Attack on Nancy Pelosi's home was 'not a random act', police say

The gay whore was there because Nancy and Paul have a faux marriage. No normal hetro male would take Nancy's crap, but a cowardly coke addicted homo would...
"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You fucktards can't accept one of your own did this.
In the closed thread you mention how easy it is to break into someone's home.

Of course it is. Exceptionally easy if one is determined to do so..... IN A NORMAL HOME.
Not the home of the 3rd highest leader in the most powerful nation on earth.
FFS - they didn't even have a burglar alarm?? And if so... FFS... was it on sale at NewEgg?? Chinese special $3.99?
I would think the glass would have been security glass. They are $millionaires. If the taxpayers didn't pay for it, they certainly have the money.
That is a national security threat.
Amazingly and brazenly stupid to be the Speaker of the House and essentially live in a home that isn't even basically secured.
Or is it?
This is a glaring question. It doesn't make sense.
Leftists in 2022:

4 yo boy playing with Barbies, "Look, I'm a girl!"--Leftists say he needs his junk chopped off

82 year old man wrestling over hammers with another men, both in their underwear--"Nothing to see here. Totally normal. Not weird at all."
If someone was to attack you in your home at 2:30 in the morning, what would you be wearing?


An acquaintance of his told CNN that DePape was struggling with hard drugs about eight years ago but was 'trying to create a new life for himself.' She said she cut off contact with DePape after receiving 'disturbing' emails in which he sounded 'dangerous' and 'out of touch with reality.'

His social media showed he posted conspiracy theories about the origins of the covid epidemic, about the validity of the 2020 election, and on the January 6th insurrection on Capitol Hill.

He first began posting on a blog titled ‘God Is Loving’ in June 2007 with rambling screeds about religion. He stopped posting for 15 years – then suddenly started again on August 24 this year with racist, sexist, anti-semitic and crazed entries about the Q-Anon conspiracy theory.

Like I said. He's one of your own, retards.

Attack on Nancy Pelosi's home was 'not a random act', police say​

Oct 28 (Reuters) - An attack on the husband of U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi at their San Francisco home was not a random attack, police said on Friday.
"This was not a random act. This was intentional. And it's wrong," San Francisco Police Chief William Scott told a news conference. Scott declined to comment further on a possible motive for the assault.

Meanwhile, Twitter comes up with these bits....


Police dispatch to Paul Pelosi home:

"RP (reporting person) stated there's a male in the home and that he's going to wait for his wife.
RP stated that he doesn't know who the male is but he advised that his name is David and that he is a friend. "
How could the RP not know the hammer man, then say , but “His name is David and he’s a friend”. Whose friend? Friend of the Reporting Person?
Hmm...., How many friends do you have who want to hammer you?
This story is getting funnier by the minute.
Let's see how long the Quisling MSM and the Maoist Democrats can keep from claiming this is the fault of the GOP, Trump and those Mega Maga's.

Why are MAGAt-thugs excusing this attack?
Why are MAGAt-thugs excusing this attack?
Well, it's just like their bullshit revolving around 1/6. Blaming it on Antifa and BLM and the FBI.

They can't deal with reality. That's what makes these weak-minded idiots weave conspiracy theories on top of conspiracy theories.

They are literally mentally ill.

Their puppeteers use that weak-mindedness to weaponize them.
The guy most likely was hired by Pelosi for gay sex.
"Most likely".

Manufacturing bullshit in real time! Wow!

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

You people are seriously sick in the head.

An acquaintance of his told CNN that DePape was struggling with hard drugs about eight years ago but was 'trying to create a new life for himself.' She said she cut off contact with DePape after receiving 'disturbing' emails in which he sounded 'dangerous' and 'out of touch with reality.'

His social media showed he posted conspiracy theories about the origins of the covid epidemic, about the validity of the 2020 election, and on the January 6th insurrection on Capitol Hill.

He first began posting on a blog titled ‘God Is Loving’ in June 2007 with rambling screeds about religion. He stopped posting for 15 years – then suddenly started again on August 24 this year with racist, sexist, anti-semitic and crazed entries about the Q-Anon conspiracy theory.

Like I said. He's one of your own, retards.
"An acquaintance of his told CNN..."


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