Attack on Bob Woodward: " will regret doing this"

We may being seeing the last vestige of journalistic integrity dying as we watch.
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Bob Woodward on threat from White House staff: "?it makes me very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, you're going to regret doing something that you believe in" ? CNN Press Room - Blogs

Is this 1973? How Nixonian. Wow! I thought the Left loved Woodward. Bob Woodward ought to look how the Left is betraying him while he holds to his Journalism principals.

Why would the left love Bob Woodward? Bob Woodward has no Journalistic principals.
How many of today's stalwart journalists who idolized Woodward for taking down a President find themselves trapped because Woodward simply adheres to telling it like it is.
It is well known that Obama does not react well to challenge. Members of the media who ask the "wrong questions" have their White House media credentials revoked
Obama is perhaps the most well protected POTUS in history.
Don't recall the Bush White House threatening Woodward when he was critical of him.:eusa_whistle:

He was to busy threatening the entire world..

[ame=]With Us or Against Us - YouTube[/ame]

No..Just those who were against us.
Has there been another terror attack on US Soil since then?...Thanks. Case closed

He was talking about everyone who opposed his invasion of Iraq.

And what do you mean, since? Sure there have.

LAX and the Anthrax attacks and both succeeded in killing people. And during the Bush administration there were multiple attacks on our embassies and diplomats. guys are so out of touch.
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Don't recall the Bush White House threatening Woodward when he was critical of him.:eusa_whistle:

He was to busy threatening the entire world..

[ame=]With Us or Against Us - YouTube[/ame]

So Al-Qaeda and the other terrorist groups to which he was referring to are the entire world? I really hope you find the on ramp to reality one day.
Don't recall the Bush White House threatening Woodward when he was critical of him.:eusa_whistle:

He was to busy threatening the entire world..

[ame=]With Us or Against Us - YouTube[/ame] opposed to threatening the Entire USA with less military, less border patrol, less vaccines for children, less senior care.

Isn't he the guy who claimed to have interviewed CIA director William Casey when the guy was in a coma from a brain tumor?

That Woodward?
Don't recall the Bush White House threatening Woodward when he was critical of him.:eusa_whistle:

He was to busy threatening the entire world..

[ame=]With Us or Against Us - YouTube[/ame]

Congratulations! That was THE

Dumbest fucking post you have made in a long time.


For a guy who just signed up this month, you appear to have been here a long time.

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