Attack on Bob Woodward: " will regret doing this"

During the time Bush was in office, I was living overseas and traveling to numerous countries on several continents. Everyone (people of other countries) who spoke to me about Bush (and I was not the one who brought him up-too embarrassed by him to do so) was critical of him and spoke of how he was disliked by them and considered a threatening 'bully' to the entire world. This includes many of those whom we would like to consider our allies, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Austria, etc. Bush turned good diplomatic relations around the world into garbage. The current administration has gone a long, long way in restoring them, especially our recent secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton, who, like her husband, is greatly admired around the world. You may like to think that it isn't important what 'they' think, but it is. Diplomatic relations around the world are extremely important. Extremely. We can't just go pushing everyone around; we need to be respected and liked.

Woodward did good things in the past, but his ego is out of control, and he has become someone more interested in self promotion than truth. A good journalist is not supposed to be 'the story,' and he likes to be part of 'the story.'

Now, Obama has offended the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and countlless other nations and somehow we are expected to believe he has improved relations with the rest of the world. Our relationship with the UK, for example, has never been so strained. Obama embarrassed us trying to get the Olympics to Chicago so his political buddies could make a boatload of money without bothering to think it through. He says stupid things throughout the world. The world is literally on fire in countless places. He's attacked more nations then Bush even contemplated attacking. He has abandoned our Ambassador and American citizens to be murdered by terrorists.

Yeah, he's great in foreign policy.

And no, we don't need to be liked. We need to do what's right regardless of what others think. We need to stand for something. If all we do is bend over backwards trying to make people like us, we will fail to be a leader. If we don't stand for something, we fall for anything.
How has Obama handled relations with one of our strongest allies Israel? That relationship seems to be somewhere between frosty and piss poor.
During the time Bush was in office, I was living overseas and traveling to numerous countries on several continents. Everyone (people of other countries) who spoke to me about Bush (and I was not the one who brought him up-too embarrassed by him to do so) was critical of him and spoke of how he was disliked by them and considered a threatening 'bully' to the entire world. This includes many of those whom we would like to consider our allies, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Austria, etc. Bush turned good diplomatic relations around the world into garbage. The current administration has gone a long, long way in restoring them, especially our recent secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton, who, like her husband, is greatly admired around the world. You may like to think that it isn't important what 'they' think, but it is. Diplomatic relations around the world are extremely important. Extremely. We can't just go pushing everyone around; we need to be respected and liked.

Woodward did good things in the past, but his ego is out of control, and he has become someone more interested in self promotion than truth. A good journalist is not supposed to be 'the story,' and he likes to be part of 'the story.'

Now, Obama has offended the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and countlless other nations and somehow we are expected to believe he has improved relations with the rest of the world. Our relationship with the UK, for example, has never been so strained. Obama embarrassed us trying to get the Olympics to Chicago so his political buddies could make a boatload of money without bothering to think it through. He says stupid things throughout the world. The world is literally on fire in countless places. He's attacked more nations then Bush even contemplated attacking. He has abandoned our Ambassador and American citizens to be murdered by terrorists.

Yeah, he's great in foreign policy.

And no, we don't need to be liked. We need to do what's right regardless of what others think. We need to stand for something. If all we do is bend over backwards trying to make people like us, we will fail to be a leader. If we don't stand for something, we fall for anything.
How has Obama handled relations with one of our strongest allies Israel? That relationship seems to be somewhere between frosty and piss poor.

Israel's one of our strongest allies?

When's the last time Israeli troops fought alongside Americans?
It is SOP for the Obama WH to attack anyone who disagrees and challenges their narrative on anything. I have no doubt that other administrations have done the same, but I suspect not to the extent and degree that these guys do. Frankly, I find it shameful, which is something these guys know nothing about.
Now, Obama has offended the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Russia, and countlless other nations and somehow we are expected to believe he has improved relations with the rest of the world. Our relationship with the UK, for example, has never been so strained. Obama embarrassed us trying to get the Olympics to Chicago so his political buddies could make a boatload of money without bothering to think it through. He says stupid things throughout the world. The world is literally on fire in countless places. He's attacked more nations then Bush even contemplated attacking. He has abandoned our Ambassador and American citizens to be murdered by terrorists.

Yeah, he's great in foreign policy.

And no, we don't need to be liked. We need to do what's right regardless of what others think. We need to stand for something. If all we do is bend over backwards trying to make people like us, we will fail to be a leader. If we don't stand for something, we fall for anything.
How has Obama handled relations with one of our strongest allies Israel? That relationship seems to be somewhere between frosty and piss poor.

Israel's one of our strongest allies?

When's the last time Israeli troops fought alongside Americans?
When was the last time we asked them to? But if it will make you happy I will refine my post Israel is our strongest ally in the middle east unless of course you feel the new government in Libya or the Morsi regime in Egypt has now taken that spot hey let's not forget Syria maybe what ever comes to power there when the dust settles if it ever does will be a strong ally. None of this changes the fact that under Obama our relationship with Israel is as I said somewhere between frosty and piss poor.
He was to busy threatening the entire world..

With Us or Against Us - YouTube

So Al-Qaeda and the other terrorist groups to which he was referring to are the entire world? I really hope you find the on ramp to reality one day.

During the time Bush was in office, I was living overseas and traveling to numerous countries on several continents. Everyone (people of other countries) who spoke to me about Bush (and I was not the one who brought him up-too embarrassed by him to do so) was critical of him and spoke of how he was disliked by them and considered a threatening 'bully' to the entire world. This includes many of those whom we would like to consider our allies, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Austria, etc. Bush turned good diplomatic relations around the world into garbage. The current administration has gone a long, long way in restoring them, especially our recent secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton, who, like her husband, is greatly admired around the world. You may like to think that it isn't important what 'they' think, but it is. Diplomatic relations around the world are extremely important. Extremely. We can't just go pushing everyone around; we need to be respected and liked.

Woodward did good things in the past, but his ego is out of control, and he has become someone more interested in self promotion than truth. A good journalist is not supposed to be 'the story,' and he likes to be part of 'the story.'

I was overseas when President Reagan was in office. I heard the same kind of crap from Brits, French, Germans, etc.

Face it, Europeans don't really like Americans until they want our money or our military to help them out of a hole they have managed to dig themselves into.

We are too brash, too loud, not subtle enough, and too proud of our Country.
Woodward? Woodward Who??

by Steven Hayward
September 10, 2012

So Bob Woodward’s latest insider book, The Price of Politics, goes on sale tomorrow. Already some explosive details, most of them adverse to Obama and, moreover, inconvenient for the narrative that the problem in Washington is all the fault of Republicans, have begun to leak out. I’ve always found Woodward’s breathy narratives inadequate in many ways, because they are essentially just dumps of his reporter’s notebook, with little serious or substantive interpretive framework of his own. There’s little attempt to figure out what else may have occurred or belongs in the ellipses of his reconstructed conversations. His method, while delivering many mini-scoops, is vulnerable to manipulation from his sources, who undoubtedly leave out or spin things a certain way. As Henry Kissinger once put it, no one ever comes out second-best in their recollection of events in DC. Woodward’s idiot-savant methodology therefore has little long-term historical value.

That said, his books during the Bush administration all created major sensations in the mainstream media. Will this one? Perhaps. Woodward tells Diane Sawyer on ABC News about some of the ways in which the bad relations between Obama and the GOP were Obama’s fault from the earliest days of his administration in 2009:

“There’s this divided-man quality to President Obama always. Initially he meets with the congressional leaders, he says you know, ‘We’re going to be accommodating, we’re going to listen, we’re going to talk, we’re going to compromise,” Woodward said
“But then they — Republicans ask some questions and challenge him a little bit and he says, ‘Look I won. I’m in charge here,’ ” Woodward continued. “And the Republicans feel totally isolated and ostracized. And this was the beginning of a war.”.​

I recall that early moment too, along with Nancy Pelosi saying of the Democrat-written stimulus bill, “We won the election; we wrote the bill,” and contrasted this with how Reagan never would have said such a thing after either of his, ahem, landslides. (Not to mention this entirely believable detail: “His administration’s early decision to forego bipartisanship for the sake of speed around the stimulus bill was encapsulated by his then-chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel: ‘We have the votes. F— ‘em,’ he’s quoted in the book as saying.”)

What we know of Woodward’s account so far is that he seems to apportion more blame to Obama for the collapse of the “grand bargain” over the debt ceiling last year, and was upbraided by a staffer for Harry Reid, which is an amazing fact to ponder:

Obama sent word that he wanted the two Democratic leaders at the White House at 6 p.m. that Sunday, July 24. No reason was given.

Reid arrived in the Oval Office with his chief of staff, David Krone.

“Harry,” the president began, “I hear you have kind of an outline, a framework of something.”

Reid began to lay out the two-step $2.7 -trillion debt limit extension, then stopped. He was not a details guy. “Well, let David just tell you what it is,” he said.


Read more:
Woodward? Woodward Who?? | Power Line
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Most were not strangers 'on the street.' Most were friends and colleagues. And, as I said, it is very important what the rest of the world thinks of us. I read over and over again by conservatives that what people in other countries think of us is unimportant, but that simply isn't true. For one thing, good dipomatic relations are extremely important. Also, people in other countries realize, though conservative Americans don't seem to want to, that what our president and our administration do, their policies and actions, affect millions of people outside the US. It is important to those people who is in power in the US and what they do. It directly affect the lives of millions of people who do not live in the US. That is the reality.

Your personal anecdotes fail to impress me.

Still don't care

You note she says most were friends and colleagues which would suggest they have the same political viewpoint she does so the fact they would not like Bush or I suspect any conservative would come as no surprise all it shows is the people in her social circle did not like Bush.

LOL Maybe you only talk to people who share your viewpoints; I talk to everyone. Don't descriminate on that. And in fact, I don't initiate political discussions with people, so these were people who initated the discussion and spoke their viewpoint to me, without knowing my own viewpoint on Bush. And many who disagreed with me on some points; i.e., their loathing and criticism of the then US president was much stronger than mine.
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So Al-Qaeda and the other terrorist groups to which he was referring to are the entire world? I really hope you find the on ramp to reality one day.

During the time Bush was in office, I was living overseas and traveling to numerous countries on several continents. Everyone (people of other countries) who spoke to me about Bush (and I was not the one who brought him up-too embarrassed by him to do so) was critical of him and spoke of how he was disliked by them and considered a threatening 'bully' to the entire world. This includes many of those whom we would like to consider our allies, such as the UK, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Austria, etc. Bush turned good diplomatic relations around the world into garbage. The current administration has gone a long, long way in restoring them, especially our recent secretary of state, Mrs. Clinton, who, like her husband, is greatly admired around the world. You may like to think that it isn't important what 'they' think, but it is. Diplomatic relations around the world are extremely important. Extremely. We can't just go pushing everyone around; we need to be respected and liked.

Woodward did good things in the past, but his ego is out of control, and he has become someone more interested in self promotion than truth. A good journalist is not supposed to be 'the story,' and he likes to be part of 'the story.'

I was overseas when President Reagan was in office. I heard the same kind of crap from Brits, French, Germans, etc.

Face it, Europeans don't really like Americans until they want our money or our military to help them out of a hole they have managed to dig themselves into.

We are too brash, too loud, not subtle enough, and too proud of our Country.

I also lived and traveled overseas when Reagan was in office. It is true: Europeans did not like him. Truly, it is only some Americans who think he was so great. Around the world, the perception is quite different.

You may think the US's military operations around the world are helping peopel 'dig themselves out of a hole they' got themselves into: but, too often, the military operations around the world that the US engages in are initiated by the US in the self interest of the US.

I am not brash or loud and not a flag waver. I keep my own counsel. They don't like some Americans, but it isn't true of everyone in Europe not liking all Americans. I've known people who wanted to know me and be friends because they wanted an American friend. I've heard many people say they like Americans because they are open and friendly.
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BLITZER: Who sent that e-mail to you?
WOODWARD: Well, I'm not going to say.
By Ben Smith
February 27, 2013

The White House official whom Bob Woodward charged had crosssed a line by saying he would "regret" printing his version of a set of Washington negotiations was Gene Sperling, the director of the White House Economic Council, a source familiar with the exchange told BuzzFeed Wednesday.

The email from Sperling to Woodward, which Woodward read to Politico Wednesday, has transfixed Washington, with Republicans and some in the press charging that it embodies a White House lording it over a cowed press corps.

Woodward, Politico reported, called the top official — identified to BuzzFeed as Sperling — to tell him that he would question Obama's account of negotiations leading to the "sequester" — automatic cuts set to take effect next month.

The aide "yelled at me for about a half hour," Woodward said, and then sent a follow-up email that read, in part: "You're focusing on a few specific trees that give a very wrong impression of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here. … I think you will regret staking out that claim."


Read more:
Economic Official Sperling Warned Woodward
Bob Woodward on threat from White House staff: "?it makes me very uncomfortable to have the White House telling reporters, you're going to regret doing something that you believe in" ? CNN Press Room - Blogs

Is this 1973? How Nixonian. Wow! I thought the Left loved Woodward. Bob Woodward ought to look how the Left is betraying him while he holds to his Journalism principals.

Why would the left love Bob Woodward? Bob Woodward has no Journalistic principals.

Yeah, he was only instrumental in exposing a corrupt president...

Yeah American Pravda is going to turn against their Ossiah


American Pravda. LOL.

It's conservatives that still praise actual Russian Pravda, which is kind of weird and funny if you think about it.
By Ben Smith
February 27, 2013

The White House official whom Bob Woodward charged had crosssed a line by saying he would "regret" printing his version of a set of Washington negotiations was Gene Sperling, the director of the White House Economic Council, a source familiar with the exchange told BuzzFeed Wednesday.

The email from Sperling to Woodward, which Woodward read to Politico Wednesday, has transfixed Washington, with Republicans and some in the press charging that it embodies a White House lording it over a cowed press corps.

Woodward, Politico reported, called the top official — identified to BuzzFeed as Sperling — to tell him that he would question Obama's account of negotiations leading to the "sequester" — automatic cuts set to take effect next month.

The aide "yelled at me for about a half hour," Woodward said, and then sent a follow-up email that read, in part: "You're focusing on a few specific trees that give a very wrong impression of the forest. But perhaps we will just not see eye to eye here. … I think you will regret staking out that claim."


Read more:
Economic Official Sperling Warned Woodward

From your "link":

The White House official whom Bob Woodward charged had crosssed a line by saying he would "regret" printing his version of a set of Washington negotiations was Gene Sperling, the director of the White House Economic Council, a source familiar with the exchange told BuzzFeed Wednesday.

Remarked one friend Wednesday, he is "not exactly cut from the classic, no-drama Obama cloth."

Sperling didn't respond to an email inquiry about the exchange; a White House spokesman declined to comment on the authorship of the email to Woodward.


A. Source Familiar? Never heard of him.
Don't recall the Bush White House threatening Woodward when he was critical of him.:eusa_whistle:

He was to busy threatening the entire world..

[ame=]With Us or Against Us - YouTube[/ame]

So Al-Qaeda and the other terrorist groups to which he was referring to are the entire world? I really hope you find the on ramp to reality one day.

It will never happen, he has permanent brain damage, ask him, see if he voted for Oblamer twice...

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