Attempted Hijacking of Denver United Flight

There won't be a hijacking in the US after 9/11, the passengers will beat the shit out of the hijacker in every situation.
There won't be a hijacking in the US after 9/11, the passengers will beat the shit out of the hijacker in every situation.

even more so now.

Folks have had it with the Muslims shit

There won't be a hijacking in the US after 9/11, the passengers will beat the shit out of the hijacker in every situation.

Ya. Moment someone stands up unexpectedly all eyes are on them. "This is a hi...GAG CHOKE!" As half a dozen people dogpile on them. :)
There's no narrative. Just the video clip. Could have been anything.
I love how all the articles on this are getting their info from a thread posted on reddit. Journalism at it's best right here.
I love how all the articles on this are getting their info from a thread posted on reddit. Journalism at it's best right here.

In case your wondering, the major networks along with Rip VanWinkle have awakened

Google is your friend

Five days later, and he still has not been identified. It sounds like they took him to a hospital instead of jail, which indicates 'special handling' to me.

Other anomalies:

--The flight was only about 25% full, which seems odd in this age of jam packed planes.

The passengers that tackled him may have been cops of some sort:

Police Investigating Man Who Rushed United Airlines Cockpit Yelling Jihad - Breitbart
"...United 1074 passengers... spoke of remarkably quick action by several of their fellow passengers during the incident.
"Passenger Joshua Lindstrom: “the guy in 3E was a lightning bolt' and just jumped out of his seat and took the guy down to the ground.”
"Others assisted in the process of securing the cockpit assailant, acting so quickly and effectively that passenger Donna Tellam said she thought they were all air marshals."

Failed hijack attempt of United flight out of Dulles -United Airlines Flight Returns to Washington - YouTube
Someone says: "You're taking to Sgt Molneux(sp?). What's your rank? ... Don't fight David. .... Here they come(indicating the boarding officers)"

--The incident started almost immediately after takeoff. If the guy had managed to take control of the plane, he could have had time to fly into a high value target in DC before the Air Force could have responded.

--Was this a drill of some sort?

Police Investigating Man Who Rushed United Airlines Cockpit Yelling Jihad - Breitbart
"One of the things he said after being subdued was, “Please stop. Please stop. They said call it off
I saw this story the day it happened, and saw the woman that was near him, stated this-
Passenger is subdued after rushing toward cockpit on United flight - The Washington Post

He was waving his arms and yelling, she said.

The man, whom Tellam described as small and thin with dark hair, was clearly distressed. He kept saying that the plane “was going too slow, that it was going to fall . . . and all of us were going to die,” Tellam said Tuesday, recounting the experience from her home in Boulder, Colo.

And she said this also-

Tellam said members of the flight crew later told her that the man had been “banned” from flying all day because of his behavior at the terminal. She said one crew member told her that he had noticed something was not right with the passenger — and had asked he be taken off the plane — but that he was ultimately allowed to stay onboard.

“I don’t know if that’s true or not, but that is what the flight crew told me,” Tellam said. “If he was acting crazy in the terminal, why was he allowed to stay in the terminal? And if he was banned from flights all day, why was he allowed to get on a flight later in the day? I just don’t understand.”

Sounds like someone with mental health problems, not a hijacker.

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