Attacks by the Left on Ben Carson: EPIC FAIL

So Bedowin, are you another unemployed Republican who spends all day posting on a political board because you don't have a life or what?


how do you keep a moron left-wing loser in suspense?????
type more stupidity leftard

or cite that one post that has Hillary leading loser

or just cry

Are you drunk? You ranted about the latest poll having Hillary beating Carson earlier today.

yes loon; the one I noted wasn't important enough to be included in the list of major polls Real Clear Politics uses
You really need to get a life. Oh, that's right, this is your life.

Truly pathetic.

your life appears to be crying about what I do
type more stupidity leftard

or cite that one post that has Hillary leading loser

or just cry

Are you drunk? You ranted about the latest poll having Hillary beating Carson earlier today.

yes loon; the one I noted wasn't important enough to be included in the list of major polls Real Clear Politics uses
You really need to get a life. Oh, that's right, this is your life.

Truly pathetic.

your life appears to be crying about what I do
Not crying. Laughing, fool, laughing.
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!
This is exactly what I was talking about.

Ben Carson is not tough enough to complete a campaign, then endure what he's getting now for 4-8 years.

This crybaby says stuff like Obama never was scrutinized.

What about:

Reverend Wright
Snorting coke
The birth certificate
Accusations of socialist intentions
Affirmative Action being the only reason he made into Harvard
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!
no surprise. all lefties hate black people.and we have known this for decades,
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!
This is exactly what I was talking about.

Ben Carson is not tough enough to complete a campaign, then endure what he's getting now for 4-8 years.

This crybaby says stuff like Obama never was scrutinized.

What about:

Reverend Wright
Snorting coke
The birth certificate
Accusations of socialist intentions
Affirmative Action being the only reason he made into Harvard

those came rom the people that DID scrutinize him you complete idiot. you make the point for the other side
type more stupidity leftard

or cite that one post that has Hillary leading loser

or just cry

Are you drunk? You ranted about the latest poll having Hillary beating Carson earlier today.

yes loon; the one I noted wasn't important enough to be included in the list of major polls Real Clear Politics uses
You really need to get a life. Oh, that's right, this is your life.

Truly pathetic.

your life appears to be crying about what I do
Not crying. Laughing, fool, laughing.

YAWN, whatever
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!

The Left wants Carson - not Bush or Rubio.

The attacks are coming from your side because Carson can't win (and everyone from the RNC to Ann Coulter knows it). Carson and Trump are idiot-fodder for the Palin-bots. The adults in your party are going to crush him after Iowa.

Bush will be the nominee.

Don't get our hopes up by threatening to put a painfully slow-talking man with a neurological disorder on a debate stage w/ Hillary Clinton.
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!

Keep blaming this shit on those on the reality, its the right winged racist who are keeping this shit going and you know it. you know it, you know it.
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!
This is exactly what I was talking about.

Ben Carson is not tough enough to complete a campaign, then endure what he's getting now for 4-8 years.

This crybaby says stuff like Obama never was scrutinized.

What about:

Reverend Wright
Snorting coke
The birth certificate
Accusations of socialist intentions
Affirmative Action being the only reason he made into Harvard

those came rom the people that DID scrutinize him you complete idiot. you make the point for the other side
Oh, I get it.....

All the accusations against Ben Carson are false
And all accusations against Barak Obama are true.

I'm amazed you can tie your shoes without Rush telling you how
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!
This is exactly what I was talking about.

Ben Carson is not tough enough to complete a campaign, then endure what he's getting now for 4-8 years.

This crybaby says stuff like Obama never was scrutinized.

What about:

Reverend Wright
Snorting coke
The birth certificate
Accusations of socialist intentions
Affirmative Action being the only reason he made into Harvard

those came rom the people that DID scrutinize him you complete idiot. you make the point for the other side
Oh, I get it.....

All the accusations against Ben Carson are false
And all accusations against Barak Obama are true.

I'm amazed you can tie your shoes without Rush telling you how

oh the Rush thingy.

do have anything showing Carson's up to TEN POINT LEAD over Hillary has evaporated leftard???

Do you have anything showing that a poll one year ahead of the election means anything?

do you have anything showing it CANT mean anything leftard??

I didn't think so

I guess it can for a crazy right winger, but not so much for a sane person.

ok leftard; live in your bubble of hypocrisy

does hillary's unlikeability rating matter at all a year out?

does her losing support among DEMOCRAT WOMEN matter?
does her untrustworthyness matter?

of course they do leftard; as a matter of fact they are the reason for the attacks on Carson EXACTLY

the only ones deceiving themselves are you idiots
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!
This is exactly what I was talking about.

Ben Carson is not tough enough to complete a campaign, then endure what he's getting now for 4-8 years.

This crybaby says stuff like Obama never was scrutinized.

What about:

Reverend Wright
Snorting coke
The birth certificate
Accusations of socialist intentions
Affirmative Action being the only reason he made into Harvard

those came rom the people that DID scrutinize him you complete idiot. you make the point for the other side
Oh, I get it.....

All the accusations against Ben Carson are false
And all accusations against Barak Obama are true.

I'm amazed you can tie your shoes without Rush telling you how

oh the Rush thingy.

yeah, you know......the people you parrot all day, like the Fox News folks.

I always love it when guys like you claim they never listen to Rush or never watch Fox News......yet you say the exact same things they do all day
There is and will continue to be a backlash to the moronic attacks on Dr Carson by the Left. The attacks are only making Carson stronger. One poll now his him with a double-digit lead over Hillary.

so Left-wingutz; keep doing what you do best!
This is exactly what I was talking about.

Ben Carson is not tough enough to complete a campaign, then endure what he's getting now for 4-8 years.

This crybaby says stuff like Obama never was scrutinized.

What about:

Reverend Wright
Snorting coke
The birth certificate
Accusations of socialist intentions
Affirmative Action being the only reason he made into Harvard

those came rom the people that DID scrutinize him you complete idiot. you make the point for the other side
Oh, I get it.....

All the accusations against Ben Carson are false
And all accusations against Barak Obama are true.

I'm amazed you can tie your shoes without Rush telling you how

oh the Rush thingy.

yeah, you know......the people you parrot all day, like the Fox News folks.

I always love it when guys like you claim they never listen to Rush or never watch Fox News......yet you say the exact same things they do all day

George Soros told you to regurgitate that claim leftard

geesh that was easy!! ;)
This is exactly what I was talking about.

Ben Carson is not tough enough to complete a campaign, then endure what he's getting now for 4-8 years.

This crybaby says stuff like Obama never was scrutinized.

What about:

Reverend Wright
Snorting coke
The birth certificate
Accusations of socialist intentions
Affirmative Action being the only reason he made into Harvard

those came rom the people that DID scrutinize him you complete idiot. you make the point for the other side
Oh, I get it.....

All the accusations against Ben Carson are false
And all accusations against Barak Obama are true.

I'm amazed you can tie your shoes without Rush telling you how

oh the Rush thingy.

yeah, you know......the people you parrot all day, like the Fox News folks.

I always love it when guys like you claim they never listen to Rush or never watch Fox News......yet you say the exact same things they do all day

George Soros told you to regurgitate that claim leftard

geesh that was easy!! ;)
George Soros hasn't said anything I have, ever on this site.

Now Jon Stewart...we share the same outlook on just about everything.

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