you only see what your anger lets you see. A better question is why almost every conservative feels a need to blame Americans for worldwide terrorism and use this act as it is happening and vomit on the bodies of these poor people before they are even cold for political 'points on a message board'.

You won't answer that question as it strikes at the core of who you are, and it isn't pretty is it.

I don't care about points on a message board. What I do care about is that people on the left are consistantly silent when it comes to situations like this. This thread is a good example. You can't find condemnation from one liberal on here.

No, there's more important things than homicidal psychopaths who want to kill us all....more important things such as LGBT freaks and weird men dressed in drag who want to be able to use female bathrooms.
Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemned this atc?

I support gay rights, women's rights, am a strong advocate for the separation of church and state, favor progressive taxation and think the liberal Bill Maher is the bees knees.

I condemn this atrocity unconditionally and I condemn all the numb-nuts leftists who act as apologists for Islamist so routinely as they do. They are not liberals -- they are merely the stupid, reactive portion of the left.

You're a unicorn on this board.
Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemned this atc?

I support gay rights, women's rights, am a strong advocate for the separation of church and state, favor progressive taxation and think the liberal Bill Maher is the bees knees.

I condemn this atrocity unconditionally and I condemn all the numb-nuts leftists who act as apologists for Islamist so routinely as they do. They are not liberals -- they are merely the stupid, reactive portion of the left.

You're correct, they're not Liberals, they're Leftists ie. Progressives and Marxists.
I support gay rights, women's rights, am a strong advocate for the separation of church and state, favor progressive taxation and think the liberal Bill Maher is the bees knees.

I condemn this atrocity unconditionally and I condemn all the numb-nuts leftists who act as apologists for Islamist so routinely as they do. They are not liberals -- they are merely the stupid, reactive portion of the left.

Dog we can argue policy politics all day long and I am quite sure we would, but I commend you for your views on the security of the free world. :thup:
Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemned this atc?

I support gay rights, women's rights, am a strong advocate for the separation of church and state, favor progressive taxation and think the liberal Bill Maher is the bees knees.

I condemn this atrocity unconditionally and I condemn all the numb-nuts leftists who act as apologists for Islamist so routinely as they do. They are not liberals -- they are merely the stupid, reactive portion of the left.

You're a unicorn on this board.

Well, I HAVE been told I'm hung like one.

I almost hit the funny agree button lol
We told you guys that you could kill as many or more with a anti gunners called us names....then talked about having sex with a gun and talked about men's sex organs.....but you laugh d and made fun of us.......

77 dead......they are also reporting they had guns and a country that has done every thing you anti gunners want......they have extreme gun control...they have completely banned rifles with detachable magazines.....

In a country that has been under special security protocol...where they can do just about anything to anyone to find terrorists.........

Grenades are even illegal there.......

And they just murdered 77 people............

We have 8 million rifles with detachable magazines........we have had 154 people murdered with these weapons in 34 years.......

Knives murdered 1,567 people in 2014.....

You want to ban these rifles an tell us that if we do that...terrorists and criminal won't get them....even though in France....these guns are common , so common that if a criminal doesn't have an AK-47...they are considered a loser...that from French police.....

You guys have been wrong in everything involving guns and should sit down and let the adults handle this...
The conservatives on this board cannot use reason, their entire worldview is based on hysterical emotion. A bubble that fact cannot penetrate.

The moment after terrorists blew up a marine barracks in Beirut in 1982 Ronald Reagan tucked tail and ran, and pulled the marines out. The current president authorizes countless airstrikes by the airforce and drone strikes against thousands of targets and is very successful in these efforts, but these cons view these facts opposite of what the reality is, they revere Reagan and think Obama isn't doing anything.

It is a bubble of ignorance that cannot be penetrated. It's one thing to point out your political enemy's faults, but to outrights ignore reality betrays a deep-seated hatred psychosis.

You derps are not worth the time as your reasoning ability has atrophied beyond repair. Enjoy your vomit.

Let me ask you this - how come there hasn't been a single liberal on this board that has condemed this atc?

There is, you only see what your anger lets you see. A better question is why almost every conservative feels a need to blame Americans for worldwide terrorism and use this act as it is happening and vomit on the bodies of these poor people before they are even cold for political 'points on a message board'.

You won't answer that question as it strikes at the core of who you are, and it isn't pretty is it.

I don't care about points on a message board. What I do care about is that people on the left are consistantly silent when it comes to situations like this. This thread is a good example. You can't find condemnation from one liberal on here.

That's because when progressives look at situations like this, they have to ask themselves "how can I help further the Agenda with this?" And they always inevitably conclude that using relativism to attack white Christians, conservatives, or capitalism is the best way to further their Agenda. Attacking and condemning Islam doesn't help their Agenda, so they will never do it.
New update, Traitor and idiot French President François Hollande to address the French nation in about 10 minutes time, bizarre stuff a National Address at 3.30am.

All he'll say will be the usual crap as before.
Still waiting for the news conference in France.

CBSN - Live Streaming Video News Channel - CBS News

Yes Inspector Clouseau has probably had to drag his hairdresser out of bed to fix his hair before he can make his National Address at now 3.45am, he's late.

French President Francois Hollande spends $11K a month -- on his hair

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